This Sunday afternoon has been very nice for me an a group of friends. We met at a friends rooftop to make orgonite Tbs & HHG s. We were 10 people in all.
We spent the afternnon talking about the world odour and how we can do something about it.
Each one made 4 Tb s and an HHG to take back with them.
I also took the Cb upthere to show them and demosntrate its work.
One already decided she was going to gift 2 locals schools cause children there are not having the right atmosphere so she felt it needs healing. I already thought of that before so i am glad she wants to do it.
I hope that at least 2 people will become regular gifters, the more , the better.
When we finished the work and went to the street, we put the CB down next to the car and 2 tourist passed by and asked my friend if he was selling the CB cause it looked like a nice piece of decoration ! lol
Mr B was very kind to send metal shavings and crystals this way. We can start the Menorca Blue project to gift the sea all around the island when it gets here.
I have a question that i was asked by one guy:[color=#ff000c:1pi0b95r] Is it possible making a CB with solid tubes (not hollow) of copper? he says he has availabity of that material and would make one right away if it works the same.[/color:1pi0b95r]
SHORT UPDATE: It s been rainning and cloudy sine we did the workshop. It might be that we spread some nice HHG s around the island when people took them home along with their Tb´s. Sure it is a nice sign!