In 1963, research on communication via extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation proved successful, in a U.S. Navy project known as "Sanguine", which means "slaughter, attended by much bloodshed"/"bloodthirsty, eager to shed blood, delighting in carnage."

Aragorn gained the door, and swiftly it clanged to behind him.

“Things go ill, my friends,” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow with his arm.

“Ill enough,” said Legolas, “but not yet hopeless, while we have you with us. Where is Gimli?”

“I do not know,” said Aragorn. “I last saw him fighting on the ground behind the wall, but the enemy swept us apart.”

“Alas! That is evil news,” said Legolas.

“He is stout and strong,” said Aragorn. “Let us hope that he will escape back to the caves. There he would be safe for a while. Safer than we. Such a refuge would be to the liking of a dwarf.”

“That must be my hope,” said Legolas. “But I wish that he had come this way. I desired to tell Master Gimli that my tale is now thirty-nine.”

“If he wins back to the caves, he will pass your count again,” laughed Aragorn. “Never did I see an axe so wielded!”

From “The Two Towers”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954

I compiled a large part of this from one of the scholarly papers on Dr. Zorach Glaser’s website,

It’s from a paper from April 1973 entitled “A Compilation of Papers Relevant to the Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields”, by William C. Gough, who was at that time the head of the AEC’s Division of Controlled Thermonuclear Research.


(Wikipedia) "The first transmission of electrical impulses over an extended distance was demonstrated on July 14, 1729, by the physicist Stephen Gray. The demonstration used damp hemp cords suspended by silk threads (the low resistance of metallic conductors not being appreciated at the time).

However, the first practical use of overhead lines was in the context of telegraphy. By 1837 experimental commercial telegraph systems ran as far as 20 km (13 miles). Electric power transmission was accomplished in 1882 with the first high-voltage transmission between Munich and Miesbach (60 km). 1891 saw the construction of the first three-phase alternating current overhead line on the occasion of the International Electricity Exhibition in Frankfurt, between Lauffen and Frankfurt.

In 1912 the first 110 kV-overhead power line entered service followed by the first 220 kV-overhead power line in 1923. In the 1920s RWE AG built the first overhead line for this voltage and in 1926 built a Rhine crossing with the pylons of Voerde, two masts 138 meters high.

In 1953, the first 345 kV line was put into service by American Electric Power in the United States. In Germany in 1957 the first 380 kV overhead power line was commissioned (between the transformer station and Rommerskirchen). In the same year the overhead line traversing of the Strait of Messina went into service in Italy, whose pylons served the Elbe crossing 1. This was used as the model for the building of the Elbe crossing 2 in the second half of the 1970s which saw the construction of the highest overhead line pylons of the world. Earlier, in 1952, the first 380 kV line was put into service in Sweden, in 1000 km (625 miles) between the more populated areas in the south and the largest hydroelectric power stations in the north. Starting from 1967 in Russia, and also in the US and Canada, overhead lines for voltage of 765 kV were built. In 1982 overhead power lines were built in Soviet Union between Elektrostal and the power station at Ekibastuz, this was a three-phase alternating current line at 1150 kV (Powerline Ekibastuz-Kokshetau). In 1999, in Japan the first powerline designed for 1000 kV with 2 circuits were built, the Kita-Iwaki Powerline."


High-tension power lines transmit energy at 60 Hz.

High-tension power lines cause cancer. As demonstrated by K. Song in “A 60 Hz uniform electromagnetic field promotes human cell proliferation by decreasing intracellular reactive oxygen species levels”, published in the journal PLoS in 2018.


Contrary to the theory that metal-to-metal contact was required to conduct electricity, Nicola Tesla was successful in transmitting currents through plastic over short distances using magnetic induction.

Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917), also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early experimental wireless transmission station designed and built by Nikola Tesla on Long Island in 1901–1902, located in the village of Shoreham, New York. Tesla intended to transmit messages, telephony and even facsimile images across the Atlantic to England and to ships at sea based on his theories of using the Earth to conduct the signals.

It was a 185-foot tower with metal bars extending below ground. He explored electrical transmission using radio frequency resonance to create electrical energy through two coils to generate high voltage, high frequency currents. His experiments used near-field inductive and capacitive couplings. Near-field inductive is a short-range wireless physical layer that transmits a low power, non-propagating magnetic field between devices. Capacitive couplings transmit power between two networks by displacing currents produced by the electrical fields.

Here’s a picture of it:

Wardenclyffe Tower
(Tesla’s Wardenclyffe tower on Long Island, New York, 1901)

Tesla performed demonstrations in front of crowds showing how incandescent bulbs could be lit wireless when in proximity of the coil. As his research progressed, he tested long distance transmission using LC circuits.

Tesla furthered his studies to develop a long-distance transmission method at a high-altitude location in Colorado Springs. His theory was that low-pressure air present at 30,000 feet would allow electrical transmission to travel much longer distances. He speculated he could use the entire planet to conduct electricity by sending alternating current pulses into the ground. Our history books to date do not reflect he had any success in proving this theory.


During World War II, the U.S. military started to use radar, and the use of radio telecommunications systems was growing.

Soldiers working with these systems, which use radio and microwave frequencies — the same frequencies used for wireless devices such as cell phones and Wi-Fi — began to complain of adverse health effects from exposure to the radiation emitted by these systems. At the time, the illness experienced by these soldiers was referred to as “Radiation Sickness /Microwave Sickness.”


