Spanish Customs return orgonite parcel

I sent a parcel to the US with 16kg of towerbusters and it got returned from spanish customs at Madrid claiming it was a dangeours item, right along explosives, gas bottles and stuff like that.

the local post office clercks are always helpful and they know me so since customs did not offer any clarification i asked them how did they justify that decision?

the clerck showed me the internal letter they got and explained what i just said but did not in any way poiint to the law, point or policy that says this item is actually classifiable as dangerous. The clerck gave me the full list and obviously there was nothing in there that resembled orginite as being dangeorus, not even when taking into account the material in itself.

So i just like to report it here since i believe it ismore than a capricious decision. I sent the parcel again split in two and i will boost them.


If possible, it helps to document this kind of crap. Parasites hate exposure of all kinds of course, but they must specially dread to have their signature or even work position involved with this nonsense in an official document. More than once, in the past, they tried to associate orgonite with terrorism or forbidden materials, and that was always clay that wouldn’t stick to the wall. I’m expecting them not to try the same thing again with you so soon after you’ve done good counter-measures, such as posting about it.

Once, a package sent to a customer in Brazil was forwarded to their Ministry of Agriculture for inspection. At the time I had to point it out in public because that is such a priceless admission of the effects of orgonite :-) Sure it took several weeks for the package to be released but I think it was worth it.