Hallow readers
Much of our hopes in Turkana as the heavy rain flooded the whole area due to the orgonites that we have been thoroughly gifted in the whole area for the last period of time. Meanwhile the life had been quite miserable in the whole region due to the persistence draught.Even the people who had been having the interest in farming had been long time demoralized for the crops even the short season crops could not perform.So now due to the rainfall that we had experience i hope the people in both Lodwer and Turkana will flourishes in many spheres of life. In the agricultural sector farmers will benefit much.
I even visited the fishermen at the lake Turkana and through the rain which they experience, even them they really appreciate for the flood always motivate and improve the breeding sites of some of our native fish as Tilapia among other species.Therefore their catches will definitely increase.So that greater torrent really caused a double benefit to both fishermen and the subsistence farmers in that region.
I hope as we will continue gifting in such areas for they are dry places like Somalia and through thorough gifting i believed that a lasting solution will be realized where adequate rainfall will be realized to stabilize the economy of the region .This was also experience in Somalia for now in some of the places where we have gifted have started to experience a good rainfall
Thx Dancan