Progress of farming in Kisumu County


Previously livestock farming had been discouraging due to the frequent attacks by diseases like red water and foot and mouth due to some water logged areas. So as the kikundi and their agencies enters into these areas they introduce the orgonite gifting in such swampy areas and the livestock right do flourish and their multiplication are visible. They even resort to using the zapper on livestock to control and minimize the widespread of the disease like red water and the foot and mouth. So I can say that our kikundi have done much to rehabilitate the livestock farming which had been crippling and limping in Kisumu county.

The bimodal type of rain that is long rains that come in March to June and the short rains that are received in the month Of August to December which always motivate the growth of crops for some time before the launch the humdrum gifting and real campaign of tossing the orgonite on the mountain, the sufficient flow of the rainfall had been a dream. Most places had been suffering from the severe draught, but after the thorough involvement of the kikundi, the rain is now sufficient and the resultant work of the effective work of the kikundi are visible in the picture.

The frequent hailstones and floods in areas such as Seme and Kano always which had detrimental to the growth of fruits, crops and cereals, has been minimized by a bigger percentage. For the last four years such hailstone menace had not been incurred, and thus I would say that our effort in Kisumu County is quite appreciative. And thus I still encourage our people to expand their determination to other unreached areas within and outside Kisumu County for both efficiency and for the stability of the crop production.

There is also another dangerous disease known as Bacterial wilt which had been causing a lot of problem in Nyakach Sub County which always damages the tomato, soyer beans and Irish potatoes. Our team through our supervision had launched a thorough campaign there and now such problems are no longer in existence. Besides gifting the orgonite we also sprayed with some locally made insecticide to help in eradication the insects which had invaded the leguminous crops and the tomatoes. As per we still some signs of infection, we have the gifting but it’s like we must resort to some insecticides.

For many years the residence of Kisumu County many farmers had been practicing the traditional way of farming without proper planning and use of the right fertilizer. Now our team after realizing that, we launch seminars where we even hire some agricultural personnel experts from the headquarters sponsored by us to teach farmers on the modern ways of improving their farming techniques for efficient production. On the use of the fertilizer we advised many of them to start using our orgon fertilizer instead of the chemical fertilizer which many of them could not even afford. This orgon fertilizer is less expensive and very effective; it is indeed friendly to the pockets of many. In the use of the orgon fertilizer is so good in that it help the soil to regain its fertility.

Many farmers due to the poverty state which had hits the areas for a long time, they could not access good researchers who could advise them on the right procedure of doing farming. They not even determine the right seed with the right soil, so our team has done a lot to improve much on this and now we can see farmers improving but much effort are still required.

Now I would finally say that, for sure that the work is in progress but we still need more inputs to furnish all the works in Kisumu county. And more all the works that we are doing are just but humanitarian support. Whoever may be touched by our determination can write us back through the email address:[email protected] or [email protected]

Those are the areas which were so much dry and through our gifting farmers can now use them. We trained those women till now they can do the work by themselves.

also the maize plantain and through our gifting you can see the by product Dancan