Hallow Rreaders
We thought of ending our ,Moshi mission but on arriving Magadi which is at the boarder of Tanzania and Kenya we found when Billy Mrs O son had packed and send us some more orgonites that we need to continue giving the people in Tanzania,he did this after reading our progressive report through the EW.Right now we resort to go back and distribute all the orginites on other mountains which we never tossed enough while some of the Mountains we never tossed.
I think due to this we are going to enlarge the work to a wider area to capture a bigger areas which is quite greater achievement to us .Also luckily enough even those farmers who never had the opportunity to benefit from us i m sure this time will be their time to benefit.
Also the forested area at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro are among the places which are going to benefit from our second return for this time we are going to toss enough orgonite there
The dry grass land on the Southern parts of the Mt. will also benefit from our return trip to the place.
Generally our trip will really change the life style and the economic status of that region so our effort will really credit them a success especially farmers who had earlier abandoned farming but embark immediately after our introduction of the o rgonite into the region.Otherwise we will post more pictures and other reports the through the EW.