"The Collapse of Mean-Spirited Western Materialism", from "Positive Changes That Are Occurring", by Jeff Miller

The big breakthrough in this article is the recognition of the repugnant Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks as a physical simulacra of the dark god, Set, from whose name we get the word “Satan”. You can scroll down to get the lowdown.

Now, since the moment the movie aired, I’ve been confronted with a continuous chain of people who refuse to see the brutal and blatant anti-black stereotypes in the character. The thick lips, the shuffling gait, the stupidity, the stylized dreadlocks, the negro patois of his speech. All rejected as a ridiculous “Conspiracy Theory” by almost everyone I’ve ever met.

They don’t “see” it, any more than they see the violently anti-semitic imagery of “Watto”, from the same movie.

So, I’m saying this even-more-out-there thing here for the record, knowing that perhaps 37 of the seven plus billion people on Earth can grasp what I’m saying.

But that doesn’t make the truth any less true.

The article revisits the “Seven Deadly Sins” theme of one of my EW posts, which I’ll eventually come upon again.


Great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012, and have been increasing in speed and magnitude. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July of 2013.

These historically-unprecedented positive changes are being driven by many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices based on Wilhelm Reich’s work.

Since Don Croft first fabricated tactical Orgonite in 2000, its widespread, ongoing and ever-increasing distribution has been unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix built and expanded by our dark masters, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before. And, as a result, the Ether is returning to its natural state of health and vitality.

One of those changes is the collapse of mean-spirited Western Materialism, which is driven, variously, by Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride, otherwise known as the seven deadly sins.

Consumption is dropping precipitously because Moral and mental health vary directly with the subject’s etheric environment. As the ether continues to return to health, the populace is giving up consumption, and returning to its old ways.


The UK’s consumption of paper and cardboard started to decrease in 2001.

The UK’s energy consumption for power started to decrease in 2002.

Per capita energy consumption in the UK decreased 17% from 2004 to 2012.

The annual per capita cost of energy in the UK increased 52% from 2004 to 2012. The extra £410 a year households were spending on energy was nearly double the increase of £210 a year in housing costs of rent or mortgage payments and maintenance over the same period.

This clearly exposes the ruse that energy prices are driven by “Capitalist supply and demand”. Despite an historically unprecedented near-20% drop in energy consumption, the ever-more-upright citizens of the U.K. are having the screws turned on them by their psychotic and about-to-be-former Dark masters.

Household energy consumption in the UK decreased for the first time in 2005.

Residential and commercial energy use in the US decreased 5% from January to September 2012, year-over-year.

Total U.S. energy consumption decreased 3% overall from January to September 2012, year-over-year.

U.S. energy use by industry decreased 1.5% from January to September 2012, year-over-year.


In 2004, per capita water consumption in the U.K. decreased for the first time.

Water consumption in the U.S. decreased 9% from 2010 to 2015. Irrigation withdrawals increased 2%, while public-supply withdrawals decreased 7 percent.

You can see how the public has turned the corner, morally, while gigantic factory farms kept the taps pretty much turned on.

Water use for thermoelectric power decreased 18% in the U.S. from 2010 to 2015, the largest decrease of all water use categories. That’s very interesting, in that it shows lower electricity consumption.

Total water taken for consumptive use in Australia decreased 10% from 2018 to 2019.


British tea consumption decreased 63% from the 1970’s to 2016, from 68 grams per person per week to 25 grams per person per week.

The highly-ritualized, classist British tea ceremony is driven by Pride and Gluttony, which are two of the seven deadly sins. It is waning in popularity as the moral and mental health of the populace improves directly with that of its etheric environment.

Per capita meat consumption in the U.S. decreased 9.2% from 2004 to 2012, from a peak of 184 pounds per person annually in 2004 to 167 pounds per person in 2012.

Cocoa consumption in Asia decreased 17% from 2014 to 2015.

In June 2017, BBC Future said “The secret to a long and healthy life? Eat less”.

The article continues: “Eating less certainly seemed to help the monkeys, but calorie restriction is much tougher for people out in the real world.” It’s a reference to the fact that monkeys deemed 20% underweight lived the longest. When it is obvious that the definition of optimal weight is incorrect.