Research on communication via extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation proved successful in 1963, in a U.S. Navy project known as “Sanguine”.

The system transmitted over great distances - through water - within the extremely low frequency range (i.e. below 100 Hz). The wavelength? Precisely 60Hz - deliberately at the same cancer-causing wavelength used by high-tension power lines.

In contrast, AM radio stations broadcast between 500 and 1600 thousand Hz (cycles per second) and short-wave, television and other broadcasts range into the hundreds of millions of Hz.

Since the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communication” penetrates water, it also penetrates humans, which are 96% water.

That’s why the name “Sanguine” means “slaughter, attended by much bloodshed” or “bloodthirsty, eager to shed blood, delighting in carnage.”.

1620s, “characterized by slaughter, attended by much bloodshed;” also bloodthirsty, eager to shed blood, delighting in carnage".

ine - a suffix of adjectives of Greek or Latin origin, meaning “of or pertaining to"

In 1973, a scientific study by the Navy’s own scientists documented the physical harm that would be caused by the system. The Navy blocked the study’s release for two years.

William T. Ham, Jr. headed that seven-member panel of scientists, and wrote that study. In 1975, he said that he was not medically qualified to speak on the findings about the increase in triglycerides that extremely low frequency radiation made in human blood.

Focus with me: at that moment, William T. Ham, Jr. was the Chairman of the Biophysics department at Virginia Commonwealth University.

You’ve been conditioned to think that this is what an evil Scientist looks like:

Dr. No (1962) - IMDb

(Dr. No, from the movie of the same name, 1962)

While this is, in fact, what an evil Scientist actually looks like:

Obituary of William T. Ham

(William T. Ham, Jr., who, while chairman of the biophysics department at Virginia Commonwealth University, said that he was not medically qualified to speak on findings in a study that he, himself authored, that documented increases in triglycerides in people exposed to extremely low frequency radiation.)

I have included William T. Ham, Jr.'s photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

Unsurprisingly, his facial expression and demeanor are almost identical to Dr. No’s.

He and his fellow conspirators are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

In regard to the damning report that the Navy had suppressed for two years, Sanguine project manager W.C. Cobb said that “although the report had not been generally released, there was no intention to suppress it”, and that “we do not think that harmful effects have been validated”.

Where “not generally released” is Mil-speak for “suppressed”.

Dr. Andrew Marino, a research biophysicist at the Veteran’s Administration hospital in Syracuse, said the Sanguine report related findings "raise enormous implications about how safe communications systems and power lines really are from a public health standpoint.’

The article goes on to say "Another panel member, Dr. Robert 0. Becker from the Veterans Administration hospital surgery department in Syracuse, viewed the experiments as providing ‘adequate evidence that the biological effects of a Sanguine type system’ would be considerable.

Specifically, the panel’s report said that ‘the most significant finding’ from monitoring eight people who had worked near the Sanguine test site in Wisconsin was 'the elevation in triglyceride levels which was found in six of the eight subjects '.

A rise in triglyceride - a substance in the blood - is a danger signal, possibly linked to heart disease, specialists said."


Public protests drove the Sanguine system out of Wisconsin and Texas.

In 1975, the Navy offered an above-ground version of Sanguine, an antenna-grid system covering 2,500 miles known as “Seafarer”.

You can see how an unpopular Black ops military project was rebranded as “cellular communications”, and the rubes ate that shit right up.

“Cell phones” and “Smartphones” are a next-gen manifestation of this technology. In the future, grade school children will marvel that, in our current era, every citizen accepted being made to pay hundreds, nay, thousands of dollars each to use (and more importantly fund) the wholly-malefic system’s construction, maintenance, upkeep and expansion.

But such are the times in which we live - for just a moment longer.


In the 1960’s, the U.S. Navy’s Medical Research Center’s Research Scientist Zorach Glaser spent about a decade collecting every study conducted within and outside the U.S. showing that the radiation emitted from radio frequencies (RFs) and microwave frequencies caused a host of adverse health effects.

Dr. Glaser’s 1971 report, “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (“Effects”) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation”, documented over 1000 different citations, each reporting various types of damage caused by purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation.

These include decreased testosterone leading to lowered testis size, histological changes in testicular epithelial structure, gross testicular histological changes, and decreased spermatogenesis.

Dr. Glaser’s work documents a total of 35 neurological/neuropsychiatric effects of non-thermal EMF exposures, including 9 central nervous system effects, 4 autonomic system effects, 17 psychological disorders, 4 behavioral changes and EEG changes.

It also reported 7 types of chromosomal aberrations several of which are known to be caused by chromosomal double stranded DNA breaks, 8 types of endocrine changes, and cell death (what we now call apoptosis).

Wi-Fi exposures produce impacts on the testes leading to lowered male fertility.

Wi-Fi exposure creates oxidative stress.

Wi-Fi exposure drives apoptosis (a process that has an important causal role in neurodegenerative disease).

Wi-Fi exposure causes DNA damage at the cellular level (a process causing cancer and germ line mutations).

Wi-Fi exposure leads to neuropsychiatric change, including EEG change, and 17 types of psychological disorders.

Wi-Fi exposure drives hormonal changes.

A few years ago, when Dr. Glaser realized the importance of his archives, he donated them to Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D. of Trent University in Canada. Havas, an associate professor of environmental and resource studies, has worked for more than a decade to expose the harms of wireless technology.

