Some Comments on the Use of Magic and Intention

This fellow is a new orgonite flinger and I think he’s going to accomplish a lot. Carlos and I have been corresponding with him, recently. I’ve told him that I like the concept of magic and that orgonite’s dynamics seem to fit the definition of magic. I don’t think Carol’s ever connected rituals to our fieldwork but I do agree with the fellow that rituals can be positively productive. Fortunately, this is not an organized or institutional effort and each of us find our own balance and personal style in a unique way, which I think is wonderful. I’m going to wait and see if this fellow’s use of magic will protect him from the sewer rats’ psi corps. So far (over the past 16 years), nobody who has claimed that prayers, magic, ETs, etc., will protect them from psi assaults has demonstrated that success but who knows? I think The Operators want us to fight most of our own battles rather than continually rescue us. Orgonite flingers who use psychotropics are rarely assaulted but I suspect that it’s because they’re all potential assets for destroying this network from the inside. Many of us find a Succor Punch invaluable for blocking surveillance and I also use one for dowsing but that’s my style. When I’m being psychically assaulted, I hit the buggers back and hurt them. It rarely happens these days so I suppose that’s evidence that the sewer rats avoid pain. I’m including Carlos’ comments to the fellow because I think it’s useful and I like his very balanced approach and style. ~Don

On 05 Jul 2016, at 13:39, Carlos Silva [email protected] wrote:

Erm… I still don’t see the point of ceremonies if, as you agree, orgonite will work without them.

Intention alone doesn’t do much. Does it do something? Sure. It’s what the rats’ psychic army uses on a human(sic) level. Of course they have to mix it with technology and blood rituals - and they have to do it on a massive scale to just keep things going.

Our own (clean) heart energy has similarities to positive orgone. But that’s not something mental like intentions. In my experience, trying to use intention to improve the world is like trying to build a house with a spoon… it’s a very poor tool. Someone with a better tool can quickly undo your work.
Millions of people worlwide use intention (prayer). Are they successful in improving their lives? Your mileage may vary.

That you can become “invisible” is a useful parlor trick, and at least it seems harmless. The rats psychics’ have many of those tricks and other, more dangerous tools - which can’t stand a chance against heart energy nor against orgonite. Orgonite has the advantage of working 24/7, unsupervised.
I’m not comparing you to the rats, obviously. Ninjutsu, for instance, places high emphasis on staying invisible, both on the physical and etheric planes. My point is: what you are doing is essencially “magic” and as such it’s a neutral tool.

If you read ‘Don and Carol’s Adventures’ you probably know about Succour Punches, which is how most gifters stay invisible. I have no idea how they work but they seem to clear the energy around in a way that is different from orgonite. They amplify the intention (as any crystal) but I’m convinced it’s because of the coil and circuit that you can’t harm anyone with them. They can also be used to filter out the “personal garbage” while dowsing so results are more accurate.



As it seems, you don’t see how intention is interwoven with (the) heart (energy), like I do. In the end, it’s all about converting DOR to POR and that is intention to me, plus that I have no need to draw any attention in doing that. If you don’t like ceremonies, for whatever reasons, that’s fine. Please know that the ceremonies we perform are just a confirmation of our intentions (DOR to POR), balancing the male and female principles and matching our thoughts with our heart’s drive. We call this brief moment a ceremony, however trivial it might appear what we’re actually doing.

What you refer to as ‘the rats’ (what’s bad about rats anyway) are for the largest part programmed drones, just as about most of the general population. They act evil because they only know evil. I wouldn’t have been any less such a person, if I hadn’t been (so fortunately) able to escape my programming and go down the rabbit hole, or take the red pill. The worshippers of Ba’al made their choice and act on it like many others long before them, while the sheeple have no idea what that actually means for their lives. It’s those sheeple who hand over their lives and life energy to the instruments of that ‘devil’ and only they can end it, by seeing what really is. We’re only doing what we can to lift the veil they’re under, that prevents them from seeing reality, or truth. Orgonising is only one way we do that. It’s finally up to the sleeping masses to wake up and get in the know, followed by saying and acting NO.

Yes, I do know Succor Punches and I have one on order to experiment with it. Nevertheless, it’s seems to me that we don’t need that in order to stay unnoticed. There’s magic and sorcery, with my clear preference of using the former. I see no reason why not.

