It looks like the world odor has gotten pretty determined to undo all of the healing work that has been done in Kenya and Sudan by our gifting associates but we mustn’t let them prevail!
David Ochieng managed to send some of his own orgonite to Salva Kirr and his wife, Christine, in Southern Sudan but this wonderful couple are facing starvation, along with most of the populace in Southern Sudan. In addition, Christine lost her teaching job, which was sustaining them. Along with many thousands of their tribesmen and coutnrymen, these two and their children had been forced to flee their country after some CIA/MI6-sponsored terrorists murdered many in their village and drove the rest out.
After Southern Sudan was gifted by Dr Kayiwa, the ‘fighting’ ended for a couple of years but it’s apparently starting up, again. I’ll ask the psychics to look into interfering with the current CIA/MI6-run horrors in Sudan and, meanwhile, I hope you’ll consider sending a MOneyGram donation to Salva, who has to travel to Lodwar, Kenya, in order to retrieve his email these days. I had posted an appeal for donations for them a few weeks ago and here’s an update from him:
> Hello Don,
> I was in Lodwar town in Kenya to check if i got any email,but i did not
> find any.
> Life is really pretty had for me now and i really need your
> asistance.You can give any of your friend to send to me.
> My wife too sends her regards to you she said that i should let you know
> that she is fully commited to this gifting project after she lost her
> teaching work.
> David sent me some orgonite which i reacieve afew weeks back and am
> planiinin to do the gifting in our area next week.
> Have you had from David recently?.
> Kenya too as fallen into the civil war and i just hope David is doing
> fine.
> Yours Salva.
Salva’s email addy is [email protected] and you can send MOneyGram ($10 for any amount sent), or Western Union (costs more to send). I’m going to ask him, now, to provide specifics, since the money has to be sent in the name of a friend of his in Lodwar. I’ll post it shortly.
Salva and Christine went to Mombasa with David Ochieng and Mrs Odondi a year ago to gift the dolphins. David’s getting a lot of support, now, for getting reports and photos posted on EW from his own computer. Mrs Odondi is apparently doing okay, in spite of near anarchy in Kenya and lots of violence in her city, Kisumu.
I’m going to post a request for some specific help for Judy Lubulwa in Nairobi regarding Lake Turkana, in N. Kenya, which the psychics feel can be gifted to help end the violence in Kenya and help wrest control of the country from the ‘UN,’ which is to say the murderous Brit and Jesuit spooks and the CIA.
I’m really hoping that the world odor can’t ‘take back’ what our gifting associates in Africa have been gaining for the region. It’s probably going to be awhile before they can do this on their own, the way most of us in the West are able to do. I’ve never faced starvation and I hope none of the rest of us ever will but, fortunately, it doesnt’ take a lot of money to prevent a family of active, inspired gifters from starving in East Africa.