Sick hen , zapper and orgone

Hi gang,

just wondering if anybody has any experience helping sick animals with zappers and/or orgone?

I had two hens being sick over the last winter and after nursing them indoors for 2 weeks each, bringing them to the vet ( who has no clue – they treat flocks, not individual hens) I gave up, stopped their suffering and had them put down. Now I have a hen again showing the same symptoms and after emailing to Don I put a zapper on her. It was soooo sweet – my hens are not really used to being picked up. I get them when they are 17 weeks old – so they are not programmed to humans and I don’t force them to be cuddly. I have a couple that are a bit more “tame” but most of them like being close pecking in the area where I am, but not being picked up. So I picked her up and she was not a really happy camper, but the moment I put the zapper on, she fully relaxed and settled into it. I was able to do this for about 17 minutes, then she was getting restless . I tried again at night, but she was not going for it. Will do it today again and hopefully manage to at least do it twice today.

Anybody have experience in that regard? I am a bit doubtful if it works through the feathers? If yes – there is no real way of attaching the zapper to a hen – how long do I have to hold it on her for it to work?

Last night I also put a HHg under their sleeping spot – is that too strong for them or will that boost their energies? I also have TBs all around my property, two CBs and did a good part of the neighborhood – so I hope that will energetically support them. Could I program the powerwand to healing her and leave it turned on in the coop or would that be too strong?

The odd thing about orgone and predatory energy is that I think they may be thinking I am the predator, because once I started the orgone there were no more eggs!!! I searched if they started laying them in a different spot but for several days could not find any – now they are starting to lay in their smaller first coop that is still around – so at least I am finding about 3 per day….of course maybe they already sensed that they are having a sick hen among them – in my experience they lay less when one of them is sick – so that may be another explanation……ahh I hate seeing them suffer

Well – any advise or sharing of experience is appreciated.


PS Don – isn’t there a way of making the casings of the zapper so they have two lashes on each side in order to attach different size belts – fabric, elastic or velcro ? It would be sooo much easier to attach it to us, but also to animals who are not as accommodating to schlepping it around ( I assume for a hen it is a quite big device)

Welcome, Ilka, and thanks for posting about this. Cassandria once cured a sick parrot with a zapper and I think she just wore the zapper while holding the bird. We know that zappers work through fur on animals so you’ll soon see, I think, whether zappers also work through feathers. I’ll ask her to add some comments, here.

We haven’t added external stuff to our zappers because only a few people want it and it would add to the retail price, which we haven’t increased since 2002.

In our experience with dogs, a zapper usually causes them to have a lot of energy after 15 minutes or so and they usually have to be held down to keep zapping. We’ve often seen this restlessness with dogs that could barely move at the beginning of the session. If your chicken doesn’t have the sickness symptoms, any more, then one short session might have been enough. Otherwise you’ll probably figure out a way to secure the chicken for the next one. Some orgonite in the henhouse might produce some observable positive results, too.

In my early years in the healing trade I noticed that medical doctors and veterinarians are much too easily impressed by routine cures and healings. I think that’s on account of their pharmaceutical ideology. The shame of it is that the public has recently been engineered to believe in the serial killers (MDs) the way medieval Europeans believed in clergy. Like in medieval times, that faith and confidence isn’t earned but is stolen, apparently. MDs are generously rewarded for failure, for instance.

ilka’s an isolated gifter and new enough that she wonders whether the confirmations she’s seeing are genuine or are just imaginary. All of us have had to struggle at first with the immensity of the results we often produce with this ordinary material and having a forum where reputable people can report these subjective but consistent observations is helpful for our own sense of certainty, also hopefully attracts more and more self-reliant and accountable individuals to participate in this unorganized, progressive movement.

Dr Reich was a scientist ahead of his time in the way that he used his own body and senses as scientific instruments. In fact this was the only way to operate one of his cloudbusters properly and he obviously got grand results with those so we don’t need to be shy about using our senses to determine routine confirmations and then to report them. We don’t need to ‘prove’ anything, except to ourselves. I think ‘peer review’ is also medieval. Modern academia is a lot like the Inquisition, in fact, except that it’s atheistic and doesn’t physically torture its victims.

