Snakes, Birds



2016 was the busiest snake bite year on record in Georgia.

There was a “surge” of venomous adder bites in the U.K. in 2016, “due to the current spell of warm weather.”

An 8-meter python caught in Malaysia in 2016 was the longest ever recorded. The author makes no mention of the previous record.

The 2016 rattlesnake roundup in Sweetwater, Texas produced 24,262 pounds of rattlesnakes, a 35% increase over the previous record of 17,986 pounds, set in 1982. The record was said to have occurred after a "perfect storm of a mild winter and late-season rain, which brought plenty of rodents for the snakes to eat.”

In March 2016, Western Australia Today said “Snake catchers say record numbers of tiger snakes, dugites in Perth suburbs”, and that “A Perth professional snake catcher says he has seen record hauls of dugites and tiger snakes over summer, getting up to 30 residential callouts a week.”

In the headline, the snide “snake catchers SAY” is leeringly used to call the most snakes ever seen by anyone in Australia into question. The headline uses the plural “snake CATCHERS”, while the body walks it back to a single “snake CATCHER”, who has said to have SEEN record hauls, which is grammatically incorrect, in place of “MADE record hauls”. “Seen” was shoved in there to use the “increased awareness” ruse, in which the only-generally referred to “snake catcher” engaged in more assiduous snake searching. 

The propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

It’s all careful, deliberate, tireless spin on the part of an organ of the controlled press desperate to keep you from realizing that the size, fertility and longevity of any organism varies directly with the health of the ether.

In June 2016, a record number of rattlesnakes were said to be making their way into yards in California “Due To Drought.”

In May 2017 the number of snake bites reported in Georgia was already 60% ahead of 2016, which was, itself, a record year for bites.

Snake bites were said to be “rising” in North Georgia in July 2017, “as the summer heat takes hold.”

The Georgia Poison Center’s director, Dr. Gaylord Lopez said the 2017 numbers “appear to be up from even last year,” and that he thinks the state is seeing more frequent snake bites because of development in rural areas.

In 2017, officials “couldn't pinpoint an exact reason” for an increasing number of snake sightings in San Diego County, California, although “they believe an increasing number of snake sightings is correlated to the growing number of homes built in snake territory.”

The Los Angeles Zoo produced a record number of baby snakes in 2017. The author makes no mention of the previous record.

Snake bites in Georgia increased 40% in 2017. Snake bites in South Carolina increased 30% in 2017. The increases were attributed to “a short and mild winter”.

An ‘extinct’ venomous snake was rediscovered in South Africa in 2017. The team found four live animals. Only 12 individuals have been recorded since the species was identified in 1937.


The U.K.’s Hope Farm Bird Index more than tripled between 2000 and 2017. Several species that were completely absent in 2000 have started breeding on farm, including grey partridge, lapwing and corn bunting.

Tundra swans in the Chesapeake have more than doubled from 2006 to 2018.

The winter bird count at the Tanguar Haor wetlands ecosystem in Bangladesh increased 187% from 2015 to 2019

A record breaking 120,000 Ruffs were counted in Belarus in 2017.

In February 2017, said “New record for overwintering birds, but Spain's wetlands are suffering”.

Where the author has done what little they could to hedge by saying “overwintering” birds, to avoid using the more-searchable “waterbirds” or “waterfowl” or, worse yet, any specific species names. It’s an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Well, if the only-general allegation that “Spain’s wetlands are suffering”, how can a headline from March 2017 read “Spain's Valencia region experiences the wettest winter on record”?

It is not true. Spain’s wetland are not suffering. It’s a completely made-up negative counterpoint to the great news of the most birds ever seen in the history of Spain. I’ve exposed the lie via what in the old days was known as “fact checking”. That was in the time prior to the complete demise of critical thinking and reading within the general populace, which occurred while I was growing up.

Euroweekly News doesn’t make any suggestion as to what’s causing the unprecedented burgeoning of bird life in Spain, and takes absolute care not to mention that it’s part of a larger, wider trend. That’s an example of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. They’re a State propaganda outlet, who are doing their best to adhere to the international news blackout that is in place on this subject.

