The Deadliness of Technology, and Its Downfall, all the data, December 2023


“The more data you compile the clearer this will become and I think it’s worth pursuing but just broaching the subject is a pioneering effort.”

Don Croft to Jeff Miller, on technology driven suicide, 2017

"Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; his dominion was torment.”

From “The Silmarillion”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1977

(Jim Carrey as the Riddler in “Batman Forever”, 1995 - he’s taking in the brain waves his purpose-built set-top box has stolen from unwitting television viewers. They’re kidding, kidding!)

Internet 1995
(The Internet in 1995)

“The shadow of that hyddeous strength, sax myle and more it is of length”

From “Ane Dialog”, by Sir David Lyndsay, describing the Tower of Babel, 1555 (The quote introduces C.S. Lewis’ “That Hideous Strength”, from 1945)

But suddenly the mirror went altogether dark, as dark as if a hole had opened in the world of sight, and Frodo looked into emptiness. In the black abyss there appeared a single Eye that slowly grew, until it filled nearly all the Mirror. So terrible was it that Frodo stood rooted, unable to cry out or to withdraw his gaze. The Eye was rimmed with fire, but was itself glazed, yellow as a cat’s, watchful and intent, and the black slit of its pupil opened on a pit, a window into nothing.

Then the Eye began to rove, searching this way and that; and Frodo knew with certainty and horror that among the many things that it sought he himself was one. But he also knew that it could not see him - not yet, not unless he willed it. The Ring that hung upon its chain about his neck grew heavy, heavier than a great stone, and his head was dragged downwards. The Mirror seemed to be growing hot and curls of steam were rising from the water. He was slipping forward…

‘I know what it is you last saw,’ she said; ‘for that is also in my mind. do not be afraid! But do not think that only by singing amid the trees, nor even by the slender arrows of elvenbows, is this land of Lothlórien maintained and defended against the Enemy. I say to you, Frodo, that even as I speak to you, I perceive the Dark Lord and know his mind, or all his mind that concerns the Elves. And he gropes ever to see me and my thought. But still the door is closed!’

From “The Fellowship of the Ring”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954

Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; his dominion was torment."

From “The Silmarillion”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, 1977

“He thought of the telescreen with its never-sleeping ear. They could spy upon you night and day, but if you kept your head you could still outwit them. With all their cleverness they had never mastered the secret of finding out what another human being was thinking. . . . Facts, at any rate, could not be kept hidden. They could be tracked down by inquiry, they could be squeezed out of you by torture. But if the object was not to stay alive but to stay human, what difference did it ultimately make? They could not alter your feelings; for that matter you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to. They could lay bare in the utmost detail everything that you had done or said or thought; but the inner heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained impregnable.”

From “1984”, by George Orwell, 1949

“Now the Elves made many rings; but secretly Sauron made One Ring to rule all the others, and their power was bound up with it, to be subject wholly to it and to last only so long as it too should last. And much of the strength and will of Sauron passed into that One Ring; for the power of the Elven-rings was very great, and that which should govern them must be a thing of surpassing potency; and Sauron forged it in the Mountain of Fire in the Land of Shadow. And while he wore the One Ring he could perceive all the things that were done by means of the lesser rings, and he could see and govern the very thoughts of those that wore them.”

From “The Silmarillion”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, 1977

Great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012, and have been increasing in speed and magnitude. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July of 2013.

These historically-unprecedented positive changes are being driven by many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices based on the work of Wilhelm Reich and Karl Hans Welz.

Since Don Croft first fabricated the first simple, inexpensive tactical Orgonite devices in 2000, their widespread, ongoing and ever-increasing distribution has been unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix built and expanded by our dark masters all the way back to Babylon, and before. And, as a result, the Ether is returning to its natural state of health and vitality.

One of the great positive changes underway at this time is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the ether.

As kids, we played with walkie-talkies, and were amazed and thrilled for a minute, then put them aside.

Boys on Walkie Talkies
(Boys on walkie talkies)

The instant the “cell phone” appeared, I and many others clearly discerned it for the plague it is, simply because of the asshole factor. And that was without knowing the deadliness of the non-ionizing radiation driving the cell phone.

(Michael Douglas on Brick Phone in “Wall Street”, 1987)

There was (and is) simply no reason to carry a communicator around with you, such as the ones they used in the old Star Trek television show. Now, a phaser you could send on stun and incapacitate asshole cell phone users in restaurants? That, my friend, is a technology I could get behind.

If a pre-cell-phone population in the midst of the barely-covert, international release of a State-fabricated weaponized pathogen suddenly had “smart” phones released upon it in turn, the negative impact of the phones would be seen to dwarf that of the engineered virus, whose Death rate is seen to be roughly that of the seasonal flu when exaggerated and outright-fabricated numbers are removed from the analysis.

This is cheering and inspiring, in that this chapter documents the demise of the wireless “cell” phone, which has been driving ruin and woe on innumerable levels for a solid twenty years. While the wildly-exaggerated woe created by the engineered virus is minuscule by comparison.

As everyone could see back when we were all in offices together, the amount of time employees spend on their smart phones during the work week accounts for $15.5 billion in lost productivity in the U.S.

Just looking at your smartphone makes you less intelligent. Smartphones have a “butterfly brain effect” on users that can cause mental blunders. The effect is measurable even when the phones are switched off, and is worse for those who are more dependent on their mobiles.

(Happy baby on phone)

People who had their phones on the desk recorded a 10 per cent lower score than those who left them in a different room on operational span tasks, which measures working memory and focus. Those who kept their phones further out of sight in their pockets or their bags scored only slightly better than when phones were placed on desks.

The researchers found that the negative effect of having a phone within eyeshot was significantly greater among those who said they were dependent on their smartphones. Participants who had expressed sympathy with phrases such as “I would have trouble getting through a normal day without my cellphone” and “using my cellphone makes me feel happy” performed as well as others when their phone was in a different room, but worse when it was placed on their desk.

The study also found reaction speeds to be affected, with students who had their phone on the desk responding more sluggishly in high-pace tests.

It even found that phones can even distract users even when they are turned off and placed face down. Those with phones outside of the room “slightly outperformed” those with switched off devices.

The mere presence of smartphones damages cognitive capacity – even when the device is turned off. This is proof that there’s both a physical and a non-physical element to the destructive nature of these devices. I think it’s quite clear that they invite demonic incursion.

To my point, there is a significant relationship between Problematic Cell Phone Use and alcohol abuse.

Further, there is a significant multiplicative interactive effect of phone addiction and depressive symptoms with alcohol use.

Distilled Alcohol is euphemistically referred to as “spirits” because it quite clearly invites demonic incursion. I learned that nugget from Don Croft. One of those things they don’t teach you in school.

Loren Brichter, who in 2009 designed the pull-to-refresh feature now used by many apps, said “Smartphones are useful tools, but they’re addictive. I regret the downsides.”

Chris Marcellino, who was hired by Apple to work on the iPhone in his early 20’s, is now in the final stages of retraining to be a neurosurgeon. He stresses he is no expert on addiction, but says he has picked up enough in his medical training to know that technologies can affect the same neurological pathways as gambling and drug use. “These are the same circuits that make people seek out food, comfort, heat, sex,” he says.