According to Havas, Glaser’s archive contains quite a few “gems.” “Zory was a packrat (his words) and he kept everything, Havas said. “I found one paper that was circulated to only nine people with health recommendations that were ignored.”

To make these important documents available to the public, Havas and her team have worked for years to scan all the documents and make them searchable. So far Havas’ team has scanned 20 out of the 25 boxes of Glaser’s archives.

Because of the archive’s magnitude, the public is invited to help review the documents. Scholars who are interested are invited to write short overviews of some of the more useful and relevant finds and post those overviews on Zory’s website. People who find important information are asked to let Havas know.

If you are interested in participating in this project, please contact Dr. Magda Havas ([email protected]) with a subject heading of “Zory’s Archive.”


in 1973, the President’s Office of Telecommunication Policy (OTP) and its Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council (ERMAC) had failed to establish a coordinated research program on the biological effects of chronic exposure to low levels of microwave and radiofrequency radiation.

In March 1973, the President’s Office of Telecommunications Policy was quietly abolished, and most of its functions, including its supposed coordination of all federally-sponsored research into the biological effects of microwaves were transferred to the new National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

In August 1977, the New York City Department of Health proposed to establish a standard for environmental exposure to radiofrequency and microwave radiation 200 times below the national standard.

Professor Merril Eisenbud, Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Studies at the New York University Medical Center’s Institute for Environmental Medicine, said “we need several years of additional research, perhaps even a decade, before a new standard is set.” Two months later, he said that New York City setting a new, far-lower standard was a “bad recommendation”.

In November 1977, a study was issued by the General Accounting Office (the chief investigating arm of Congress), plainly stating “More Protection from Microwave Radiation Hazards Needed.” In more than half of the 112 scientific investigations that were reviewed, animals and humans exposed to microwave radiation levels at or below the present national standard “experienced biological effects, some undesirable.”

In December 1977, Professor Merril Eisenbud said “the scientific community should square off against the media. Scientists should attack the press.”

Merrill Eisenbud
(Professor Merril Eisenbud, who said that setting a new, far-lower standard for exposure to purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation was a “bad recommendation”.)

I’ve included Professor Merril Eisenbud’s photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of significant influence looks like.

He and his fellow conspirators are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

In 1978, the Senate Commerce Committee (chaired by Senator Howard W. Cannon, of Nevada) not only failed to hold additional oversight hearings, but issued a “Report on Radiation Health and Safety” reflecting and accepting the biased and unwarranted conclusions of the military-industrial complex and suppressing scientific evidence concerning the existence of serious health hazards.

Ignoring the findings of its former principal staff member, the Committee members accepted an utterly unfounded assurance that low levels of microwave and radiofrequency radiation pose no threat to the general population.

Here’s former Senator Howard Cannon’s picture:

Senator Howard Cannon
(Former Senator Howard Cannon, who said that low levels of microwave and radiofrequency radiation pose no threat to the general population.)

I’ve included his photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

He and his fellow conspirators are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.


In the Sanguine system, one cable was not enough to provide the desired omni-directional capability, since a single wire antenna has directional characteristics. A second antenna needed to be constructed at right angles of the first to produce an all-directional signal pattern. In order to obtain the required signal output without the use of unusually high currents, a number of others are added in parallel to each to form a gridlike pattern.


Organisms are normally integrated with their electromagnet environments to a striking degree.

The process of evolutionary changes in an organism under natural conditions depends primarily on the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field which surrounds it, whether that field be naturally occurring or otherwise.

Humans and every last other living system are all extraordinarily sensitive to magnetic fields.

In the human, nuclear magnetic resonance within the body allows it to detect very small magnetic gradients of .3 to .5 oersteds per meter, as demonstrated by the art of “dowsing”, or seeking underground water sources with the assistance of a forked stick.

In humans, skeletal muscles generate a magnetic field over the frequency range from 0-300 Hz.

The human brain’s 8 to 13 Hz alpha-rhythm currents generate a fluctuating magnetic field of 1 x10 to the negative ninth power.

Fluctuating magnetic fields from Wi-Fi and other sources of microwave radiation are usually far more than 5 x 10 to the negative 4 gauss (rms) in a bandwidth of 0-40 Hz, while the human heart’s field at maximum is 5 x 10 to the negative seventh gauss.

Given that there are critical temperature transition points for many biological phenomena, the effects of magnetic fields vary depending upon temperature.

While discussing the toxic nature of the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless technology”, it is crucial to mention that oxygen, a paramagnetic molecule, becomes toxic within a magnetic field.


Humans’ “biological clocks” are created by a continuous interaction between the body’s metabolically-maintained electromagnetic fields and the external electromagnetic environment, whether it be naturally occurring or artificial. Thus Wi-Fi disables the body’s “biological clocks”.


Microwave radiation causes a slowing of thought processes and psychomotor reactions.

In 1967, Salvingnac et al. documented psychomotor disturbances in air crews when their airplanes were struck by lightning.

In May 1977, a technical review of the biological effects of microwave radiation was issued by an ad hoc working group for the President’s Office of Science and Technology. It found “a distressing lack of data” on the possible subtle, long-term, and cumulative effects of low-level radiation. Moreover, they made the astonishing observation that “Subtle central nervous system (CNS) effects, even if reversible, might disrupt or affect the judgment of individuals performing critical tasks (airplane pilots, drivers of automobiles, etc.).”


