Our un-named expatriate American friends in Dubai received this fine visual and other-sensory confirmation, this week, for the expanding success of their gifting efforts in Dubai, the Strait of Hormuz and the southern end of the Persian Gulf. I’m really happy for them.
Fantastic! I had Sheik Mohamed ethericly show up in my room once when I lived there and I was engaging in sensuous boosting. i think he came for an energy feeding, but took off very quick when i saw that i could see/sense him. i worked for the former chairman of BCCI bank there (the bank that was responsible for funneling billions of USD into Iraq before Gulf War I to buy “farm equipment”)…now Union National Bank Abu Dhabi. I smelt his vibe pretty quick and quit.
The UAE is home to some very tricky predators, Halliburton, CEO Erik Prince of Blackwater terror operations…ooops I mean Security. I’m glad we have some TB-tossers in the UAE. I love the Bedouin there…and they gave me my first fresh raw camels milk. Nice people, but like in all places the nice people are the muppets at the bottom and the predators are the ones on top, discuised as leaders. But thats all about to change…I think the LEASE the controllers have on the planet is about to expire. They KNOW it too and each TB tossed sends the controllers into long overdue healing crisis and detox cleansing.