Our mission to Moshi Tanzanian was of agreater success we managed to explore up to Mt. Kilimanjaro.The people around the place really appreciated the Orgonite which we took to them.Farmers who did their farming around the town of Moshi and next to that place really benefited from the product which we took to them.Through the seminars that we held with them also contributed tyo the wide spread of our prodict for quite anumber of people got aquinted with the orgonites which we took to them.
We tried by all means if we could manage to toss the orgonites on top of the mt. by ourself but could not.That place is being guarded by the forces fot its agood scenary for tourist from with in and out side.Thus we only used one of our friends whom we went withto one of the security officers whom we gave the orgonites plus some money as his allowance to take for as the orgonite to the pick of the mt. during their patrol time.Right now i have communicatedwith that our frend and he has assured me that the job is already done
My happiness is that the people of Moshi in genetral appreciated the product which we took to them