The mean-spirited Western materialist plays that there’s no spiritual element to the phenomenon, but rather “it’s a wiring thing”. It’s where the Tech magazine “Wired” takes it’s name from.

As if your car’s wiring harness could get broken in certain ways.

In February 2015, a Chinese teenager chopped off their own hand in an attempt to cure their Internet addiction.

“Addiction” is a demon that is invited in. Sometimes those addiction demons are minor, and at others they are major.


“Demons are like obedient dogs; they come when they are called.”

- Remy de Gourmont

From 2014 to 2016, the percentage of U.S. adolescents who were addicted to their so-called “smart” phones increased by 400%, or by five times, from 10% to 50%.

The phone addiction rate among females is 150% greater than that among males.

Teenage Girls on Phones
(Teenaged girls looking at their so-called “smart” phones)

From March 2013 and March 2014, the number of mobile phone addicts increased by 123%, or well more than doubled.

The number of women who use their phones more than 6 hours a day is 100% greater, or double that of men who did the same.

The prevalence rate of internet addiction among 1,100 mostly female Taiwanese polled was 10.6 percent.

54% of US teens are addicted to their smartphones.

34% of teen girls ages 14-17 say they mostly go online using their cell phone, which is 10% greater than teen boys the same age. This is notable since boys and girls are equally likely to be smartphone owners.

Female college students spend an average of 10 hours a day on their cell phones, while male students spend nearly eight. Thus female college students spent 25% more time each day on their phones.

Since the deadly effects of non-ionizing radiation are cumulative and dose dependent, those extra two hours are bell ringers, as you shall see.

In a Chinese study from 2014, 21.3% of smart phone users were found to be addicted to their phones.

From March 2013 to March 2014, the increase in mobile phone addicts was 10% greater among women than among men.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “unsure”. That’s why an article from April 2013 said that “researchers are still unsure why girls go online on their phones more than boys do”.

Gender and five personality domains could significantly predict 13.5% of the scores on the Mobile Phone Problem Usage Scale [F(6,497) = 13.00, P < 0.001]. “Females, high extraverts, high neurotics, and low open-minded are liable to score higher on the scale [Table 2].”

The author of the article averred “One note of caution: It’s important to remember that Roberts’ study shows that most people who are “addicted” to their cell phones are primarily using them as a way to stay connected to other people. In a 2013 blog post for Psychology Today, psychology professor Ira Hyman, Ph.D., writes that researchers may just be observing the rise of a new norm in social interaction: immediate, hyper-connected and here to stay.

“Feeling a need to be socially connected hardly seems like an addiction to me,” Hyman writes.

An article from September 2014 said “Men sent the same amount of emails as women but spent less time doing so. Roberts said this indicated that men were sending “shorter, more utilitarian messages than their female counterparts.”

In December 2015 “Females were reported to score higher on the problematic mobile phone use scale (Takao et al., 2009).”


Non-Ionizing radiation from Technology is driving an exponential increase in mental illness, disease, and suicide. And, while so-called “smart” phones are the most efficient Death energy delivery vehicle yet devised, the drivers of this plague also include microwave Television transmissions, and microwave oven emissions, high tension power lines, and countless other sources. It’s a long list, which also includes good old fashioned ionizing radiation.

It doesn’t matter where the radiation comes from. The damage from radiation is cumulative and dose-dependent.

Men exposed to high levels of indoor artificial light have a 280% greater risk of developing prostate cancer.

CT scans triple the risk of brain cancer and leukemia.

Women exposed to high levels of “outdoor blue light at night” had a 150% greater risk of developing breast cancer. Where “outdoor blue light at night” is Mil-Speak for “purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation”.

Living in cities is associated with a 100% greater risk of schizophrenia.

Teenagers who spend 5 hours a day on electronic devices are 71% more likely to have suicide risk factors than those with one-hour use. And It was the time spent on the device, not the content, that mattered most.

Women are implicated in over 70% of car accidents, yet men drive about 30% more miles than women.

Web-addicted individuals have a 65% greater rate of psychiatric morbidity.

64% of all the road accidents in the United States have a smart phone involved in them.

The purportedly-harmless non-Ionizing radiation from Technology is driving an exponential increase in neurodegenerative disease in the humans who use that technology, regardless of geography. in 2003, the BBC said “Cell Phones ‘May Trigger Alzheimer’s Disease”. While, in 2017, the Journal of the American Medical Association said, re: Alzheimer’s: “(The blood-brain barrier) becomes leaky, letting in undesirable agents and hindering the clearing of the amyloid.”

That’s why Alzheimer’s deaths increased by 54.5% from 1999 to 2014.

(Nursing home for Alzheimer’s patients)

The suicide rate in the ten highest smart phone penetration nations is 50% greater than that in ten lowest smart phone penetration nations.

The highest smartphone penetration nation in the world, South Korea, has the worlds highest suicide rate among females and the third highest suicide rate in the wold among males. said “For years, social scientists have puzzled over why this economically successful state has such startlingly high suicide rates.” said it was because of “cultural mores”.

Internet addicts have a 47% greater rate of suicidal thoughts within a week.

Living in cities is associated with a 40% greater risk of depression.

Phone addicts spend 28% of their driving time actively ignoring the road. Of those considered phone addicts, 93% said they are “pretty safe” or “extremely safe” drivers.

25% of students who used social media for more than two hours per day reported suicidal ideation. Newsweek said “Two Hours of Social Media a Day Linked to Suicidal Thoughts in Teens”.

25% of car accidents in the United States are caused by texting and driving.

20% of smart phone users will become addicted and have serious behavioral problems.

Internet addicts have a 23% greater rate of lifetime suicide attempts.

Living in cities is associated with a 20% greater risk of anxiety.

Internet addicts have a 5% greater rate of suicides attempt within a year.

There is a strong correlation a strong correlation was between internet addiction and anxiety, stress, and depression.

There is a strong correlation between internet addiction and insomnia.

There is a significant relationship between Problematic Cell Phone Use and alcohol abuse.

There is a significant multiplicative interactive effect of phone addiction and depressive symptoms with alcohol use.

Long hours of mobile phone use, particularly 2 hours or more, are related to depression. Women aged 45-54 suffer more stress and depression than all other age groups.

Excess smartphone and social media use are linked to mental distress and suicide risk.

Online gaming, MSN, online searching for information, and online studying are all associated with an increased risk of suicidal ideation.

Online gaming, chatting, watching movies, shopping, and gambling are all associated with an increased risk of suicide.

Internet-addicted adolescents have higher risks of suicidal ideation and attempts than those without.

Internet addiction is significantly associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.

Adolescents who spend more time on electronic communication and screens (e.g., social media, the Internet, texting, gaming) and less time on nonscreen activities (e.g., in-person social interaction, sports/exercise, homework, attending religious services) have lower psychological well-being.

Adolescents spending a small amount of time on electronic communication are the happiest.

Psychological well-being was lower in years when adolescents spent more time on screens and higher in years when they spent more time on nonscreen activities, with changes in activities generally preceding declines in well-being.

