A very prolific gifter who is a Jew notified me, today, that Greg claims in a YouTube interview that ‘all Jews spy for Mossad.’ Under the .circumstances, Jews might feel disinclined to agree with my assessment that Greg is lighthearted and I can’t blame them. Someone born into a dominant culture has to actually work at appreciating the positoin of a persecuted minority and to avoid making flippant comments about them, I think. People in the dominant cultures are never at the receiving end of these barbs, which sting even when there’s no malice intended. I’m NOT referring to political correctness, a corporate artifact designed to operate as brain policing, even including jail time for the idiots who express racism publicly.
I think that just about the only people telling racist jokes, otherwise, now, are the surviving Europoid Depression Babies and it’s because people under 80 generally feel kind of crappy when they express racism unwittingly, so we avoid doing it.
I’ve personally known and read Jews who are adamantly opposed to Zionists, whose blood-drenched dominance of the region since WWII is the mandate of the Mossadomites, after all. Here’s an informative website: http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/ (thx, Ale) . Also please read THE HITLER BOOK, some of whose authors are Jews. You’ll note that the Brits rescued a lot of SS mass murderers from the noose at Nuremburg and put them in charge of the secret police apparatus of their new Mideast puppet Arab governments. It’s kind of like how the Gestapo became Interpol, I suppose [Image Can Not Be Found]
You might have forgotten that O’Bama’s real innauguration address was six months before the media-circus one. He was invited to speak to the Chicago Zionists, then, presumably so they could decide whether to appoint him or Hillary to the presidency (decisions, decisions…) They warmed right up to Obama when he promised to invade Persia on their behalf, ASAP. Carol and I watched it happen on our motel room’s TV during a trip. Thank God O’Bomber is a pathologicasl liar, eh?
Zionists who gratuitously imprison, torture and slaughter Palestinian Muslims and Christians behave just like the SS did/does, as you hopefully know. The corporate world order doesn’t participate in the ideological campaigns that they generate; they just feed on all that.
On the face of it, clownish Shriners are more culpable than Zionists are, since Zionism is a predatory British masonic institution that has nothing at all to do with the liberating historic influence of Moses, nor are Zionists historically connected to the Jews of ancient Israel in most cases–they’re mainly Aryans descended from the Khazars of the Steppes of Central Asia (the ‘other’ Mideast [Image Can Not Be Found] ). Hating Jews just feeds Zionism, actually. Semitic Jews are second class citizens in Israel, just one rung above the Palestinians. It’s like a caste system, there. Before the State of Israel was established, Jews, Christians and Muslims got along fine in that region. Muhammad mandated that Christians and Jews must not be persecuted. He called them, ‘The People of the Book.’ The Ottomans were cruel imperialists but not particularl;y toward the Jews. The Jews under Ottoman rule fared much better than the Palestinians are now faring under Zionist rule. Jews fled the inquisition in Spain and found welcome in Anatolia, which is part of Turkey. A lot of them went to Palestine, too, and did fine.
Jesus was a Jew, lest we forget. I think someone forgot to tell the Inquisitors that.
One of my favorite stories was told to me by a Syrian friend in Seattle who had emigrated to the US about ten years earlier. As you may know, it’s tough for any immigrant to integrate in his new host country–takes about ten years to succeed in most cases. This fellow, a Muslim (lots of Syrians are Coptic Christians, as are a lot of Palestinians) said that as a child he was taught to hate and mistrust all Jews. When he came here and got a job washing dishes in a restaurant, the only person who befriended him was an American Jew who worked there. In almost an instant the Syrian fellow’s prejudice dropped away. He told me that he loves America on account of the relative lack of prejudice, here.
All the heads of state of Britain’s puppet Arab governments are 33d degree Scottish Rite Masons, by the way, so they’re essentially brothers to the top Zionists. The Ottoman rulers were very opposed to masonry, which is partly why the Brits took that empire over at the end of WWI. Kemal Attaturk, a very progressive and humane leader, sure gave them a run for their money in the 20s, though!