The invisibility feature of gifters is something that doesn’t seem to always depend on the orgonite-flinger’s intentions. Evidence suggests that there are a host of invisible guides and protectors who apparently are eager for any opportunity to help us in the field. I could give a lot of examples of how this isn’t related to our own intentions but my favorite one is a story that Francesco Soggiu of Norway told us during one of his visits:

He was walking around a high security prison, dropping orgonite, and was arrested after he got to the end of the sortie, then taken into the prison for interrogation. They also arrested the woman who had driven him to the site. As a side note, he was in the middle of a year of silence and carried a little blackboard and chalk around with him for communication; he also had long hair, a beard, and was barefoot. The guards showed him a videotape they’d made of his progress around the property and each time he tossed a piece of orgonite the images was obscured, so nobody was able to see what he was actually doing. The woman was terrified but they were both released without being charged.

When we faithfully follow our instincts in the field we’re apparently well guided and protected and we also find suitable places to put our orgonite and clear impressions of how much orgonite we need. This has been quite consistent over the years and doesn’t depend on one’s relative psi ability, fortunately. I always enjoy hearing from orgonite flingers who begin to experience this on their own. It’s one of the many thresholds or initiations that we reach along this wonderful path: improving ourselves as we improve our world.

I hope this does not becomes too distracting for the forum’s purpose but in my personal experience, the magic issue is about what kind of energy you use as the basis of it. If you feed it solely with your own human will and intention (solar plexus and bellow) the odds are you are going to be less efficient than the enemy simply because they have many millennia of exploitation of this kind of energy. I don’t think any human can ever beat a draconian in this kind of contest. The parasites favour this approach as it makes their own minions easily controllable. They are masters at cheating natural law and bending it to their own will with all sorts of trickery like magical diagrams, hand signs, chants, symbols, numerology, astrology, etc…

Even if you mix love based heart energy in the magic, the odds are that you are going to make it less effective by mixing contradictory energy in it. Why? Because human will is failable and will make mistakes. It is neutral only as long as you don’t make mistakes, which we all do. The psychics that get the most from their boosting “magic” are the ones who actually become the most neutral in the process, in other words the most HUMBLE. By keeping the human part of it to a minimum one can get the best results of the divine heart based energy, which is beyond the reach of the attackers will. With the plus that you cannot do harm to innocents with heart based energy.

Trickery is also dangerous because it was mostly developed by darksiders to control their minions while being controlled themselves by reptilian and draconian entities, who invented the whole thing in first place. I have a personal story with that. In the years before I found orgonite gifting I became aware of the NWO plot to enslave mankind and of it’s use of occult forces. I decided that I would learn about the spiritual world, in other words, that I would acquire power over it in order to better judge what was going on. I started practising kuji-in, which are hand signs (mudras) that are used to empower one chakras in meditation. It forms the power basis of some eastern black magic occult traditions, ninjutsu occultism being one of such, and allows the performance of trickery like suggestive invisibility. I practised Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for some months of my life, but pursuited kuji-in on my own.

As I progressed, I quickly noticed the surge of power, It was really working, clearing blockages and making me feel my chakras. But also unknown to me the problem of chakra cords became more pro-eminent. It was simply turning me into a better battery for dark entities, while it was making me more proud and angry. At one point of the progress, many months after the beginning, I started having spontaneous rushes of energy at the top of my head that made my hair stand still charged in static electricity, together with an ominous notion that something was trying to get in. That was the point I decided to stop it, as it was clear I had no Idea what I was doing. Many years later, after learning about orgonite and boosting, I decided to try the heart chakra hand sign. To my horror, as soon as I made the sign, I felt the heart chakra blocked and being corded by psychic attackers. I asked the cetaceans to fix it, which they quickly did to my relief. I learned a lesson and ditched the kuji-in pdfs in the garbage forever. In conclusion, kuji-in was boosting my lower chakras powers while bypassing and hijacking the higher chakras (heart and above), responsible for true spiritual development. STAY AWAY FROM IT, IT SERVES ONLY LUCIFERIC OCCULTISTS.

So I personally use the least trickery possible. No symbols, chants, rituals, whatever, unless they have been tested in battle by the psychics of this network and I know exactly what they are doing. Keep it simple, pure, heart based and as neutral as possible. I use tools that are mostly impersonal as orgonite, crystals, herbs and essential oils. I use candles in restricted manner, keeping it simple, intuitive and heart based. This way you can never stray too much from the right path, while keeping efficiency maximal.Wink