[Neo asked me to post something on the Croatian alternative-energy forum so I wrote the following, which he had offered to translate. I was unable to post it drectly, there, even though I was successfully registered but that will probably be worked out before long. ~Don]
My friend and associate, Neo, has been trying, for the past few days, to enable me to post on this forum but, meanwhile, I’m writing this and asking him to post it, just to get things started.
It’s quite difficult to carry on a successful forum, these days, especially when the subject matter is potentially empowering, as orgonite obviously is.
I was invited to administer the first orgonite forum in the summer of 2001 on Yahoo and that actually went well for an entire year, until I posted a report about the experiments Carol and I were carrying out on the then-new death towers, which some have called ‘cell towers.’ As you may remember, these suddenly proliferated in the millions across the globe in the autumn of 2001. The energy of these new weapons was sickening my psychic wife each time she ventured away from home so, out of a sense of self-preservation, she developed an orgonite pendant to wear near the heart. Those of us who are not particularly sensitive only feel distressed or depressed when we get within range of one of these broadcast weapons, as you may also know from experience.
We had been making orgonite devices to improve the quality of energy around us and to restore ‘pirated’ earth energy vortices in our travels during the year that we had been together before getting involved with that Yahoo forum. We also invented and built the first orgonite cloudbuster in that year and took that on the road with us, too. Most of our orgonite devices were cone-shaped and about 1/3 litre in volume so on a whim we put one near one of the new death towers: within 20 minutes the energy all around that site was quite sweet, so we performed the same on about a dozen other death towers. After that, I posted my report.
I was instantly cut off from all Yahoo forums and from our business website. All of our business email was hacked so that we were receiving no more orders for our product, which at that time was only the Terminator zapper. We continued to receive personal emails. Earthlink, whose headquarters in California are shared with the NSA (secret police) West Coast HQ, was the server for our email accounts and our business website was hosted on Yahoo, which you may know is owned by the CIA. Fortunately, the internet is big enough and open enough that when government secret police agencies in any country interfere with our freedom to communicate and earn a living we can easily find other avenues to get it back [Image Can Not Be Found] . The Chinese people discovered that happy fact when that government attempted and failed to shut down Twitter a couple of years ago.
During that first year on a forum many thousands of orgonite cloudbusters were built from free plans on the internet, fortunately, and that evidently stopped the chemtrail agenda in its tracks. We witnessed the number of new chronic sickness cases rapidly decline to almost none in that year.
Those cloudbusters didn’t stop chemtrails, as you can obviously see, but you may have noticed and some may have commented, here, that the spew no longer drops to the ground; it drifts across the sky as seeded clouds, which gradually disappear as normal clouds do. As Neo and some others, here, have probably also witnessed these seeded clouds disappear a lot faster when a region’s death towers and weather warfare facilities have all been ‘flipped’ with simple orgonite in a systematic and thorough way. For most of us, the supreme confirmation that the energy of our upper atmosphere will likely not revert to a negative/diseased state is that Sylphs appear and even may change chemtrail-seeded clouds into their own lovely sculptures or garments.
I think that being able to produce such remarkable effects in the sky and even improve our climates in the process (in many cases) is one of the things that so strongly attract more and more people to make and distribute simple orgonite in the environment intelligently.
As our East African friends are demonstrating, there are even economic advantages to doing this work. Several dozen of them are now earning livlihoods by making and selling orgonite to farmers and commercial fishermen in Kenya, Southern Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Rwanda/Burundi, the Congo and as far away as Chad. Because their orgonite is also restoring rainfall and even reversing deserts in those regions farmers are now planting and harvesting crops again, so the overall economy is also steadily improving. This can be achieved anywhere.
We’re quite proud and perhaps a little envious of them but they’ve sustained some grievous personal losses in the process of achieving this success. Thank God the worst seems to be behind them, now. The CIA and MI6, along with some other agencies, have been heavily vested in keeping Africa from achieving economic independence and freedom. One of the more miraculous results of distributing orgonite is that these horrid agencies then find it impossible to conduct their customary terrorism campaigns there. Dr Batiibwe and I witnessed that in then-wartorn Northern Uganda after we distributed orgonite, there, and after the late Salva Kirr and his surviving widow, Christine Anyango began systematically distributing orgonite in adjacent wartorn Southern Sudan that region eventually gained genuine independence and is now beginning to prosper, finally. Christine was one of the elected delegates to Khartoum during the secession talks.
