Swedish Chapter Going Strong

Howitzers Choppers Sylphs - Etheric Warfare, Baby! (PIX)
very nice!
(images missing)

Excellent work, Hallquist, and for a little history I’ll mention that Georg in Jo’burg, orgoniseafrica.com, became very frustrated by constant stratospheric whiteout even after he had flipped all of the thousands of death towers in the metro area so was evidently inspired to build an Orgone Howitzer, which blew it apart. Others have reported the same success over the years. It’s very empowering to be able to immediately affect visibly positive changes in the sky by our own efforts and to do it in a consistent way.

Although nobody has been harmed by chemtrails for many years, as far as we know (when one corresponds with thousands of sick people around the world it’s not hard to track such things) the psychological effect of chemtrail-seeded clouds annoys some people no end. Even though those clouds will drift harmlessly until they dissipate and they never drop down we can at least use them to gauge our atmospheric healing experiments, as Hallquist has just documented so well.

I think we have more chemtrails over us than anywhere else in the region but we rarely notice them any more. We also have more Sylph activity than anywhere else i the region except over Dooney and Stevo’s valley in Montana, two hours’ drive east of us. Around both valleys I deposited hundreds of towerbusters along all of the peaks and ridges of the ajdoining mountain ranges. Also, the clouds in areas where there are a lot of Sylphs often have edges that appear magenta and bright green when those edges are near the sun. This color effect is enhanced when we fly closer to the clouds but can otherwise be more easily seen through tinted glass. I saw that color effect for the first time over an underground base we had flipped in the then-desert of Eastern Oregon. It’s not a desert any more Cool

Busting underground bases with earthpipes usually affects the sky dramatically, including faster-disappearing chemtrail seeded clouds.

Persuading people to get clear of the chemtrail fear porn websites and simply observe the chemtrails, instead, is no easy task. I also tell them that Carol and I send hair samples periodically to our associate, Dr von Peters, who uses the most advanced hair analysis lab on the planet, which is to say it’s the only lab that will identify exotic poisonous metals and radioactive material. We started doing this in 2005 after the FBI nearly killed us with beryllium. The reason this relates to chemtrail fear porn sites is that there’s never been a trace in our bodies of the poisonous material that the fear/hopelessness purveyors insist is in all of us from those planes.

Two or three times in the past ten years we saw single chemtails that stretched from horizon to horizon and it was quite a marvel since all the other chemtrails on those days didn’t last long at all. Those long ones faded out, too, but one wonders at how many things the tech minions of the Old Parasite are mandated to try in order to find a way for their psych-out agenda to keep some momentum. I think most people still haven’t consciously noticed chemtrail-seeded clouds but all of us are psychologically affected by seeing them, I believe.

Another encouragement I offer to people who drink the chemtrail fear porn KoolAid is to note that on most days of heavy spew activity there will be one or two jets whose trails disappear immediately. I assume that these fast-disappearing ones are the usual poison cocktails that had sickened and damaged so many millions of people presumably by repeated exposure to bioweaponry, between 1998 and 2003. By 2003 there were so many thousands of home-built orgonite cloudbusters in teh affected (industrialized) countries that the chemtrail agenda simply failed. Fast-disappearing spew is the best evidence I know that it’s being sprayed out within the 300km-or-so-radius energy field of one or more orgonite cloudbusters.

Bioweaponry seems to be a lot weaker than natural pathogens. All pathogenic organisms are destroyed by ultraviolet light so in order to work, this all had to descend to the ground immediately and be breathed-in by people. UV radiation is much stronger in the stratosphere, where the stuff is spewed out.

Hallquist epitomizes what I consider to be the proper attitude of an etheric warrior, by the way, as do most of us here: when the enemy come after us or our loved ones personally it only increases our determination to do our part to defeat them. Fortunately for all of us, the enemy are only parasites but if we don’t attend to proper self defense and appropriate retaliation they can weaken, confuse, sicken or even kill us eventually, which is what all parasites are mandated to do.

It was many years before I was in contact with someone in Sweden who is committed to large scale flipping of the death towers until Tomas came along, followed by Hallquist and I was very glad when they began networking with each other.

In the (not distant?) future flipping death towers will probably become a popular pastime but I think that in the first several years after the death towers proliferated in hte milliions around our world the ugly agenda which some of us feel that the towers were intended to carry out, a brutal, murderous global police state, was essentially prevented. By 2004 we felt confident that none of us would end up in mass graves or concentration camps Wink and I doubt more than one in two or three million people were needed to accomplish that stage.

I’ve mentioned this a few times but in the absence of a fuller record of this unorganized movement and because there are new readers all the time I think it’s worth telling it again in this context:

By 2004 Steve Baron in Toronto and many friends had distributed over 20,000 orgonite pieces in the Toronto metro area: one per city block. They had also suddenly cleaned the poisonous waters of Lake Ontario which had made the public beaches off limits. Even the media whores, who are probably forbidden to tell good news, openly wondered at this miracle.

In spite of all that work and the existence of a lot of orgonite cloudbusters, including one that was so huge that Steve rented a barge and crane to drop it in the middle of Lake Ontario, the stratosphere was constantly white. DB suggested dropping some orgonite in the sea along the Atlantic coast and a prolific orgonite-flinger in Newfoundland did that, then the whiteout quickly dissipated and hasn’t been a problem again, as far as I know. The timely assistance of reputable psychics like DB, Carol, Dooney, Hawthorne, Dirk and a handful of others has been priceless. I believe that Dr Reich’s gift of energy sensitivity made his research possible.

The psychics have also provided encouragement and confirmation for many EW contributors who had not yet learned to trust their own intuitive impressions. The consistency of all this work may only be empirical evidence but it’s been enough to inspire more and more people to do this important field work, after all, and someone who is energy sensitive is better able to find hidden targets. Parasites are fatally dependent on hiding. Until more scientists like Reich and Tesla come forward to provide more more objective research we’ll be satisfied with the way we’ve been doing things. After all, as Hallquist just demonstrated, we get results