Repost from Old Site: Gifting for Independence

Gifting for Independence
Morgan July 17, 2019 Comments Off on Gifting for Independence

Hi all, it’s been awhile I hope all of you are well. I wanted to share a quick gifting report that I feel is important. On July 4th, my family took a trip to the Georgia coast to spend some time on St Simons Island. The week before we left I watched or rather listened to a video on Don Bradley’s youtube page about the ancient alter directly below the Rockefeller “cottage” on Jekyll Island where the Federal Reserve was birthed. I was not surprised that such a monster was conceived over a dark, negative spot. Knowing i’d be a short drive from the island I knew what I had to do. Before I left I poured special cones with copper pipes in the bottom with Lemurian xtals pointing down. My original plan was to do 4, one for each Cardinal direction and to bind the source of the Fed and cut the energy from continuing to feed it. In the days leading up to the trip to Jekyll, I gifted St Simons where ever I felt it need it. The night before we went, Carol appeared in a dream. I’ve never seen her in a dream before and since she wasn’t telling me to not go, I took it as a good sign! Now I know that Don and Carol gifted the same spot I was going to back in the day. I read about it in the Adventures, but since it had been awhile I figured why not declare my personal Independence from Rothchild Money (monoeye) energy magic. As it happened, it was not a easy place to gift! Impeccably manicured grounds left seemingly no place for me to pound in my little gifts. I had a heavy sense of being watched and foreboding, even with my SP going strong but I persevered and with a little distraction from the rest of the family found a nice place for one of my gifts to live. I had no immediate sense of any energy release but I felt very good and started to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. We returned to St Simons in peace and I continued to gift the towers there on that island. I share this not to brag but to put it out there that eventhough I may have some dollars in my wallet, I take back any energetic contract I might have had with that blood soaked system. I look forward to the next big target to come my way and continue to ask my Creator to allow me to see the energetic effects of my work. I also did this gifting in remembrance of Don Croft, on the 1 year anniversary of his tragic passing. Thank you Don, from my heart, Thank you DB for posting that video and Thank you Carol. May you all be well.