Neo shared a video of our friend, Georg Ritschl, who is doing similar work in Southern Africa. He had engineered the current reversal of the Kalahari Desert, by the way, along with significant help from others, and is making progress with the even drier, adjacent Namib Desert, now. One of the fellows who was also arrested with Georg in Mozambique is a professional pilot who flies over the Kalahari almost daily and he tells me that it’s still green, eight years after Georg and friends achieved success. Thanks for sharing his information here, Neo.
Georg and I worked together in Uganda in 2003 and 2004 and an un-named government official & tribal chief, who is particularly interested in zappers, kindly provided transportation and lodging. He risked quite a lot to do that, by the way, and was threatened but he’s a genuine spiritual warrior. It was a wonderful experience for Georg and I.
My wife, Carol, did similar work with our zappers in Kenya, a couple of years before that, and was the first person to distribute orgonite in Africa. In fact, it was in that particular region that the first Black Africans to take an active interest in that, the late David Ochieng and Mrs Atieno Odondi, sought me out, online, to ask about orgonite in 2003. They didn’t know about Carol at the time but were evidently affected by the energy of the orgonite she left behind, nearby. A lot of us in the West (the Balkan States are Western, right?) are astonished by the natural psychic awareness of Africans and by their assumption that magic is no more remarkable, to them, than electricity is to us. Carol and I didn’t get bored, there. When the villagers figured out that she can easily talk to the dead they thronged her on the last day of her visit and so did the departed from the other direction. The death rate from AIDS in that region was quite high. The little, basic zappers that she distributed were routinely curing AIDS, malaria, fevers, infections, etc. We were later told that people are curing deadly snakebites with them. We mainly wanted to find out if zappers cure the African version of AIDS and there’s really no way to know something like that without going there and witnessing it happen consistently. This is the spirit of enquiry that we encourage people to exemplify when working with orgonite, too. We strongly discourage blind imitation. This global, unorganized revolution is very inclusive and empowering, as you hopefully know from your own experience by now.
Before my trusted friend, Steeve Debellefuille in Montreal, set up ethericwarriors.com for me in August, 2004 I had cycled through two other forums that were set up, allegedly for me, after the Yahoo debacle (I’m still not allowed to post on Yahoo forums) but each of those two was hosted by individuals who later betrayed us all and were evidently mandated to destroy this fledgling movement through intrigue and ‘social engineering’ on behalf of the American NSA/CIA and British MI6. One of them actually did destroy the vital and expanding online orgonite networks of Great Britain and of Australia, sorry to say.
Those neworks didn’t recover but there are some folks in those countries posting good reports on EW, at least, and John Scudamore in England hosts whale.to, which is an excellent compendium research website for people who want to know how the corporate world order controls the minds, behavior and speech of the majority of people in the West and attempts to kill us all through the food and pharmaceutical cartels. John does his best to ensure that only reputable sources of this empowering information are shared, which is a labor of Hercules, these days, as you might guess. Professional and egoistic, programmed liars and social saboteurs proliferate on the internet, especially on Engish-language venues, and in nearly all public forums, sorry to say, but we might rather just consider this a challenge for each of us to hone our discernment skills. I think there are more discerning people in the world, now, than in any period in recorded history and, thanks to the internet, we can all meet each other, finally.
I think this is enough for my first post, mainly because Neo has generously offered to translate it into Croatian. I hope I haven’t used too many American idioms. English is a crazy language, otherwise. If anyone here has questions or wants to challenge me perhaps we can conduct a dialogue, here, and maybe I’ll be able to post my own material here, eventually. Several of us get an overwhelming (at times) amount of hacking by the NSA and MI6, who are the only real terrorists in the world, after all. I welcome and answer sincere criticisms in a positive way. It’s been said that ‘The spark of truth is often generated by the clash of differing opinions,’ and all I have are opinions, after all; I claim no authority, nor can anyone else, in my opinion [Image Can Not Be Found] but it’s also been said, that ‘The truth is one point, but the ignorant multiply it.’
As you may have gathered, this worldwide, very quiet movement is unorganized and is not based on personalities, nor on ideologies. I’ve done my best for the past eleven years, as have several others who are even less inclined to chest-pounding than I am, to ensure that it will stay that way. I believe that now is the best time in history to be alive because our species stands on the threshold of spiritual maturity, which is perhaps to say that we have begun to cast off the ancient tyranny of parasites and to choose accountability and healing over perpetual slumber and self-indulgence.