Smartphones are deadly - the metadata that proves it

Game over, bad guys.


“Demons are like obedient dogs; they come when they are called.”

Remy de Gourmont

“Now the Elves made many rings; but secretly Sauron made One Ring to rule all the others, and their power was bound up with it, to be subject wholly to it and to last only so long as it too should last. And much of the strength and will of Sauron passed into that One Ring; for the power of the Elven-rings was very great, and that which should govern them must be a thing of surpassing potency; and Sauron forged it in the Mountain of Fire in the Land of Shadow. And while he wore the One Ring he could perceive all the things that were done by means of the lesser rings, and he could see and govern the very thoughts of those that wore them.”

From “The Silmarillion”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, 1977


(Jim Carrey as the Riddler in “Batman Forever”, 1995 - he’s taking in the brain waves his purpose-built set-top box has stolen from unwitting television viewers. They’re kidding, kidding!)


(The extremely primitive Internet in 1995)

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

― Aldous Huxley

Great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012, and have been increasing in speed and magnitude. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July of 2013.

These historically-unprecedented positive changes are being driven by many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of simple, inexpensive tactical Orgonite devices based on the work of Wilhelm Reich and Karl Hans Welz.

Since Don Croft first fabricated tactical Orgonite in 2000, its widespread, ongoing and ever-increasing distribution has been unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix built and expanded by our dark masters, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before. And, as a result, the Ether is returning to its natural state of health and vitality.

One of those changes is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it. That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

As a result, Smartphone sales are decreasing regardless of culture or geography, and that decrease is growing in speed and magnitude.


(Young children with Smartphones)


From 2008 to 2013, the number of Swedes under age 70 who died of a brain tumor “of an unknown nature” increased by 1,071%, from 7 to 82.

While the number of patients in Sweden reported dead of brain tumors with a confirmed diagnosis “declined” during the same period. Here you can see the generational Satanist Medical Establishment describing phone-driven brain tumors as “brain tumor of an unknown nature”, and removing the data from the national cancer registry.

Image result for using a cell phone for a half hour a day increases your brain tumor risk by 40%

(Using your cell phone a half hour a day increases your risk of a brain tumor by 40%)

From 1973 to 2005, breast cancer in women in Shanghai, China aged 15-49 increased by 290%, or nearly quadrupled. First author Juliana Dalcin Donini E. Silva omitted the percentage, and instead called it a “statistically significant” increase.

Here’s first author Juliana Dalcin Donini E. Silva’s picture:


(Juliana Dalcin Donini E. Silva, who said that exponentially increasing rates of breast cancer in women in Brazil was the result of “increased alcohol consumption among women”. From 1989 to 2010, the past-year use of alcohol among adolescents in Brazil decreased by 32%, from 62.2% to 42%)

I’ve included her photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another by bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

You can’t recognize them by their appearance, beyond their almost-continuous use of supposedly “secret” hand signs.


(Donald Trump and Satanic priest using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand sign)

You can only recognize them by the codified, highly-repetitive way in which they speak, and write.

They’re hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth, figuring the rubes would never notice.

You know them only-generally as “the One Percent”. They are the distinct and separate race that we know as “Neanderthal”. They’re all genetically related to one another. It’s a bloodline thing. As any middle schooler knows:

August 5, 2012 - 12 Year Old Girl Discovers All US Presidents Are Related to King John of England

They’re related through the maternal bloodline.

Here’s what you’re supposed to think a Neanderthal looks like:

Image result for neanderthal

(Museum depiction of a Neanderthal)

Image result for so easy a caveman can do it

(“So easy, a caveman can do it” advertisement)

While this is what a Neanderthal actually looks like:


(King John I of England, the guy all the US Presidents are related to through their maternal bloodlines)

Apr 17, 2001 — Research leader Dr Rosalind Harding said: ‘It is certainly possible that red hair comes from the Neanderthals.’

2020 - “ScotlandsDNA believes that everyone who carries one of 3 variants of the red-hair gene is a direct descendant of the first redhead ever to have it”

January 31, 2008 - Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor

It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

It’s why the ruling bloodlines of all the nations have the lightest skin.

We’re obviously going to have to recognize and come to terms with this if we’re going to make progress as a species.

But they say that the hardest part of a problem is realizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

There was a 280% increase, or near-quadrupling in leukemia among Atomic bomb survivors, compared to the general populace.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a California Health Report article from June 2012 is headlined “Increase in childhood leukemia a puzzle”. In November 2015, widened its eyes to simulate honesty and sowed the seed of doubt by asking “Does Low-Dose Radiation Cause Leukemia***?***”

From 1999 to 2005, total mortality from unintentional injury in the U.S. among white women between the ages of 45 and 64 increased by 230%.

From 1999 to 2005, total mortality from unintentional injury in the U.S. increased by 11 percent.

The 230% increase in total mortality from unintentional injury among white women in the U.S. from 1999 to 2005 was 1,990% greater than the 11% increase among the general populace during that same time period.

Suicides by suffocation, mostly hangings, almost doubled among the general populace and headed toward tripling among white women from 1999 to 2015 because the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from so-called “Smart” phones makes you want to kill yourself.

From 1970 to 2017, thyroid cancer mortality increased by over 200%, or more than tripled. In 2006, Researchers at the National Institute of Health concluded the hyper-exponential increase in Thyroid cancer was simply a result of “increased diagnostic scrutiny.”

That’s the tirelessly played “increased awareness” ruse. The author from the State propaganda organ knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In February 2007, widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “By the way, doctor: How does radiation cause thyroid cancer?”, and went on to say “Compared to many other organs, the thyroid gland is particularly sensitive to certain types of radiation.”

They’re fighting a brave rearguard action, trying to convince you that the non-ionizing radiation coming out of your phone, TV, microwave oven and wireless router is completely harmless.

Harvard is a State propaganda mouthpiece, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why an article from the grotesquely-named “Newswise” from May 2009 says “Thyroid Cancer Increasing, Scientists Don’t Know Why”.

They’re a State propaganda organ, toeing the party line by pretending that neither they nor anyone else is aware that purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from Technology, primarily “smart” phones, is driving the exponential increase in Thyroid cancer, regardless of geography.

From 1999 to 2015, suffocation as a suicide method among white women in the United States increased by 157%, while suffocation as a suicide method in the among the general populace of the United States increased by 89% during that same time period.

From 1976 to 2009, breast cancer incidence with metastases to other organs (bones, brain, lungs, etc., excluding adjoining areas such as lymph nodes and chest wall at diagnosis increased by 207%, or more than tripled among women in the U.S. 25-35 years of age, while older women showed no increase during the same time period.

In a US study on 29 cases of neuroepithelial tumors indicated a near tripling in the risk of neuroepithelial tumors through cell phone use. The published results were revised to reflect a doubling of risk, which was then reported as “not statistically significant’.

The 157% increase in suffocation as a suicide method among white women in the United States from 1999 to 2015 was 76% greater than the 89% increase documented among the general populace during that time.

The phone addiction rate among adolescent females is 150% higher among women than among males.

In a 2013 blog post for Psychology Today, psychology professor Ira Hyman, Ph.D., writes that researchers may just be observing the rise of a new norm in social interaction: immediate, hyper-connected and here to stay.

“Feeling a need to be socially connected hardly seems like an addiction to me,” Hyman writes.

Malignant brain tumors in the U.K. increased by 140% - more than doubled – from 1995 to 2016.

In November 2017, the American Cancer Society altered its advice about mobile phone use and urged people to limit the time the phones are held to the head, because NTP researchers discovered that brain tumours had developed in the male rats, and that DNA in their brains had been damaged, “something that sceptics have said was not biologically possible.”

Dr Anthony B. Miller, a professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto said “the evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored.”

Rats exposed to cell phone radiation in the U.S. Government’s $25 million NTP study developed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), a type of glioma, which is the most aggressive form of brain cancer. Rats not exposed to cell phone radiation did not exhibit any cancers.

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)’s in the U.K. increased 130% from 1995-2015 (from 533 to 1231).

Gliomas are the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in adolescents and young adults aged 15-39 and the most common cancer occurring among 15-19 year olds.

The study’s peer review board determined that there is “clear evidence of cancer” from cell phone radiation.

In May 2018, the Hindustan times wrung its hands and asked “Can mobile phones cause cancer? This new study says yes, raises fresh fears”.

Where the author said “this study says yes” to give the subconscious of the reader the green light to say “yes, but that was just one study!” The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The Hindustan times added “raises fresh fears” to imply that the thesis is merely baseless fear-mongering.

The article continues: “Mobile phones can cause cancer, suggests a new studyconducted in the UK. It suggests cell phone radiation can cause a fatal type of brain tumour called glioblastoma multiforme. Here’s what the experts say.

