Rain and snow! I am in New Mexico right now attending the Earthship Academy

I am in New Mexico right now attending the Earthship Academy. I have been here since March, 31st, 2016. So about two weeks now. On my boyfriend and I’s drive here we did some highway gifting. Any tower we saw along the highway we threw a towerbuster out the window at. We spent two nights on the way from California to New Mexico. We saw clouds start forming behind us, where we had were tower busting.

When we got into New Mexico where we are staying for the month of April it was snowing in Arroyo Secco.

On April 6th I was able to bust about 6 towers around the town of Taos. Taos is a small town so that is all the cell towers I saw around town. I also through a tower buster off the Rio Grande Gorge bridge. I also put a holy hand grenade in the mountains of Arroyo Secco.

On April 9th and 10th it rained.

On April 12th I moved the holy hand grenade down to the mesa of Taos. I started seeing clouds move in vastly after I did that. It was pouring rain a few hours later.

April 13th there were light sprinkles where I was at on the mesa but in the distance you could see it was pouring.

April 15th it sprinkled during the day then we woke up to quite a bit of snow.

April 16th it snowed all day non-stop

April 17th (today) it has been raining and snowing on and off.

I tried to attach some videos and pictures but I am not sure if it is working. I think the files may be too big.

This is my first time posting to etheric warriors but i have been gifting orgonite for about three years now. I have had great success bringing rain to southern California. I work with another girl who has a few chembusters and what we call rainmakers at her house. I also have them at my parents house, my boyfriend’s house, and my parent’s property all within the same city. We have a nice grid of the land in our city in southern California. What I call a ‘rainmaker’ is just a 5 gallon bucket with water, a few tower busters, a few large quartz crystals and a few hollow metal pipes sticking out of it. I do not have documented dates for the rest of my orgone work like I do for this month in New Mexico.

After having been pretty successful and confident that our orgone work was indeed bringing the rain we wanted to challenge ourselves a bit more. The summer of 2014 we set our intentions and a goal to have it snow in Lake Elsinore that year during winter. It had not snowed and had a decent amount stick to the ground in our city for over 100 years. So this was something that would truly prove to ourselves that our work was being successful.

The last day of the year on New Years Eve we woke up to 6’’ of snow in our yard. Some places around town had over a foot of snow! It was amazing! The last day of the year and our goal was met!

Look forward to hearing from all you Etheric Warriors! Love and Light, Suzie

(images missing)

Thanks for joining and congratulations on your gifting sucess ;-) I enjoyed the report very much.

Normally we don’t put the videos on this site directly. We put them somewhere else (like youtube or vimeo) and then link to that on the post. Don’t want to derail this great thread so if you need some technical advice on how to do this feel free to contact me [email protected]

Thanks for finally posting, Suzie Cool and I’ve enjoyed our correspondence over the past few months.

Suzie exemplifies my ideal of a prolific orgonite flinger: she takes note of problems that exist in the environment, then develops and carries out a strategy to correct the problems and pays attention to the results. It’s a bonus to me that she’s also very young and without much material means. Many of the most prolific orgonite flingers live hand to mouth and sacrifice something important in order to buy resin. The East African members of this forum are not the only ones who do this–some of the EW contributors in the US and Europe also sacrifice this way.

It’s not uncommon for rain to follow someone who tosses orgonite along a highway over a long distance and in Suzie’s case there may be what I call ‘capacitance’ in play, too. Apparently, when someone has made as much orgonite as she has the personal energy field becomes an orgone generator for some time afterward. The first time I experienced this was in the Kalahari Desert in late 2001 and it’s happened to some of us several times, since then. Maybe it happens to a lot more people than we realize because most people who do this work don’t really pay attention to what happens, so they don’t report it and I think that’s because it just feels so good to do the work Wink and that’s enough motivation for many.

Another evidence of capacitance might be the rain she brought to Taos, since Carol and I had already flipped all the death towers in and around that town and also put orgonite in some pirated vortices in the immediate area. It’s also possible that just tossing more orgonite out in a systematic way stimulates rainfall but I suspect my capacitance theory is the answer, here. Most of the death towers along all the major highways in that part of the country are also already gifted. Carol and I did a lot of those. The only part of the country where we still see a lot of unbusted towers in our travels is the Midwest, especially the northern states west of the Mississippi. We see quite a few inadequately gifted towers and we assume this is on account of the disinformation websites that promote weak orgonite (little or no metal content).

