Mrs Odondi has been unable to post reports for several weeks and even though I’m the administrator I’m completely unable to correct the problem for her. During that time I registered several new members successfully, by the way, so I’ll be very impatient if someone who is in denial about the nature of this silent war against humanity tries to ‘explain away’ this agency hacker problem in a post. More specifically, whenever I try to reset her email address and submit the change, my own email address appears in that spot. I doubt that even the most dedicated and vehement technical denier will try to explain that away [Image Can Not Be Found]
The Africans who attempted and failed to fool us by stealing Mrs O’s, Dancan’s and Christine’s email addresses and trying to post reports on EW are the visible parts of this hacker campaing. Posting about all that has rather helped the reputations of these three founders of the orgonite movement in East Africa and it also points up to our readers that the parasitic world order consider them to be the most important people in this movement in that region [Image Can Not Be Found] . The delicious part of seeing who gets the worst of the attacks is that it backfires on the $#!+birds by sort of putting a spotlight on us.
I tried half a dozen variations to enable her to post reports, again, but nothing’s working, so I’m hoping and half expecting that this report will cause the corporate $#!+birds to remove their soiled hands from Mrs Odondi’s access to this forum. I’ll ask her to send reports to me to post for her until this problem is resolved.
Mrs O is the behind-the-scenes coordinator of the entire operation in East Africa and she’s taken the lion’s share of responsibility, including adopting the orphans of the late David and Emmah, who were murdered by the corporate order three and a half years ago. Of course everyone in this amazing international kikundi (Kenya, S. Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia) acts more or less independently according to his/her own inspiration and opportunities and the orgonite factories in Kenya and Southern Sudan fill the needs of the market, also the charitable needs whenever possible–they’re all very generous and compassionate people.
I think we’re going to find that this is how the entire world can operate: a bare miniimum of organization and a whole lot of intuitive action; kind of like an ongoing party but work is produced in the process of all that. Like the internet [Image Can Not Be Found]
Meanwhile, Miguel is visiting us and we’re working on enabling Mrs O to take care of orders and shipping abroad from Foreign orders are going to help them expand their charitable efforts, which in effect expands their market by boosting the economy in new regions (more rain, so better harvests; more fish and cleaner water and improved general ambience)