The author is fighting a rearguard action against a populace that’s awakening to the fact that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins, and that obesity is a direct result of gluttony.

In September 2017, Runtastic widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Eating less to lose weight: Does It Really Work***?***”

They’ve presented what is known as a Fait accompli - noun - a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.

That’s why the article goes on to say “Not Just Calories: Why Eating Less Doesn’t Always Equal Weight Loss.”


The Germans have a saying, if you want to lose weight, “frisst du hilft” - eat half. The suggestion that eating less will not lead to weight loss is psychotic. This hit-piece from Runtastic is fighting the generally-rising awareness that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.


Materialism is driven by, variously, all of the seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

The UK’s per capital household waste production started to decrease in 2003.

The number of “trusted brands” decreased 12.5% from 2015 to 2018.

In September 2016 , HuffPost narrowed its eyes and suspiciously asked “Is consuming less the way to a better world***?***”

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Envy and Pride are five of the seven deadly sins, and they’re all there in “consumption”. The author is holding out the hope that they can stop the slide at merely “less” consumption.

In December 2016, globalnews.ca said “Holiday sales drop as consumers move toward year-round shopping”.

Millennials’ trust of banking institutions reached an all time low in 2017.

75% of those polled in 2017 had lost faith in “the American Dream”.

In 2017, 49% of Americans believed earning a four-year degree would lead to a good job and higher lifetime earnings, compared to 62% who believed the same in 2013.

In February 2017, weforum.org said “We don’t need to consume less - we just need to design better”. That’s a hilarious pitch for another round of consumption, with “design BETTER” a trick to get you to buy the next “smart” gadget.

Short version: “keep on consuming at your current rate, and make sure to buy all-new stuff.”

In April 2017, Bianca Bass said “How Consuming Less is Making Me More Content“.

Where Bianca is actually trying to socially-engineer some level of inappropriate consumption in a society that is rapidly abandoning such behavior.

There were nine retail bankruptcies from January to April 2017—as many as all of 2016.

People are getting off the “shopping as intoxication” fetish. In November 2017, money.cnn.com said “Macy’s is stuck in an epic losing streak: Sales drop for 11th quarter in a row”.


In the realm of mean-spirited Western materialism, “buying” a house means agreeing to purchase the house for $100,000, and then you actually pay $300,000 over the course of your thirty-year mortgage. During which scam you get to view yourself as being one of the finest citizens for having “bought a house”.

It’s not home ownership that’s the problem, it’s most of us without the pile of fixed and liquid assets having to enslave ourselves in a way where we give away two thirds of our goodness to someone else, or, actually, a bunch of other people, to have a nice place to live. Please know that I’m a huge fan of buying houses for cash.

In September 2017, the New York Post feigned ignorance and asked “Are we headed for another housing collapse***?***”

They’re pretending that they don’t know about the collapse of the great Ponzi scheme that is real estate.

You can see how our slavery is self-inflicted. We drape the chains about ourselves and display them as if they were jewelry.

In December 2017, Business Insider said “Australian house prices look set to fall in 2018”

In December 2017, The U.K.’s Independent said “London property prices set to drop in 2018”.

You can see how both media accounts use identical verbiage to try to “compartmentalize” the wider collapse of the housing market to just one nation.

They threw in the hedge “SET to fall” to make it seem as if housing prices were doing it INTENTIONALLY. As if everything were in order, and moving in the right direction. It’s also a thinly-veiled reference to their great god Set, whom they’ve worshipped under various names and guises, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

Set, also known as Seth and Suetekh, was the Egyptian god of war, chaos and storms, brother of Osiris, Isis, and Horus the Elder, uncle to Horus the Younger, and brother-husband to Nephthys. It’s where we get the word “Satan”.


(The repugnant god Set, the repugnant Jar Jar Binks, and the repugnant god Set)


I’m a car guy, and have been all my life. In Kindergarten, we all drew pictures of drag cars, and compared them, to see whose was the coolest.

But, even as a child growing up, my parents taught me that the “buy a new car every year” thing that was de riguer at the time was not a healthy world view.

