Re:our mission to moshi tanzania


That is the clear picture which shows the farming activities in the area of Moshi,for sure when we went we found those our friends whom we met during our Mombasa trip,they had taken the news of orgonite to their people.And our arrival was just like fulfilling their long awaited dream.

Anyways the area of Moshi is a dry place and the only crop that can do well are Maize and beans but under high application of fertilizer as you can see the Maize plants over the photo.When we introduced them to orgonite their hopes got rekindled for even farmers who had earlier abandoned farming activities started their work again and we left them busy working in their gardens

In my general observation its true that those people really like the orgonites and they even welcome us to make frequent visit as much as possible.Even as we were leaving the place some of them even insisted that we continue staying in the area for we had a good thing. Otherwise i will continue posting more reports .The same way Dancan told us before that the Tanzania people are friendly people we really saw by ourselves