In 1962, a study in which mice were exposed to purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation resulted in Leukemia in 35% of those mice, vs. 10% of controls.

Put another way, leukemia in mice exposed to purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation increased by 250%, versus controls (35%, vs. 10%).


Microwave radiation causes very major biological effects of a very basic nature.

For example, wireless communication networks raise triglyeride levels in 75% of the populace that are exposed to them.


The purportedly-harmless non-Ionizing radiation from wireless technology causes cancer. As demonstrated by the fact that an intermlttent 6000 gauss electromagnetic field decreases respiration in tissues and causes cancer. While a constant field of microwave radiation has no effect.

Say it again with me: “Intermittent microwave radiation causes cancer, while a constant field of microwave radiation does not.”

You can see how the data packets pulsing back and forth between the towers and repeaters are so important to the efficacy of what is literally a Death energy network, designed and purpose-built to give you cancer. While allowing rude but admittedly-convenient phone conversations, and sharing of e-mails, and such and such.

Underscoring the malefic mechanism in play, here, I’ll note that men in a modulated field of microwave radiation from 5 to 11 gauss have reduced reaction time, while men in steady state fields of microwave radiation or fields modulated at 0.1 did not.

You can see, once again, how the data packets pulsing back and forth between the towers and repeaters are so important to the efficacy of what is literally a Death energy network, designed and purpose-built to fuck up your head.

In one study, microwave radiation was said to cause certain cells to “break up into a more primitive cell type”. Where the author bent over backwards to not say “microwave radiation causes cancer”.

The purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless technology” causes cancer. That’s why, from 1973 to 2018, cancer in the United States increased by 30%, and why 80% of those so afflicted where white people.

And it’s why, from 1973 to 2022, prostate cancer mortality rates in the U.K. increased by 17%.

From 2014 to 2018, breast cancer mortality in Alabama increased by 4.4%. Alabama Public Health said that the trend “was not statistically significant

In July 2018, the journal Environmental Research published “Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health”.

Where author Martin L. Pall used the bizarre positive spin of “important threat”, versus the plainspoken “great threat”, or simply “Wi-Fi is a threat to human health”.

The article goes on to say “This paper is not focused on anecdotal reports but rather on 23 controlled, scientific studies of such health-related effects in animals, cells including human cells in culture and in human beings (Table 1).”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a article from August 2021 said "The ACS says on its website that it “does not have any official position or statement on whether or not radiofrequency radiation from cell phones, cell phones towers, or other sources is a cause of cancer.”

That’s because cell phones and cell phones cause cancer, and the first rule of Politics is “deny, deny, deny”.


Amphibian eggs and embryos exposed to magnetic probes of 6,300 gauss and 17,700 gauss exhibit gross abnormalities, including extra limbs.

Thirteen days in a 9,000 gauss magnetic field caused “organ abnormalities” in mice.

In the 1970’s, squirrel monkeys in their second and third trimesters of pregnancy were exposed to levels of purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation equivalent to the national standard at the time. Then their offspring were irradiated for six months after birth.

Four out of five died, versus zero in the control group. The Air Force rejected the data based upon the small study size.


Wi-Fi will causes damage at the genetic level. For example, a field strength at the surface of 21,000 gauss and a field gradient of 9,000 gauss/mm within the first two mm from the tip was used on the developing reproduction organs of flies. Retardation of the development of pupa was observed to continue for ten generations. “Alteration in development time was initiated through the male sperm rather than the female egg. Abnormalities were observed.”

Here’s how it works: the purportedly-harmless non-Ionizing radiation from what we euphemistically refer to as “wireless technology” decreases the stability of the genetic code by changing the energy levels of the nucleotide bases, which changes the depth of the potential well and hence changes the proton tunneling probability.


Perhaps the hardest truth for mean-spirited Western materialists to assimilate is that non-ionizing radiation attacks on the spiritual level.

That’s why there is a significant relationship between microwave radiation levels and psychiatric disturbances.

And it’s why there is a significant relationship of striking magnitude between excessive microwave radiation and schizophrenia.

“Schizophrenia” is a modern code meme for what used to be known as “demonic possession”.

The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is cumulative and dose-dependent. That’s why Chinese college students who used their smartphones for five hours or more a day had a rate of suicidal ideation 260% greater, or heading toward quadruple that of those using their phones less than five hours per day.

And it is why the rate of suicidal ideation is 184% greater, or almost triple among those who use technology five hours per day versus those who use technology two hours per day (71% vs. 25%). Even more striking, it is the time spent on the device, not the content, that drives these outcomes.

Smartphones make you want to kill yourself. That’s why 71% of those who use their smartphones five hours or more a day report suicidal ideation.


In the past, reversals of Earth’s magnetic field have led to the extinction of entire species.

Not content with destroying everyone on an individual level, the folks in charge hope to use an ocean of non-ionizing radiation to engender a collective mass-extinction among large portions of humanity. With the ruling Neanderthal race excepted, of course.

It brings the Pole Shift propaganda of the early 2000’s into stark view, does it not? We’ll review it soon!

The now-failed gambit I’m exposing here being a technologically-driven flipping of the magnetic polarity of the Earth, with the Neanderthal race which planned it secretly protected from what they would describe in their controlled press as an “uncontrollable, natural pole shift”.

With a remaining 500,000,000 or so in left their thrall, reserved for the purposes of human sacrifice, cannibalism, gladiatorial or temple harlot duty, and slavery. You know, like in the good old days, in the Neanderthal kingdoms of Rome, Greece, Babylon, and Catal Hoyuk.