Speaking of CBs, a dairy farmer in Iowa was one of the first people to make and deploy orgonite cloudbusters in 2001. He distributed several in his county because he wanted to end a severe drought. He contacted me after his entire herd suddenly got tuberculosis. Carol and I assumed the feds did it with bioweaponry as reprisal for the CBs and we quickly sent him a couple of zappers. He cured all his cows in a day or so with the zappers and this was right before the jackboots (‘Hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you!’) were to show up to kill them all. I don’t remember if the drought was affected by his CBs. This was right around the time the death towers were suddenly thrown up in their millions all over the planet.

I mentioned this because the sewer rats seem to have an animus (sic) against all independent agriculture, perhaps as much as they resent any individual who exercises the birthright of independent examination of reality. That might tie in with the corporate agenda to weaponize the food supply; people who grow their own food are relatively immune to that slow-murder agenda. I think the enforcers lack the juice to persistently bother more than a few hundred thousand individuals now, though, and reporting (anywhere and to anyone?) any incident of sabotage, harassment or even overt peeking seems to discourage them further. In the more overtly fascist/communist days one sewer rat could produce exponentially more terror and hopelessness in the populace and now they struggle against both public apathy and increased human awareness.

One of the most refreshing aspects for me of being in Africa was that the sewer rats have no place to hide, there, and it’s simply on account of skin color . Also, they can’t seem to find faithful ‘local help’ because Africans tend to be more independent than westerners and Asians in those terms. In a way, the declining power of the sewer rats to terrorize is unfortunate for a few of us who gauge our effectiveness by how furious and frantic we’ve made our federal entourage. None of us have been seriously harmed by these corporate felons outside of Africa and Saudi Arabia but some of us and our even our pets get poisoned regularly. It’s a good thing that zappers have been easily neutralizing all of that and quickly. I personally assume that the corporate order’s fondness of poison and bioweaponry betrays the Venetian roots of the sewer rat agencies’ paymasters. At least being poisoned shows us that we’re viable threats to the tyranny of parasites and that’s a form of confirmation.

In the early photos Ilka sent me I saw Sylphs and some of us consider this to be a sign that the atmosphere is irreversibly positive. The positive pressure in the atmosphere is apparently getting stronger, too, because one will now usually start to see Sylphs before many death towers have been flipped. The dramatic improvements she reported also gave me the impression that nobody has been flipping death towers within her area, which includes at least one big city. The first orgonite-flinger in any area will generally be able to observe the most dramatic, positive confirmations. Once in awhile, the first gifter has also encountered ‘discouragement’ from the sewer rat agencies but this seems to pass more quickly when the gifter has posted a report publicly in one way or another–maybe even just on facebook.

The scientists, academics and other lettered professionals who post reports anger the sewer rats more than the rest of us but I think the corporate order have a fetish for this sort of thing. Medical doctors who actually cure and heal people, for instance, risk more than Carol and I do. I doubt there are more than a handful of MDs in North America who have ever cured or healed anyone, though. The old-school naturopaths did it all the time because they were properly trained but there’s only a few of them left.

I’m campaigning to invite more female gifters to post reports because we in the West are too inclined to turn every social venue into a boys’ club. Part of that weird dynamic is that females may tend to instinctively withdraw when the testosterone level in the postings has increased to a certain level. We’re at a stage of development as a species, though, where nobody who wants to appear balanced will argue that men and women are not equal. EW will benefit in many ways (including the safety of its participants?) from having more gender balance.


Don – thanks so much for that elaborate reply. I am hopeful about my hen – this morning she was still the same – tail down, slow walking and not eating, but I held her again for about 15 minutes with the zapper on her belly. At lunch time she seemed to be a bit more perky and also going for food – she also faught me more when I picked her up and once again settled in really well in my lap when I put the zapper on her. I think by now she enjoys it – I massage her spine gently the whole time and she seems to like that. I will continue doing it about three times per day and we will see where that goes. I put an HHg under the roosting bar last night , hoping it would clear the energy.

I have not yet tried it on my dog – but hearing about the cows etc…. – I may have to get more zappers! :-) Well, I need to order more anyhow, since I promised to bring some home to my family….

In terms of reporting and being confident about changes – I have to admit when I am out walking my dog I was usually in my thoughts and didn’t pay as much attention to the sky, hence it is hard to tell. But we are having definitely bluer sky than usual and it seems the spewing intensifies one or two days before they expect rain. But I feel it is clearning up – today is a typical day where the cloulds come from the West , but then seem to be ripped apart by chemtrais (and trails and planes are visible all over) but inbetween there are always patches clearing up again . Several did look like sylphs – I am not yet fully clear yet when it is a sylph and when just a spread cloud. I am not in the habit of schlepping my cell phone with me, so I had not way to make photos – I will get a small camera and take it with me in future and post, so I get some feedback and can learn what is a sylph and what is chemtrail.

