Rain at last in turkana and lodwar

Hi readers,
Turkana county in Kenya had been striken with drought and hunger for the last three months. According to the press, several people had been reported dead because of the stervation. The goverment of Kenya declared hunger a national disastor. Various charitable organisations had partnered with the goverment to provide the relief services, including food supply. There are several camps around the offices of the chiefs where people converge to get the relief services. Recently we re ported that people were moving towards L.Turkana to eat fish whose catch had tremendously increased due to the application of the Orgonite. We visited the region to stop drought and hunger. My brother went to Turkana and I went to Lodwar.
I came from Lodwar on Friday evening. I’m happy to repor that yesterday country newspaper called Daily Nation reported that serious rain had fallen causing flood in both Turkana and Lodwar, places which had stayed without any trace of rain drops. Unluckily nine hungry and weak people were swept by the rain flood.
I am sure that the people there will soon launch serious farming through the use of Orgonite, and this will mean that we will have to go and leave a lot of Orgonite to the farmers and fishermen. This is one of the several occassions when rain saves life after the application of Orgonite.

To me when i red that on the Daily News paper about the new done that the of Turkana and Lodwer finally received a torrent rainfall rally impressed me much for now the drought and famine will come to an end.Since these people had earlier been introduced to Agriculture through the assistance of the orgonites that Dancan and his team had been tossing all over that area i hope soon a lasting solution will be realized to the people of Lodwer and Turkana.Even the fishing industry will spring up and the whole area will be stable in all sector of life.Thanks to Don the initiator and other friends who have been supporting the project.