This month, a study published in the Journal of Public Health and Environment, raised new fears about cancer’s connection to cellphones, reported The Telegraph (UK). The research team investigated the rise of an often fatal type of brain tumour called Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). A total of 79, 241 malignant brain tumours over 21 years were analysed. They found that GBM cases in England went from around 1,250 a year in 1995 to just under 3,000.”

Where the propagandist appended “here’s what the experts say” to give the subconscious of the reader the green light to say “oh, those experts will say anything!”

Here’s what the experts say.

It’s snide, it’s dismissive.

Can you see how the author gave you the numbers, but made you do the math?

Where “Can cause a fatal type of brain tumor” hedges against “mobile phone caused brain tumors in the UK to increase 140% from 1995 to 2018”. Or, “mobile phones caused brain tumors in the U.K. to well more than double from 1995 to 2018.

According to The Telegraph, scientists at the Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) said the increasing rate of tumours in the frontal temporal lobe “raises the suspicion that mobile and cordless phone use may be promoting gliomas”. Cell phone radiation exposure has been principally linked to two types of brain tumours − gliomas and acoustic neuromas.”

Between March 2013 and March 2014, the number of mobile phone addicts increased by 123%. The increase was 10% higher among women than among men.

From 2000 to 2015, deaths from Alzheimer’s disease as recorded on death certificates increased by 123% while deaths from the number one cause of death (heart disease) decreased by 11 percent.

In 2002, just four years after the literal forest of “wireless communication” infrastructure sprang up virtually overnight in all the nations, neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford exposed over 1600 experimental animals to low level microwave radiation. His results were consistent and worrisome: microwave radiation caused the blood-brain barrier to leak.

Dr. Salford repeated the experiment in 2003 on 32 additional animals; they waited this time 8 weeks before “sacrificing them”–and found “up to two percent of the neurons in all areas of the brain were shrunken and degenerated.” Dr. Salford called the potential implications ‘terrifying’.”

That same year, in February 2003, BBC News said “Cell Phones ‘May Trigger Alzheimer’s Disease’”

The article says “The rats were exposed to two hours of radiation, equivalent to that emitted by mobile phones. Their brains were examined under a microscope 50 days later. The researchers found that rats which had been exposed to medium and high levels of radiation had an abundance of dead brain cells.”

Can you see how “an ABUNDANCE of dead brain cells” is general? Can you see how they used a dopamine-triggering positive word, “abundance”, to describe the only-generally-described percentage of cell-phone-killed brain cells?

Two hours! How do you think your brain is doing after years of exposure to a toxin that is cumulative and dose-dependent?

From 1995 to 2004, breast cancer mortality in Iranian women increased by 151.4%, from 1.40 to 3.52 per 100,000. In 2013, lead author Afsoon Taghavi of the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences called the increase “dramatic”.

Here’s Afsoon Taghavi’s picture:


(Afsoon Taghavi, Ph. D., who called a 151.4% increase in breast cancer among Iranian women from 1995 to 2004 “dramatic”, and offered no suggestion as to why it might be taking place)

I’ve included her photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another by bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else.”

From 1999 to 2018, the increase in suicide in the U.S. was 100% greater, or twice as large among women as it was among men.

That’s because the number of women who use their phones more than 6 hours a day is 100% greater, or double that of men who did the same.

The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is, in fact, cumulative and dose-dependent.

From 1999 to 2006, the breast cancer rate in Porto Alegre, Brazil was 97.67% higher, or double that in Cuibana, Brazil (25.5 per 100,000 vs. 12.9 per 100,000).

In 2018, the population density of Cuiaba, Brazil was 3.8 inhabitants/km2. In 2021, the population density of Porto Alegre, Brazil was 3,005 inhabitants/km².

Porto Alegre, Brazil’s population density is 78,978% greater than that of Cuiba, Brazil (3.8 inhabitants/km2 vs. 3,005 inhabitants/km2).

The breast cancer rate in Porto Alegre, Brazil is double what it is in Cuiba, Brazil is because the cumulative impact of the purportedly-harmless wireless technology that is collectively being utilized by all of those extra people in Porto Alegre, vs. Cuiba.

From 1998 to 2008, the 4.4% increase in breast cancer in women aged 20-39 years in Goiana, Brazil from 1998 to 2008 was 83% greater, or close to double the 2.4% increase documented there in women aged 40-49 years during that same time period.

Goiana is the second-largest city in the Central-West Region and the 10th-largest in the country. Its metropolitan area has a population of 2,654,860, making it the 12th-largest in Brazil.

It is the exponentially-greater density of the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we euphemistically refer to as “wireless technology” that is driving also-exponentially-greater rates of breast cancer in younger Brazilian women in the big city of Goiana, Brazil, versus their older counterparts, there, because those younger women are the most addicted to their purportedly-harmless, so-called “Smart” phones.

The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is, in fact, cumulative and dose-dependent.

One of the things that first author Juliana Dalcin Donini E. Silva attributed these quantum increases in breast cancer in Brazil to was “increased alcohol consumption among women”. From 1989 to 2010, the past-year use of alcohol among adolescents in Brazil decreased by 32%, from 62.2% to 42%.

The incidence of mental disorder or insanity is 82% higher in areas near the center of the city, vs. the residential sections near the outskirts.

In March 2013, NBC Washington said “80 Percent of Crashes in Virginia Tied to Distracted Driving, AAA”.

The incidence of psychosis is 77% higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

Teenagers who spend 5 hours a day on electronic devices are 71% more likely to have suicide risk factors than those with one-hour use.

Web-addicted individuals have a 65% higher rate of psychiatric morbidity.

From 2000 to 2004, breast cancer incidence in Spain increased 60% compared to 1980 to 1984, from 54.7 cases per 100,000 to 83.8 cases per thousand. In comment, first author Marina Pollan described it with “the incidence rate increased sharply”, while omitting any mention of the specific percentage.

And, despite loving writing about cancer because it is, in fact, her job, she also didn’t offer any suggestion as to what had caused the sudden, exponential increase in breast cancer in Spain from 2000 to 2004. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

Here’s Marina Pollan’s picture:


(Maria Pollan, Instituto de Salud Carlos III | ISCIII · Area of Environmental Epidemiology and Cancer, MD, MPH, PhD, 526 publications, who described a 60% increase of breast cancer incidence in span from 2000 to 2004, versus 1990 to 1994 with “the incidence rate increased sharply”, while omitting any mention of the specific percentage. And, despite loving writing about cancer because it is, in fact, her job, she also didn’t offer any suggestion as to what had caused the sudden, exponential increase in breast cancer in Spain from 2000 to 2004)

I’ve included her photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another by bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else.”

From 2000 to 2004, the average rate of breast cancer in the Spanish provinces of Cuenca, Albacete, Castello and Granada from 2000 to 2004 was .86 below average for the country as a whole. While, the average rate of breast cancer in the Spanish provinces of Girona, Tarragona and Navarra from 2000 to 2004 was 11.3% above average for the country as a whole.

From 2000 to 2004, the average rate of breast cancer in the Spanish provinces of Girona, Tarragona and Navarra was 29% higher than the average rate of breast cancer in the provinces of Cuenca, Albacete, Castello and Granda.

Why, what could the variable possibly be?

“Catalonia in the northeast of Spain is home to popular cities of Barcelona, Tarragona, and Girona. The region also has the Costa Brava, which offers many breathtaking views. Catalonia’s provinces are Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona.”

“A visit to Cuenca is a return to a simpler, less hurried world”…”Tourism in Albacete - The largest city in Castilla-La Mancha is situated on a vast, flat stretch of farmland of great natural value”…”Despite being a coastal province, Castellón is the second most mountainous municipality in Spain”…”Granada is a mid-sized · In addition to a rich multicultural history, the Alhambra and other monuments, a student-driven nightlife, and skiing and trekking in…”

The breast cancer incidence is far higher in the urban areas, vs. the rural areas, because the damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is, in fact, cumulative and dose dependent.

From 2007 to 2018, the rate of non-malignant brain tumors was 59% higher in females than it was among males (20.3% vs. 12.8%).

From 1993 to 2005, the 4.6% increase in breast cancer in women aged 20-39 years in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil was 58% greater than the 2.9% increase documented there in women aged 40-49 years during that same time period.

Porto Alegre’s population of 1,488,252 inhabitants (2020) makes it the twelfth most populous city in the country and the center of Brazil’s fifth largest metropolitan area, with 4,405,760 inhabitants (2010).

Breast cancer is increasing exponentially in women of all ages in Porto Alegre, Brazil. However, the rate of breast cancer is far higher in younger women there because those younger women are the most addicted to their purportedly-harmless, so-called “Smart” phones. The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is, in fact, cumulative and dose-dependent.