In May 2017, said “Record Numbers of Lesser White-fronted Geese Observed in Finland”. They used “observed” because they’re bravely playing the “increased awareness” ruse, suggesting that it was more assiduous goose searching that led to the highest number of white-fronted geese in the history of Finland.

The propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Dr. Petri Lampila said “It is really fantastic to witness the burgeoning growth of the Fennoscandian population, which comes as the result of many years of dedicated international conservation efforts throughout its flyways. The important thing now is to step up our efforts to save this population, which remains extremely vulnerable”.

Can you see how “conservation EFFORTS” is general? As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. Agent Lampila has put forward a general plausible-deniability excuse, to at all costs keep your eyes off the fact that the size, fertility and longevity of any organism varies directly with the health of its etheric environment.

Here’s the stooge’s picture:


His Python-esque title is “Chair of the Finnish Lesser White-fronted Goose Working Group of the AEWA, the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds”. 

George Orwell said “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink”.

Agent Lampila is using conscious deception with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. I’ve included his picture so you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

Not all bird enthusiasts are generational Satanists, just those who get quoted in mainstream news articles.

In November 2017, a record number of barnacle geese arrive in Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland. said “The geese have been recorded at the Mersehead RSPB nature reserve, rising from a peak count of 10,035 last year to 11,070 in October.”

Where they used “rising” because it’s softer than “increasing”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before. “Peak” was used as a veiled reference to the high places where Ba’al worshippers performed their human sacrifice rituals.

The author said the geese had been “recorded” to give you subconscious the green light to say “oh, someone must have recorded that incorrectly!” The propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The author provided the numbers – 10,035 to 11,070 - but carefully hedged by withholding the percentage increase between them, as printing it would be much more impactful, and go seriously off-message re: Poor Mother Gaia dying, and all. So I had to do the math. That’s a 10.3% percent increase.

There’s no mention as to what drove a sudden 10% increase in the barnacle goose population in Scotland from 2016 to 2017, to the highest level ever recorded. That’s because is a State propaganda outlet, doing what little it can to defray rising awareness that the health, fertility and longevity of any organism vary directly with that of its etheric environment.

In one of the most lurid, hysterical headlines in this entire body of work, Australia’s said “Bloodthirsty Magpies Are Clawing The Eyes Of Victorians In Record Numbers” in October of 2017.

Put a fork in them, they’re done. Meaning our about-to-be-former dark masters, not the magpies.

In October 2017, Nature said “Goldfinches flock to British gardens in record numbers”.

Where “flock to British gardens” is a brave attempt to claim that increased bird feeder packing led to the highest number of Goldfinches in the history of the U.K.

Nature is a State propaganda outlet, doing what little it can to defray awareness of the larger trend I’m elucidating here.

In October 2017, Ecotours News said “Record Numbers Of Peregrine Falcons!

The headline feigns excitement, and obscures any mention of geography. That’s a blatant example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article continues: “Record numbers of peregrine falcons are being observed in the Golden Isles thanks to recent bouts of gale force winds blowing birds onshore.”

The author threw “observed” in there hoping you’d think it was “more assiduous bird watching” that led to the increase to the highest level in history. Under the false guise of familiarity, the author uses “Golden Isles”, and omits mention of the fact that it’s Georgia, again “compartmentalizing” the phenomenon.

 “GALE FORCE winds blowing birds ashore” is a brazen plausible-deniability excuse, put forward to keep you from discerning the trend I’m documenting here. The author piled on with “GALE FORCE” winds, exposing themselves as an agent.

Ecotours is a State propaganda organ, doing what it can to adhere to the international news blackout that is in place on this subject.The number of snowy plovers spotted on Ocean Beach in San Francisco more than quadrupled from 2018 to 2019.

The number of wading bird nests recorded in South Florida in 2019 is the highest since record keeping began in 1995, and is 50% above the previous record, set in 2009.

The number of birds at Sambhar lake in India increased 20% from 2018 to 2019, while the species count there decreased by 20%.

The number of birds at Sambhar lake in India increased 3,032% from 2019 to 2020, and the species count there increased by 55%

A distinguished Ornithologist described the record-setting, 50% increase in the number of robins counted in Ontario, Canada in 2019 as “interesting”.

2019 saw the largest increase in loon nesting pairs in Vermont's history.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, October 25, 2020

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