My mother moved to Boise in 1965, if memory serves me correctly.
The house her family moved to has been destroyed. The place is now the site of the large Mormon Temple in Boise Idaho on Cole road a quarter mile north of Overland Road. I have no memories of being there but my cousin does. He’s now 40 years old so was about 7 years old when I was born.
My cousin and I were driving around Boise in the summer of 2000. While I was driving past the old site of the family house on Cole road, my cousin leaned forward and looked up into the blue sky, he got a very puzzled look on his face and asked “What’s that?”
There, beaming to or from the Temple, was the first DOR beam that I’ve ever sean. It was a very dark shadow from the golden horn blower up into the sky.
That was unlike other DOR beams I’ve witnessed since then. Typically the DOR beams are seen (were seen) from a mountain peak extending toward another mountain peak.
Him and I watched as the DOR beam lightened and slowly went away. The sky was blue and there wasn’t so much as a cloud in the sky.
This puzzled us both because we could not explain it.
It was within a month that he and I both noticed grids of chemtrails being sprayed at low altitude over the same Boise Valley. We would watch the planes, sometimes several at a time, spaying the grid lines as if drawing a checker board. Interesting and we talked about never seeing that happen ever before.
We were alarmed and wondered what it meant.
I started having dreams involving airplanes and Europe (for some reason). I awoke from a dream that summer where I had been given specific info about the design of something. It was odd to me. Why to build this type of thing was something I didn’t quite understand but it was made very clear about how important it was. It was in essence, a series of coils and crystals in a matrix of sorts. I didn’t understand it at the time.
There was a woman who was guiding me (in the dream) to getting the correct info- and a man trying to convince me to listen to him instead.
Their info were different but I awoke being told to just use 32 HZ. It was something of major importance but the 32 HZ frequency wasn’t a sound wave, rather another wave that would reach around the world, somehow. Why 32 HZ? I really have no idea now. Perhaps that frequency was given by the man who was clearly trying to sway me away from the correct frequency that the woman was trying to get me to understand.
That was something I used my heart to discern between the two sources of info. One was correct and the other was interference, I believe.
32 hz has been used now and reported to cause feelings of being drugged- in a sort. I figure perhaps that frequency may be beneficial in ways- though it hasn’t revealed itself to me just yet, what good could come from using that frequency. That was the summer of 2000.
I went on painting houses and fixing fences on a ranch and cooking in a restaurant outside of Boise until the summer of 2002.
That summer is when I drove to my Dad’s house and had a nice visit. We were standing outside where he had recently built a new cedar fence.
Dad kept talking about some things I don’t remember and finally I was able to ask him what the copper pipe thing was. It was in the corner near the fence.
He told me it is called a cloud buster and it has metal and fiberglass resin with some quartz crystals in it. He talked about the school yourself website and about a man named Don Croft. He could see that I was listening and interested so he wrote the website down and told me to read the adventures of Don and Carol Croft before posting on the forum, then housed on yahoo.
I listened to dad explain about chemtrails and DOR beams, we looked at pictures he’d taken and it reminded me of the DOR beam and grid spraying planes from 2000. The important and life changing thing, for me, was the feeling of this being the correct way to fight this agenda.
Dad and myself had become well aware of the different brain washing and Sh!tb!rd agendas over the years. I think that’s why dad was able to find orgonite within a few months after Don and Carol built their first CB.
Dad already had thousands of dollars into HHGs, gifting the Boise Valley when he explained orgonite to me.
I was very excited and graciously accepted the CB dad had made for me. I agreed to take it to my house in the mountains north of Boise.
I got home and stayed up most of the night reading about the experiences Don and Carol were having.
The Zapporium was in full use and this was something very exciting to me.
I felt like a kid who was perched in the hallway closet with a bag of marbles-
just ready to pour them onto the wooden floor as the sh!tb!rds came marching in [Image Can Not Be Found]
Really, I felt incredibly empowered with orgonite.
I had the feeling deep inside me saying that what happened to the Weavers and the Davidians and
the many other nameless victims of the sh!tb!rd agencies- it had helped put my father and I in a position of awareness through his tireless search of “what to do about it”.
It brought to my attention something that would help crumble those now powerless vermin agencies. I knew in my gut that this was for real.
That was 8 years ago and I am so thankful to those who were involved back then. There were many disinformation artists put in place to derail this movement, all those agencies could do was try to use ideas to corrupt those doing the work with orgonite.
There were those with well made plans to commit mass murder and enslave the world through the use of DOR and mind control, quite evidently.
-rendered ineffective with copper pipes, polyester resin and a quartz crystal.
Gladys and Charlie Bridges found out about orgonite and have remained very involved since 2001 in supplying crystals for orgonite, as well as making their own orgonite. I smile each time when I think of them.
I use their crystals in what I make, when possible, because of their continued devotion to the unorganized orgonite network worldwide… And because they have great Arkansas crystals. They’ve always been there for us with the crystal ammo to help us get the work done, at great prices.
I’ll have to get Dad to dig out some of his old pictures of the DOR clouds and DOR beams and the horrific chem clouds and sky- we don’t see that stuff now.
He has some incredible photos that should be made available again. His website just disappeared one day within weeks of me returning from Florida.
I’m not about to start pushing 32 HZ again, as I’m not satisfied that it is a particularly beneficial frequency to use for orgonite.
If one does the research on that frequency and the known detractors and disinformation artists who currently push that frequency, its easily seen now, the source of that info (in my dream in 2000) was interference. Its interesting to look back and put some of the details together.
Out of the woodwork now, comes many emails asking me about 32 hz and 32 Mhz. Do others get these emails or am I being triggered to push 32 HZ again? LOL
I don’t concern myself with the details now, I pass what I do through my heart- BS gets ignored. If an idea doesn’t hold the weight of a CB, its nothing.
I get people writing me now asking what they should have for orgonite.
Standard response: a CB, gift some HHGs, gift some TBs and gifting some Earth Pipes.
There are other nice things to have but that list gets the work done.
Sadly, my cousin has absolutely no recollection of having seen the planes spraying the grid lines over the Boise Valley in 2000.
He also has no memory of seeing that DOR beam coming from the Mormon Temple in Boise in the summer of 2000.
Interestingly, his dad was the Asst Commissioner of Finance for NY during the Trade Center massacre -and was home “sick” that day.
“hey Joe, we’re doing something downtown today. stay home”
days later:
“oh that? no, we didn’t do that”
~I still get those people asking “how do you know orgonite is doing anything?”
after this many years and what we’ve been through- just make some. a CB, HHG and gift some TBs.
You’ll know what orgonite does [Image Can Not Be Found]