From 1999 to 2014, Alzheimer’s deaths increased by 54.5%.

In January 2010, WebMD widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Can Cell Phones Help Fight Alzheimer’s***?***”

54% of US teens are addicted to their smartphones.

The suicide rate in the ten highest smart phone penetration nations is 50% higher than that in the ten lowest smart phone penetration nations.

The highest smartphone penetration nation in the world, South Korea, has the world’s highest suicide rate among females and the third highest suicide rate in the wold among males. said it was because “South Koreans are under enormous pressure to succeed at work, school and in relationships, and to care for their families”.

The depression rate is 40% higher in cities than it is in rural areas.

Adolescents spending a small amount of time on electronic communication are the happiest. Adolescents who spend more time on electronic communication and screens (e.g., social media, the Internet, texting, gaming) and less time on nonscreen activities (e.g., in-person social interaction, sports/exercise, homework, attending religious services) have lower psychological well-being.

Long hours of mobile phone use, particularly 2 hours or more, are related to depression. Women aged 45-54 suffer more stress and depression than all other age groups.

In 2017, depression was said to be “worsening” in teens, especially girls.

From 1999 to 2018, suicide rates in Kansas increased by 45%.

Females have a 41% higher risk of insomnia than males. The trend of female predisposition was consistent and progressive across age, with more significance in the elderly.

The number of women who use their phones more than 6 hours a day is twice that of men who did the same. Smartphone adoption in the US strongest among older people.

Females have a 41% higher risk of Insomnia than males. The trend of female predisposition was consistent and progressive across age, with more significance in the elderly. Smartphone adoption in the US strongest among older people. An article from April 2012 said “Insomnia Affects Women Slightly More Than Men”.

There is a strong correlation between internet addiction and insomnia. In January 2011, published “Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults - a prospective cohort study“, which said “High frequency of mobile phone use at baseline was a risk factor for mental health outcomes at 1-year follow-up among the young adults”.

Using your cell phone a half hour a day increases your risk of a brain tumor by 40%.

34% of teen girls ages 14-17 say they mostly go online using their cell phone, 10 percent higher than teen boys the same age. This is notable since boys and girls are equally likely to be smartphone owners.

From 1999 to 2017, the suicide rate in the U.S. increased by 33%. If we take 1998 as the beginning of “wireless technology”, then a non-ionizing radiation-driven increase in suicide rates appeared just a year later, in 1999.

From 2006 to 2014, lung cancer cases in Northern Ireland increased by 33%. The increase among women was more than four times the increase in men. The increase was attributed to a “report” that said “More women than men are taking up smoking”. With the truth being that the smoking rate among women in Ireland is 23% lower among women than it is among men (20% vs. 26%).

Lung cancer is increasing exponentially among women in Northern Ireland because they’re the ones logging the most hours on their purportedly-harmless smartphones.

Hammering home the, er, coffin nail, non-smoking women are at greater risk for developing lung cancer than non-smoking men. That’s because the phone addiction rate among women is 150% higher than it is among men, and because the damage from the phone’s purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is in fact cumulative and dose-dependent.

Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer.

That’s because the primary cause of lung cancer is radiation, not cigarette smoke, as falsely alleged. That’s why lung cancer is high in Polynesia, where people don’t smoke so much, and low in Greece, where people smoke heavily.

The “black lung” pictures we were all shown in elementary school were from black-lunged coal miners. You can’t tell if someone smoked by simply looking at their lungs.

The rate of cognitive decline is 32% faster in cities than in rural areas.

That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

Suicide attempts among problematic cell phone users are 28% more frequent than they are among those not so afflicted.

In Spain, breast cancer is 27% greater, or almost a third higher where the big cities are. Where the density of the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we euphemistically call “technology” is the greatest.

From 2010 to 2019, cancer diagnoses increased by 26%, from 18.7 million to 23.6 million.

Female college students spend 25% more time each day on their phones (10 hours versus nearly 8 hours). Long hours of mobile phone use are associated with insomnia, particularly in students using mobile phones for 5 hours or more a day.

From 1975 to 2017, breast cancer increased by 25%. White women have the highest rate of breast cancer.

In 1990, the National Institute of Health said “There is no evidence that radiogenic breast cancers appear during the first 10 years following exposure, but after this time the number of such cancers appears to increase rapidly. On the relative-risk scale, the data suggest that the incidence peaks at 15 to 20 years after exposure and the mortality about 5 years later. Observations to date indicate that the absolute risk continues to increase until 50 but may decrease at older ages.”

It takes about ten years for breast cancer to show up after someone has been irradiated by their phone, or medical scans, or “for your safety” weapons scans at airports, to name only three of innumerable sources of radiation.

In August 2004, the National Institute of Health described “Radiation-induced malignancies following radiotherapy for breast cancer”.

That’s Mil-speak for “the radiation used to treat breast cancer is in fact causing that cancer.”

From 2002 to 2017, Glioblastomas in the U.S. and Europe increased 22% to 45%, while rates of all other brain tumors decreased.

In 2017, it was shown that the California government buried the truth about cell phone radiation causing brain cancer.

From 2010 to 2019, cancer deaths increased by 20.6%, from 8.29 million to 10 million.

The 8.29 million cancer deaths in 2010 represented 44.3% of the 18.7 million cancer diagnoses that year.

While the 10 million cancer deaths in 2019 represented 42.3% of the 23.6 million total cancer diagnoses that year.

So we see cancer mortality remaining basically unchanged, 44.3% and 42.3%. Within the context of the author’s thesis that “increased diagnostic awareness” is what has led to the extra one million, seven hundred thousand cancer deaths in 2019, versus 2010.

If early detection drives greater cancer survival, and the medical technology has been continuously improving from 2010 to 2019, what’s with the basically unchanged death rate, and the wildly-increasing numbers of people diagnosed with cancer?

“Increased awareness” is a tirelessly-utilized false ruse, and I’ve just refuted it, right here, with data.

Everybody got pretty hot and bothered about 849,018 U.S. war casualties in the Vietnam War, and rightly so.

So, then, why does cancer get a pass?

Here in the U.S., everyone is really having a tantrum about the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans. Here in the U.S., where even the wildly exaggerated official COVID-19 death toll is currently listed as 972,000. That’s, like half of the 1.7 million new cancer deaths we’re discussing here. So, then, why am I not being told I have to wear some sort of ceremonial but in fact useless cancer hat to ward it off, or that I must stay home locked in my house so that I “don’t get the cancer”?

The truth is that the see-the-needle moving increase in cancer is being caused by purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we euphemistically refer to as “wireless technology”. And the folks in charge want very much for you to keep sitting there with your head next to the wireless router, or your so-called “smart” phone pressed up to your temple on the same side where you will later get a rapidly growing and assuredly-fatal brain tumor.

Here’s Kimberly Drake’s picture:


(Targeted Oncology’s Sarah Karlovitch, whose scholarly article somehow omitted mention of the 59% greater increase in non-malignant brain tumors in women vs. men from 2007 to 2018, replacing it with “significant”, and then offered no explanation as to why the rate would be so much higher in women than in men)

I’ve provided her photo so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth, figuring the rubes would never notice. It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

From 2007 to 2018, 20%, or a steady one in five women got non-malignant brain tumors, which, despite their lack of malignancy, still easily killed them in many or most cases, nonetheless. Or certainly made them wish they were dead after their skull was cut open and the brain surgeon dug the tumor out.

From 2007 to 2018, just over one in ten men suffered got non-malignant brain tumors. Their number was almost sixty percent fewer than 20% of women suffering the same fate because those men spent a lot less time with the Death brick pressed up against the side of their skull where they’d later get the tumor. The tumor which, despite the fact that it was not malignant, would probably still kill them - or certainly make them wish they were dead, anyway - after the doctor sawed a hole in their skull, dug the tumor out, and then administered more doses of the radiation that created the tumor in the first place.

The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is cumulative and dose-dependent.

From 2007 to 2018, the fertility rate in the U.S. decreased by 18%, from 2.1 to 1.73 births per woman.

From 2020 to 2021, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia increased by 17%. Alzheimer’ attributed the staggering increase to “COVID-19”.

There is no explanation as to how, or why the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans could or would cause a gigantic increase in leakage in the blood brain barrier, which subsequently hinders the clearing of the amyloid, leading to an increase in Alzheimer’s disease.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything.

That’s why a article from September 2021 said “Alzheimer’s Day 2021: What causes it***?*** What we know, don’t know and suspect”.

Business Standard is using conscious deception while maintaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to suggest they have no idea that purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “technology” causes the blood brain barrier to leak, leading to a hindering of the clearing of the amyloid that in turn leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

Suicidal ideation among problematic cell phone users is 11.74% greater than it is among those not so afflicted.