Cyclical economic indicators such as unemployment were not significantly correlated with well-being, suggesting that the Great Recession was not the cause of the decrease in psychological well-being, which may instead be at least partially due to the rapid adoption of smartphones and the subsequent shift in adolescents’ time use.

Long hours of mobile phone use are associated with insomnia, particularly in students using mobile phones for 5 hours or more a day.

A study of Chinese adults ages 65 and older showed that living in urban areas later in life is associated with better initial cognitive status but a faster rate of cognitive decline.

It is the higher level of Death energy in the ether in urban areas which drives those numbers. Moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

If smoking tobacco causes lung cancer, then why do Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer?

If smoking tobacco causes lung cancer, then why do America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer?

That’s because the primary cause of lung cancer is radiation, not cigarette smoke, as falsely alleged.

The “black lung” pictures we were all shown in elementary school were from black-lunged coal miners. You can’t tell if someone smoked by simply looking at their lungs.


From the baby boom generation to the Millennial generation, the maternal mortality rate increased by 156%, from 7.5 deaths per 100,000 live births to 19.2.

From 1970 to 2017, thyroid cancer mortality increased by over 200%, or tripled. Women are three times as likely to develop Thyroid cancer than men.

From 1970 to 2004, colon cancer deaths in the U.S. decreased by 38%.

From 1973 to 2002, thyroid cancer increased by 140%, or well more than doubled, showing the deadly effect of microwave ovens, high tension power lines, microwave television transmissions, and countless other sources of purportedly harmless non-ionizing radiation.

From 1975 to 2017, breast cancer increased by 25%. White women have the highest rate of breast cancer.

From 1975 to 2007, the 67% in oral cancer among white people aged 18 to 44 years was 139% greater, or well more than double the 28% increase in same among that age group as a whole.

From 1975 to 2007, oral cancer among white women aged 18 to 44 years increased by 111%, or more than doubled.

From 1975 to 2007, the 111% increase in oral cancer among white women aged 18 to 44 years was 83.5% greater, or close to double the 67% increase in same among white people of that age group as a whole.

From 1975 to 2007, oral cancer among white people aged 18 to 44 years increased by 67%.

From 1975 to 2007, oral cancer among people 18 to 44 years of age increased by 28%.

From the mid-1980’s to present, death rates from liver cancer in the United States have doubled.

From 1990 to 2017, international schizophrenia cases increased by 36.7%, from 827.03 x 10 to the thirteenth power to 1130.49 x 10 to the thirteenth power.

From 1990 to 2017, schizophrenia cases in South Asia increased by 69.3%, from 162.16 x 10 to the thirteenth power to 274.57 x 10 to the thirteenth power.

From 1990 to 2017, the 69.3% increase in schizophrenia cases in China (South Asia) was 89% greater, or close to double the 36.7% average increase in schizophrenia cases documented internationally during the same time period.

In 1990, the 19.93 cases of schizophrenia per 100,000 in China (East Asia) was 45% greater than the 13.78 cases per 100,000 in Western Europe.

In 1990, the 19.93 cases of schizophrenia per 100,000 in China (East Asia) was 37% greater than the 14.53 cases per 100,000 in high income North America.

In 1990, the National Institute of Health said “There is no evidence that radiogenic breast cancers appear during the first 10 years following exposure, but after this time the number of such cancers appears to increase rapidly. On the relative-risk scale, the data suggest that the incidence peaks at 15 to 20 years after exposure and the mortality about 5 years later. Observations to date indicate that the absolute risk continues to increase until 50 but may decrease at older ages.”

It takes about ten years for breast cancer to show up after someone has been irradiated by their phone, or medical scans, or “for your safety” weapons scans at airports, to name only three of innumerable sources of purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation.

From 1991 to 2012, psychological well-being (measured by self-esteem, life satisfaction, and happiness) of 8th, 10th and 12th graders in the United States from 1991 increased, and then suddenly decreased in 2012.

In 1991, the New York Times said “Study Finds Mysterious Rise In Childhood Cancer Rate”.

From 1994 to 2014, the 45% increase in overall mortality for 25 year old white women in the U.S. was 55% greater than the 29% increase in overall mortality for 25 year old white men during the same time period.

The increase in overall mortality for 25 year old white women was far higher than that of males the same age because those women logged far more hours on their devices.

From 1994 to 2014, overall mortality for 25 year old white women in the U.S. increased by 45%.

From 1994 to 2014, overall mortality for 25 year old white men in the U.S. increased by 29%.

From the mid 1990’s through 2016, the number of people were diagnosed with kidney cancer in the U.K. more than doubled.

In January 1997, the Oxford Academic Journal said “The high rates of Thyroid Cancer in the Pacific islands tend to affect all ethnic groups, although considerably more so native (Polynesian, Melanesian) than European (white). Environmental radiation, however, does not appear to be a likely explanation for the high rates of thyroid cancer.”

They’re using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to suggest that the radiation that has been proven to drive Thyroid cancer was not, in fact driving Thyroid cancer. In 1997 in Polynesia, it was mostly ionizing radiation left over from Atomic bomb testing that was driving the high levels of Thyroid cancer there.

From 1999 to 2017, the suicide rate in the U.S. increased by 33%. by from 1999 to 2017. If we take 1998 as the beginning of “wireless technology”, then a non-ionizing radiation-driven increase in suicide rates appeared just a year later, in 1999.

From 1999 to 2004, the 31% increase in suicide among women in the U.S. aged 45 to 54 was 62% greater than the 19% increase among the age group as a whole.

The New York Times said it was because of “a sudden drop in the use of hormone-replacement therapy by menopausal women after health warnings in 2002” and “a simple statistical fluke.”

From 1999 to 2004, the suicide rate among women in the U.S. aged 45 to 54 increased by 31%.

From 1999 to 2004, the suicide rate among 45-to-54-year-olds in the U.S. increased by 19%. Ann Haas, the research director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention said “That is certainly a break from trends of the past.”

From 1999 to 2004, the suicide rate among 15 to 19 year olds in the U.S. increased by 2%, while the suicide rate among people 65 and older in the U.S. decreased.

Dr. Eric C. Caine, co-director at the Center for the Study of Prevention of Suicide at the University of Rochester Medical Center, explained “there is a national support system for those under 19, and those 65 and older, but not for people in between”.

From 1995 to 2016, Malignant brain tumors in the U.K. increased by 140%, or well more than doubled.

From 1999 to 2015, suffocation — mostly hangings — as a suicide method among the white women in the United States increased by 157%. The Washington Post said “experts struggled to pinpoint a reason”.

From 1999 to 2015, suffocation — mostly hangings — as a suicide method among the general population in the United States increased by 89%.

From 1999 to 2015, the 157% increase in suffocation - mostly hangings - as a suicide method among white women in the United States was 76% greater than the 89% increase in same among the general populace during that same time period.

From 1999 to 2014, Alzheimer’s deaths increased by 54.5%.

