Tallest Masonry Structure

Been gifting pretty heavy the last several weeks, and thought I would update with a report.

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The San Jacinto monument is the tallest masonry structure (taller than the one in Washington) in the world and is an obelisk with a modified (9-point) Merkaba at the top. It sits on a former battle site with a large pentagram in front of the full length reflecting pool. Adjacent to the site is a large statue of some Mason dude with one of their large emblems on it, and something that looks like a globe with and arrow through it in the middle of a cemetery (which is in a park?). The retired Battleship Texas is also docked there. Every ship coming through the shipping channels goes right by it. The swamps around the park presumably still have some remains of the Mexican troops that were forced into them and then shot. This is mason Sam Houston’s legacy…

I visited the site in the past to ‘pre-gift’ it and have returned a few times recently to really beef up the orgone field. I feel confident to call it done, inside and out. I went with HHG’s, EP’s, and ton’s of TB’s. For inside I used some left over special orgonite I had from DB & Ben. I don’t know how to make anything other than the regular orgonite myself, but I thought something special would be good for this place. If any reputable intuitive would like to give me some feedback I would appreciate it and am willing to go back for any ‘touch-ups’.

Also finished connecting a 60+ mile orgone field right across the middle of Houston. I had not even finished it when I sensed a ‘snap’ in the energy and we went to another level here. I like to create heavy orgone areas and then connect them to other heavy orgone areas with a line of TB’s about every ¼ to ½ mile apart in what I call threads. Also have been going with a lot more Earth Plugs lately and I think it has been paying off. Getting one in a suitable place about every mile or two sure gets that orgone up nice into the air. Apparently, orgone likes to move back and forth on the threads to the heavy orgone areas (anchors). The result is like a constant scrubbing of the area. And Houston needs a good scrubbing for sure… [Image Can Not Be Found]

Still lot’s more planned but I need to take a few days break. I noticed continuous gifting (several days or weeks in a row) can really take it out of me.

Been doing the local Masonic ‘clubs’ and that number must be over 3 dozen by now. Still several dozen left in my area, this is Texas after all…
When doing those places I like to go big, usually an HHG, EP, and at least 4-8 TB’s per location. This is enough to probably deal with just about any bad juju they generate in there, I reckon…haha Yee Haw!.

Anyway, trying to have fun with it and am enjoying the benefits…


2 thumbs up Toby [Image Can Not Be Found]

Eric [Image Can Not Be Found];

I passed by two massive ones on my recent travels. Will find the photo’s shortly


Hey Toby,

I had the same tactic in Marocco!

I used the already existing strong anchor in Spain and connected it with about 100 TBs into the street of Gibraltar with Marokko. (Later this connecting has been reinforced) Then I created a new strong anchor in Kenitra, a city of about 1/2 million habitants, later the whole Gharb, this is the green belt of Marokko between the Atlantik Ocean and the Mountains, then I lead threads into all different directions and later created new little anchors.

Then all the rivers (They are like natural orgone energy conductors, as you know), some wells and other important spots made the orgone field denser and stronger.

This method works fine, and it’s a lot of fun!
