Hi to everyone,
We made a journey to Lokichogio, one of the places where Orgonite is so much applied. The place is quite drier, and before the introduction of the Orgonite appliication, just a handfull of farmers could be noticed. With the introduction of the Orgonite application, it’s true that a good percentage of people heve decided to be farmers. Many, having seen the outcome of the farming activities in the place by some few who had tried it, food production has highly increased in the region, and the Orgonite demand is rising daily.
In Turkana, a rather too drier place as compared to Lokichogio, no farming can take place as had been believed, even though some fishermen try the magic. The fishing method initially used in the so caaled L.Turkana could not enable then get some fish variety. I want to report today that in as much as the quantity cought has increased, the use of Orgonite has made the fishermen come up with two varietes of that has never been got ever since their work. This gave us the realisation that some fish variey seriously can depend on the consumption of the Orgonite.They have therefore taken Orgonite a compulsury requirement for fishing. This can let you know something about the demand.
In L.Yau in Sudan,the same is taking place, though at lower percentage. However, the fishermen reported to me that they do their fishing the whole day and night.This is because they are so much encouraged by the effort improved by the appliation of the Orgonite.Dancan and I are currently in L.Yau in Sudan. We had walked in most of the places wgere the Orgonite is being apploed. All these places are almost to the border of Kenya Sudan.