From 1999 to 2014, the suicide rate in the United States increased by 24%, from 10.5 deaths per 100,000 people in 1999 to 13 deaths per 100,000 people in 2014. Business Insider withheld the percentage and described it instead as “risen sharply”, and called the increase “stunning”, which is positive spin to conjure a very attractive woman.

Business Insider said that it was because of “increased rates of financial stress”.

From 1999 to 2012, pancreatic cancer in Taiwan increased by 35%.

From 2000 to 2018, the 50% increase in the suicide rate among women in the United States was 67% greater than the 30% increase in the population as a whole during that same time period.

From 2000 to 2018, the suicide rate for women in the U.S. increased by 50%.

From 2000 to 2018, the suicide rate in the United States increased by 30%.

From 2000 to 2016, cancer among young people in the U.K. increased by 40%.

Using a generalization and a half-truth, the U.K.’s Telegraph said “Modern life is killing our children”. 2000 was right when the literal forest of what is purported merely to be “wireless communications infrastructure” was thrown up suddenly virtually overnight in all the nations.

From 2000 to 2010, the 263% increase in squamous cell carcinoma among women in the United States aged 30 to 49 was 484% greater, or almost six times greater than the 45% increase in same among the general populace during that same time period.

From 2000 to 2010, squamous cell carcinoma among women in the United States aged 30 to 49 increased by 263%.

From 2000 to 2010, squamous cell carcinoma among the general population of the United States increased by 45%.

From 2000 to 2010, the age-adjusted death rate from Alzheimer’s disease in the United States increased by 39%.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Journal of the National Cancer Institute article from April 2001 is headlined Lymphoma Rate Rise Continues to Baffle Researchers.”

The National Cancer Institute is using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to suggest that neither they nor anyone else realizes that non-ionizing radiation from Technology is driving exponentially increasing levels of Leukemia and Lymphatic cancer.

From 2001 to 2017, liver cancer deaths in the United States increased by 43%.

From 2002 to 2017, glioblastomas in Europe increased by 45%, while all other brain tumors decreased.

From 2002 to 2017, glioblastomas in the U.S. increased by 22%, while all other brain tumors decreased.

In 2002, just four years after the literal forest of “wireless communication” infrastructure sprang up virtually overnight in all the nations, neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford exposed over 1600 experimental animals to low level microwave radiation. His results were consistent and worrisome: microwave radiation caused the blood-brain barrier to leak.

In 2003, Dr. Salford repeated the experiment in 2003 on 32 additional animals; they waited this time 8 weeks before “sacrificing them”–and found “up to two percent of the neurons in all areas of the brain were shrunken and degenerated.” Dr. Salford called the potential implications ‘terrifying’.”

That same year, in 2003, the BBC said “Cell Phones ‘May Trigger Alzheimer’s Disease”. While, in 2017, the Journal of the American Medical Association said, re: Alzheimer’s: “(The blood-brain barrier) becomes leaky, letting in undesirable agents and hindering the clearing of the amyloid.”

If non-ionizing radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, and a leaking blood-brain barrier drives Alzheimer’s disease, then so-called “Smart” phones cause Alzheimer’s disease.

From 2004 to 2014, bowel cancer rates among younger people in the U.K. increased by 48%. 2004 was when all the young white patients got their first cell phones and put them in their back pockets over their colons.

From 2004 to 2014, colon cancer deaths in the U.S. increased by 9.3% from 2004 to 2014, but only among young whites.

In August 2004, the National Institute of Health said described “Radiation-induced malignancies following radiotherapy for breast cancer”.

That’s Mil-speak for “the radiation used to treat breast cancer in fact caused that cancer.”

From 2005 to 2013, teens who reported a Major Depressive Episode in the previous 12 months increased by 37%, from 2005 to 2013, from 8.7% to 11.5%. 75% of those depressed teens were girls.

(Crosswalk filled with people on phones)

From 2006 to 2014, lung cancer cases in Northern Ireland increased by 33%. The increase among women was more than four times the increase among men. The increase was attributed to a “report” that said “More women than men are taking up smoking”. With the truth being that a fifth of all women in Ireland smoke (20%), a lower percentage than men (26%).

In 2006, Researchers at the National Institute of Health concluded the increase in Thyroid cancer was simply a result of “increased diagnostic scrutiny.”

That’s the tirelessly played “increased awareness” ruse. The State propaganda organ knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In 2006, females had a risk of insomnia 41% greater than that among males. ve a 41% higher risk of Insomnia than males. An article from April 2012 said “Insomnia Affects Women Slightly More Than Men”.

From 2007 to 2017, the suicide rate for white women and American Indian women in the United States increased by 43%.

From 1999 to 2017, after decades of stasis, the overdose rate for women more than quadrupled.

In 2009, Takao et al documented that females scored higher on the problematic mobile phone use scale.

In 2012, after increasing continuously from 1991 to 2012, psychological well-being (measured by self-esteem, life satisfaction, and happiness) of 8th, 10th and 12th graders in the United States suddenly decreased.

From March 2013 and March 2014, the number of mobile phone addicts increased by 123%, or well more than doubled.

From March 2013 to March 2014, the increase in mobile phone addicts was 10% greater among women than among men.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “unsure”. That’s why an article from April 2013 said that “researchers are still unsure why girls go online on their phones more than boys do”.

In 2014, the phone addiction rate among females was 150% greater than among males. The number of women who use their phones more than 6 hours a day is twice that of men who did the same.

In 2014, the addiction rate among Chinese smart phone users was 21.3%.

In 2014, the phone addiction rate among U.S. adolescents was 10%.

In 2016, the phone addiction rate among U.S. teens was 50%.

In 2017, Rolling Stone fraudulently deflated the 59% increase in suicides among people in the United States aged 10 to 24 from 2007 to 2017 by 7%, from an actual 59% to a fraudulent 55%.

I have exposed their duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Ursula Whiteside, a researcher from the University of Washington, said “The truth is anyone who says they definitively know what is causing it doesn’t know what they’re talking about. “It’s a complex problem with no easy answers so far.”

From 2007 to 2017, the youth suicide rate in Utah tripled. said “Utah officials unsure why”.

The rate of suicidal ideation is 12% higher, and the rate of suicide attempts is 8% higher in phone-addicted adolescents.

From 2007 to 2017, suicides of people aged 10-24 increased by 59%, from 6.8 per hundred thousand to 10.8 per hundred thousand. Rolling Stone described it as “Teen Suicide Is on the Rise” and said “and No One Knows Why”.

From 2007 to 2014, the youth suicide rate in Utah increased by 183%, or close to tripled, from 3 per 100,000, the lowest in the 1999 to 2014 data set, to 8.5 per 100,000, the highest.

From 2007 to 2014, the 26% average annual increase in the youth suicide rate in Utah was 177% greater, or heading toward triple the 9.4% average annual increase in youth suicide in the United States as a whole during that same time period.

The author from said the variance was because “Suicide statistics released at the state level and nationally by the Centers for Disease Control routinely lag two to three years behind, at least partly because of the length of time it can take to confirm whether certain deaths were intentional or unintentional.”

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.”