Where do I get 500,000,000? Why, from the “mysterious” Georgia Guidestones, of course.

Georgia Guidestones
(Wikipedia: The Georgia Guidestones was a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. It was 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall and made from six granite slabs weighing a total of 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg).[1] The structure was sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”.[2][3] The monument’s creators believed that there was going to be an upcoming social, nuclear, or economic calamity and they wanted the monument to serve as a guide for humanity in the world which would exist after it.[4] It initially garnered little controversy, but it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories which alleged that it was connected to Satanism.[5] On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing,[2][6] and were dismantled later that day.[7][8] In late July, Elberton Mayor Daniel Graves announced plans to rebuild the monument.[9] However, on August 8, the Elberton city council voted to donate the remains of the monument to the Elberton Granite Association and return the five acres of land on which the monument was erected to its previous owner.[10]"

The inscriptions dealt with four main themes: “governance and the establishment of a world government, population and reproduction control , the environment and humankind’s relationship to nature, and spirituality.” The inscription read: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Did you notice that the Georgia Guidestones features a doubled Masonic G?

Here’s a picture of yet another failed Illuminist Op - the Georgia Guidestones “bombed” in 2022, prior to being hauled away to wipe away the evidence documented immediately above:

Georgia Guidestones Bombed
(Georgia Guidestones following inside-job “bombing” and subsequent memory-holing of the generational Satanist Freemason monument)


In 2014, the National Institute of Health granted Communist Red China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology and an Orwellianly-named U.S. front organization known as “EcoHealth” $3.7 million to create a hybrid virus from a bat coronavirus.

That’s why the word “Covid” means “Conspiracy, Fraud, Trickery”.

COVID-19 - noun - A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

-id - suffix

of or pertaining to; appended to words to make an English adjective or noun form.

Forming nouns from Latin or Greek roots, being suffixed to the name of their progenitors and meaning “descendant(s) of”

Covin - noun -from Old French, from medieval Latin convenium, from Latin convenire (see convene).

collusive agreement between two or more persons to the detriment of a third :conspiracy. b archaic : fraud, trickery

Compare with coven:

Coven - noun - mid 17th century: variant of covin.

a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly.

often derogatory

a secret or close-knit group of associates.

“covens of militants within the party”

-īnus (feminine -īna, neuter -īnum); first/second-declension suffix

Of or pertaining to; -ine; usually indicates a relationship of position, possession, or origin.


Catalan: -í

English: -ine

French: -in

Galician: -iño, -ino

Italian: -ino

Portuguese: -ino, -inho

Romanian: -in

Spanish: -ino

The literally-blood-drinking, Godless Communist Red Chinese used a good portion of those $3.7 million U.S. tax dollars to pay Harvard University’s Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Dr. Charles Lieber a salary of $50,000 per month, living expenses of $150,000, and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a secret “research lab” in Wuhan.

In 2018 and 2019, while busily developing the Covid-19 virus, Lieber lied steadfastly to federal authorities about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan and his affiliation with Wuhan University of Technology. That’s why, in December 2021, the esteemed Dr. Lieber was convicted of making false statements, concealing his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology and his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program, and tax offenses.

An affidavit outlining the charges against Lieber notes that, in January 2013, he signed an agreement between Harvard and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China. According to the affidavit, “The stated purpose of the agreement, which had a five-year effective term, was to ‘carry out advanced research and development of nanowire-based lithium ion batteries with high performance for electric vehicles.'”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anybody in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a article from February 2020 said “In Lieber’s case, however, the battery angle poses a puzzle. That’s because a search of the titles of Lieber’s more than 400 papers and more than 75 U.S. and Chinese patents reveals no mentions of “battery,” “batteries,” “vehicle,” or "vehicles.”

From a propaganda perspective, the affidavit contains what is known as “plausible deniability excuse”. They’re put forward because many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Now, let’s take a look at precisely what sort of work Harvard’s Chair of Chemistry and Biology was, in fact, doing at the spiffy new secret laboratory in Communist Red China that created the Covid-19 virus:

Lieber’s research was focused on using nanotechnology to probe the brain toward the future of brain-machine interfaces.

In 2019, Science Daily published one of LIeber’s articles entitled the future of mind control.

In 2019, he published “Precision electronic medicine in the brain.”

Where “precision electronic medicine” is Mil-speak for “weaponized viruses”.

In 2019, Lieber said that Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces.

In 2019, he wrote of “Nano-enabled direct contact interfacing of syringe-injectable mesh electronics”.

In 2019, Lieber published "Scalable ultrasmall three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording.

But, don’t worry. I’m sure there were absolutely no syringe-injectible mesh electronics or ultra small three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes in the wholly-benevolent, protective Covid vaccines that were forced sumulaneously upon the populaces of all the nations.

Spectacularly, at this writing, Charles Lieber’s Google’s Scholar page points to someone else’s publications.

The folks in charge run their “Confidence games” generations ahead. As you can see in this excerpt from Dean Koontz’s 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness”, which features a weaponized virus named “Wuhan-400”:

“The Chinese tested it on God knows how many political prisoners. They were never able to find an antibody or an antibiotic that was effective against it. The virus migrates to the brain stem, and there it begins secreting a toxin that literally eats away brain tissue like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth.”