From 2009 to 2014, new cancer cases of all types increased by more than 10%. That’s because purportedly harmless non-ionizing radiation from Technology, primarily “smart” phones, causes cancer.

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified mobile phone radiation as a group 2B carcinogen, which means it is possibly harmful to humans.

From 1994 to 2003, breast cancer mortality rates in women 20-44 years of age in Medellin, Columbia increased by some unspecified amount, while mortality rates among women there aged 45-64 years did not increase.

Breast cancer rates among young women in the big city of Medellin, Columbia are increasing, albeit by some unspecified amount, while those of their older counterparts there are not, because those younger women are the far more addicted to their purportedly-harmless, so-called “Smart” phones, and because the damage from the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation that those phones deliver is, in fact, cumulative and dose-dependent.

In 2008, the National Institute of Health documented “Increased risk of colon cancer after external radiation therapy for prostate cancer.

There is a significant relationship between Problematic Cell Phone Use and alcohol abuse. A 2016 study found that women are more prone to smartphone addiction than men. A 2017 study found an alarming rise in hard drinking and alcohol abuse, especially in women and older Americans.


Phantom - adjective [ before noun ] UK ​ /ˈfæn.təm/ US ​ /ˈfæn.t̬əm/

like a ghost

noun - a spirit of a dead person believed by some to visit the living as a pale, almost transparent form of a person, animal, or other object

In September 2013, NPR said “Phantom Phone Vibrations: So Common They’ve Changed Our Brains”.The propagandist from NPR is playing that there’s been some use-based change in neural pathways, when the truth of the matter is that technology allows demonic-incursions into your body’s auric egg, into your energy body, into your soul.

As has been true for all history, you have to invite the demons, you have to summon them. It’s a free-will thing.



(Zombie Apocalypse - What we think it looks like, e.g. blood covered zombies lurching down a street, versus what it really looks like, e.g. four self-absorbed youths on their smartphones)

Zombie - noun - 1. a person or reanimated corpse that has been turned into a creature capable of movement but not of rational thought, which feeds on human flesh.

  1. A person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings.

  2. Philosophy - a hypothetical being that responds to stimulus as a person would but that does not experience consciousness.

4, A computer controlled by another person without the owner’s knowledge and used for sending spam or other illegal or illicit activities.

Your so-called “smart” phone makes you a zombie.

That’s why an article on the accurately-named from May 2019 said “I Don’t Want To Be A Smartphone Zombie Anymore”.


Creepy – adjective (informal) - Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.

Wikipedia: The state of creepiness has been associated with “feeling scared, nervous, anxious or worried”, “awkward or uncomfortable”, “vulnerable or violated” in a study conducted by Watt et al. [6]:61 This state arises in the presence of a creepy element, which can be an individual or, as recently observed, new technologies.

The word goes back to Old Engl. crēopel and its doublet crypel (with y by umlaut from u, as in crupon, above). Obviously, in the remote past, creep had a broader meaning than it has today. Eorþcrypel meant “paralyzed person” (eorþ “earth”), someone unable to rise from the “earth.”

In July 2018, said “Creepy tech: Samsung phones are randomly sending users’ photos to contacts.”

In July 2018, said “Creepy Things Your Smartphone Knows About You”.

In September 2018, said “10 years later, Google still has the creepy ability to remotely control a phone.”

In December 2018, the U.K.’s Sun said “Google and Apple selling creepy apps that let your lover spy on you, monitor your calls and search your internet history”.

In January 2019, said “Home devices are getting smarter, creepier”.

January 2019, said “Home Items Are Getting Smarter And Creepier, Like It Or Not”


(Twin girls from “The Shining”, 1980)


(Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams in “The Addams Family”, 1991)


In August 2015, said “This Is Why Resting Bitch Face Is Totally Awesome”.

Awesome - adverb - 1. Scottish. In a manner which arouses or inspires awe; in a fearsome or horrifying way. Cf. awfully adv. 1 Obsolete.


(Actress Emma Watson’s Resting Bitch Face)


(Actress Anna Kendrick’s Resting Bitch Face)

Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; his dominion was torment."

From “The Silmarillion”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, 1977


So-called “smart” phones are hateful. That’s why an article from April 2015 which I can no longer locate said “I purchased my first smartphone today and I already hate it”.

In September 2011, Bright Hub explained “Why is the iPhone Not Cool Anymore? It’s a Dad Phone!”

There’s a strict rule in journalism, where you don’t use proper names unless there’s a salient reason to do so. Thus this is a hit-piece on Apple, and a commercial for Samsung.

Cheeringly, we can see here how, a decade ago, kids were already waking up to the fact that cell phones are evil. I’d note that the phenomenon first appears here in 2011, 2012, right when the great positive changes I’m documenting here got underway in earnest.

In 2013, mobile phone sales decreased for the first time since 2009.

From 2016 to 2017, the rate of sales for Samsung Galaxy S8 smart phone decreased by 20%.

From 2017 to 2019, Households with mobile service but no smartphones increased by 7%, as readoption of flip phones doubled among households earning over $100K/year.

In 2017, the number of voice calls made on mobile phones in the UK decreased by 1.7% It was the first such decrease since the devices’ inception.

In 2017, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 0.5%. It was the first such decrease since the smartphone became a recognized product.

In 2017, smartphone sales in Egypt decreased by 50%. Daily News Egypt said the decrease occurred “after flotation”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those many variants is “unpredictable”.

That’s why, In 2017, AT&T said that smartphone sales had become so “unpredictable” that it would no longer provide a forecast for the company’s total revenue for 2017.

In the 1st Quarter of 2017, Samsung’s smartphone sales in China decreased by 50%, to their lowest level in five years.

In the 1st Quarter of 2017, Gartner said that international sales of smartphones increased by 9%.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2017, Apple’s iPhone sales decreased by .78%, year over year. CEO Tim Cook blamed the Apple’s sales drop on “press leaks”.

In May 2017, Apple’s stock decreased by more than 2%.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2017, international smartphone shipments decreased by 1.3%, year-over-year.

In May 2017, doctors in Denver, Colorado sought to ban smartphone sales to preteens.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2017, smartphone sales in Brazil decreased by 2%. said the decrease occurred “as consumers save for Black Friday and Christmas”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “strange”. That’s why an article from July 2017 is headlined “Here’s The Strange Reason Japan Is Still Using Flip Phones”.

The article continues: “The iconic flip phone was popular in the U.S. before the iPhone, but why is Japan still obsessed with the outdated technology***?***

The use of “obsessed” and “outdated” position urbo’s missive securely as a hit-piece. Can you see how they’re playing it as if it were a style thing?

In July 2017, sales of the Chinese smartphone makers Oppo and Vivo in India decreased by 30%, year-over-year. It was the first ever decrease for the Indian market.

In the 4th Quarter of 2017, the Indian flip phone market increased by 55%.

In the 4th Quarter of 2017, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 5.6%, year-over-year. said “Smartphone sales are slowing and here are two key reasons why”. Those reasons being “Consumers are holding on to their phones longer and are also increasingly unimpressed with the frequency and diversity of new models, experts have suggested.”

In August 2017, pretended not to be an advertising agency and said “Samsung, please let me buy this new flip-phone”. Ah, social engineering, is there anything it can’t do?

In October 2017, Essential decreased the price of their smartphone by $200. That’s because prices drop either when demand decreases, supply increases, or both.

In October 2017, smartphone use among the young decreased for the first time.

In October 2017, an opinion piece said “Flip phones are the smart substitute to smart phones”. That same month, another article said “John Stockton, Karl Malone and their flip phones hung out together”, noting “Karl Malone is a staunch proponent of the flip phone, going back to an interview in 2014.”

It’s a hit-piece - they’re fighting a desperate rearguard action to keep the populace from completely giving up technology driven by deadly non-ionizing radiation.

In November 2017, Taiwanese smartphone-maker HTC’s share price decreased by more than 8%. “Google sale report” blamed.

In 2018, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 4.1%, to 1.4 billion units total.

In 2018, flip phone sales increased for four consecutive quarters.

In the 1st Quarter of 2018, the Indian flip phone market increased by 197% in the 1st Quarter of 2018 - or nearly tripled - while the smart phone market there remained flat, year-over-year.

In January, 2018, the terrifyingly-named said “I Don’t Want To Be A Smartphone Zombie Anymore.”


(Young girls, all with heads bent, all with smartphones)

In January 2018, CNET widened its eyes to simulate honesty and explained “Why your iPhone and Android phone will cost more in 2019”. Like the soft drink manufacturers, they’re turning the screws to their permanently-shrinking customer base. The propagandist at CNET to make no mention of the fact that sales of so-called “smart” phones had just decreased the previous quarter for the first time since the invention of the devices.

