Re:Success Of The Orgonites

It’s quite true that the high rainfall that the nation of Uganda received is due to the orgonites that we have thoroughly gifted in that area.Jane Ngugi had highly gifted in that nation while me together with Nichols recently we really gifted Lake Victoria till we reach the port of Uganda and a long the Lake Shore .Right now the areas a long the Lake region have received a higher convectional rainfall till cause an havoc in some areas of Uganda.
All the areas a long the lake region in Kenya right now also have experience a good torrent of the rainfall and all are due to orgonite that we have been gifting in the Lake Victoria.

Through my observation i truly believed that in the near future the whole areas of the lake region will be of a greater value due to our frequent gifting of the orgonites.For now many farmers in Migori Kenya have started planting because the rain is quite adequate and can sustain the growth of the crops as Maize finger millet and cassava which is our native agricultural crops.
Farmers in Migori now are very happy for they have immovable hope of success that their crops will do well just because of the orgonites and the sufficient rainfall which occur in good time.

Thanks a lot for updating here, Chris, because we really need to have all of this in the public record. Someday everyone will recognize the historic achievements that our East African cohorts are generating so quickly and at an accelerating pace but right now I think the significance of it all is too huge for many people to imagine. They can catch up later, I suppose [Image Can Not Be Found]

Migingo Island is proving to be a real ‘broadcasting station’ for the power of orgonite, internationally on a grassroot level (the level that counts). Before you guys started gifting that part of Lake Victoria it was uninhabited because there were no fish to catch and now the governments of Uganda and Kenya are arguing over its possession. I wonder if those gov’t people even know that orgonite caused the fishing business to prosper there [Image Can Not Be Found]

Over here, we have to travel around and flip each and all of the new death towers and weather weaponry in a large region in order to stop persistent droughts and some of us are also mindful to do what you’re doing: dropping lots of orgonite in large lakes, the sea, rivers, etc. I know that helps ensure balance in the atmosphere so that normal rainfall can occur. I think regular rainfall should be considered normal throughout the planet and that deserts are mainly un-natural.


Right now farmers in our area Migori are really benefiting from our effort and to that effect we are also making a good business.Farmers in our area who do plant maize finger millet and tobacco are really preparing their Gardens so that they may be ready to plant in good time .So we are also going to supply them with the orgonite.Also most of the rivers in our areas we are also going to gift to minimize some environmental hazard like excess minerals that might conterminate the streams and make them not fit for consumption.
Since our areas are also next to mining areas as it’s our effort to gift such areas and also give them zapper for the people living in such places are very much notorious in immoral practices so the zappers will help them in a great deal and further change their life styles ,at the same time all the funds that they had been using in health purposes they will now transforms them for their own development.
Since in our area we live about 20km from the plant that generate electricity and the lightning and the thunderstorm here is quite terrifying and at times these lightning do strike and even kill and cause damage to human activities.So we are to gift in such places to minimize the effectiveness of such hazard in our environs.
Thus i hope that soon all the bad places in our areas we are going to try by all the means to transform them so that they may turn to life supporting instead of being life hazard.We can do this through collective work of gifting and through other material support that may be available.I hope much cooperation will work it out.

Hi readers
Im sure that all that the people who lives in those Islands experience ear just but the result of our work within and around these Islands .Right now its really raining in the whole of the lake Victoria .And what we have been experience as people who operates and do some of their business within and around the lake, when it’s raining ,even the fishing becomes very easy for the fish usually moves next to the lake shore for they need fresh materials and minerals from the fresh flood from outside. So now the fishing activities have really improved.
It’s our ambition to make sure that we gift on top of the Pyramid Migingo even though it’s a place that many people fear to explore, but I believe this time will be our historic effort to do our gifting on top of the Pyramid Migingo. Now the rain is not a problem to them and even other nations like Tanzania, Uganda and even the whole nation of Kenya have really benefited from our gifting in the whole of the Lake Victoria and around the entire lake region.