The main character of the ‘Eyes of Darkness’, is a young boy named “Danny”, who has psychic powers.

In 1977, Stephen King published “the Shining”. The main Character in “The Shining” is a young boy named “Danny”, who has psychic powers.

The title “the Shining” is an only-general reference to Danny’s psychic powers. The source of the Evil in the novel “the Shining” isn’t the Overlook Hotel, as we are led to believe…rather, it is presumed-victim Danny.

Psychic ability is one of the hidden aces up the sleeve of the distinct and separate race that we know as “Neanderthal”. Within an Orthodoxy which steadfastly holds that psychic abilities do not exist, the bloodline husbands and cultivates the power, almost distinct unto themselves.

It gives them an unstoppable advantage in a host of areas, from business, to politics, to poker tournaments.

As an aside, I’ll note that both authors used the name “Danny” as an insider-wink reference to the apostate Israelite “Tribe of Dan”, which was one of eleven other “lost tribes” that were, in fact, not “lost”, at all, but rather booted from the known world for their unprepentant human sacrifice, cannibalism and pedophelia. They went on to become what we know as “the Irish” and “the Celts”.

The Covid-19 virus is not about destroying your brain, “like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth”…rather, it is about a weaponized virus working in concert with wireless technology to make you a zombie. It’s about remotely taking control of your brain. Or perhaps simply destroying your innate psychic abilities (see: “Zombie”, previous). Or both.


Unfortunately for them, the ancient Death energy network they’ve been patiently building and expanding the whole way simply isn’t working anymore.

Part of it is due to the slow, steady, widespread, and ever-increasing distribution of a countless number of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices. They were created by Don Croft in 2000 based upon previous work by Karl Hans Welz and Wilhelm Reich. The other part of what’s going on is that the Mayan Long Count ended in 2012.

The recovery of the ether and a more-varied collection of species manifesting within it shows us that the game is already over. Well, the technological part of it, anyway.

The folks in charge are still, for this last moment, in charge, but, metaphorically, they’re jamming their wooden spears against the metal superstructure of the boat.

I’ve documented dozens of species “winking back into existence”, from our perspective, as the health of the ether continues to improve. It started in earnest in 2012, 2013.

Some are previously extinct species. Others are entirely new species, never previously documented. They include plants, animals, fish, snakes, insects. I might have missed some. It’s a big article, and I haven’t looked at it or made my in-the-can new additions for some time.

I also need to integrate my existing data on wireless technology as a driver of suicide, cancer, et al into this article.

Rest assured, I will, and soon enough.


On a date after 1963, the Office of Naval Research’s Leonard L. Libber and Thomas C. Rozzell published “A Study of the Possible Biological Effects of SANGUINE”.

The article goes on to say "the Navy has been conducting research and development on extremely low frequency (ELF) communications concepts. Early research in the program, known as Project SANGUINE, was oriented toward determining whether ELF communication is physically possible. This research was successful, and ELF communication was proved feasible as early as 1963.

The SANGUINE system would transmit at the extremely low frequency range (i.e. below 100 Hz). In contrast, AM radio stations broad- cast between 500 and 1600 thousand Hz (cycles per second) and short- wave, television and·other broadcasts,range· into the huncirecis of rniiiions of Hz. The environmental effects of SANGUINE is anticipated to be no different than that caused by commercial power lines, which are supplied at 60 Hz, though not used to send messages. It is characteristic of these frequencies that the signals penetrate water effectively. In fac\t, random signals from our 60 Hz power systems can be detected. at great distances (Figure I)."

This plays the hilarious ruse that commercial power lines are harmless. It also shows how, since purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communication” penetrates water, it also penetrates humans, which are 96% water.

The wave length of a television signal, for example, is only a few feet, and there- a compact antenna can be used. In the case of 45 Hz, a possible SAN- GUINE frequency, the wave length is 4,140 miles and would require a single antenna many miles long just to constitute a small fraction of one wavelength. Trade-offs between antenna size, antenna configuration and power requirements can be made acceptable to the Navy because once the signal is transmitted it loses very little strength and penetrates water well (Figure 2).


The article goes on to say “One cable, however, is not enough to provide the desired omni-directional capability since a single wire antenna has directional characteristics. A second antenna needs to be constructed at right angles of the first to produce an all-directional signal pattern. In order to· obtain the required· signal output without use of unusually high currents, a numiber of others are added in parallel to each to form a gridlike pattern. The number of elements could be only several or as many as 20 in each direction, with the distance between adjacent elements varying frorn 4 to 10 miles. This would result in high reliability since several cables or· transmitters .could be inoperative while transmissions continued (Figure 3).”

You can see how “cellular communications” are a manifestation of this technology, which, hilariously, they make every citizen pay hundreds, nay, thousands of dollars to use, and fund the wholly-malefic system’s expansion thereby.


But back to version 1.0, the Orwellianly-named “Sanguine system”, whose name in fact means “bloody or bloodthirsty”.

Sanguine - adjective

1.optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

“he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy”













of good cheer







bloody or bloodthirsty.

noun: sanguine

a blood-redcolor.

It’s exactly like how they used the word “Covid”, which means “fraud, deception, conspiracy”. Grade school children in the future will marvel that they used it upon a populace too dim to do the research, or even too cowed to act upon it once the fact had been learned.

“Archaic” and “Heraldry” are the proofs that the original meaning has been memory-holed, and a new, opposite definition has been concocted. And then, finally, a weapons system developed to lay waste to the populace would be named something that the victims thought was a positive reference, but actually meant “bloody, or bloodthirsty”.