I bet they all regularly get together at Bohemain Grove styled pedophile festivals to joke about the alleged ideological differences between them. Albert Pike, who wrote MORALS AND DOGMA, which is freemasonry’s bible, was a brother to all the masons in the North during his stint as a Confeerate general and he’s the only Confeeratw who is honored by having his stature displayed prominently in Washington, DC. The freaks had to move the statue over a couple of blocks in the 80s when LaRouche drew attention to this [Image Can Not Be Found]
There are lots of stories from Israel about Jews who stand up to Zionist tyranny in favor of Palestinians. These reports spread very, very slowly but any time some Jew-bashing author opens his gob to spew some unsubstantiated accusation it spreads around the world in a flash. We really need to favor the positive reports over the false ones, I think, just like we need to favor any minority who is drowning in a sea of ‘dominant culture’ prejudices. Auntie Carol Two Eagle, who has told me that ‘Time wounds all heels,’ would no doubt concur.
The human race is dominated, numerically, by Pajama People. This ‘transcends’ all cultural barriers so of course the majority of Jews are also Pajama People and it’s the habit of PJ folks to parrot whatever is fashionable. As our species continues to evolve and as the corporate world order continues to implode the PJ folks are not being whipped into a murderous frenzy, any more. I was born at the tail end of America’s more overt fascist/communist period–1949. I was 8 years old when the Stalinist FBI burned Dr Reich’s published works, publicly, and railroaded him into prison for ‘crimes against the state.’
Jews are the traditional whipping posts in Western history, of course. Before and during WWII Jews were treated almost as badly in the US as they were in Europe. I think the 1940s was the tail end of millenia of real persecution of these folks. The accident of birth has never been a crime, of course.
I’m telling you this because I’ve been promoting Greg’s work, so I’m partly accountable for whatever he says–there’s no escaping that effect.
So I’m offering some caveats. Greg is a natural psychic and not a research journalist, per se. He’s kind of like our psychics in the chats in that if someone is looking for personally empowering information he can get quite a lot from Greg Hallett but nothing he says or writes should be considered ‘proof’ or 'evidence,'of the sort that could be used in a genuine courtroom. People like Eustace Mullins, Texe Marrs, Chaim Chaitkin, Margery White, Len Horowitz, etc., who are careful to document the crimes of the corporate world order’s more obviously culpable individuals, on the other hand, have given us courtroom evidence to convict these corporate terrorists.
Most of the mentioned authors, too, have personal biases that are not ‘usable’ or even helpful. Mullins was mysogonistic, racist and had other ideology-based flaws common to his generation of Southern US whites but we overlook that on account of the sheer volume of documented evidence that he compiled. I didn’t even know this about him until last year, when I received all his books at his behest (I’d sent him a zapper) and read THE CURSE OF CANAAN. When I heard him on the radio in 1985 he was asked by a caller if ‘Jews Run the World,’ and he said, ‘No, the world order is run by five men, mostly Episcopals and Unitarians.’ [Image Can Not Be Found] Only one of those was a Jew, then–a Rothschild. The other four he named were Averill Harriman, Robert Russa, Prince Thurm und Taxis, and one other whose name escapes me at the moment. Now, of course, the five are begrudging middle management for their new corporate masters in Peking [Image Can Not Be Found] Maybe it’s like the Rockefellers were just middle management (on a very short leash) for these predators, back before Red China bought all the worldly and political assets of this real ‘Gang of Five.’
I’m walking on thin ice, I know. I don’t appreciate Greg’s work any less for this faux pas and, like DB and some other extremely gifted and insightful people, I think he’s not above saying something simply for effect and shock value. I wish I could get away with that. Since I’m not holding him on a pedestal of personal authority I don’t think I risk ruining my own hard-earned reputation by suggesting that his material is well worth looking at. The only book of his that grabs my curiosity is the one about Stalin’s alleged British training. Just leafing through the book caused a whole lot of puzzle pieces to fall into place for me—some of those pieces, like the mystery of Gurdjieff’s actual role (‘extraordinary men,’ my @$$ [Image Can Not Be Found] )–have been in my ‘wait and see’ file for 40 years [Image Can Not Be Found]
I offered similar caveats about Greg in the Magdalene thread but the Jew comment really does deserve some attention and he, like the rest of us, ought to hold himself accountable for whatever he says in public. I don’t love the guy any less for it. I see Greg’s offerings as valuable battlefield intel. For me, that’s a lot more usable than ‘demonstrable proof’ of the corporate parasties’ culpability. I hope I’m making myself clear about this stuff.
Carol told me that my cards, this year, are dominated by sixes, which are all about instant accountability for what we say, eat, believe, do, etc. So be it.