Orgone capacitance might also explain why some of us find that people are more comfortable around us than before we started doing this work. I even joined a local club last year and people enjoy my company. It’s a club of footflyers so it’s just for fun. This is a new experience for me. Being around a group of orgonite flingers doesn’t really count because that’s more like being in a combat unit, I think. Before orgonite, I was never able to socialize in any group easily; it felt like I had a target on my back: the guy whose karma runs over people’s dogmas. Maybe orgonite capacitance polished away some of my rough edges over the years? Lots of people who have orgonite in their homes have found that they get over arguments with their spouses quicker Cool

The rainmaker that Suzie mentioned is an interesting and very clever innovation, I think. Soon after we started making orgonite cloudbusters in 2001 we read about an Indian fellow in Montana who was getting paid by ranchers to make rain and all he was doing was sticking some pipes in streambeds, aimed at specific areas of the sky for short periods. He evidently was able to see or sense death energy in the atmosphere, as Reich did. This showed me how broad the parameters are for doing this sort of work and maybe adding orgonite to the water turns this device into something that’s between Reich’s original cloudbuster and our orgonite cloudbuster. We never liked the term, ‘chembuster,’ which we feel is misleading since disabling the chemtrail agenda in 2001 and 2002 by thousands of these was just a secondary effect: the device is essentially a local atmospheric balancer that happens to have very long range in the stratosphere, all around. Reich’s cloudbuster had more focus, simply stated, and wasn’t capable of changing bad energy into good. Maybe Suzie and her friends will do some controlled experiments with rainmakers. Since they have orgonite in them I"m sure they can’t do any harm, as Reich’s CBs were liable to do in the hands of unskilled or unprincipled people. He warned about that, of course. We don’t often see genuine innovation in orgonite tech and maybe this device pans out as something unique and specifically useful.

I’m hoping to visit the American Southwest again this summer during the hot period, as I did last August, to see whether the deserts are still reversing properly. I saw cattle grazing on green grass all the way from Tucson, across Arizona and New Mexico (along the Mexican border) to the middle of Texas–a region where I never saw grass growing before a few years ago. Recent photos of the Mexican desert also shows that it’s reversing, by the way. That California drought that started right after I gifted the rain barrier (which Dr Reich identified and temporarily disabled in 1954) has ended, apparently. Until Suzie told me not long ago that Southern California is green, again, I had no idea that this had happened because it hasn’t been mentioned publicly and even the other people in California who post field reports on EW apparently hadn’t taken note of it. I had gotten email from someone in Northern California who indicated that the rains had returned there earlier.

Well done, Suzie! Your gifting results sound much like my own. Don, I mentioned the greening of Southern California several times! We have an increasingly large buildup of photographic evidence, from El Centro in the south to Redding in the north, near Lake Shasta. The past two winters have been a marked improvement. The next one should be absolutely off the hook.

Keep up the great work!

I must have missed that–sorry, Gabe! Are the photos on EW? I think this forum is the only record of this at the moment, unless I’m mistaken. I don’t think anyone else is talking about it. When the smog in LA and other major cities dissipated in 2002 and 2003 nobody talked about that, either.

When we systematically toss some orgonite and it then rains I think it’s useful to look at weather in the region to see whether the event is isolated. It’s the only way to accurately track our results and it’s getting harder to do now, perhaps because there’s so much orgonite out there, especially in California. In some other states where very little orgonite fieldwork has been done it’s a lot easier to see these events as isolated and a confirmation of our effort. The reason I encourage EW contributors to provide more information in reports is that this then becomes good empirical evidence of orgonite’s effects on the environment. Most of us, here, do good field work and don’t bother to provide good evidence in reports and that’s okay but the more useful info is in our reports, the more valuable they are for the record and the more convincing for people who read the reports and are considering committing to this unorganized effort.

When the California drought started it seemed obvious that it was artificially created and the psychics were seeing the source (weapon facility?) on the seabed several hundred miles southwest of Los Angeles. What I’m trying to determine is whether the assault simply ran out of momentum, perhaps due to the massive amount of gifting that’s been done over the years.

The fact that the greening has steadily progressed to the east of California and even including ‘the California Sahara’ around Salton Sea is further evidence that the 2013 drought was artificially generated–I assume as a desperate reprisal. Right before that, seeing the SoCal hillsides as green as Ireland’s, all the way to Palm Springs, was incredibly heartening for me.