― From “Politics and the English Language”, by George Orwell, 1946


From 2007 to 2014, the youth suicide rate in the United States increased by 66%, from 2.4 per 100,000, the lowest in the 1999 to 2014 data set, to 4.0 per 100,000, the highest.

From 2007 to 2014, the youth suicide rate in Utah increased by an annual average of 26%.

From 2007 to 2014, the youth suicide rate in the United States increased by an annual average of 9.4%.

From 2007 to 2017, the suicide rate among young women in the U.K. doubled. Wireless technology was implemented in the U.K. in the late 1990’s, but overall mortality didn’t begin to decrease there until 2011. This shows that it took a good ten years for the malefic effects of wireless technology to reveal themselves across the community at large in terms of actually-decreased mortality. That’s the same ten years required for the ionizing radiation from breast exams to produce breast cancer, as those machines were specifically designed and built to do.

In February 2007, said “By the way, doctor: How does radiation cause thyroid cancer”, and went on to say “Compared to many other organs, the thyroid gland is particularly sensitive to certain types of radiation.”

They’re fighting a brave rearguard action, trying to convince you that the non-ionizing radiation coming out of your phone, TV, microwave oven and wireless router is completely harmless.

Harvard is a State propaganda mouthpiece, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

In 2007, the Electric Vehicle manufacturer Lucid was founded in California. Fourteen years later, in 2021, they delivered their first vehicles, just 520 of them.

To provide some context, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company in June of 1903. Just six years later, in 1909, in its first year of production, Ford produced 10,660 Model T automobiles. Please recall that, in 1909, the population of the United States was 90,490,000.

In 1910, Ford produced 19,050 Model T automobiles. In 1911, Ford produced 34,858 Model T automobiles. In 1919, Ford produced 941,042 Model T automobiles.


"On November 29, 2016, state and company officials announced the planned construction of Lucid’s US$700 million manufacturing plant in Casa Grande, Arizona, which was projected to employ up to 2,000 workers by the mid-2020s,[11][12][13] initially building 20,000 cars and expanding up to 130,000 cars per year. The factory was then to be designed to support a maximum capacity of 380,000 cars per year.From 2008 to 2018, pedestrian deaths in the U.S. increased by 53%.

From 2008 to 2015, the rate at which kids and teens in the U.S. arrived in hospitals due to suicidal thoughts or attempts almost doubled, with the highest increase among adolescent girls.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “unusual”. That’s why the number of Swedes under age 70 who died of a brain tumor “of an unknown nature” increased 1,071% from 2008 and 2013.


The number of patients reported dead of brain tumors with a confirmed diagnosis “declined” during the same period. Here you can see the generational Satanist Medical Establishment describing phone-driven brain tumors as “brain tumor of an unknown nature”, and removing the data from the national cancer registry.

Cancer treatments drive the cancer they are falsely claiming to cure. That’s why, in 2008, the National Institute of Health documented “Increased risk of colon cancer after external radiation therapy for prostate cancer.”

From 2009 to 2014, new cancer cases of all types increased by more than 10%. That’s because non-ionizing radiation from Technology, primarily “smart” phones, causes cancer.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why an article from the grotesquely-named “Newswise” from May 2009 says “Thyroid Cancer Increasing, Scientists Don’t Know Why”.

They’re a State propaganda outlet, toeing the party line by pretending that neither they nor anyone else is aware that purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from Technology, primarily “smart” phones, is driving the exponential increase in Thyroid cancer, regardless of geography.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a VOA News article from April 2009 is headlined “Parkinson’s Disease: A Movement Disorder, and a Mystery of the Brain”.

VOA News is claiming with a straight face that neither they nor anyone else know that they don’t know that the delayed effects of brain radiation present as Parkinsonism. They’re a State propaganda outlet, doing what it can to blunt rapidly rising awareness that non-ionizing radiation from “Technology” is driving exponential increases in neurodegenerative disease.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Psychiatric News article from December 2009 is headlined “Army Trying to Solve Puzzle of Rising Suicide Rates”.

Female suicides in Australia increased 26% from 2010 to 2015. The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why Chief executive of Suicide Prevention Australia, Sue Murray, said "We don’t know why this is occurring.”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Nature Medicine article from May 2010 is headlined “Missing pieces in the Parkinson’s disease puzzle”.

They’re brazenly claiming that neither they nor anyone else knows that the delayed effects of brain radiation present as Parkinsonism.

“Nature Medicine” is a State propaganda outlet, doing what it can to blunt rapidly rising awareness that non-ionizing radiation from “Technology” is driving exponential increases in neurodegenerative disease.In January 2010, WebMD brazenly asked “Can Cell Phones Help Fight Alzheimer’s***?***”

WebMD is a Mouthpiece of the State, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to suggest that they don’t know that non-ionizing radiation from so-called “smart” phones causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, letting in undesirable agents and hindering the clearing of the amyloid.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Stamford Advocate article from June 2010, headlined “Thyroid cancer on the rise”, goes on to say “The trend has medical researchers baffled”.

They used “rise” because it’s general. As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. The author is blunting specific insight into the magnitude of the technology-driven increase in Thyroid cancer. “Rise” was also used because it’s softer than “increase”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations, under various names and guises, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

From 2011 to 2021, the 58% increase in female high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year was 653% greater, or almost eight times greater than the 7.7% increase among their male peers during that same time period.

Here it is important to recall that, in 1994, the British Journal of Psychiatry showed that increased electromagnetic radiation from storms drove suicide among women, while it decreased suicide among men. First author Ronald W. Kay described it as “interesting”.

In 1965, Nature published “Psychiatric Ward Behavior and Geophysical Parameters”, in which author H. Freedman documented that “statistically significant relationships of striking magnitude between cosmic ray indices and psychiatric ward behavior can be observed in the majority of schizophrenic patients.”

The 6% suicide rate among schizophrenics is 59,900% greater than the .01% suicide rate among the general populace.

The highest smartphone penetration nation in the world, South Korea, has the world’s highest suicide rate among females, and the third highest suicide rate in the wold among males.

That’s because the purportedly-harmless non-Ionizing microwave radiation from wireless technology drives schizophrenia and suicide.

To maintain current programming levels, you can go with the University of California at Berkeley, who said “For years, social scientists have puzzled over why this economically successful state has such startlingly high suicide rates.” Or, which said that it was because of “cultural mores”.

From 2011 to 2021, the 58.3% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year was 101% greater, or double the 29% of males who felt the same.

Screentime and depression were associated in 100% of studies.

From 2011 to 2021, the 30% increase in female high school students who attempted suicide was 81% greater, or almost double the 16.6% increase among male high school students during the same time period.

Working as an electrician in the United States was accompanied by a 118% increase in suicide, compared to those not so employed.

To maintain current programming levels, you can read first author Edwin van Wijngaard’s study in the Western Journal of Medicine, where he said the more than doubling of suicides among electricians was because of “a plausible mechanism related to melatonin and depression”.

From 2011 to 2021, the percentage of female high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year increased by 58.3%, from 36% to 57%.

From 2011 to 2017, male overdose deaths in the U.S. increased by 124%, from 14,442 to 32,337.