The folks in charge have been literally drinking blood, all the way back to Babylon, and all the way back to their “Neanderthal” caves prior to that.

The article goes on to say “An ELF transmitter, therefore, is unusual in that it requires an antenna network deployed over many square miles. Although the extensive electrical field that would be produced by this system is no greater than that produced by commercial power lines in many rural areas, there has been someconcern about possible side effects, particularly on the environment. This has led to a major biological research program under the direction of the Office of Naval Research to seek answers to the questions raised.B”

The article then lists all the studies that will be done.In November 1963, H. Freedman, R.O. Becker C.H. Hoffman published “Geomagnetic Parameters and Psychological Hospital Admissions” in the journal Nature.

Where “a significant relationship was shown between psychiatric disturbance as reflected in hospital admissions and natμral magnetic field intensity”.

In 1964, M. F. Barnothy published "A ·Possible Effect of the Magnetic Field Upon the Genetic Code’', in “Biological Effects of· Magnetic Fields”, Plenum Press.

In it, he proposed thata magnetic field can increase or decrease .the stability of the genetic code by changipg the energylevels of the nucleotide bases which would change the depth of the potntial wells and hence change the proton tunnelling probability.

In 1964, F.H. Barwell published “Responses of Planarians and Snails” in “Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields”.

It reads “there remains no reasonable doubt that living systems are extraordinarily sensitive to magnetic fields - and that the organism is normally integrated with its geomagnetic environment to a striking degree.”

In 1964, Y. Rocard published “Actions of a Very Weak Magnetic Gradient: the Reflex of the Dowser”, in “The Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields.”
It "illustrates the sensitivity of the human body for detecting small magnetic gradients of .3 to .5 oersteds per meter. Suggests nuclear magnetic resonance within the body as an explanation for dowsing.

Where “a significant relationship was shown between psychiatric disturbance as reflected in hospital admissions and natμral magnetic field intensity”.In 1965, H. Freedman published “Psychiatric Ward Behavior and Geophysical Parameters” in the journal Nature.

In it he said “statistically significant relationships of striking magnitude between cosmic ray indices and psychiatric ward behavior can be observed in the majority of schizophrenic patients.”

In 1966, first author J.C. Fardon published “Effect of Magnetic Fields on the Respiration of Malignant Embryonic and adult Tissue” in the journal Nature.

In it, we learned that "lntermlttent 6000 gauss magnetic field affected respiration of adult mouse kidney tissue. A constant

field had no effect."

In 1966, W.C. Levengood published an article in the journal Nature which demonstrated “a probe with a field strength at the surface of 21,000 gauss and a field gradient of 9,000 gauss/mm within the first two mm from the tip was used on the developing reproduction organs of flies. Retardation of the development of pupa was observed to continue for ten generations. Alteration in development time was initiated through the male sperm rather than the female egg. Abnormalities were observed.”

In 1967, Salvingnac et al. described the psychomotor disturbances driven by microwave radiation as a “slowing of thought pro- cesses and psychomotor reactions” from which the people recovered within a brief period apparently without permanent damage.

In March 1967, H. Friedman, R.O. Becker published “Effect of Magnetic Fields on Reaction Time Performance” in the journal Nature.

Where “a slowing down of reaction time for men was observed in a sinusoidally modulated field of 5 to 11 gauss at 0.2 cycles per second. No significant effect was observed for steady state fields or those modulated at 0.1 second.”

In 1968, Felix Gutmann published “High Gradient Magnetic Field Inhibits Ebryonic Development of Frogs” in the journal Nature.

It reads "the embryos were expos6d to 10,000 gauss with a gradient of 8,350 gauss/cm along the axis had abnormal embryonic development.

In August 1968, David Cohen published “Magnetoencephalography: Evidence of Magnetic Fields Produced by Alpha-Rythm Currents” in the journal Science.

In which “A plot of the magnetic fields generated by skeletal muscles over the frequency range from 0-300 Hz is given. Notes that fluctuating magnetic fields from urban disturbances may be more than 5 x 10 to the negative 4 gauss (rms) in a bandwidth of 0-40 Hz while the human heart’s field at maximum is 5 x 10 to the negative seventh gauss.”

In 1969, M.F. Barnothy published “Abnormalities in Organs of Mice a Magnetic Field” in the journal Nature.

In it, he said “Mice were exposed for 13 days to a 9,000 gauss magnetic field.”

In 1969, W. G. Levengood published “A New Teratongenic Agent Applied to Amphihian Embryos” in J. Embryo. Exp. Mo.

It reads “to study vertebrates, amphibian eggs and embryos were exposed to magnetic probes with fieid strengths of 6,300 gauss and 17,700 gauss…Gross abnormalities were observed including extra limbs”.

In 1970, H. Aceto, Jr., C.A. Tibias, and I.L. Silver published “Some Studies on the Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields” in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
It is “A review type article with 46 references. Notes that effect of magnetic field may yary depending upon temperature since there are critical temperature transition points for many biological phenomena, Also notes that in a magnetic field, oxygen, a paramagnetic molecule, becomes more toxic.”

In 1972, R.O. Becker published “Electromagnetic Forces and Life Processes” in Technology Review.

In it, he said “certain cells when stimulated by direct currents of 1-3 milla amps would break up into a more primitive cell type”, and “have the capability of bringing about·very major biological effects of a very basic nature.”

