Report about nyamira district and progress in lodwar

Following the reports given today by the commissioner of police in the country, despite the fact that the crime rate has significantly gone down by 6%, there are some particular areas int he country where the activities are continuously rising. Among such areas include a district called Nyamira.
Nyamira is one of the infertile districts in the country. The only activities that these residents depends on is farming, though it’s not that lucrative. This has rendered most youths, especially the lazy ones and those who are giving up fast jobless. Having nothing to do, they resort to robbery, an activity through they earn their daily bread.
Having bowed our necks to this fight against parasites in Kenya, we have no objection, but just to find ways out, and outline our plans of gifting such areas as Nyamira district. After the gifting campaign in L. Naivasha, where our group has made a very smart plan in gifting activities just like L.Yau in Sudan, we are going to launch our gifting in Nyamira district, and we shall carry out the activity like an attack to an enemy, in order to ensure that everybody adopt the Orgonite use, and that those who try it can experience the greatness of the same. With such strategic plans, we hope to succeed in our activities of sensitization and promotion.

In Lodwar, the area is dry, and no farming activities can be carried out there. The people in Lodwar are living a very sympathetic life. The area is a semi-arid region, and this is the reason behind our migration from the place to Kisumu where we had lived for years. They say that a prophet is never accepted in his own home. When we were to start the Orgonite practice, the farmers and fishermen in Kisumu welcomed the idea, and now they have made very remarkable steps in life. The residents in Lodwar have now adopted the Orgonite use in the small rivers and lake in their midst, and now they have something to count for in life. The whole day’s hunger is now reduced by the catch, at the lake, which quench the thirst of hunger.

Hi everybody , Don asked me to post this and sorry Benedict because I don’t know where to post it. But I think this one is the most appropriate.

This is an article emanating from a regional paper of the lake of Geneva (Leman lake)region dating back to 2007, year and 2006 also, when the lake was very well gifted ( roughly 1 ep every 5 km, 1 tb every km the whole surrounding) .

And similarly to Benedict?s telling, the conditions on a vast range of levels (environmental, athmospheric, and even psychically , people’s mind and mood) have improved a lot. Obviously it’s not perfect yet, something is left to be done anyway but we are well engaged.

Some targets are to be more defined etc…

the text is in french and I translated the most important

(article paru dans le GHI du 9-10 mai 2007)

MYSTERE – Le Léman plus clair que jamais Leman Lake clearer than ever MAY 2007

Par Charaf Abdessemed, 10 mai 2007

( + post sur l’Orgonite en fin d’article )

L’eau du Léman est si claire qu’il est aisé d’observer les fonds lacustres. (Photo CA) it’s easy to see the bottom of the lake

Jamais depuis 40 ans, l’eau du lac n’a été aussi transparente. Une énigme qui laisse les scientifiques perplexes.

Never since 40 years was the waterlake so clear. An enigma which let scientists perplexed.

Never since 40 years ,

«A la claire fontaine, m’en allant promener
J’ai trouvé l’eau si claire, que je m’y suis baigné…»

Les Genevois vont pouvoir fredonner à tue-tête cette comptine de notre enfance. Jamais depuis plusieurs décennies en effet, l’eau du lac Léman n’a été aussi claire.
Il suffit de se promener sur les quais ou sur les berges du Rhône pour s’en rendre compte: les fonds lacustres sont aisément discernables, au point qu’algues, bancs de poissons, mais aussi canalisations et autres infrastructures sous-marines, sont observables avec une très grande facilité.


«Cette situation nous laisse vraiment perplexes, explique Jean Perfetta, adjoint scientifique au Service de l’écologie de l’eau, au Département du territoire. A cette période de l’année, l’eau du lac devrait être beaucoup plus trouble! En raison de la température, exceptionnellement élevée pour la saison, de l’augmentation de la lumière avec l’arrivée du printemps, et de la présence de phosphore due aux engrais dans l’eau, le plancton aurait dû proliférer et rendre l’eau beaucoup moins claire. Or cette année, ce phénomène ne se produit pas!»

This situation let us really perplexed explains Jean Perfetta, scientifical adjoint to water ecology service at Territory Department. At this time of the year water should be a lot more blurred due to exceptionnally high temperature for the season !

Depuis les années 60-70 en effet, le lac fait l’objet d’une forte tendance à «l’eutrophisation», c’est-à-dire à la prolifération des plantes microscopiques, en raison de l’augmentation du déversement des engrais, liée à la croissance de la population et de l’activité humaine.

Since the sixties-seventies, microscopic plants thrive due to ever increasing pollution.

Un phénomène de dégradation de la qualité de l’eau qui a conduit, au début des années 80, à l’adoption de mesures destinées à favoriser l’assainissement du lac: d’une part l’interdiction des phosphates dans les produits de lessives, mais aussi la construction de nombreuses stations d’épuration destinées à traiter les eaux usées.

During the eighties appropriate measures to reduce this pollution were taken.


