May 23rd
Today i decided to go near the biggest military base in Menorca and try to sourrund it with orgonite, specially in the water and nearby land.
On the way i stopped at a cementery, dropped a few Tb´s on the church that had an antenna and the main compound where you could see and obelisk sourrounded by 5 small family temples in perfect geometry.
I have dropped some Tb´s always in the main roundabouts in town, it is a usual place where cops stop people to get Revenues from the tikets they provide.
On the way to the base i covered the closest road which is about 3km strecth dropping one Tb every 100 meters or so. At the gate simply one cannot enter, unless you decide to come as visitor on an organised tour of the areas that tourist are allowed to see (which gives me a good idea lol)
I took a detour to a smaller road that goes to the sea sorrunding the compound a bit. There s a club speacially for all the military families right there so i left about 15 tb´s in the whole strecth of water up to the sea. Once at the sea i threw 4 Tb´s more as far as i could. I am enjoying the experience of getting much better in precision and distance when throwing TB´s. Kind of like a sport.
The best place to gift the area is going to be thru the sea ´do.
Left form there to an Antenna array just 3 km away from the military installation. This was one the 1st places i gifted but it has been a while and did not take too many so this time i added 1 HHG and 10-15 Tb´s sourrinding it completaly.
On the way back home i got another school with an antenna, a Basketball stadium and Home for the elderly . And as always when i drive thru the port one or two are dropped in the water.
Today i looked towards my military neighbour land and saw it very Dark, There s some garbage processiing plant and wind power installation there with 4 windmills. Decided to go there so i would get 2 birds in one throw.
Again, i covered the road with on Tb, this time every 500 meters or so.
Once there i gfted this thing that seems to come out the guts,an underground airbreather of sorts, the 4 wind mills and the whole are, including engine rooms with 5 HHG´s and 50 Tbs in all. There s a legit internet repeater here but still gifted it.
I am unsure what it is on top of the mills, i took a close up. The feelings were very bad, same as i got in a big electrical installation. My nervous sytem activates inmediately under stong radiation to the point that my hands shake it the source is verys strong.
Thanks to this the skies cleared and the backdoor of the military installation has now orgonite too.
On my way home i do drop near the Electrical company once in a while since i pass thru it daily.
Today i rode to the center of the Island near Mount Toro area where the most obvious source of DOR is. From the distance it looked a bit dirty again so we´ll go back there again since probably they have put more stuff on the antenna arrays since last time we visited.
Today it wasnt the target but rather i took advantage of a trip i needed to make to spread orgonite outwards from Mahon town (east) to the center of the Island. This is a 12km trip each way on 2 different parallel roads
i took a secondary road that goes to the west and is parallel to the main road that crosses the whole island east-west. i dropped one Tb every 100 meters on the way, also hid some near energy breaking nasty stuff that they want to pass as art. The industrial area got a few too as well as 2 more antennas, a cement factory, 2 children´s schools were gifted as well.
28 may
I took 4 Tb´ with me. Today i went to Sant Luis town in the southern part. The Church got 2 Tb´s. The Crucifix is plugged in so i am sure they are spreading the word of Jesus thru the frequencies lol
29 may
the police, city council and Jesuits got 6 more Tb´s´ around their area.
june 1st
We went to back to do some stuff to the center of the island in the afternoon. It was a cloudy and windy night. Meteo said would be horribly windy so i left the CB pointing north. Morning time they were trying to seed those clouds. At lunch time i pointed it South and we left on the trip. On our way back it was rainning everywhere all the way home.
june 2nd
the rain has cleared the atmosphere and feels nice. suuny but cloudy day.
june3rd> woke up to a huge response which serves me as exra comfirmation that they arent happy about that grid gifting lol
June 10th
went this time passed the center of the island to do some stuff and found small antennas ( 3) which we covered as well as the industrial area of that little town. Some were also dropped on the way but we did not carry enough for continuing the grid gifting of the roads. This time we took in case we found specific targets in or around that town.
July 6th
Today we dropped 3kg of orgonite at the sea ner a military base. We hope dolphins will distribute that wherever is needed most.
August 8th
Mount Toro (again!) and the unsuspected new age reunion
a while back a cutomer on the island came home to get a Zapper personally and he became interested about Orgonite so we told him about it and the gifting work we were doing on the island. We told him we d love to have 2 more Cb´s installed as to cover fully the whole island with just 3 cb´s in all. HE mentioned that once a month a group of friends gather at his house, people who take care of the island and are trying to make good things here but wasnt much specific. He invited us to go in August and we decided to attend so we could show orgonite and maybe get some collaboration since they are doing somethig for the island, whatever that was.
We took the main road which runs about 50km from east to west and decided to take 5kg of towerbusters and several HHG´s to drop on the way. Mount Toro is one of the places which has more power installed and it was good we decided to revisit cause they had upgraded with many antennas on every mast, it looks like pretty soon one of them is going to fall if they dont add a new mast lol The feeling was super strong as the nervous system got agitated inmediatley, the head felt heavey and clouded and the hands become shaky and speach a bit agitated. The whole road up was covered with Tb´s´ánd we left about 5 hhg´s in all but we supect we need to come back to load it a bit more. This was the end of our gifting trip, prior to this we had done the road 25km alternating on Tb and 2 tb´s every 500-600 meters or so.
Once finished at Mount Toro we left for that gathering just 4 miles ahead on the main road. From this place all the way to west is ungifted. It is the last bit of the island we need to take are of.
We got there and were welcomed and sat on a couch and everyone introduced themselves. We just go there when they were reading an e-mail by the 9 leaders of the united world council. Melquisedek,Sananda,Sanat Kumara, Rowena, Salomon, etc…. and PAnchito.
The message was basically that you guys need to stop taking hikes and meet and take some action so their work can flourish etc…
A woman started asking if the Orgonite these guys has brought would ¨vibrate¨ with their work. She wasnt sure. Nobody was sure of anything here. We showed the goods and tried to explain as best as we could that it was a great remedy for many problems and all it took is to spread little pieces of this material on the island to notice great changes. They thought it best to meditate and discuss and discuss some more. Apparently They ve been discussing 3 years like this lol
They could not accept there s evil in the world at all, if you see evil is becaue you bring it onto yourself always and you must learn your lesson and always smile and be happy cause everything will get better that way. So the trip was productive but not so much the gathering. We left the last pieces of orgonite we brought to show them around that compound so they may get a great idea on how to take action directly and hope they do not fall in this theosophy new age mind programming anymore.
i wonder how many world council groups like this there are receiving instructions from these guys by e-mail.
all summer has remained very clear and they havent tried hard at all so since september 1st coinciding with a big water front coming they flew all day like crazy every 30 seconds like i hadnt seen in a very long time. This obvoiusly caught my attention as to why now.
i thought 2 reasons could be it. Either they were trying to stop the rain or make it less intense or rather put their stuff on it and use it as a vehicle to drop it to the ground. It has rained for 3 days straight and they have flown intensely this time only. The rain passed on so they havent shown anymore.
There s an obvious correlation among these two happenings.
The sky had been covered with huge sylphs. SO many of them and so streched everywhere that they did cover the sky and worked very hard those days to rid of the spew. They did a great job and we are always thankful and happy they are here with us.
It was a chance to gauge the healthiness of the atmosphere that passed with flying colors! too. lol