In 1972, Frank A. Brown, Jr. published “The ‘Clocks’ Timing Biological Rhythms” in the journal American Scientist.

In it, we learn "the biolgical clock phenomenon results from a continuous interaction between the organism’s metabolically maintained electromagnetic fields and those of its geophysical environment.

In January 1972, Alexander Dubrov published “Heliobiology” in Soviet Life.

In it, he said "the permeability of cell membranes is under the direct control of the magnetic field of the Earth, and the process of evolutionary changes in an organism under natural conditions depends primarily on the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a study by Allan Cox published in the journal Mosaic in 1972 is entitled “A Perfect Case of Serendipity - Paleomagnetism Continues its Surprising Impact on the Study of the Earth.”

The study gives data on the reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, a theory for reversals, and demonstrates the correspondence between magnetic reversals and the extinction of species.

See also “Geomagnetic Polarity Change and Faunal Extinction in the Southern Ocean” by N.D. Watkins and G.C. Goodell, published in the journal Science in May 1967.

This proves my thesis that the very existence of any organism varies directly with the health of its etheric (or enegetic) environment.

I’ve documented dozens of species “winking back into existence”, from our perspective, as the health of the ether continues to improve. It started in earnest in 2012, 2013.

Some are previously extinct species. Others are entirely new species, never previously documented. They include plants, animals, fish, snakes, insects. I might have missed some. It’s a big article, and I haven’t looked at it or made my in-the-can new additions for some time.

Rest assured, I will, and soon enough.

In August 1972, David Cohen and Edward Givler published “Magnetomyography: Magnetic Fields Around the Human Body Produced by Skeletal Muscles” in the journal Applied Physics Letters.

In which “A plot of the magnetic field due to currents generated by skeletal muscles over the frequency range from 0 to 300 Hz is given. Notes that fluctuating magnetic fields from urban disturbances may be more than 5 x 10 -4 gauss (rms) in a bandwidth of 0 to 40 Hz while the human heart’s field at maximum is 5 x 10-7 gauss.”

On December 10, 1975, the Washington Post published “'73 Report Cites Biological Effects in Radio project”.

Where Washington Post staff writer George C. Wilson led with " '73 Report" to give the subconscious of the Coincidence reader the green light to say “oh, but that was just one report!” or “someone must have reported that incorrectly!”

As a propagandist, George knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

As a bonus, he walked “Microwave Radiation” back to the hilarious, infantile “radio”. Because there, indeed, a sucker born every minute.

George goes on to hedge that only “Potentiallyharmful changes in the human bodycould becaused by theSanguine communicationsystem the Navy wants to build to communicate with its submarines, according toascientificreport.”

Where he walked “harmful changes in the human body microwave radiation system would be caused by the microwave radiation system” back to only “could be caused by the Sanguine communication system”. Then he tacked the snide “according to a scientific report” on the back end, and once again gave the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the out of “but that was just one report!”, or “oh, those Navy scientists will report anything!”

The article goes on to say “Sanguine is a Navy communications project that has undergone changes in name, dimension and location. Originally Sanguine was to use 22,000 square miles of Wisconsin (which has 56,154 square miles) for burying antennas to bounce extremely low frequency radio waves off a rock formation to submarines, passing them one-way firing orders in a war.”

Where generational Satanist propagandist George C. Wilson again studiously omits the words “microwave radiation”, and then avoids providing this far more impactful percentage: “the proposed microwave radiation system would use 40% of Wisconsin’s territory to bury antennas”.

The article goes on to say “Senator Gaylord Wilson (D - Wis.) released the report and charged that the Navy suppressed it for two years because it contained the very first scientific evidence that Sanguine would indeed have an inverse enironmental impact.”

The article goes on to say “William T. Ham, Jr., chairman of the biophysics department at Virginia Commonwealth University, headed the seven-member panel of scientists that sifted through the results of the Navy experiments., and wrote their assessment of them. Ham said in an interview yesterday that he was not medically qualified to speak on the findings about the changes the extremely low frequency radiation made in human blood.”

"The article goes on to say ‘Sanguine project manager W.C. Cobb said that although the report had not been generally released, there was no intention to suppress it.’ Cobb added “we do not think that harmful effects” from Sanguine-type emissions “have been validated”.

Dr. Andrew Marino, a research biophysicist at the Veteran’s Administration hospital in Syracuse, said the Sanguine report related findings "raise enormous implications about how safe communications systems and power lines really are from a public health standpoint.’

The article goes on to say "Another panel member, Dr. Robert 0. Becker from the Veterans Administration hospital surgery department in Syracuse, viewed the experiments as providing ‘adequate evidence that the biological effects of a Sanguine type system’ would be considerable.

Specifically, the panel’s report said that ‘the most significant finding’ from monitoring eight people who had worked near the Sanguine test site in Wisconsin was ‘the elevation in triglyceride levels which was found in six of the eight subjects’.

A rise in triglyceride - a substance in the blood - is a danger signal, possibly linked to heart disease, specialists said."

The report on Sanguine is almost certain to make to make the system less welcomethan ever in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan - one of the sites that the Navy is eyeing.

Public protests have already driven Sanguine out of Wisconsin and prevented the system from getting into Texas."

In 1975, the Navy offered an above-ground version of Sanguine, an antenna-grid system covering 2,500 miles known as “Seafarer”.

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, August 25, 2022

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