It’s the same thing as with houses, albeit on a smaller scale. Finance the car. Extend yourself and pay way more than you would if you bought it cash, and the drove it, and kept it up, until it wore out. Back in my Saab days, my friend, Doug and I determined that you couldn’t drive the monthly cost of car ownership of a car below $99 per month. My 1987 Saab 900 SPG cost me a princely $187 per month, but I spared no expense.

The average mileage for four-wheeled vehicles in the U.K. decreased 14.1% from 2002 to 2013. Mileage decreased every year except for 2007.

In 2004, purchases of new cars in the U.K. decreased for the first time.

Muscle car sales in the U.S. decreased 8.4% in the first seven months of 2016, year-over-year.

Brazilian light-vehicle sales decreased 19.8% in 2017.

UK car sales decreased 6% in 2017.

Fiat Chrysler’s sales decreased 11% in August 2017, year-over-year, while Ford’s sales decreased 2%. ocregister.com said “Fiat Chrysler, Ford sales drop as Harvey dampens US car demand”.

Vehicle registrations in Europe decreased 2% in September 2017, year-over-year. Vehicle registrations in the U.K. decreased 9.3% in September 2017, year-over-year. The Trusted Authority Figure “Bloomberg” widened its eyes to simulate honesty and said “European Car Sales Drop as Brexit Concerns Hurt U.K. Demand”.

You can see how both media accounts try to “compartmentalize” the wider collapse of the automotive market to just one nation, and provides a threadbare plausible-deniability excuse to support the effort.

U.S. auto sales decreased 2% in 2017, the first year-over-year decrease since 2009.In January 2018, bizneworleans said “Auto sales, believed to have dropped in 2017, remain strong”.

It’s how the papers must have read in Nazi Germany in 1943.

“Auto sales BELIEVED to have dropped” states that car sales are judged by intuition, faith, and philosophy, versus counting the number of cars and trucks sold and comparing those numbers with previous years. DROPPED and STRONG are both general, put forward to blunt any specific awareness into the magnitude of the trend.

In January 2018, Bloomberg widened its eyes to simulate honesty and lied “Fed Rate Hikes Expected to Hurt Car Sales in 2018”.

Where “Fed rate hikes” is a bullshit plausible-deniability excuse, put forward because the propagandist knows that many or most reader will grasp virtually an straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The wholly-credulous, ensheepled reader in the U.S. remains untroubled by exponentially dropping car sales in Brazil and the U.K., where of course “Fed rate hikes” do not apply. It doesn’t matter that it’s not logical. Many or most readers are eager to grasp any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Can you see how “HURT car sales” is general? The international news blackout that is in place on this subject forbids the use of any statistics in headlines that would provide insight into the magnitude of the trend I’m documenting here. Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, it goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” the phenomenon.


Business mileage in the UK decreased 46% from 2002 to 2013, from 1,300 miles to 700 miles in 2013. That’s an average annual decrease of 4.1% over those 11 years.

Business mileage in the UK decreased 38.4% from 2002 to 2012, from 1,300 miles to 800 miles.

U.S. energy use from transportation decreased 1.2% from January to September 2012, year-over-year.

Business mileage in the UK decreased 12.5% from 2012 to 2013, from 800 miles to 700 miles. The 12.5% decrease from 2012 to 2013 is three times the 4.1% average seen from 2002 to 2013.

The great positive change takes place in 2012 and 2013, the latter the year I began writing these articles documenting the subject.

In June 2017, Reuters said “Oil supply seen outpacing consumption in 2018”. There are no statistics in the article about decreasing demand or consumption.


When I was sixteen, we counted the days until we could get our licenses. I love, and I do mean love driving. But, as a populace, we got vice-like about it, I’m afraid.

We really shouldn’t be joyriding around. Not that it is without its charms.


Speeding tickets decreased 56% in Wisconsin from 2004 to 2014. Wisconsin Public Radio’s Rich Kremer said “Police Are Issuing Fewer Speeding Tickets In Wisconsin, Possibly Due To Lack Of Resources”.

The number of speeding tickets issued per year in the U.S. decreased almost 50% from 2007 to 2017.

Traffic citations in Los Angeles, California decreased 518% from 2010 to 2016. ABC7 said “LAPD handing out fewer speeding tickets because of survey backlog”.

