Samples of orgonite

Hi. Don,

Yah, this are some of the samples of the orgonite that i remained with after a number of them had been taken by the farmers within my locality. I had preserved this for Christine who came by yesterday evening so that she may have a look at ma effort.

So by Friday,going to produce some again so that Christine may go with some to Sudan so that she may give them out to some people . Am looking forward to meet Dancan also as he promised to take some again so that he may distribute as well . I have a strong network and i hope that with my team , we will give out the best and years down the road, i hope our life will have change t o a better one.

Thanks for your support.

Mrs. O,

Thanks, Nora (my daughter) for posting that along with the photos.

I’ve been in very close touch with Mrs Odondi and her associates lately and am greatly encouraged by their progress. I’m petty sure they’ll start to earn a livlihood with their orgonite this year and THANKS to the folks who have sent them money to make orgonite in the past couple of months! It’s kind of thrilling for me to finally share a photo of their product. Carol told me the energy from the stuff looks really good and I can tell that she’s very encouraged by this, too, since it was very close to there in Sept/Oct of '01 that Carol did the very first gifting in AFrica, causing a lot of rainfall and ending a long drought, there.

These folks have reported new rainfall since they got started distributing the orgonite and the late DAvid Ochieng’s brother, Fred, has just told me that rumors are already being spread in the region that orgonite is harmful. I assured him that this is just good advertising and a positive sign [Image Can Not Be Found]

Fred graciously travelled to Kisumu to teach Mrs O to make orgonite. He lives in Migori, a hundred km or so away from there.

Another positive sign was that Larry Odhiambo, who has been curing people with some zappers that I’d sent to him last year, was poisoned (my guess is the Brit terrorists or Jesuits paid someone to do it) a couple of weeks ago. He didn’t think to use his zapper right away and ended up in the hospital but he began recovering immediately after he remembered to start zapping again.

The last time I was in Africa I felt a huge relief because I wasn’t constantly accosted by terrorists (MI6/NSA/CIA/FBI/Mossadomites). They have a hard time operating there because nearly all of them are Europoids and AFricans pay close attention to people around them [Image Can Not Be Found]

We don’t have as much trouble from these terrorists as we in those days, I’m happy make to say, but tehy still manage to dose us with aerosol poison just about every time we go to town. Thank grid for zappers, eh?

The hardest hit gifters, now, are in AFrica and Japan. I think that’s going to ease off pretty soon, too.

That orgonite looks pretty cool! I wonder how they get those shapes. I"m going to suggest to Mrs O that they get a nice African witch to make some good-energy additives to the orgonite to make it marketable as personal, interactive devices. Carol met some very good, kind witches/healers in Kenya so I know they’re around. Georg of sells personal orgonite that has some of Dr Chipangula’s mutti in it. Carol says the mutti is really powerful and beneficial.

We’ll know that the tables in AFrica have been turned resolutely on the corporate/military terrorists when Africans who make and sell orgonite start sending money to help the efforts of poor gifters in the West [Image Can Not Be Found] and I’m actually not kidding. Mrs Odondi and Christine Oginye are angels, after all.


Dancan Omolo has started posting reports and the ladies in Kenya and Sudan reckon that he’s a powerful and persuasive promoter of orgonite among the fishermen on Lake Victoria and beyond. His report about cleaning up a shore area where people had to stop fetching water reminds me of how Doc Kayiwa and I gifted a hellaciously polluted pond in Kampala–within a few days hte water in teh pond cleared, the scum disappeared and people started fetching water there, again. A month later, the Doc told me that some Japanese workers were catching fish at that pond.

Fishing on Lake Victoria, which is essentially an inland sea, a mile above sea level in elevation, is essential to the economies of several countries that surround it and people on the other side of the lake have been using orgonite tp icrease the fish population and keep the water clean in their areas. News about orgonite has been spreading quietly over the past few years and I didn’t realize it until lately.

Last year, after the corporate terrorists killed three gifters with poison in Kenya and Sudan, I got pretty discouraged and, of course, felt horrible for the surviving family members, whom we’ve been supporting since then. Mrs Odondi took in the two young children of David and Emmah, then, and is paying their school fees.

Any money that’s sent to Mrs O will immediately be converted to orgonite and will bring our comrades in Africa another step closer to self subsistence and then prosperity. You might not know that the corporate terrorists had succeeded in re-establishing a cruel drought in East Africa in recent years. It must have taken them one hell of an effort, too. In the past month this drought has been obliterated, again, in that part of Kenya thanks to the new orgonite distribution effort there.

The enthusiasm expressed by the crowd of farmers who came to Mrs O to pick up orgonite is the best indicator I know that the market demand for it will soon develop, there. Unlike where you and I live, Africans network a lot and when there’s news to share, it spread very fast and very far.

Florida is the only place Carol and I have lived where regular people are ready to consider what we’re doing. A lot of them thanked us for stopping the hurricane agenda there, for instance. Conditions in AFrica for spreading info about orgonite is a hundred times better than Florida, in my opinion.