**Let it rain **

Thanks for making the orgonites

Its true beyond any reasonable doubt that orgonites is product of greater value it really cause a positive effect on the areas where it had been thoroughly gifted.I really thank you Eric for your accurate interpretation of the weather that cause torrent rainfall in the areas that the orgonites have really affect.has really impressed me in a great deal and i wish you are just with me here in Kenya you would have even witnessed how it’s raining even right now.
From the thorough research i believe in the near future the weather movement across the world will really change and even the global warming will definitely take another perspective.Lastly orgonite has the power that change.

For sure we are working with a lot of confident to make sure that all the lake regions especially around the Lake Victoria got enough orgonites that may improve their standard of living.I was very much impressed to to get a message from Jane who went to Rwanda by stating that the fishermen whom we gifted during our Uganda mission are there and steadily propagating the good news of the success of the orgonites.I strongly believed that after a couple of years the whole region of the great lake will really benefit from the use of the orgonites.
In Migingo and Ugingo now have taken anew face by so adapting to farming by using the orgonite something that formerly they would have not thought of ,a clear indication of the life change due to the use of the orgonites

I totally agree with Eric for what he has given. It is actually true that those areas are now characterized with a lot of rainfall. Am a resident of Southern Sudan and I can give a testimony that there is a lot of changes. Initially, there was a serious drought just like the Northern parts of Kenya. But now, things have changed from that and many do not now suffer the problem of rainfall. Good information.

Hallow Readers
For sure it’s our effort in Migingo and Ugingo that has really improved the stability of these places and i believed that within a few days the whole of these place will be of a greater value to both fishermen to both and the farming activities. Even right now some aggressive farmers have started to test short season plants that can do well and can respond positively with the application of the orgonites in the a acidic rock.Of late i even got are port from some geologists and they told me that soon the rocky place will be productive and from that I’m sure another history will be established through the remarkable improvement that we will be making in the near future. [Image Can Not Be Found];
Concerning peace keeping, a law will soon be put in place that will safeguard the well being of all the citizen both the Kenyan and the Ugandans will have a peaceful to do their work effectively.And i 'm sure all will have to take place due to the gifting that we had thoroughly done in these Islands.
Just to mention a few success that we have noticed due to our gifting in the place is the torrent rainfall right now the whole regions around the lake Victoria is really receiving a wonderful rain,the farmers are very much happy likewise to the fishermen,for the production of fish has really increased.The good sale of fish also have also improve our standard of living in terms of supplying us with sufficient income.Even right now I’m planing to go to Congo and take the orgonite to the farmers in Congo and the money that i will use for my transportation and my up keep expenditure i will get some from the business and from the sale of the fish and the orgonites that we have sold to both farmers and the fishermen in the region.

Right now we have a great success in the twine Island of both Migingo and Ugingo after a thorough gifting continuously.Even the Pyramid Migingo,the fishermen who sail closer to that Island have started giving us a positive report about the improvement in that Island.Even the landing there which had been a problem under the fear of demons from the recent report fishermen can now do their landing and rest a bit on that Island.
Right now farming activities have kicked off in the twine Island of Migingo and Ugingo successfully and i m sure soon the whole habitat of that region will have a good change in life.
It’s now my plan to go back to Congo and at least continue gifting there.Some of the farmers whom i meet during my first trip rang me requesting if i can re-visit them and for that request I’ll be there by next week to rekindle their hopes.I will also do my gifting in the bigger rivers and around the gold mining regions.I will also take them Zappers for i know the danger in the gold mining zones.
I hope that through this my visit ,a good improvement will be realized for i have known the impact of the orgonite even in terms of peace maintainance [Image Can Not Be Found]; For we had tried it in Migingo and i Somali Land and really we have a positive thing to bank our hopes on and thus i have no doubt with Congo it will work.Therefore i hope the best out of everything.

You all are making history in Africa . I hope you all are being watchful and careful as you go about making and gifting orgonite.