Parking citations in Nevada decreased 21% from 2010 to 2015. Money.com called it “a dip”.

Traffic tickets written by troopers in Florida decreased 23% from 2011 to 2016. That’s an average annual decrease of 4.6% per year over each of those five years.

Car crashes in Florida increased 73% from 2011 to 2016. In July 2017, “Curbed” said that the U.S. traffic death “increase” was “caused by speeding, says new study.” In 2017, the Florida Highway Patrol issued 60% fewer speeding tickets than they did the previous year. It was the third straight year of decreases. The Orlando Sentinel said it was because of “a trooper shortage”.

The 60% decrease in traffic tickets in Florida from 2016 to 2017 was over twelve times that seen from 2011 to 2016. The positive change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time, because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

Traffic tickets in Washington, D.C. decreased 6% from 2012 to 2014. That’s an average annual decrease of 3% over those two years.

Traffic tickets in Washington, D.C. decreased 52% from 2010 to 2014. That’s an average annual decrease of 13% per year over each of those four years.

The average annual decrease in traffic tickets in Washington from 2012 to 2014 was over four times that seen from 2010 to 2012. The positive change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time, because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

2012 is when the great positive changes I’m documenting here got underway in earnest. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July 2013.

Citations on I-70 in Ohio decreased 25% in 2014.

Tickets issued by state police in Pennsylvania decreased 22% in September 2014, year-over-year.

Tickets issued by state police in Pennsylvania decreased 11% in October 2014, year-over-year.

In 2015, Money.com said that police all over the U.S. were issuing “fewer” traffic tickets, because of “not having the funds to keep police out on patrol looking for violators”.


E-bike sales in the U.S. increased more than eightfold from 2014 to 2017.

Home baking in the U.K. increased 10% from 2014 to 2017.

Quilting in the U.S. increased 48% from 2014 to 2017.

Hardback book sales income in the U.K. increased 31% from 2016 to 2017. Authors’ incomes in the U.K. decreased 42% from 2007 to 2017.

Total book sales income in the U.K. increased 5% from 2016 to 2017. Income from fiction and non-fiction paperbacks also rose, by 3% and 4% respectively.

This shows, stunningly, not just a return to reading, but a return to old-time, real-deal, actual bound books, which are cool, versus paperbacks, which are not really cool.

E-bike sales in the U.S. increased 91% in 2017.

BMX bike sales in the U.S. increased 27% in 2017. This shows youths leaving technology behind, going out and riding their BMX’s, like when I was young.

Mountain bike sales in the U.S. increased 3% in 2017.

Participation in high school athletics in California increased 2.95% from 2017 to 2018, to the highest level in history. The Modesto Bee said “Boys and girls swimming and diving, boys and girls golf and girls wrestling saw solid increases by percentage”.

Meanwhile, football participation in California decreased by 2.87% from 2017 to 2018. It was the third straight year of decrease.

In the Sac-Joaquin Section, participation in football decreased 3.3%. Modesto City Schools freshman participation decreased 19% from 2017 to 2018.

The Modesto Bee obfuscated the stunning increases in participation in swimming, golf, and, most remarkably, girls wrestling, but had to cough up the numbers for their most-favored game of “American football”.

I swam in High School, was very serious about it. However, we were at the bottom of the social sports ladder, with golf.

The football players, at the top of the sports food chain, would call us “swimmer fags”, despite the fact that we were the hardest-core athletes there were. In one of the high points of my life, I was paired with the captain of the football team in gym for the Marine Corps Physical Fitness test, in which I crushed him in every category, including sprints, during which I taunted him as we ran. “Keith, don’t you guys do this every day? Keith, could you pick it up, buddy?” Blazing up to the ceiling of the gym on the rope climb like Westley in “The Princess Bride”.


Anyway, the demise of football and the increase in swimming and golf, both fringe sports in my day, bodes well for the populace, and I had to call it out.


India banned captive dolphin shows in 2013, saying dolphins should be seen as ‘non-human persons’.

Japan went nuclear-free in 2013.

In 2013, Israel committed to ending water fluoridation by 2014, citing major health concerns.

Dallas, Texas banned water fluoridation in 2014.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, February 6, 2021

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