In January 2018, the New York Times said “Tech Backlash Grows as Investors Press Apple to Act on Children’s Use”.

Where the propagandist gymnastically used the words “Tech” and “Use” to avoid saying the word “smartphone”. That’s to obey the international news blackout that’s in place on the collapse of the repugnant device.

The article went on to say “A creator of the iPhone called the device ‘addictive.’ ATwitter founder said the ‘internet is broken.’ An early Facebook investor raised questions about the social network’s impact on children’s brains.

Can you see how “a creator”, “a Twitter founder” and “an early Facebook investor” are all general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda.

The unnamed Twitter founder says the problem is “the Internet”…versus the truth: that it’s the sea of purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation that drives it.

The unnamed FB investor says the problem is “the social network” that is having some general, unspecified “impact” on children’s brains….versus the truth: that it’s the sea of purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation that drives it.

The article continues: “Now, two of the biggest investors on Wall Street have asked Apple to study the health effects of its products and to make it easier for parents to limit their children’s use of iPhones and iPads.”

Where “two of the biggest investors” is, once again, general. Why is just one company being asked to study the health effects of its products? It’s blatant anti-Apple propaganda. The bizarre inference is that phones from other manufacturer’s aren’t bad for you, like Apple’s are.

In January 2018, Psychology Today explained “Why Your Smartphone Is Destroying Your Life”.

The subhead reads “And what you can do about it.”

They’re playing like they’re protecting you, but it’s actually a careful rearguard action in which they’re attempting to “compartmentalize” the collapse of technology merely to the so-called “Smart” phone, while leaving the rest of your internet connections pumping the flow of purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation into your skull.

In February 2018, the U.K.’s Independent said “Global Smart Phone Sales Suffer Biggest-Ever Quarterly Drop”.

Can you see how “biggest-ever quarterly drop” is general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, this hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the positive change I’m documenting here.

In February 2018, the international smartphone market suddenly decreased by a staggering 9%, the first decrease since the device’s inception.

In February 2018, Vox said “Break up with your smartphone”, and that “advocacy groups, psychologists, are saying to get rid of it.”

It’s a hit-piece trying to keep you from figuring out that your TV, laptop, and all the rest of it are driven by the same deadly non-ionizing radiation that is used by your so-called “smart” phone, Preciouss.

Can you see how “advocacy groups” is completely general? What, or whom, are they even talking about? Can you see how psychologists are mentioned, versus Doctors? Like it’s a “you’re crazy” problem, versus the truth, that the shit will take down anyone who partakes of it. The damage from purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is, in fact, cumulative and dose dependent.

In March 2018, the U.K.’s Guardian said “I’ve decided to reclaim my life – by using an old Nokia phone”.

It’s a hit-piece, a desperate rearguard action trying to keep you from deciding you that you do not want or need any wireless phone. They’re trying to “compartmentalize” it…to keep you from figuring out that your TV, laptop, and all the rest of it are driven by the same deadly non-ionizing radiation that is used by your so-called “smart” phone, Preciouss.

In March 2018, Quora widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Why Are Smartphone Sales Declining Worldwide?”

Quora said, only-generally that “the smartphone market is showing signs of stagnation”.

Stagnation - noun - lack of activity, growth, or development.

Quora attributed the unspecified lack of activity, growth or development to “higher costs for incremental improvements, people keeping their current phones or buying cheaper models.”

Buying cheaper models would not have any impact on overall unit sales, of course. But it doesn’t matter that the plausible-deniability excuses are illogical, irrational, or threadbare. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In April 2018, said “This year’s hottest cultural trend is flip phones”.

They’re playing like it’s a fashion thing, versus the truth, which is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

In May 2018, said “2nd graders tells teacher they wish mom, dad would get off the phone”, and that “I hate my mom’s phone and I wish she never had one,” one student … I wish my mom’s phone wasn’t invented, 2nd grader writes in school”.

Can you see how the author from the United States carefully used “wish” in the headline, and hid “hate” in the body text?

It’s a hit-piece, to keep the NPR-addicted masses of phone-addicted adults from clucking to themselves that at least the school kids are not, in fact, addicted to their so-called “smart” phones - which in fact they are. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

It takes the larger, wider problem of a deadly sea of non-ionizing radiation and “compartmentalizes” it down to merely “mom and dad”, and only to the smartphones of the parents, not all their other gear. TV. Video games. Microwave oven. Laptop. Wi-Fi.

While, across the Atlantic, the very same month, in May 2018, said “I wishmum’s phone was never invented”.

The article reads “I hate my mum’s phone and I wish she never had one,” is what one primary school child wrote in a class assignment.

Can you see how the author from the U.K. carefully used “wish” in the headline, and hid “hate” in the body text, in precisely the same manner that the writer from the United States did in the example we just reviewed previously?

The identical propaganda released in two different cultures with appropriate linguistic tweaks for each is hard proof that there is, wait for it, a Great Big Conspiracy.

Here, from the U.K. article, is a picture that the young lady purported drew:


(Drawing of a primary school child’s assignment saying “hate it” about their mother’s smart phone - the image was in fact created by an Intelligence operative, read the article to see why)

I say purportedly because the identical but supposedly unconnected stories in the U.S. and the U.K. were created by Intelligence Operatives in both cases. In the example from the U.K., they did a fake drawing to manipulate the reader even harder.

In May 2018, said “Dumbphones and flip phones become hottest mobile device trend”.

Where “trend” once again plays the ruse that it’s fashion thing.

They kicked off the headline with the word “dumb” because they’re trying to trick some subset of the mouth-breathing rube populace into buying web-enabled phones that flip open. You’ll be sure to run from the socially-scary word “dumb”, and, as a bonus, have gotten a shiny new toy, the overpriced web enabled “flip phone”. That’s why a Verge article from June 2018 is headlined “Samsung’s folding phone may be pricey”.

Since the market they’re after is vain and classist, the tag “pricey” is a powerful attractant.

In June 2018, CNBC said “A big comeback for the extinct flip phone is about to unfold”.

Where “unfold” is a tireless pressing of their web-enabled flip phone Trojan horse. CNBC is shamelessly shilling for Samsung’s “folding phone” mentioned in the previous example.

Getting rid of your so-called “smart” phone will make you happier. That’s why an article from the U.K.’s Guardian from June 2018 is headlined “Simon Cowell says giving up mobile phone has made him happier”.

In July 2018, an Irish Times article said “I want to get rid of my smartphone before I get start college”, and “I’m starting college next month and I want to start fresh. I wasted so much of high school on the internet.”

They’re fighting a desperate rearguard action, trying to keep you from disconnecting from technology entirely.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2018, international smartphone sales decreased by 6%. said “the Leading Vendor and the Largest Market Face Challenges”.

In July 2018, a Samsung advertisement said “Samsung’s 2019 phone folds in half ‘like a wallet’, but it’s NOT a flip phone”.

It’s the same “folding” meme as above. It doesn’t “flip open”, it rather “folds in half, like a wallet” – you know, a fat wallet full of CASH? So you’re “different”, and with-it, and definitely not DUMB.

In August 2018, described “The Love-Hate Relationship Between Teens and Their Smartphones”, and explained “It seems like teenagers would appreciate taking a break from their smartphones, if only they knew how.”

It’s a hit-piece, to keep the NPR-addicted masses of phone addicted adults from clucking to themselves that they are not, in fact, addicted to their so-called “smart” phones, like those dumb, lame teens sure are. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

It takes the larger, wider problem of a deadly sea of non-ionizing radiation and “compartmentalizes” it down to merely teens, and only the smartphones of those teens, not all their other gear, namely their TV, video games. microwave oven, laptop and Wi-Fi. .Oh, and the teens will only take one small break, and then get right back to it.

In September 2018, said “Downgrade Your Smartphone to a Flip Phone For a Better Life”, and that “In college I downgraded my smartphone to a flip phone. Here’s why I’m never going back”.

It’s a hit-piece, part of a desperate but ultimately futile rearguard action to try to keep you from getting rid of a cell phone completely.

In September 2018, Ian Bush said “Bend it like Samsung: Flip phones may return with 2018 twist”, and that “It comes in the context of slowing smartphone sales”.

Where the hapless rube is hoped to fantasize that buying this new phone will be like executing a difficult, almost-impossible soccer shot that takes years to master, and then only by a select few – only without doing any work. They want to trick you into buying a phone that flips open, but that is just as deadly and weaponized and addictive as your current, so-called “smart” phone. In the propaganda trade, it’s called a “bait-and-switch”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2018, international smartphone sales decreased for the fourth straight quarter.

In October 2018, said “This New Flip Phone Meme Gives Celebs an Offer They Must Refuse”.

For those keeping score, that’s a direct, physical threat to the celebrities breaking ranks.