«Malgré ces mesures, ce phénomène d’eutrophisation ne s’est pas ralenti, constate Jean Perfetta. Les algues microscopiques, c’est-à-dire le plancton, ont continué à proliférer, en tout cas jusqu’à l’année dernière. En revanche, il est donc possible que ce que nous attendons depuis longtemps soit enfin en train de se produire: la clarté des eaux que l’on observe aujourd’hui est peut-être le résultat des efforts consentis depuis 30 ans. Mais attention, la nature est très complexe: il faudra attendre un an ou deux pour voir si ce phénomène se reproduit!»

Despite these measures the phenomenon did’nt disappear and never slowed down until last year (2006)

(fin de l’article)


Benedict, Carol and I also approach our orgonite-distribution efforts in a new territory as though we are waging war [Image Can Not Be Found]

A lot of orgonite-tossers only focus on the healing aspect of this effort but we believe it’s prudent to consider that the enemy of humanity, which we refer collectively to as the corporate world order, lose a great deal when someone has distributed orgonite in a region because these parasites literally live on the misery of others, so we’re taking ‘food’ away from them. They respond as all parasites do: they excrete poisonous energy in our vicinity in a variety of ways, including literal poison, psychological/psychic assaults, constant hacking (of computers that use their own Microsoft software) relationship sabotage, livlihood sabotage, etc.

African and Japanese orgonite warriors have suffered the most in the past couple of years, though things have oviously turned around in Africa since last April, aside from an apparently arranged bus crash, the theft of fishing nets and a couple of other fairly minor assaults.

Thanks, Laurent, for posting the translated article. If we don’t discuss your and Marco’s achievements, here, it probably won’t get the attention it deserves, otherwise and I want our readers to know that you guys are responsible for cleaning up that lake and for restoring the fishing industry, there. I like the way it parallels our African partners’ achievements. I hope that all of our contributors will include similar water-clearing achievements during their orgonite-tossing campaigns. We’re sort of under pressure, since a lot of energy and resources are being expended by the sewer rat agencies to push this worthwhile forum into oblivion.

If I’m not mistaken, there was a newspaper reporter in Geneva who credited you and Marco in 2006 with cleaning up Lake Geneva–am I imagining that?

Laurent and Marco also earthpiped all around the CERN underground alleged particle accelerator on the eve of its first spectacular failure. I want our readers to know this, too. Axel added a lot more earthpipes around that perimeter several months later, on the eve of CERN’s second and most recent dramatic failure. An American in Chicago did the same around the Fermi Labs particle accelerator on the eve of it’s grand failure some time later. I bet that what the corporate parasites were trying to accomplish is too creepy to imagine.

Speaking of creepy, when I learned that Dancan and Benedict had taken orgonite to Nyamira I mentioned it to Carol and she felt very encouraged and a little envious. In August/September, 2001, when she was in a heartbreaking village near Kisumu, distributing our zappers to AIDS sufferers and watching their progress, she had heard about a village in Nyamira that was reputed to be the most heinous place in Kenya; a place where human sacrifice rituals and even cannabalism were common. At the time, we were pretty focused on the reptilian aspect of the corporate world order and she had envisioned full reptiles in Nyamira conducting these rituals/feasts.

She was very keen to take some orgonite there but failed to persuade any of her African associates to take her. One courageous young man had agreed, at least, but he was not allowed to use his family’s vehicle, if memory serves.

Mrs Odondi emailed a few days ago to tell me that the Nyamira campaign was very successful, by the way. It wasn’t clear to me whether she had gone with Benedict and Dancan. I need to ask her.

Georg and his Afrikaaner fellow warrior, Trevor (whom I was privaleged to meet in Johannesburg) had tossed a couple hundred towerbusters from their moving car throughout Soweto Township, which was reputed to be the most violent city in Southern AFrica. It was so dangerous that they didn’t even stop the car at intersections–too risky. A month or so later, when Georg took a Ugandan visitor to Soweto to show him an example of how bad things could be in that country, the town had already transformed. People were happy and friendly (even toward this European) and all the trash was picked up. Trees had even been planted. This is the place that put ‘necklacing’ on the map: thrusting a tire down around someone’s shoulders and arms, filling it with gasoline, then lighting it. Credo Muttwa had nearly been killed, there during that period when he was trying to bring peace to the town–a failed political hit in that case.

This is the sort of transformation that Carol and I, along with a lot of others, have come to expect from the distribution of simple orgonite.

I’ve started asking our African cohorts to consider flipping all the towers they can find. We know that there are as many death towers and weather weapons, per capita, throughout Africa as there are everywhere else in the world. Georg Ritschl tags each of the towers that he has flipped in his travels in Africa on a dedicated GPS. When we traveled thru much of Uganda doing that, in 2003/4, the GPS showed quite an impressive record.

I think that tossing orgonite near the towers is going to bring a lot of rain to Lodwar (Turkana?) and other arid regions, though the extensive water work they’re doing might bring that about without bothering with the tower weaponry.

It is worthwhile and very cost effective to turn the death towers and weather weapons into life force generators, of course. The corporate world order has created anironic situation in which the net positive gain in the environment after their death towers have been flipped is much greater than it would be if these weapons had not proliferated around the globe in 2001 and 2002. The funny part is that the sewer rats are evidently too full of hubris to turn the damn things off after we’ve flipped them and changed them into big healing instruments Technically, these parasitic corporate/military people are stupid.