It was amazing though – I got my CBs on a Saturday and I got home late, but put them up before dark and went to bed. I had managed the week before to do all towers within 4 miles and a good amount of antennas. The next day ( Sunday) we were supposed to have clouds, but we had the most beautiful blue sky. Two people independentlay commented to me on the blue skies, even though clouds were in the forecast. When I got up Monday morning, suddenly I saw within 10 minutes 6 planes spewing in my neighborhood – I have never seen 6 planes in such a short time. I think even with me not having paid that much attention in the past , I would have noticed……it did feel as if they had to make up something. By now I noticed that they always seem to be spewing more before we are expecting rain….

A couple from CT answered to my other post – so I am very much looking forward meeting them and getting some teamwork going. They seem to have gifted somewhat in this area, but my impression is that we need to do it more systematically and really cover a larger area in it’s entirety, since here are so many smaller towns and villages – after this weekend I am off for a month and 10 gallons of resin are ready to be poured – that may not be that much in comparison to some others, but I think in the long run the key lies in consistency and if now we are several people not too far apart – that opens a lot more doors.

thanks again – and yes, I would love to hear from Cassandra about her hen experience! I am thinking of zapping all of mine also as a prevention – I only have six, so I should be able to get them all done on a day off.

be well


Don, I don’t know if testosterone is the only reason many female gifters choose not to participate in a forum, but it could certainly be the main reason. Also, an outsider might browse through EW and subjectively conclude it is a “boys club” precisely because there are so few ladies posting. I think it will also take some pioneers to brave themselves before we get more female representation over here.

Ilka, welcome to EW. You are a pioneer

Regarding sylphs, for me it feels great to look at some clouds which seem to be alive. Someone described sylphs as spirits of Air which wear clouds like garments, I think that pretty much sums it up. Please keep in mind this is all very subjective. Here is a recent example:


Planes spewing like crazy is a predictable retaliation of the parasites for positive action by a gifter. It fits well as reaction to the placing of your CBs. They also like to do that kind of childish posturing to try and discourage gifters, specially people who have recently started to commit themselves to gifting. The best answer we can give to that is go bust some towers, which seems to be in your plans already. The parasites just don’t understand – the more we are pushed the more determined we get


Hi, nice to read your posts,

If you haven’t done so already, you will want to check the info from Dooney linked on the EW front page.

Other than that, my impression is that you should try earth pipes.

There is a good chance you will have some idea where to put them.

Also from my experience, cats really respond to zapper treatments.


thank you for that nice welcome! I will try to be as pioneeringly female as I can be.

The hen seemed more chipper last night and is not hiding anymore – but still not really eating either – so I will continue – I am giving her the antibiotic/antiparisitical medication and I am zapping her 3 times a day.

I just learned that we are supposed to give blood by May 31st ( of course for our own good, since it will help them to keep us healthy. We just are not very good at that I guess……) or our contribution to our health insurance will go a good part up – nobody could tell me how much and I guess under Obamacare we cannot decline the health insurance – wohoo , I guess I have not paid enough attention….I was too distracted looking into orgone the last month. Is that what Obamacare does – get control by forcing us to get all kinds of testing done? I only work part time at a college and am most certainly by no standard rich, BUT I will rather pay than give blood. I am amazed how many of my very smart colleagues don’t feel comfortable with it, but will give blood nonetheless….is that a new national thing happening? I have not read about others having to do that and I would think there would be tons of complains?

Carlos – if that is a sylph then I have plenty, but I am a bit confused why I would see many more of them when clouds are coming and chemtrails are being sprayed? that is why I thought those were part of chemtrail dissipating and spreading the clouds. I don’t have those when the sky is really blue…. so if those are sylphs then this area is on a good track?

thanks everybody


Ilka, I’m not even sure the clouds on the picture are sylphs but it feels good to see them and I think that is the most important. From observation it seems that on a healthy environment sylphs often show up to eat the stuff that is being sprayed, then turn the chemstuff into beautiful cloud displays. There are other times when they show up but I think that is the situation I’ve observed the most.