In October 2018, CNET said “Your kids hate your smartphone addiction”.

It’s a bizarre reverse-psychology hit-piece, just like the ones we reviewed previously. It’s to get you to think that neither you, nor your kids nor anyone else is addicted to their phones.

In October 2018, DeviceAtlas explained “The truth about ‘peak smartphone’ “, and that “A growing number of smartphone refuseniks have pushed smartphone fatigue into the realms of a fully-fledged backlash.”

Ah, the ad hominem personal attack! It’s a sure sign someone has lost a debate. The word ‘Refusenik’ has a straight-up “Commie!” inference about it. “Into the realms of a fully-fledged backlash hedges it back a step from “have pushed smartphone fatigue into a fully-fledged backlash”. In propaganda, the insertion of that hedging generality is called “watering it down”.

In October 2018, Forbes explained “The Truth About Smartphone Addiction, And HowTo Beat It”.

They’re playing like the 54% of US teens addicted to their phones were all somehow looking at it the wrong way, or hadn’t had the proper methods of addiction avoidance explained to them previously.

The author continues: “I’m not saying we should get rid of smartphones and cancel our WiFi. There’s nothing wrong with using the technology available to us.”

It’s not the technology that’s fucked up, you see, but rather it’s YOU, loser.

They’re desperate to keep you from recognizing that purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we euphemistically refer to as “wireless technology” is in fact, quite deadly, and the damage it causes is cumulative, and dose-specific.

In October 2018, offmychest - Reddit published “I fucking hate smartphones”, which went on to say “I hate the fact that I’m typing this on my smartphone right now and that I’m addicted to this piece of shit.”

It’s a very slick bit of lurid propaganda that is trying to keep the mouth-breathing rube from noticing that they’re also addicted to their laptop, and tablet, and Netflix, and NPR - not to mention their microwave oven, as I am - all of which are providing an equally-as-deadly stream of purportedly-harmless non-Iodizing radiation into their, wait, I mean our skulls. Remember, it was the time spent on the device, not the content, that mattered most.

In November 2018, Apple’s stock decreased by 6%. The corporation lost tens of billions of dollars in market value.

In November 2018, the Atlantic wrote of “The Backlash Against Screen Time at School”. Where “backlash” and “screen time” are both general. The author has used “screen time” because the international news blackout on the subject forbids the their saying “phone use”.

In November 2018, said “Families opt for flip phone instead of smartphone

The author deviously cuts “phones”, plural, down to “phone”, singular to blunt and minimize. But it’s just another hit-piece, fighting a desperate rearguard action to try to keep you from giving up the “technology” that collectively carries the deadly non-ionizing radiation.

In November 2018 the Verge said “The foldable phones are coming”. Pushing the hot new meme of the moment, “foldable”, you know, like CASH?

In November 2018, said “Samsung Has a New Flip Phone and It Sells for $2700”.

Lotta, lotta social engineering going on, here. There’s a deviant subset of the populace that will by this device precisely because it’s stupidly-expensive. It’s called “conspicuous consumption”.

But there’s also a separate play going on where they’re pricing it that way so that owning a thousand-dollar iPhone will seem “responsible” and “old school”.

My flip phone was forty bucks, in 2010, and I was angry they charged me anything for it, having gotten my first one for free when I signed up. The sordid tale continues in that, when my 2010 phone finally, er, gave up the ghost in 2019 (I dropped it while it was open), I paid $72 for a used one on eBay.

In November 2018, Good Morning America explained “Why you should get your kid a flip phone instead of a smartphone”.

They’re fighting the desperate rearguard action to keep people from cutting their children off from the deadly stream of non-ionizing radiation carried by we have collectively described as “technology”.

In November 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average decreased by 600 points, with Apple leading the tech rout.

From November 1st 2018 to November 12 2018, Apple’s shares decreased by 11.5%.

On November 12, 2018, as the headline to an article documenting the largest decrease in the corporation’s history, Mercury News widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Is Apple seeing an iPhone sales drop?” Where “seeing” a drop “walks it back” a step from Apple actually experiencing that drop.

In November 2018, The Star Online’s Tech News widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Are Americans addicted to smartphones***?***”

Can you see how the hit-piece “compartmentalizes” the international addiction to technology merely to the U.S.?

The Star is an Organ of the State, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to aver that they don’t know that 54% of US teens are addicted to their smartphones.

In November 2018, NBC News said “Cellphone radiation may cause cancer in rats, report finds”.

They wrote it that way to give the subconscious of the reader the green light to say “oh, but that was just one report!”, or “oh, but someone must have reported that incorrectly!” The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

NBC goes on to say “We agree that these findings should not be applied to human cell phone usage,”

In November 2018, CNN said “Xiaomi blames falling Indian rupee for smartphone price hike”.

Prices decrease either when demand decreases, supply increases, or both. Here, Organ-of-the-State CNN supports Communist Red Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi assertion that the decrease was due to vagaries in currency valuation.

They put a brave positive spin on the price increase, calling it a “hike”. Hut, hut, hike! How vigorous!

In December 2018, explained “Why Apple is now focusing on users, not units in Fiscal 2019”.

They’ll ride the collapsing scam for years, or perhaps decades, just like the folks selling soda, particularly diet soda. Language is very instructive: people addicted to heroin are also called users. “Are you Using?”

In December 2018, the New York Post said “Gen Z rebels are replacing smartphones with low-tech flip phones”.


(From “Gen Z rebels are replacing smartphones with low-tech flip phones” - girl with flip phone between two guys with smartphones)

In December 2018, a solid year into the collapse of the so-called “smartphone” market, fought a desperate rearguard action with “Smartphones Are the New Security Blanket for Kids”, and “Their phones can help them feel connected to their friends and more importantly, to their stable identity. Let’s not shame them for these”.

The author takes care not to mention that, in 2011, the World Health Organization classified mobile phone radiation as a group 2B carcinogen, which means it is possibly harmful to humans. is using conscious deception with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to aver that they don’t know that cancer increased 40% in young people in the U.K. from 2000 to 2016. 2000 was right when the literal forest of what is purported merely to be “communication infrastructure” was thrown up suddenly in all the nations. Using a generalization and a half-truth, the U.K.’s Telegraph said “Modern life is killing our children”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a New York Times article from June 1991 is headlined “Study Finds Mysterious Rise In Childhood Cancer Rate”.

In December 2018, said “Huawei defies smartphone downturn with ‘stable’ forecast”, and that “Huawei Technologies is expecting the global mobile market to be “stable” in 2019, in stark contrast to growing pessimism from rivals”.

The author plays that everybody but Huawei just has a “bad attitude”. I wish them the best of luck if that’s the strongest defense they can muster.


Refusenik - noun - a person who refuses to follow orders or obey the law, especially as a protest.

In December 2018, the U.K.’s Globe and Mail described the 25% of phone users who use flip phones as “Smartphone refuseniks are a rare but happy breed”.

They’re creating a picture in your head of a reality that does not, in fact, exist. A quarter of the populace is not “rare”.

The trigger meme “Refuseniks” conjures Commies, and the image of what happened to Commies like Alexander Solzhenitzyn who didn’t go along to get along.

In 2019, 48% of Japanese aged 10-19 said they had thought about living without a “smart” phone, the highest percentage among all age groups polled.

In 2019, 10 million cancer deaths in 2019 represented 42.3% of the 23.6 million total cancer diagnoses that year. Cancer mortality remained basically unchanged (44.3% vs. 42.3%). This is within the context of the thesis that “increased diagnostic awareness” is what has led to the extra one million, seven hundred thousand cancer deaths in 2019, versus 2010.

If early detection drives greater cancer survival, and the medical technology has been continuously improving from 2010 to 2019, what’s with the basically unchanged death rate, and the wildly-increasing numbers of people diagnosed with cancer?

“Increase awareness” is a tirelessly-utilized false ruse, and I’ve just refuted it, right here, with data.

In the 1st Quarter of 2019, Apple’s iPhone shipments decreased 30%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2019, the international smartphone market decreased by 6%, to 310.8 million units.

As of January 2019, flip phones comprised 25% of all phones shipped.

In January 2019, Credit Suisse predicted a 19% decrease in smartphone sales in the first quarter of 2019.

In February 2019, said “Smartphone sales drop due to growing cost”.

Can you see how “smartphone sales drop” and “growing cost” are both general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, this hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the positive change I’m documenting here.

“Growing cost” is a bullshit plausible-deniability excuse, put forward to defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

In February 2019, said “The smartphone market is down but not out, with high prices and other factors combining to chill what had previously been a red-hot sector.”

Can you see how “smartphone market is down” and “high prices and other factors” are all general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, this hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the positive change I’m documenting here.

