Schloss Hartheim

Schloss Hartheim Castle

Following Hitler’s euthanasia decree in 1939, Hartheim was selected as one of six euthanasia centres in the Reich. Between May 1940 and December 1944, approximately 18,000 people physically and mentally disabled were killed at Schloss Hartheim by gassing and lethal injection as part of the T-4 Euthanasia Program, named after the infamous Berlin address “Tiergartenstrasse 4”.[1] These included about twelve thousand prisoners from the Dachau and Mauthausen concentration camps who were sent here to be gassed.[2] The castle was regularly visited by the psychiatrists Karl Brandt, Professor of Psychiatry at Würzburg University, and Werner Heyde.

If they didn’t die by means of a gas, still they were not spared death, otherwise where else did they ended up?
Only in my house 2 men where taken to concentration camp never to return, my family friend Bruno Castellani was himself in a camp with 2 of his brothers they died there, he was saved. These were non jews anti fascists. Bruno suffered tortures and chronic starving, and his health was undermined, he was such a sweet person.
In the hall there is a plaque with all the names and the dates of the 5 men in total that the war took away, a laurel wrath.
Sorry if I cant post a photo I just sold my camera to buy food, but its alright things are looking up.
It is ok to say when you are hungry so that you can get together with all the other in similar conditions and decide something.

Non a la guerre!

Silvio ,if you need help. Let me know it! you know the way to contact me ok?