For years you could buy an inexpensive Tesla coil from Edmunds Scientific but their website is down or gone, now. I wasn’t able to find a proper Tesla coil online for under $500 and Carol and I haven’t experimented with the cheap little Tesla coils, yet. Hopefully, those will do the job.
Tools aren’t entirely necessary to defeat the corporate order’s sewer rat agencies’ assaults but they can make it easier for us to succeed. We stopped using tools in our group sessions many years ago, for instance, though some of the psychics like to hold specific crystals, etc., while they’re in the sessions or, presumably, working on their own.
The $500 ones are fine for folks who can afford them and of course Tesla lived and worked within the energy fields of several, very large ones. He liked to joke that when his friend, Mark Twain, came to visit Tesla warned him that spending much time inside the coils’ energy fields might cause an unpleasant reaction but Twain told him, ‘Not for me!.’ Tesla said, ‘Suit yourself,’ and a little later Mark Twain lost control of his bowels.
For those of us whose businesses are being attacked it’s pretty important to find ways to help us keep our livlihoods and to keep serving our customers. Right now, the East Africans’ livlihoods are threatened and the drop in orgonite sales for them has the obvious sign of interference, since a great number of customers and potential customers have directly witnessed orgonite’s miraculous and empowering effects around them.
When a phenomenal and affordable product fails to develop its own market or when demand for it suddenly drops for no apparent reason we can assume it’s on account of occult interference by the corporate order. They can be relied on to do this when other means, such as an orchestrated slander (disinformation/terror) campaign, infiltration of the network by agents saboteurs or prosecution of the principal(s) have failed.
If you were paying attention you saw clever slander campaigns in the 1990s essentially destroy the ozone market, the colloidal silver market and the magnet-healing market. All of those had been spreading at a phenomenal rate. I think that in the case of ozone and magnets there was also soe prosecution and imprisonment of key people.
The energized water market was destroyed by infiltration by agents who first ‘bought the industry’ in two notable cases and then simply shut it down.
This was before the establishment of the zapper market. The CIA and NSA do something similar to software companies, including Microsoft, AOL, Earthlink, YouTube and Google. In the case of YouTube they can’t seem to manage a successful censorship strategy, heheh. The sewer rats evidently can’t control Apple but I can tell you that they do manage to hack my Apple computers a little bit via my Verizon (NSA) hookup and they send half of my business emails directly to the trash bin on my G-mail based account so I assume that the sewer rats bought my server a few years ago. I’m often amused by how fiercely tech people will explain away the rampant hacking that many of us on EW experience every day. It’s interesting to see who is never hacked because these are often the defenders of the notion that ‘it’s always a technical problem; not hacking.’
I think that when the zapper trade got started the corporate felons somehow knew that they would need a fresh approach to destroy it. Their challenges were that this is not a centralized operation and the devices are quite easy and inexpensive to make. I had no background in electronics, for instance, and didn’t even know how to solder (I was a sign painter at the time) but I was making and selling zappers within three months after I used one for the first time.
The two principals in the mid-1990s, Drs Beck and Clark, produced so much misinformation that the sewer rats haven’t had to work as hard as they might have if these two had been more rational because misinformation generally keeps people spinning their wheels, after all.
After the trade started to spread, though, in spite of Beck’s and Clark’s well-intentioned meanderings and obfuscations the sewer rats railroaded our main competitor into prison and Carol and I went on the road for a year on account of that, confident that the cowardly sewer rats loathe pursuing moving targets. Even before that, I jokingly called our trade methods, ‘Guerrilla Manufacturing and Marketing’ and our actual business name is World Without Parasites, which I chose in 1997. When I started watching the simplest zappers routinely cure AIDS, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, infections, etc., I was shocked that I could still by electronic parts at Radio Shack to make them because I naively assumed that this good, empowering news was going to spread fast [Image Can Not Be Found]
The sewer rats were working in other ways to disappear this information from general awareness, of course, and the inertia of several generations of successful mind control around the subject of disease made their job kind of easy in this case.
Fake cures spread like lightning, of course. I’d mention one that’s in progress but I’d probably get savaged for it by the fake cure’s acolytes. I’m still waiting to hear from anyone who seems rationa and can tell me, from direct experience or observation, that this stuff works. It’s been 4 and a half years since this product exploded onto the market. Meanwhile, I’m studying the tactics, which look identical to what was used many years ago to spread the NESARA silliness–remember that?
I had to know if ordinary zappers were capable of curing AIDS in Africa, though, so when an opportunity came to try it Carol took a few dozen of them to Kenya and did, in fact, routinely cure AIDS with them. I later did the same in Uganda and also found that they were consistently curing malaria, which some Africans told me was a much worse problem than AIDS. In between those visits, Carol and I got a chance to share some zappers with a notable traditional healer in Namibia when we went to that country to work with Gert Botha, gifting key vortices, a major hive portal and an underground base and distributing orgonite cloudbusters in the Namib and Western Kalahari Deserts.