From 2011 to 2017, female overdose deaths in the U.S. increased by 83%, from 8,8322 to 15,263.

From 2011 to 2016, car crashes in Florida increased by 73%. “Curbed” said it was caused by “speeding.”

When, in fact, traffic tickets written by troopers in Florida decreased by 23% from 2011 to 2016, and speeding tickets issued by the Florida Highway Patrol decreased by 60% from 2016 to 2017.

I have exposed the duplicity of by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In 2011, the 36% of female high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year was 71% greater than the 21% of their male peers who felt the same.

Here it is important to recall that the rate of suicidal ideation is 184% greater, or almost triple among those who use technology five hours per day versus those who use technology two hours per day (71% vs. 25%).

In 2011, the 10% of female high school students who attempted suicide during the past year was 67% greater than the 6% of male high school students who did the same.

In 2011, the 19% of female high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year was 46% greater than the 13% of their male peers who did the same.

In 2011, the 15% of female high school students who made a suicide plan during the past year was 37% greater than the 11% of their male peers who did the same

In 2011, 36% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year.

In 2011, 21% of male high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year.

In 2011, 19% of female high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year.

In 2011, 15% of female high school students made a suicide plan during the past year.

In 2011, 13% of male high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year.

In 2011, 11% of male high school students made a suicide plan during the past year.

In 2011, 10% of female high school students attempted suicide during the past year.

In 2011, 6% of male high school students attempted suicide during the past year.

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified mobile phone radiation as a group 2B carcinogen, which means it is possibly harmful to humans.

In January 2011, published “Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults - a prospective cohort study“, which said “High frequency of mobile phone use at baseline was a risk factor for mental health outcomes at 1-year follow-up among the young adults”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything.n article from Montana’s Missoulian from March 2011 is headlined “Suicide crisis among Indian children, young adults baffles communities.”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article from June 2011 is headlined “Unlocking the mysteries of thyroid cancer”.

They’re using the standard code-verbiage of “mysteries” to pretend that neither they nor anyone else is aware that purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from Technology, primarily “smart” phones, is driving the exponential increase in Thyroid cancer, regardless of geography.

From 2012 to 2018, the suicide rate among 10 to 24 year old females in the U.K. increased by 82%, or almost doubled, to the highest level ever recorded. The U.K. is the 10th highest smart phone penetration nation.

From 2012 to 2014, the 331.8-per-100,000 rate of Emergency Department visits due to suicide attempts among females aged 10 to 17 years was 193.6% greater, or basically triple the 113-per-100,000 rate among males of the same age during the same time period.

From 2012 to 2014, the 75.2-per-100,000 suicide hospitalization rate among Utah females aged 10 to 17 was 167% greater than the 28.2-per-100,000 rate among males of the same age during the same time period.

Utah’s KUTV2 said “There is no one cause or clear reason why the numbers are rising”.

They used “rising” because it’s general. They’re trying to blunt your perception of scope of the technology-driven increase in suicide. They also used it because it’s softer than “increase”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations all the way back to Babylon, and before.

From 2012 to 2014, Emergency Department visits due to suicide attempts among Utah females aged 10-17 were 331.8 per 100,000.

From 2012 to 2014, Emergency Department visits due to suicide attempts among Utah males aged 10-17 were 113 per 100,000.

From 2012 to 2014, hospitalizations due to suicide attempts among Utah females aged 10-17 were 75.2 per 100,00.

From 2012 to 2014, hospitalizations due to suicide attempts among Utah males aged 10-17 were 28.2 per 100,000.

In 2012, the international mobile phone market decreased by 1.7%, year-over-year. It was the first decrease since 2009. Gartner said it was because of “Tough economic conditions, shifting consumer preferences and intense market competition”.

Even an elementary school student could tell you that increasing competition doesn’t impact overall sales. But the propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In 2012, the Saint Louis Dispatch said “Behind a Rising Suicide Rate, a Struggle for Answers”, said “Suicides have been gradually rising nationally since 2005”, and attributed it to “the recession”, and that ***“***it’s hard to pinpoint reasons.”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a California Health Report article from June 2012 is headlined “Increase in childhood leukemia a puzzle”.

From March 2013 to March 2014, the number of mobile phone addicts increased by 123%, or well more than doubled. The increase was 10% higher among women than among men.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Core Economics article from May 2013 is headlined “The rise in Mental Health Problems: a puzzle”.

They used “rise” in the headline because it’s general. They’re trying to blunt your perception of scope of the technology-driven increase in mental illness. They also used it because it’s softer than “increase”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations, under various names and guises, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

Core Economics is a State-sponsored propaganda outlet, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to assert that they have no idea that technology is driving an exponential increase in depression and mental illness.

From 2013 to 2014, just 7%, or 2 of 28 countries in the European Union had a decrease in female life expectancy.

From 2013 to 2014, 18%, or 5 of 28 countries in the European Union had a decrease in male life expectancy.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why, in May 2013, Dr. Sanjay Gupta widened his eyes to simulate honesty and said that he was “Piecing Together the Parkinson’s Puzzle”.

(Dr. Sanjay Gupta, of “Health Matters”)

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a nattily-dressed generational Satanist Freemason, using his duplicitously-named “Health Matters” website to aver that, as a Medical Doctor, he’s somehow unaware of the delayed effects of brain radiation presenting as Parkinsonism.

Not all M.D.’s are generational Satanists, of course. But those who profess to be “puzzled” by Parkinson’s disease certainly are. You can’t recognize them by the way they dress, other than the lurid lightning-rod Satanists like Marilyn Manson. We’re able to finger Sanjay only based on his use of the code word “puzzle”.

He and the rest of his genetically-relate crime family are using conscious deception with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to fleece the rubes in every city, town and village on Earth. You know them dimly as “the One Percent”.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, smartphone sales increased by 46.5%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, flip phone sales decreased by 21%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, 52% of mobile phone sales were smartphones, and 48% were flip phones (225 million vs. 210 million).

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, smartphone sales exceeded flip phone sales for the first time.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, 225 million smartphones were sold internationally, while 210 million flip phones were sold internationally during that same time period.

In July 2013, trying to hold back awareness of the great, intentionally-released plague upon humanity that is technology, the National Institute of Health narrowed its eyes and asked “Can radiation be linked to Parkinson’s***?***”

That’s because the first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”.

From 2014 to 2017, automotive fatalities in the U.S. increased by 20%.

From 2014 to 2016, motor vehicle fatalities in the United States increased by 14%. ABC said that it was because of the “improving economy”.

From 2014 to 2015, the suicide rate for teenage girls in Australia increased at a rate 840% greater than the rate for the population overall. Australia has the second-highest smart phone penetration on Earth, at 77%.

From 2014 to 2015, female life expectancy at birth decreased in 75%, or 23 of the 28 countries in the EU.

From 2014 to 2015, male life expectancy at birth decreased in 57%, or 16 of 2 of countries in the EU.

From 2014 to 2015, the decrease in female life expectancy in 75% of the 28 countries in the European Union was 32% greater than the decrease in male life expectancy in 57% of the 28 countries in the European Union during the same time period.