A characteristic of Sylphs is that they spread out in many directions, typically, and are unlike the clouds around them. Ordinary cirrus clouds only spread downwind in a parallel pattern.

They’re often also quite bright compared to surrounding clouds. When teh sky in an area is very positive one will likely see colors around the edges of clouds that pass close to the sun. The predominant colors are magenta and a sort of teal that leans to yellow. When one flies close to the clouds these colors are more vivid on those days.

Chemtrail-seeded clouds are easier to create on days that have higher humidity, which is probably why they mainly spew previous to rainy periods.

I haven’t seen chemtrails dissipate healthy clouds since 2002 and I once watched a Boeing 747 chemtrail jet weave in and out of a huge thunderhead that developed over a small city that I had just gifted in Southern Idaho. Within about fifteen minutes the thunderhead was gone. There were no other storms in the region, then, and the area wasn’t covered by a cloudbuster, yet. That was way back before CBs had proliferated. I was field testing towerbusters on that trip and it was routine to see a thunderhead form over a gifted city along the route and dump heavy rain, then disappear and because there were no CBs around there was also a lot of strong wind right before the storms. I guess that by the time I got to the city I mentioned the sewer rats had gotten pretty frustrated about my progress and wanted to ‘do something about it,’ haha.

I was watching a documentary about Yellowstone and there was a film that showed that Yellowstone’s caldera had moved to that position from the west over millions of years and the pathway is marked by the Snake River Valley across Southern Idaho. It was a handy way to test towerbusters because the cities and towns are spread evenly along those hundreds of miles so progress and consistency were easy to gauge. On that trip I had the most overt surveillance of my entire orgonite-tossing career, too, and that’s another good confirmation that the work was succeeding. I don’t think there are enough sewer rats to surveille more than a few of us, now. This movement has grown a lot.

Flipping all the death towers in larger cities produces some astonishing confirmations and I think it’s mainly because of the concentration of death towers (approx. one death tower per 2,000 people throughout the world). In some cities there are more death towers per capita than in others. Kuwait City has them on just about every block, for instance, as do some of the Chinese cities, I’m told. I think Israel also has more per capita.

Good call on the earthpipes, David! Ilka, a good way to find underground targets is to watch for areas in the atmosphere where there is still smog after you’ve flipped all the death towers in that area. Military bases are probably all sitting on underground bases. We put earthpipes all around Ft Lewis (huge base). The effective range of earthpipes is several miles, apparently. I don’t think anyone has yet figured out how this works but nobody really knows how electricity works, either (maybe Tesla did )

Thx for the hen update. If your birds got poisoned by the feds the zapper would have easily handled it, I think. Maybe a psychic can visit you and offer some insight about the situation.

Thx for helping smooth the path for more female participation, Carlos.


I forgot to mention that I evidently caused each immediate storm by busting the towers in each city. The region was in a severe drought at the time so the rain confirmation was more valuable on account of it.

I suspect that the entire chemtrail program is being maintained as a pschological warfare campaign and someone who is relatively balanced can’t really fathom how two-legged parasites think but I’m betting that the huge corporations that conduct the international chemtrail agenda keep trying new stuff to see if they can overcome the effects of many thousands of orgonite cloudbusters in the affected countries.

I think nobody gets more spew overhead than Carol and I do. Seeing six chemtrail jets above us at a time is routine. If you want to see which chemtrails still have toxic material in them, watch for the trails that disappear very fast and I think those are the poisonous ones; the rest are probably harmless. If the sewer rats were really doing this to ‘change the climate’ then of course we’d see them everywhere and not mainly over population centers.

Here’s another observation tip: contrails are made at around 25,000’ altitude and higher and they’re ice crystals; contrails are spewed between approx. 12,000 and 20,000’ so those planes are low enough to see many of their features. Contrails are made by jets that are so high that we can’t see any of their features without binoculars.

People who can’t seem to stay away from chemtrail disinformation websites are hard to convince to just watch the chemtrail seeded clouds for more than a moment so that they can be assured that those things don’t drop down to the ground but just drift horizontally, like other clouds, until they dissipate. Flipping all of the death towers on the ground makes them dissipate a lot faster.