High prices” and “other factors” are bullshit plausible-deniability excuses, put forward to defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

International sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased 3.2% in 2019. It was the third consecutive year of decreasing sales. So much for Hauwei’s “stable” forecast.

In January 2019, Credit Suisse predicted a 19% decrease in smartphone sales in the first quarter of 2019.

In January 2019, said “Brett Eldridge is going back to the flip phonein 2019”.

The folks in charge are fighting a desperate rearguard action, trying to keep the populace connected to the devices spewing purportedlyThe article continues: “We get it dude. In the times were living in, it’s extremely difficult to stay present. With every fucking ounce of what’s happening in the entire world at your fingertips, it’s hard for a teenager to put the phone down, let alone a country music superstar (or website blogger) trying to make a dream work. I wish I could go back to the flip phone, delete all my socials and not give a flying fuck about what all these other people are doing, but work’s got to get done. I mean, how else would I have even seen that Brett was doing it if I wasn’t on Instagram… pretty ironic huh?”

Where “dude” is pejorative, unflatteringly conjuring Jeff Bridges’ character in “The Big Lebowski”. The curse words are there to jar and repel you. The “huh?” meme that closes the paragraph piggyback’s on “duh?”, giving the slack-jawed reader clearance to stay tuned in and turned on.

“Country music superstar” suggests “you can only achieve this if you are rich.” “Or website blogger” implies that Brett Eldridge is a hypocrite.

The whole thing is what is referred to in the intelligence trade as a hit-piece.


(Jeff Bridges as Jeffrey Lebowski in “The Big Lebowski”, 1998)

In January 2019, Jason Kehe at Wired wrote a hit-piece entitled “A Year With a Flip Phone”, saying “For eight months this year, I used a flip phone. For most of those eight months, I hated myself and everyone else.”

Did you notice that Jason called eight months “a year”?

Saying “I hated myself and everyone else” is an example of something called “hyperbole”.

In January 2019, said “Foldable phones are the future no one asked for”.

It’s chaff, a half-truth - is using sleight-of-hand to mask the collapse of the wider smartphone market.

The same tactic was used by in January 2019 with “Foxconn December sales plunge as consumers abandon iPhone”. As if the collapse was limited to that single brand.

In January 2019, directly in the face of collapsing smartphone sales, said “Apple and Samsung feel the sting of plateauing smartphones”. International sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased 3.2% in 2019. It was the third consecutive year of decreasing sales.

In January 2019, said “Brett Eldredge Kicking Off 2019 With The Flip Phone Challenge! “I Am Going Back In Time to 2002

To start 2019, I am going to go back in time to 2002,” he captions a photo with his guitar, a notebook and his old phone. “That was the year I got my first color flip phone with a lil megapixel camera on it…I felt like a bad ass…I would carry it everywhere I went but never look at it to check the never ending ‘Breaking News’ or constantly compare my life to someone else’s…I wouldn’t sit at the dinner table and be halfway paying attention to my buddies convo’s because I was watching someone’s story about how good, or bad they were at ‘Flossing’ or how quick someone could chug a bottle of vodka and do a triple backflip into a pool.”

He continues, “I was there, in the moment, with my friends, with life…Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of amazing things about a smart phone…but I gotta take a moment to experiment and see what it’s like to be here, RIGHT NOW, lost in the music and not in a screen…if ya need me, I’ll be on the T9 text machine…here goes the #FlipPhoneChallenge.”-

It’s a hit-piece…a desperate attempt to keep people from ditching technology entirely. Purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation is pouring out of the flip phone into my skull just like it is with it’s heavier-hitting big brother, the so-called “smart” phone.

In January 2019, said “Apple iPhone sales: Global shipments ‘down by millions’ in Q1 2019”. Can you see how “down by millions” is general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, this hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the positive change I’m documenting here.

You might also have notice that the author weakened “global sales down by millions” to the softer “global shipments”.

The article continues: “iPhone shipments fell in Q1 2019, but the active installed base of iPhones now exceeds 900 million.”

Where the author weakened “iPhone shipments down by millions” back to merely “shipments fell”?

The word “fell” was used because it’s it’s softer than “drop”, or “decrease, ”and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer. But the main reason it was used is because it’s general. The international news blackout that is in place on this subject forbids the use of statistics that would provide specific insight into the magnitude of the trend I’m documenting here.


(‘The Fall of the Rebel Angels’, by Pietr Bruegel the Elder)

In February 2019, CNN pretended that they were not, in fact, an adverting agency with “Samsung’s new foldable smartphone: Gimmick or game changer?

In March 2019, CBS Sacramento in California propped up the illusion that the ban might ever be considered with “California May Ban All Smartphones At Schools”.

Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, it gets even funnier in the body text with “California wants all school districts to come up with smartphone policies, including banning or restricting when students can use the phones at school or on school grounds.”

Well, why is that funny? It just repeats the affirmation that a ban is being considered, right? You’ll know when you read the next line:

“Assembly Bill 272 would allow students to keep their phones with them at school, in case of emergency or for learning purposes”.

We’ve now learned that the propagandist from CBS San Diego is covering up the State of California’s new law saying that you cannot be forbidden from taking your phone with you to school, by using a headline that makes your headline-reading-only ass think the exact opposite.

This is how generational Satanists roll: they’re creating a bill called “California School Smart Phone Ban” that has a rider in it that says you may not be forbidden from bringing your phone to school.

When the Social Security number was first added to driver’s licenses, it was averred that is was just for Commercial licenses, and that it was being implemented to “get deadbeat dad’s.” When that Bill passed into law, another rider was added later that quietly connected the Social Security number to all driver’s licenses.

And the mouth-breathing, NPR-addicted masses eat it…right…up. As do, of course, the twenty to thirty percent minority of those masses represented by the barely-covert generational Satanists running the long con upon the rest of humanity.

There is, truly, a sucker born every minute. However,

“One may outwit another, but not all the others.”

― François de La Rochefoucauld

In the 4th Quarter of 2019, international smartphone sales decreased by 9%. It was the largest-ever decrease in smartphone sales since the device’s inception.

In 2020, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 12.5%. That’s an average decrease of 3.1% per quarter over each of those four quarters.

2020 was the fourth consecutive year of decreasing smartphone sales.

In the 1st Quarter of 2020, smartphone sales decreased by 13%, year-over-year. It was the first time since 2014 that the market had dropped below 300 million units in a quarter.

The 13% decrease in smartphone sales in the 1st Quarter of 2019 was 44% greaterthan the 9% decrease in smartphone sales in the 4th Quarter of 2019. The decrease in smartphone sales is increasing exponentially, going forward in time. That’ because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

CounterpointResearch said that “the impact of COVID-19 on the supply side of smartphones and components could leave OEMs to diversify their supply chain by moving some production to countries like India and Vietnam.”

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.”

From “Politics and the English Language”, by George Orwell, 1946

All of their pathetic gambits are failing, anymore, which is why, in February 2020, the Verge said “Motorola Razr review: folding flip phone flops”.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2020, international sales of so-called “smart” phone decreased by 20%. A CNET article from August 2020 said it was “due to coronavirus”. As if a fifth of the population had been killed off, and rendered unable to use their otherwise-indispensable phones. Or as if being locked in their houses due to the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat-virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans would somehow make 20% of the populace suddenly unwilling or unable to have Amazon ship a new phone to their house in a nice blue box.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2020, international smartphone sales decreased by 5.7%, to 366 million units. A Tech Crunch article said “Gartner: Q3 smartphone sales down 5.7% to 366 million, slicing COVID-19 declines in Q1, Q2”. Can you see how they bravely avoided saying “smartphone sales down 5.7% in Q3, the thirteenth straight quarter of decreasing smart phone sales”?

You can clearly see in the data above that sales of so-called “smart” phones, claimed to be the most important and beneficial invention in the history of humankind, were dropping steeply well prior to the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans.

In the 4th Quarter of 2020, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 5%.

Because there’s literally no quit in these people, a Gartner article from February 2021 is headlined “Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales to Grow 11% in 2021.

The article goes on to say “After recording a 10.5% decline in 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry, smartphone sales are forecast to rebound in 2021.”


(Youths wearing surgical masks, heads bent, starting at phones)

The author spoke of “recording a 10.5% decline” to give the subconscious of the reader the green light to say “oh, but someone must have recorded that incorrectly!” The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility. But that’s all a sidebar, because I brought it up to point out that, just three weeks later, Gartner said “Smartphone sales declined 12.5% in full year 2020”.

Coincidence Theorists can meet amongst themselves and discuss how and why those two numbers differed so widely in those two articles.

I’m sure you noticed that, in both articles, the propagandist from Gartner took care to use the word “decline”, because it’s softer than “drop”, or “decrease”, and because it reminds you of the word “recline”. Also “declines” are gradual.

