Steve Baron Suggests A Gifter's Motto:

Don Croft
04 Nov 2008 16:19
Subject: Steve Baron Suggests a Gifter’s Motto:
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan [or the effete Sewer Rats at Langley & Downing Street, if you will. ~Don] shudders and says, ‘OH, $#!+, SHE’S AWAKE!’

05 Nov 2008 10:45
Subject: Re: Steve Baron Suggests A Gifter’s Motto:
Another suggestion, a quote from Constance Cumbey:

“how to wake people up without scaring them to death!”

06 Nov 2008 03:16
Subject: Re: Steve Baron Suggests A Gifter’s Motto:
Excellent video, Khalil, this brought together many strands of inquiry for me, in particular the fact that the environmental movement has been hijacked by the Luciferian agenda. If you try and suggest that to anyone in that movement they will look at you as a dangerous lunatic! She mentions two ‘charitable’ organisations in particular, I was a member of both of them – sheesh!

Life has somehow ‘sheltered’ me from the Newage Sewagers, I only met a few people who were on that trip and on the way to Findhorn, but I do remember the mood of impending cataclysm/rapture and I don’t mind admitting that I had, for many years, a kind of unconscious vision which was based on that concept, i.e. there’s something really big around the corner and you better be prepared for it. It’s only in the last couple of years that I’ve really woken up to this gigantic mind control scam, horrified at first but now laughing full-bellied Mr. Yellow

I’m going to get Constance Cumbey’s two books, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and A Planned Deception. It seems to me that her research is the sort of stuff that will take the wild-eyed fanaticism out of the enviro-fascists when you gently introduce it to them in personal conversation.


06 Nov 2008 04:13
Subject: Re: Steve Baron Suggests A Gifter’s Motto:
“Constance also tells her thrilling account of how she basically shattered a Benjamin Creme gathering by saying the Lords Prayer, while they were waiting for Maitreya to show.”

Classic! Cesco just showed me a media advert for a Creme talk. That Maitreya chap looks a right plonker. Be fun to point an SP at him, if only I was in London.

“Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan [or the effete Sewer Rats at Langley & Downing Street, if you will. ~Don] shudders and says, 'OH, $#!+, SHE’S AWAKE!”

I like that. I certainly hope the pharma flacks think that as well. Pharma is an extortian scheme using the disease protection racket

I must be bonkers to believe that, a part of me thinks. The wife thinks I am an extremist and I don’t think she has ever been to my site!

Don Croft
07 Nov 2008 11:57
Subject: Re: Steve Baron Suggests a Gifter’s Motto:
Thx, guys–I remember when Maitreya was still young enough to pull off the corporate ‘youthful world savior’ scam but he’s almost fifty so probably is just collecting IMF paychecks by now Wink

Fortunately for us, the only people who come to EW are the ones who want to be awake. I don’t even know how to relate to people who are aggressively asleep, except to give a wide berth to their diurnal sleepwalking.