The little zappers we took to Kenya and Uganda are just like the ones Andy is now selling on for $35 apiece and Carol Two Eagle is selling wholesale (ten for $180 in the US) on
In 1996 I clearly foresaw that someday everyone on the planet will have a zapper and it will probably only cost five bucks; made in China [Image Can Not Be Found] and by then most of the hospitals and most of the MDs will be out of business or engaged in ‘honest criminality.’ Picture a serial killer (MD), standing on a street corner in grubby scrubs with a cardboard sign that reads: Will Practice for Food.
Some MDs will make the grade. Dr Batiibwe in Uganda uses zappers, colloidal silver, ozone and local herbs to cure and heal people in the district hospital that he administers, for instance, and Dr Chima Okeopara in Nigeria has just started using zappers and was astonished when his first one cured his malaria, recently.
There’s no earthly reason why most doctors can’t do what Doc Stevo in Montana, Doc von Peters is doing in Tennessee and a small number of others in North America are accomplishing in a consistent way (curing and healing people with natural methods). It’s mainly a question of training, though someone who has the natural gift for healing will be more successful at it.
You might think of other examples of successful sabotage campaigns in history and if you read a lot you can trace it back several thousand years. All of the major Prophets were attacked by the corporate world order (mainly through their poisonous clergy) more vindictively than any of us could sustain, of course, then when the opposition failed in Their lifetimes to extinguish those Lights the clergy of the following apostate religions (such as in churchianity and the mosques) carried on the work against Them from inside. Even they are failing, fortunately.
Most people don’t want to think about any of this but when one takes an active interest in history and also wants to fix historic ‘problems’ with available solutions and information this is no longer a frightening or threatening subject; it can be kind of stimulating for us to see the Unseen Hand at work down through the ages and it’s now becoming fashionable to even talk about it in the open. Remember when it was a forbidden topic? Don’t be dismayed by the way that the army of (often charismatic) disinformants on the web seem to be the spokesmen for all of this at the moment. Look at them more closely and you’ll find that Unseen Hand operating them all like puppets [Image Can Not Be Found]
Several of the East Africans have been in the chats with us but I haven’t yet convinced them to go after the people and agencies who murdered some of them, four years ago, and have conducted an expanding campaign to destroy them ever since. They’re kind-hearted and generous as well as long-suffering so maybe it’s up to some of us to go bust some corporate-order heads in the etheric realm in order to stop the current, successful effort by these wealthy felons to disappear them from public awareness. I’m going to ask my wife to look into this as soon as we have an opportunity and I hope others who are reading this will also do that, along with sending heart energy through the Africans at whoever is sabotaging them. At least the murder attempts seem to have stopped and they’re no longer being arrested on false charges or waylaid by soldiers on the highway.
The Namibians are evidently getting a dose of the more overt opposition (jailing Mrs Nyaanga for trying to retrieve the zappers I mailed to that new group) but I think that there’s enough public awareness, via this website, that the sewer rats won’t push the issue much more.
There are probably a lot of good tools we can use but the challenge one faces in finding them is to wade through the cacaphony (‘A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds’) being made by ‘spiritual masturbators’ who only want this stuff for personal enhancement.
Another discernment challenge for finding useful tools is that old prejudices may drive one away from a good solution. This happened when we started burning black candles to absorb the filth-magic that our assailants were using to disappear Carol and I from the zapper market a year and a half ago. A couple of EW contributors in Europe resigned in protest after I posted about it. One of them, who is a very accomplished and prolific gifter, had even visited and done some gifting with us a few years ago. We still correspond, at least. I figure that their fear was a unthinking cultural vestige of the old Roman Inquisition’s very successful continental campaign against female healers and midwives in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Several other vendors whose businesses were being savaged by these sewer rats also recovered their trade by burning black candles. I see it all as science and I’m probably one of the least superstitious people on the planet.
The sewer rats (in more and more cases these days: the Triads) will keep finding new ways to attack us whenever a campaign fails and I think we can count on that continuing until after the corporate world order has dissolved. The attacks are growing weaker but also more subtle but this is mainly a challenge for the reputable psychics among us in terms of target hunting.
Most of the time, when we’re interfered with a simple, powerful blast from the heart in the general direction of the attack will fix the problem. Anyone can easily learn this and, if not, then Dooney is usually available to teach someone online via I should mention that she’s unwilling to teach people who use drugs or alcohol because in those cases she’s wasting her time; they need to patch up their torn and holey energy fields before they’re capable of protecting themselves and going after their assailants.
The attackss and sewer rat campaigns that need reporting, in my opinion, are the concerted campaigns to destroy and/or discredit certain prominent individuals and groups among us. All of the sewer rat agencies are hyper-sensitive to any level of exposure in these cases, I’m happy to say.
My email account has been hacked beyond reach for the past three days, by the way. Carol’s calling the server right now and was put on hold for over twenty minutes. I’m due to leave on a long trip tomorrow and now I’m so far behind with mail that I’ll probably have to dump a lot of it, which I hate doing. A big league IT guy who has bailed out and some other prominent corporations emailed me a few weeks ago and offered to help EW and I with the hacker problem so I’m going to invite him to come visit us ASAP. He found us after hearing about orgonite and I think he’s still cycling through the disinformants who populate the upper levels of the search-engine lists. I suppose none of us would be able to avoid that little, unpleasant initiation if we came to orgonite for the first time right now [Image Can Not Be Found]