From 2021 to 2022, smartphone sales in India decreased by 12%. In February 2022, said “India’s Smartphone Market Grew by 7% in 2021”.

From the 1st Quarter to the 2nd Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 8.9%. International smartphone sales increased 17% in the second quarter of 2021, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales to end-users decreased by 6.8%, year-over-year. Gartner said “the current shortage of components, such as radio frequency and power management integrated circuits, delayed smartphone production globally.”

International smartphone sales decreased 3% in the fourth quarter of 2021, year-over-year. said “Supply chain issues and factory constraints hurt smartphone sales in Q4 but full year 2021 sales rose by 5%, according to Strategy Analytics, with 3% sales growth expected for 2022”.

TV Technology is lying bald-fadedly, in that international smartphone sales decreased 1.7% from 2021 to 2022. I have exposed their duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

For those keeping score, taking a 1.7 percent decrease and making it into a 5% increase is a 394% exaggeration on the part of TV Technology, which exaggeration was passed on faithfully by Counterpoint Research.

In the second half of 2021, international smartphone sales volumes decreased by 5%.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 6.8%. referred to the the gigantic decrease as “meaningful impact”, and attributed it to “component shortages”.

In July 2021, said “Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales Grew 26% in First Quarter of 2021”.

In September 2021, said “Global smartphone sales to end users totaled 328.8 million in the second quarter of 2021, an increase of 10.8% year over year’.

For those keeping score, Gartner has smartphone sales up 36.8% through the second quarter of 2021.

In the 4th Quarter of 2021, Apple’s market share decreased by 9.8%, from 44.6% to 40.2%. Canalys described it as “iPads ruled the tablet market. Apple dominated the tablet market share with more than 19 million shipments.”

In the 4th Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 3.2%. referred to the decrease as “negative growth”, and said that it was “slight”.

In December 2022, said “Global Smartphone Sales Decline 6.8% in Q3”.

The article goes on to say “Component shortages disrupted production schedules, leading to lower inventory and delayed product availability, which eventually impacted sales to end-users, according to the market research firm Gartner last month.”

Despite hiding in their houses in fear of the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans, no one was able to buy the preciousss smartphones they so coveted, because they were out of stock.

For hose keeping score, Gartner has purported that smartphone sales are purportedly up 30% through the first three quarters of 2021.

One month later, in January 2022, said “Smartphone Shipments Declined in the Fourth Quarter But 2021 Was Still a Growth Year with a 5.7% Increase in Shipments, According to IDC”.

Can you see how the author shook the doll of “was still a growth year”, and hid the specific percentage decrease in the fourth quarter of 2022 behind the hedging generality “smartphone shipments declined in the fourth quarter”? Since we’re in a boring lecture on the subject, we recall we just learned that, per Gartner, smartphone sales decreased 6.8% in the third quarter of 2021.

The article goes on to say “Worldwide smartphone shipments declined year over year in the fourth quarter of 2021 (4Q21) marking the second straight quarter of negative growth.”

Whenever an author repeats the same thing in the first line of the article that they said in the headline, that’s a trigger for your subconscious to stop reading immediately.

Only in a world controlled by literally-blood-drinking generational Satanists can exponentially-decreasing sales be called “negative growth”.

The article goes on to say “Despite a challenging second half of the year, full-year shipments still grew thanks to a strong first half.”

Where, once again, we see the shaking of the “full year” doll, and hiding of the statistics from the catastrophically-decreasing third and fourth quarters behind the hedging generality of “a challenging second half”.

And, now, at last, the author coughs up the actual data: “According to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, smartphone vendors shipped a total of 362.4 million phones during the holiday quarter (4Q21), which was down 3.2% year over year but slightly better than IDC’s forecast. On an annual basis, the market grew 5.7% in 2021 with 1.35 billion smartphones shipped.“There’s no question the second half of 2021 failed to meet expectations with volumes declining 4.5% compared to the second half of 2020,” said Ryan Reith, group vice president with IDC’s Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers. "As we mentioned last quarter, the supply chain and component shortages started to have meaningful impact on the smartphone market as we entered the second half of the year, and this continues to be the case as we’ve now entered 2022.”

Where a going-out-business decrease in sales volume is described in Mil-speak as “meaningful impact”.

Since we previously learned that smartphone sales decreased 6.8% in the third quarter of 2021, we can add the 3.2% decrease in the 4th quarter, divide by 2, and learn that smartphone sales volumes decreased 5% in the second half of 2021, to 4.5%, as fraudulently claimed by

You can also now recognize that the author from IDC shoved the 6.8% decrease in the third quarter down the memory hole, instead blending it together with the 4th quarter’s 3.2% decrease to provide a softer number, which they then hedge downward by ten percent (5% to 4.5%).

For the mouth-breathing Coincidence theorist and the NPR addict, “supply chain and component shortages” explain away the ever-decreasing sales of what is to this moment purported to be the most important invention in the history of the human race.

IDC said “the market grew 5.7% in 2021”. Let’s break it down:

Gartner said it increased 26% in the first quarter, and then increased 10.8% in the second quarter. That’s up 36.8%. Then it decreased 6.8% in the third quarter. That would mean it would still be up 30%, year over year, right? Then it decreased 3.2% in the fourth quarter. Gartner’s numbers have the market increasing by 26.8%. Yet IDC said it was up 5.7% for the year. Someone’s obviously telling a gigantic lie, and we can prove scientifically that the party doing the bald-faced lying is Gartner, with their gigantic first and second quarter sales numbers. We know they’re lying given that, the further we go forward in time, the smaller the number is getting, e.g. an actual 5.7% net increase for the year, as the gigantic lies of the first and second quarters can no longer be maintained.

I’ve exposed Garnter’s duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those many variants is “no question”. That’s why the IDC article goes on to say “We expect to see supply and logistical challenges continue through the first half of this year, but we currently believe we’ll return to growth in the second quarter and second half of 2022. There is no question that demand is still strong in many markets, and to some extent we are seeing increasing consumer interest in 5G and new form factors like foldables."

The “supply chain” ruse is being played to cover the collapse of the PC, tablet and wearable markets, as well, as I’ve documented extensively in my separate articles on those subjects.

The whacky alliteration of “New form factors like foldables” is an obvious bit of what propagandists call “neurolinguistic programming”, to get the nugget buried more successfully in the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist. Have you ever seen any living human using one of these thousand-dollar-plus folding phones? I haven’t I think they’ve sold about ten of them, worldwide.

I heard a piece on NPR about six times this weekend, prattling about how complex smartphones are, and how they’re made from materials from all over the world, and how it’s vital we recycle smartphones, so that the supply chain isn’t threatened. They’re going to claim “all the tungsten got used up”, or some shit, and then stop selling smart phones, and blame it on “the supply chain”, to try to take attention away from the truth that people are abandoning them, because they know that using one makes you want to kill yourself, and causes your blood brain barrier to leak, generates rapidly-growing brain tumors, and lands your ass in an Alzheimer’s unit.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

In January 2022, said “India’s smartphone shipments grew 11% YoY”. In July 2022, said “smartphone shipments in India fell 13% between Q1 and Q2 2021, to 32.4 million units, due to the second wave of COVID-19, which stifled demand”. For those keeping score, that’s down 2% for the year through two quarters. In November 2021, said “India’s Smartphone shipments registered a year-on-year decline of 12 per cent in the September 2021 quarter due to supply challenges”. For those keeping score, that’s down 14% for the year, through three quarters. In January 2022, said “Following a strong comeback in Q3, smartphone vendors shipped 44.5 million devices in Q4 for 2% growth, despite a challenging supply chain.”

Where, with a straight face, called a 12% decrease in the third quarter “a strong comeback”. They’re using conscious deception while maintaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. I have exposed the duplicity of by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

If you add the 2% increase in the 4th quarter to the 14% decrease documented in the first three quarters, you get a net 12% decrease in smartphone sales in India in 2021. While, in February 2022, said “India’s Smartphone Market Grew by 7% in 2021”.

As you can see, the folks in charge are not your friends, and are lying to you about basically everything, including smartphone sales, regardless of culture or geography.

I have exposed the duplicity of by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Eventually, a far more free flowing book will evolve from these highly-repetitive initial articles. Yet it’s crucial for the programmed mind to see and intellectually assimilate the ongoing use of identical linguistic propaganda practices down through time. The programming is laid in iteratively, and will be broken down in the same way it was laid in. Actually, I’m fixing the intentionally embedded bugs in the code, as it were.

We’re powering into the fifth straight year of decreasing smart phone sales, and the evil clowns who would have you think they’re the most important and beneficial invention in the history of humankind are predicting they’re going to start selling again like gangbusters, just you wait and see.

I think it’s obvious who’s winning this thing.