99% of the ‘alternative’ information sources on teh web are NSA and other agency disinformation outlets and that includes all of the websites that are about chemtrails. Those sites didn’t proliferate until around 2004, a year or two after chemtrails stopped making people sick. People in the healing trade like ourselves who sell to people around the world can easily track such endemics but when someone is hooked on chemtrail disinformation I don’t feel confident that he/she can be dissuaded from the induced terror. On the upside, many thousands of orgonite cloudbusters are bought or built by people who subscribe to the clever but obscured NSA terrorists online, though

The main benefit of an orgonite cloudbuster is that it balances the local weather for about a 40km radius. Disabling the global chemtrail agenda was a happy side benefit.


how would I know which is a death tower and which is not?

I have to get the camera and carry it with me – once I share the pics it will be easier to determine, but I think there are some that maybe sylphs, even though I don’t really see the coloring you are describing…

Yeah, in the desert it must be nice to see immediate results by having suddenly a rainstorm. Here the weather is more tempered and the results will be a bit more sublte I guess.

this weekend is pouring time – Martini glasses have finally arrived – is there a minimum weight on the HHgs? You said for TBs 3 ounces – for HHgs? I bought 8 oz as well as 11.5 oz glasses….and then off to another nice Spritztour so we can share our gifts with an open and generous heart.

I will keep you posted….

by the way – the hen is still not eating and getting thinner. I don’t think it is an attack, she just got sick . It seems hens come and go but that is one aspect I have not yet gotten used to. I know all of mine apart and they do have distinctive personalities.

Today another out of the ordinary thing happened with them though. Hens will peck away a sick hen, since that is their instinct to protect the flock. Usually if one gets sick the others get sick too. This time ( since the orgone?) they seem to always look out for the sick hen and even though I should have separated them, I just could not do it. When I “treat” the sick hen, the others really watch what I do to her and then get close to her when I let her go again. This morning I discovered a little fly – or mite, don’t know – on her, despite me having treated them this spring. So I thought I better give her another round of treatment, but for that I have to put her upside down, so I can get to her vent where these critters like to hide out. She faught me like crazy ( usually they calm down right away when you pick 'em up at their feet, but this one never does) and screamed as if I wanted to kill her. So the other hens came running ( which they usually don’t - they run away, not towards the trouble) even though most stayed at a safe distance, but the smallest of the hens came straight to me and spread her feathers like you would see in a cock fight – I think she wanted to defend the other hen from em, because she was screaming as if she is in danger……I have never seen that in them. Hens are usually actually quite brutal to each other – I wonder if those changes are the orgone or if that is plain coincidence – but I have treated them before and they hate it – they just run away and are relieved if I can somebody else and not them – I never saw a hen come to defend another hen!!! Don’t know if this is relevant , but I am really puzzled by this behavior and wondering if this is the orgone doing it - plus it just warmed my heart seeing it.


Ilka, I think “death tower” is just another name for cell phone, TV, radio and all kinds of corporate and state transmitters, including radomes – all these are involved in spewing out DOR (Deadly ORgone) in large ammounts. You can find pictures of the most common types of above ground weather weaponry in the Canaries thread……ences/4773

I’ve been taking the ounces (as in 3oz TB) as referring to volume. Since different types of metal (and metal shavings) have different weight for the same volume, it seems to make more sense to look at it in terms of volume, which is constant. I make my HHGs with 285 ml of volume, which is not the volume it says in the glasses’ box . The box only states the volume you’re supposed to use, and of course they’re thinking of alcohol, not orgonite, so your 8oz or 11.5 oz glasses may actually hold more than what it says.


thanks Carlos – I had the feeling there were bad towers and then the really bad towers – so was wondering if I could prioritize….

today is initiation day for my 20 martini glasses - so I will be nicely equipped tomorrow.

one more practical question – so far I barely made about 80 TBs and killed 2 non stick muffin trays in the process. I used non stick baking spray and that worked ok for the first 2 batches and then it really declined. I haven’t yet found a way to efficiently clean those once stuff gets stuck, so the best is if they really remove easily – do I need to buy a mold spray from the crafting section for them not to stick? For the next batch I ordered silicone baking forms and hope those will hold up a bit longer….they haven’t yet arrived though……

when I tried my HHgs – glass worked really the best .



Ilka, all death weaponry is really bad and each one of the smaller towers is putting out large ammounts of DOR. I don’t think you’ll ignore any death tower either but I’d just like to make clear to our readers how reverting every one of those death-energy spewing antennas into a source of POR is a fantastic and important achievement. Consistency can be important, specially in urban settings where there are sometimes antennas every few blocks.