From 2014 to 2015, flip phone sales in the United States increased by 9%, from 22.2 million to 24.2 million.

From 2014 to 2015, automotive fatalities in the U.S. increased by 8.4%.

From 2014 to 2015, suicides among women in Massachusetts increased by 3.8%, from 608 to 631. There was no increase among men. The commonwealth of Massachusetts called the near-4% increase in suicides - all females - an “uptick”.

The word uptick means “a small increase”.

In April 2014, an article that I can no longer locate said that “Women aged 45-54 suffer more stress and depression than all other age groups”. The author attributed the unspecified increase in technology-driven stress and depression to “women feeling it is more socially acceptable to talk about how they feel than men”, “the pressures of juggling work and caring responsibilities”, and “menopause”.

In 2015, Indian mobile phone sales decreased for the first time in 20 years.

From 2015 to 2016 vs. 2013 vs. 2014, the 971% variance in female life expectancy in the European Union was 348% greater, or well more than four times greater than the 216.6% variance in male life expectancy during that same time period.

From 2015 to 2016, the 57% of countries in the European Union which had a decrease in male life expectancy was 216.6% greater than the 18% of countries in the European Union which had a decrease in male life expectancy from 2013 to 2014.

From 2015 to 2016, the 75% of countries in the European Union which had a decrease in female life expectancy was 971% greater than the 7% of countries in the European Union which had decreases in female life expectancy from 2013 to 2014.

From 2015 to 2016, the number of people killed in traffic crashes in Los Angeles, California increased by 43%.

From 2015 to 2016, the number of women and girls in the United States who killed themselves increased by 16%. The biggest increase was among women ages 45 to 54.

In 2015, the life expectancy decrease for females in the European Union at age 65 was 16% greater than that of males of the same age.

In 2015, the 85% of countries in the European Union with decreases in life expectancy for females was 13.3% greater than the 75% of countries in the European Union with decreases in life expectancy among males during the same time period.

From 2015 to 2016, the mortality rate in England increased by 6%, from 469,000 to 495,000.

This was the biggest year-on-year increase in deaths since the 1960s. And there was a larger increase in female death rates than males.

From 2015 to 2016, automotive fatalities in the U.S. increased by 5.6%.

From 2015 to 2016, suicides among women in Massachusetts increased by 3.8%. There was no increase among men. The author called the near-4% increase an “uptick”.

From 2015 to 2016, the infant mortality rate in the U.K. increased by 2.8%.

A study in 2015 showed cellphone radiation causes cancer.

Smartphone Zombies
(Smartphone zombies staggering with their faced glued to their phones)

An article from 2015 from the National Institute of Health widened its eyes to simulate honesty, wrung its hands and asked “Why is depression more prevalent in women?”

In 2015, “distracted” driving was the number one cause of teen car crashes.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, flip phone sales in India increased by 35.3%, quarter-over-quarter.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, the 35.3% quarter-over-quarter increase in flip phone sales in India was 43% greater than the 24.7% increase in smartphone sales there during that same time period. The uncredited author from India’s Economic times omitted the percentage, which is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

They also didn’t make any mention as to what might have driven the sudden, seismic shift in the mobile phone market in India. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

In 2015, CNN said that suicide “hit a 40-year peak”, with “peak” falsely implying that the rate had hit its high point and fallen, or would fall after.

From 2016 to 2017, speeding tickets issued by the Florida Highway Patrol decreased by 60%. The Orlando Sentinel said the historically-unprecedented decrease in speeding tickets was because of “a trooper shortage”.

An article from October 2015 said “Women are known to suffer more from sleep disturbances”, and attributed the doubling of insomnia in women vs. men to “raising young children”, “hormonal fluctuations” and “higher genetic risk”.

The plausible-deniability excuses are often put forward in groups of three, which gives the subconscious of the reader a buffet to pick from. The propagandist knows that the subconscious will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In 2015, PubMed feigned honesty and asked “Should we irradiate a brain tumor in a patient with parkinsonism?” Their resounding answer? “Functional radiosurgery for management of refractory tremor in PD patients is safe and effective.” They leave out “until the delayed effects of brain radiation present as Parkinsonism”.

PubMed is using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with compete honesty. They are a State propaganda organ, doing what it can to blunt rapidly rising awareness that non-ionizing radiation from “Technology” is driving exponential increases in neurodegenerative disease.

In November 2015, widened its eyes to simulate honesty and sowed the seed of doubt by asking “Does Low-Dose Radiation Cause Leukemia***?***”

The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, and that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Buried in the probably-unread article below, were learn “It is more likely than not that low doses of ionizing radiation increase the risk of leukemia”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why the article goes on to say that “in A-bomb survivors, the relative risks of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; relative risk [RR] = 2.7), acute myeloid leukemia (AML; RR = 2.1), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML; RR = 2.8) were markedly increased. Curiously, past studies reported neither an increased risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in A-bomb survivors nor in many other radiation-related settings.”

The study showed a near-tripling of leukemia among Atomic bomb survivors. The author used the key code word “curiously” because all of the past studies were by performed, written and published by generational Satanist insiders committed to covering up the fact that radiation drives Leukemia. If they hadn’t used their until-now secret code (mystery, baffled, puzzled, curious), I probably would have had a harder time catching them at it.

You can’t recognize generational Satanists by their appearance, beyond the occasional secret hand sign, or in theatrically-obvious lighting rods like Marilyn Manson. You can only recognize them by their codified and highly-repetitive propaganda, which they figured the rubes would never catch onto.

In December 2015, said “Common Prostate Cancer Treatment May Double Risk for Alzheimer’s”.

Where NBC hedged with the general “COMMON prostate cancer treatment” to avoid saying “Radiation treatments for Parkinson’s double risk for Alzheimer’s”.

They also don’t mention that the reason it doubles is because both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, letting in undesirable agents and hindering the clearing of the amyloid.

From 2016 to 2022, international flip phone sales increased by 150%, from 400 million units to 1 billion units.

From 2016 to 2021, flip phones’ share of the total mobile phone market increased by 100%, or doubled, from 21% to 42%.

From 2016 to 2017, road deaths in France increased by 15.4%.

In 2016, NBC News was said “Suicide rates are rising among young girls, study finds”. They used “rising” because it’s softer than “increasing”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations, under various names and guises, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why Donna Ruch, a researcher at Nationwide Children’s Center for Suicide Prevention and Research, said “It’s not just numbers. We’re seeing a trend. But we don’t have good information about what is driving this shift.”

Donna Ruch
(Donna Ruch, Researcher, Nationwide Children’s Center for Suicide Prevention and Research)

I’ve included Ms. Ruch’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

In 2016, a Chinese teenager tied her mother to a chair and starved her to death in revenge for sending her to an internet addiction boot camp.

In July 2016, published “Delayed effects of brain radiation presenting as parkinsonism”.

In June 2016, police in Los Angeles, California were said to be issuing “fewer” speeding tickets, because they were “hampered by a city survey backlog”.

In July 2016, a driver in Baltimore, Maryland drove into a police car while while playing Pokemon Go.

