Programming a Succor Punch or Orgonite?

Don… I have this rookie question (sorry if some of my inquiries might seem silly to you), since now I don’t use my SP all the time, do I need to give it instructions each and every time I turn it on? I mean, even if it is the same program or the same things I want it to do?

I read somewhere that an SP can take a lot of programs, what does that mean? Simultaneously? And do they get reset when I turn if off? It is just not clear to me how this works exactly.
Thanks for the feedback,


This one is from a new but very committed and grounded gifter in Asia and I told her I’ll answer the question in this post (Hi, Genuine Warrior!).

If anyone who posts on EW makes claims like that I want to know about it. The whole ‘programming crystals’ and ‘programming orgonite’ trend is probably designed to distract people from their own empowerment process. He wasn’t frightened, of course, and we both had a ball at their expense, pointing at each one we saw so that he/she had to peel off and get replaced by another agency parasite. We got that pile down so low that toward the end they had to call in cops to do the work. The notoriously brutal and unlawful Los Angeles Police Dept. is a CIA subgroup, after all.

A Succor Punch throws out a protective field in a way that electronic surveillance in your vicinity is deactivated. DB and I accidentally discovered that in May, 2002, when we were under box surveillance by an army of agency $#!+birds in Pasadena and Van Nuys. He was in the process of editing CHEMTRAILS: CLOUDS OF DEATH at the time and we were driving to an electronic store in Van Nuys to get a new motherboard for the final editing. Those sewer rats were everywhere and did their best to get in our faces. I think they were mainly trying to frighten DB. This sort of thing is harder on psychics.

I’d given him a Succor Punch that I"d built around a large, nearly black quartz crystal that I’d gotten in Namibia a few months before, near that big old Vryal base under a mountain in the desert. It wasn’t turned on because until then we’d only used Succor Punches as defensive weapons when we were under attack. He wanted a burger from a favorite drive-in, and as we were pulling into the parking lot I said, ‘I wonder what happens when we just turn this SP on?’ I turned it on and forgot about while we were waiting for our alleged food and by the time we drove out of the lot all the surveillance had gone.

We were so tickled that we went over to Jet Propulsion Laboratories and he hopped the fence to put some orgonite in some juicy spots, almost under the noses of some guards with machine guns. He’s a brave fellow [Image Can Not Be Found]

The spooks didn’t see us again until we rolled into his driveway in Pasadena, hours later.

I think SPs also block satellite surveillance but I need more hard data to make that claim. There’s plenty of empirical data from a lot of folks to show that a SP blocks electronic surveilance (all of us have their bugs in our cars and homes–yeah, you do, too [Image Can Not Be Found] ) simply because they have to eyeball us and when they see us, we see them of course–very handy in regard to being assured that they’re not going to retrieve our tossed orgonite.

By the way, when you take the time to bury your orgonite you ought to consider that it gives them a chance to catch up with you and remove it. We almost never bury ours, nor should you unless you really have to.

A SP locks into us in a nice way, so whatever you focus on the SP sends energy there if that’s what you want. Orgonite needs no ‘programming’ and I always get the impression that people who aggressively promote the notion of ‘programming orgonite’ simply lack faith or knowledge about orgonite’s way of perpetually changing ambient bad energy into good energy.

Some of us on EW work very diligently to keep this forum within the realm of intellectual integrity, which is why many of our readers know to come here for information that they don’t have to sift through their discernment process, which is time consuming after all. We don’t want anyone to waste time these days and we want our readers to get out there and discover orgonite’s profound power directly by doing the work and watching/feeling what immediately happens.


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