Of course there is the nastier stuff and if you want to hit that first then I think you’ll probably want to look for mountain arrays, radomes, underground and underwater instalations.


Welcome to the forum Ilka!

I think most of the beginners doubts can be solved by reading the Gifting Compendium:……compendium

It has tutorials and it covers many aspects of gifting.

In my experience the worst towers are the ones nearest to you and your relatives homes, because those are the ones that are going to be used to attack you and your loved ones. So, In my humble opinion, you may want first to bust all cell towers, radio and TV masts, satellite dishes, radar domes (weather balls), nuclear power plants, high tension power lines and electrical sub-stations in a 10 km radius around your home. All the above emit significant amounts of DOR in the atmosphere and surroundings, and more often than not you will find them in combos for added power, like cell towers next to electrical power lines.

Other gifting targets are well described in the following article:

thank you Edu!

I did read the gifting compendium. It seems though when one starts actually doing the gifting, more questions pop up and I read so many different articles by now – that I am getting confused in some aspects again. But overall I am making progress - and yes I agree – first the home and then outward from there. I liked the article from the website – I hadn’t yet read that one – and it is exactly how I did it. Just poured more HHgs today ( even though I used another resin - polyester unwaxed and it cracks a lot?! should one rather use waxed resin?) and will move on from there…

thanks again


This is my experience with the polyester resins I’ve been using over the years: resin cracks because it has too much catalyzer (hardener). Also please bear in mind that an HHG will probably require less catalyzer percentage-wise than a TB, as the HHG has more volume and thus gets hotter when curing (bigger pieces require progressively less catalyzer %). Another thing which makes it easier for HHGs to crack is their resin-only base, which is exactly where the cracks on your pieces are, I think. You can try to avoid cracks by making that resin-only layer as small as possible, but the best strategy is to find the % of catalyzer that is ideal for your conditions. In my experience, higher temperatures also require less catalyzer % and the opposite is true for lower temperatures.


Yes, I agree with Carlos. Also too much catalyst will overheat and damage most moulds. Sunlight also makes the reaction faster and may make cracks to appear as the upper part solidifies first and traps gas from the reaction, which them bursts through cracks (the mould may even break). Be mindful that cracks are irrelevant for field orgonite, they only matter if your trying to make the orgonite pretty, like a personal gift or for sale. There is also no problem if some metal points sticks out of the resin . Even if the orgonite is going to be thrown underwater, the metal may rust a little but the devices will stay functional.

thanks guys – that makes a lot of sense. Even though it is only around 65 degrees these days and it was a bit cloudy , those were larger pieces and I used the same ratio resin/hardener that worked for the previous smaller TBs. And Carlos yes, it cracks mostly at the base where there is no metal and since I wanted to put them up around my gazebo and probably curious people will touch them, I made a bigger base than usual, just so my friends will not cut themselves on the metal.

I wanted to do some water gifting for the Hudson and the river here in this area is still influenced by the tides – which means some salt is still there. I read yesterday that salt corrodes our gifts really fast, especially if they have cracks and now all of my HHgs have cracks……OYY! I had wanted to gift some today since I have help and that will make it a lot easier…. I still have to search for the “glass recipe” but don’t have time right now before they come - was wonderig if I could pour it in some old jam glass and just put the lid on. How fast does metal ( the lid) corrode in water? Any experience? I could manage to pour some like that before they come and since the weather is nice it should cure before we head off this afternoon……

thanks again – you guys have been terrific.


I wouldn’t bother using glass jars. If in doubt, just coat your TBs with resin. A lot of work has been done with TBs out in the ocean with minimal effort to make them, as far as I know. Like Fran’s gifting of the Gulf of Biscay. The more stuff you put in a TB, the more expensive and heavier they become and the less you can gift. See the link bellow:……-of-biscay

I didn’t end up having time and some TBs just ended up as is in the river. I am glad to hear they will do what they are supposed to - even without a glassy dress. We also found some really juicy worthwhile gifting places yestserday - thanks to my new team we were able to get much closer and be more efficient at every place than alone not to talk about that it is much more fun than doing it alone. Thanks guys!

More to do so – just scratched the surface there and larger places are awaiting us….

thank you everybody for all your help!
