Horselover in Arizona has been trying to post this but the NSA/CIA/SS sewer rats keep blocking and sabotaging her so I thought I’d do the honors. Let’s see if this bit of exposure pushes them back a bit and loosen those felons’ grip on her freedom of speech. She posted elsewhere about this curiously stubborn mountaintop death array near Showlow, Arizona, that kept putting out angry, nasty-colored energy even after she’d dropped a lot of orgonite and even some earthpipes, there. Horselover, who was one of the first gifters, is one of the fortunate ones who can see subtle energy, which certainly makes it easier for one to observe the effects of what we’re doing. I’m convinced that Reich saw this energy.
Our impression was that she and her husband had alarmed and severely annoyed the base’s inhabitants, who we assume are offworld predators; guests of the NSA. When human parasites’ towers are flipped they just usually just turn up the energy, which of course causes these towers to put out more positive life force. If they weren’t stupid in their arrogance they’d turn the things off. I think that alien predators are even more arrogant and will often lash out in a comical display. They nearly killed Reich by throwing, from ships outside of the atmosphere, the energy of decay at his lab in Maine, which he had to evacuate under the circumstances, and I don’t think they yet comprehend that orgonite transmutes that poisonous energy into vital life force. I doubt they can actually sense vital energy, the way parasitic banksters only perceive public debt and are repelled and infuriated by public prosperity. If you watch the late, heroic Phil Schneider’s videos on YouTube you may get a practical overview of these underground people-eaters whom this regime in Washington, London and Tel Aviv seem to worship and adore. Last week, Carol and I suggested just putting more earthpipes out over an extended area until the problem goes away, since it’s probably part of a huge base, and I was pleased to receive this from her:
Yep, the buggers have been blasting us every which way to Sunday, especially financial, messing up internet, etc. My poor old husband and I hiked for about 3 hrs on some gnarly mtn trails carrying another 9 pipes and a 10lb sledgehammer, and nailed it. 18 EP’s and about 20 tb’s. The hill had been sending out blackness to the east even more than when I first got to it, but it isn’t now. All I can figure is they’re really trying to link with something to the east. Phoenix is about to install some kind of butt-ugly gear (can’t remember what it was exactly, but still obvious ploy), so will have to go down there again.
I emailed Chuck about the password hack. buggers got it before I even had chance to use it to post. will post about latest (arthritic, ouch ouch) hike to pound pipes.