Suspect US Troops Movment

I’m really not into fearmongering but a recent news is really suspicious…Maybe this is something the psychic chat group should look into.

Read the description of the video for more info. As mentioned on the forum where I found this, lots of the army vehicules are camo green… not really usefull in the desert…so what will they be used for?

Olivier, I don’t think you’re fearmongering and the corporate world order constantly parades their [failing] intentions in front of us, of course. If their wishes had been granted we’d all have been dead or in slave labor camps before the year 2000.

If all the armies in the world converged on one North American city they’d probably fail to subdue it. Think of ‘Warsaw Ghetto’ times a thousand [Image Can Not Be Found]
That seems like a self-evident truth to me and I think the only people who are afraid of martial law being declared are the ones who won’t think about it rationally.

The US military are small, now, and notice that they’re nearly all in the Mideast. US soldiers won’t enforce martial law in America and the cops are terrified of martial law because that makes them instant targets for snipers.

The Chinese won’t come here to wage war on citizens because they need Americans (and everyone else) to keep buying their stuff. The Russians are experiencing an improving economy so of course they’re not motivated to get bogged down in a war that would be a thousand times more devastating than their failed effort in Afghanistan.

Not many years ago we were not sure whether the corporate world order had a chance to achieve genocide and WWIII but I think the turning point was around 2003. Lots and lots of people who look out of their eyes and use their minds and hearts more independently have come to this conclusion by now.
Orgonite had a hand in it but rising human awareness is the main reason the corporate parasite is finally being dislodged from the body politic, I’m quite sure.

The better things get in the world, the more strident the corporate-sponsored Chicken Littles are becoming, I’ve noticed [Image Can Not Be Found]


Good evidence of the corporate order’s failure are the series of failed and failing massacre campaigns by America and Britain in the Mideast and North Africa. I think a lot of Pajama People are wondering, by the way, why the chump US Marines (you know: ‘jarheads’) are fighting side by side with the CIA’s own ‘Al Qaeda’ in Libya [Image Can Not Be Found]

The Saddam debacle was supposed to have been the fuse to light WWIII, though Obama’s promise on the real ‘inauguration night’ (to the Chicago Zionists in June, 2008) to attack Persia was probably supposed to have been the ‘next stage.’ Even the beer-swilling, pitbull Pajama People lack enthusiasm for the ‘The War on Alleged Terror’ so attacking Persia didn’t happen.

Note that the US and Britain have not molested Persia and that they even had to leave Iraq under humiliating circumstances.

So, you know no army on the planet is keen to face hundreds of millions of ‘insurgents’ in North America, Oli.


Eustace Mullins described a study by the Ford Foundation that concluded it would be impossible to maintain Martial law in the US.

It’s on page 84 of The World Order, Our Secret Rulers.

“A confidential Ford Foundation study showed that only 5% to 10% of Americans would actively resist a communist seizure of power (martial law). That was the good news (for the World Order). The bad news (also for them) was that only 1% of our citizens, armed and opposing the takeover, would defeat it.”

That convinced me they really do fear exposure.

Thx, Hawthorn, and World Order, by Mullins, is an excellent ‘second book’ after None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Allen (free PDF download, here) in my opinion. it’s a crash course in the operation of the world order during the early to late 1900s–their heyday.

When I bought the book in 1985 it was subtitled, ‘The Hegemony of Parasitism,’ and that has influenced me in a profound way. In those days, censorship was still in effect so it was a real coup to be able to order that book after hearing Mullins on a talk show. The next (credible) conspiracy book I found, a year later, was Gary Allen’s–a yellowed paperback that I found in the Saco, Maine, public library (against all odds [Image Can Not Be Found] )

The internet blew censorship apart in the 90s, so almost any book that’s in existence is obtainable on the web. One really has to get past the omnipresent, strident disinformants, who are mostly on the web and in corporate bookselling franchises and consider focusing on credible authors, I think. It takes a little hunting to find them and they never, never get onto the best seller lists.

Later authors do a better job of tying the London-based, nearly defunct corporate world order to ancient Babylon. William Cooper and Joseph Farrell are among those, though I think Fritz Springmeier is worth reading, since the feds jailed him on account of telling their secrets. I haven’t yet read any of his work, though I will. Alejandro and I might have sort of sprung Springmeier, three years before his sentence was over, by gifting all around the federal prison he was evidently being confined in, January, 2009. He immediately moved to Japan, if I’m not mistaken. A lot of Springmeier’s material might be from psychic sources or otherwise impossible to corroborate directly. Most other credible authors (as opposed to the small herd of the CIA’s Chicken Littles, who are plagiarists) indicate their sources. He was involved with exposing the Franklin Coverup material about institutionalized pedophelia among the top federal government politicians, most of whom are still in office.

Reading as much credible conspiracy books as possible is a sure way to gain certainty about how the world has been run since the beginning of recorded history. Farrell is the first reputable author I know about who ties the Chinese into this, by the way: the elephant in the room whom the Chicken Littles have studiously ignored.


some of the chicken little individuals are now resorting to re-cycling 08’s info on the ‘guillotines’ issue and others…

that is a good sign that the script has run out…

I agree this could be another fear mind control based propaganda and maybe this was a deliberate act by the goverment to bring back the fear of martial law in the head of the population.

I also came to the conclusion that martial law would tottally fail. No cop would dare to show themself in public if the martial law was passed because they would know that there life would bee in serious danger.

I still find this suspicious but of course this probably has nothing to do with the martial law.

I agree. PJ people are starting to wake up and they’re waking up really ticked off. Marshall law would just be open hunting season on law enforcement types. Also, our troops who would be charged with enforcing the rule would not fire on American citizens.

I think if they ever tried to enact Marshall law, it would last all of about 2 hours, if that and those in power would no longer be right after.

I guarantee at this stage, the powers that be know this. It would just hasten their demise.

They do play a lot of mind games but more and more people I talk to these days have seemed to have been able to get their built-in bullshit detectors up and running again in spite of all the mind manipulation stuff and they’re simply not buying the line of crap anymore.

This all bodes well for a near future thats free of bad guys where the remaining problems we’ll be dealing with will be real world ones and not contrived, manufactured or otherwise foisted on the populace of the world to continue to control them.

Better times are definitely coming but like most things, it might be a rocky ride for a while till the dust settles. It will though.