By the way, I’ve always banked on Carol’s psi data. A couple of days before my latest Etheric Air Corps sortie she told me she had a dream that I crash landed at the field, came into the house with greasy smoke stains on my face, told her that the wing was damaged in the landing and that I had a problem with the ‘pusher.’ She’s always nervous about my flying but I assumed the dream was a portent. In the dream, I told her that I had over 67 hours on the plane, so I checked my plane’s logbook and the time totaled 68.5, which confirmed (for me) that the dream was substantive. We always try to factor out the dreams that are implanted by the psi corps in some of us. Those have a pretty distinct energy signature (stink) and it wasn’t apparent in this case. The next day, after telling her daughter about it, Jenny said, ‘Maybe “pusher” means the rudder.’ That resonated with us, since one ‘pushes’ on pedals to control the rudder and my left rudder cable had been slightly frayed since I got the plane a couple of years ago. It was only one wire and I’d put some epoxy on it but we agreed that it was a good idea to replace the cable. Carol helped me do it and I took off a half hour later.
I had put the earthpipes in a bag/rack for my lap that I had made for it when Capt Azti was here a year ago and we field tested the aerial earthpipes. It worked fine, then, but I more recently put a lumbar support on the plane’s seat that moved me forward so that I wasn’t able to move the stick to control the ailerons for banking left. That discovery was made after I took off and I hope nobody was watching me struggle with the plane in the turbulence over the runway. I’m sure glad Carol didn’t see it. I horsed the thing around and landed (smoothly–go figure) at the other end of the runway, put the earthpipes in the streamlined compartment beside the cockpit (carries 40 TBs), tossed the bag off to the side and took off again. No more mishaps that day. Please don’t tell Carol [Image Can Not Be Found]
I trust my wife so well that I asked her to dowse each time whether it was safe for me to fly. At first she balked because she didn’t want to be put in the position of ‘nagging,’ considering her feelings for my safety (I’m sometimes too daft to feel anxiety when I rationally should) but I insisted. I really do want to be safe and she can see the hidden threats, after all. She wants me to progress and get more proficient at flying, too. I’ve got about a hundred hours in the air by now–nothing to sneeze at but I’m still a baby at this, which is the most important thing in my life at the moment, other than beating down the corporate world order --I took up flying in order to do this better but, now, the flying itself has kind of consumed me, like living in a nice dream. The omnipresent, felonious federal parasites haven’t loosened any bolts, broken any parts or p!$$ed in my fuel for over a year but I’m still meticulous with my pre-flight examinations of the plane. I won’t ever slack off on that.
I need to do the Montana mountain gifting sortie over a period of two relatively clear and calm days, since it’s a five hour flight (over a mountain pass with no good landing sites in range) to the destination, stopping at two airfields along the way to refuel. Strong winds make flying an ultralight cross country impractical, since my cruise speed is only 50mph. Four hours in the air to do the mountain gifting, one night in a tent under the airplane’s wing at an un-named airfield in Montana and five hours or so to fly back home. This is a big deal for me and for the fledgling Etheric Air Corps.
I feel a need to challenge my comrades-in-arms. The more gifters in the air; the faster the collapse of this corporate house of cards. The long range benefit is the healing effect, of course, and healing is good but I’m more concerned about ruining the source of the sickness at the moment: curing sickness is harmonious with healing but isn’t exactly the samething. Newage sewage purveyors and their Theosophy/masonry-saturated chumps are programmed to be repulsed by the concept of ‘curing.’ Not my problem, but because they have a flat part on their wheel about curing they also have an incomplete understanding of healing.