In July 2016, the National Institute of Health brazenly asked “Can Radiation From CT Scans Alleviate Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s***?***” Some subset of wholly-credulous, mouth-breathing rubes will believe that the NIH has no idea that radiation from Technology causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, letting in undesirable agents and hindering the clearing of the amyloid, and that the NIH don’t know that radiation treatments for prostate cancer double the risk for Alzheimer’s.

The National Institute of Health knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a Wall Street Journal Article from September 2016 says “Pancreatic cancer has been a difficult puzzle for scientists to solve”.

The Wall Street Journal an organ of the controlled press, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty to suggest that neither they nor anyone else have any idea that non-ionizing radiation from Technology is driving an exponential increase in Pancreatic cancer.

From the 4th Quarter of 2016 to the 2nd Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 39%, from 432 million units to 265.3 million units.

In October 2016, Science Daily spoke of “Concern that radiation may contribute to development of Alzheimer’s”.

In December 2016, Medical Daily widened its eyes to simulate honesty, wrung its hands and asked “Why Are Cancer Rates Increasing?

From 2016 to 2019, the flip phone’s share of the international mobile phone market increased by 19%, from 21% to 25%.

From 2016 to 2017, the 13% increase in international flip phone sales was 550% greater, or more than six times greater than the 2% increase in smartphone sales during that same time period. “Stipe”, the curiously-named author from omitted the stunning percentage, and referred to it only-generally as “grew faster” and “was bigger”.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

From 2016 to 2017, the 10% increase in flip phones’ share of the mobile phone market in Africa was 229% greater, or well more than triple the 13% decrease in smartphones’ market share during the same time period.

From 2016 to 2017, smartphone sales in India decreased by 30.5%.

From 2016 to 2017, the 13% increase in international flip phone sales was 30% greater than the 10% increase in smartphones during that same time period.

From 2016 to 2017, the international flip phone market increased by 13%, from 400 million units to 450 million units.

From 2016 to 2017, the smartphones share of the mobile phone market in Africa decreased by 13%, from 44.6% to 39%.

From 2016 to 2017, the flip phone’s share of the mobile phone market in Africa increased by 10%, from 55.4% to 61%.

From 2016 to 2017, the sales for Samsung’s Galaxy smart phone decreased by 20%.

In 2016, international smartphone sales increased by 10%.

In June 2016, 50% of teen felt addicted to their smartphones.

From 2017 to 2019, flip phone used doubled among among households earning over $100K/year.

From 2017 to 2019, households with mobile service but no smartphones increased by 7%.

From 2017 to 2019, international internet use decreased by 1.2%, from 6 hours, 46 minutes to 6 hours, 41 minutes. It was the first decrease since the inception of the Internet.

From 2017 to 2018, smartphone sales in Egypt decreased by 50%. Daily News Egypt said the decrease occurred “after flotation”.

From 2017 to 2018, the number of voice calls made on mobile phones in the UK decreased by 1.7% It was the first decrease in mobile phone calls in history.

From 2017 to 2018, international smartphone sales decreased by 0.5%. It was the first decrease since 2012.

In 2017, Samsung’s smartphone sales decreased to their lowest level in five years.

In 2017, Fortune wrote “AT&T said that smartphone sales had become so unpredictable that it would no longer provide a forecast for the company’s total revenue for 2017.” That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

In 2017, police issued “fewer” speeding tickets in Wisconsin, “possibly due to lack of resources”. When, in fact, traffic tickets written by troopers in Florida decreased by 23% from 2011 to 2016, and speeding tickets issued by the Florida Highway Patrol decreased by 60% from 2016 to 2017.

In 2017, teen smartphone use was linked to depression and suicide.

In 2017, the international Global Burden of Disease study documented that the highest rate of schizophrenia out of all nations was in China (East Asia), with 19.66 cases of schizophrenia per 100,000.

In 2017, the 19.93 cases of schizophrenia per 100,000 in East Asia was 44.2% greater than the 13.82 cases per 100,000 in Western Europe.

In 2017, the 19.93 cases of schizophrenia per 100,000 in East Asia was 40.7% greater than the 14.16 cases per 100,000 in high income North America.

In 2017, life expectancy in the U.S. decreased for the second consecutive year.

In 2017, suicides passed homicides as the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S.

In the 1st Quarter of 2017, Samsung’s smartphone sales in China decreased by 50%, to their lowest level in five years.

In the 1st Quarter of 2017, international smartphone sales increased by 4.3%. IDC said “in light of what might seem like a slowing market, consumers continue to show demand for smartphones.”

In the 2nd Quarter of 2017, smartphone sales in India decreased by 4%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2017, international smartphone shipments decreased by 1.3%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2017, Apple’s iPhone sales decreased by .78%, year over year.

In April 2017, in a landmark ruling, an Italian Court found that cancer was linked to cellphone use.

In April 2017, said New Zealand’s colorectal cancer rates among young adults were “on the rise”.

In May 2017, Gartner inflated international sales of smartphones by 112%, from an actual 4.3% increase to a fraudulent 9.1%.

I have exposed the duplicity of Gartner by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In May 2017, Apple’s stock decreased by more than 2%. Tim Cook said it was because of “press leaks”.

In May 2017, doctors in Denver, Colorado sought to ban smartphone sales to preteens.

In June 2017, smartphone sales in Egypt decreased by 50%, year-over-year. Daily News Egypt said it was “after flotation”.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2017 to the 3rd Quarter of 2018, international flip phone sales increased for four consecutive quarters, while international smartphone sales decreased for four consecutive quarters. said “although researchers wouldn’t read too much into it.”

In the 3rd Quarter of 2017, smartphone sales in Brazil decreased by 2%. ZDNet called it a “slowdown”, and said it was “as consumers save for Black Friday and Christmas.”

In July 2017, the sales of the Chinese smartphone makers Oppo and Vivo in India decreased by 30%, their first decrease there in history.

In July 2017, sales of Samsung’s Galaxy smartphone decreased by 20%, year-over-year.

In the 4th Quarter of 2017, the Indian flip phone market increased by 55%, year-over-year.

In the 4th Quarter of 2017, international smartphone sales decreased by 5.6%, year-over-year. omitted the percentage, described it only-generally as “slowing”, and said it was because “Consumers are holding on to their phones longer and are also increasingly unimpressed with the frequency and diversity of new models”.

In October 2017, Essential decreased the price of their smartphone by $200. That’s because prices decrease either when demand decreases, supply increases, or both.

In October 2017, smartphone use among the young decreased for the first time.

In November 2017, the American Cancer Society altered its advice about mobile phone use and urged people to limit the time the phones are held to the head, because NTP researchers discovered that brain tumours had developed in the male rats, and that DNA in their brains had been damaged, “something that sceptics have said was not biologically possible.”

Dr Anthony B Miller, a professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto said “the evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored.”

In November 2017, the Taiwanese smartphone-maker HTC’s share price decreased by 8%. HTC said is was because of “the Google sale report”.

From 2018 to 2023, Google searches for “flip phone” increased by 140%. USA Today’s Marc Salztman said “sales data isn’t yet available.”

From 2018 to 2022, smartphone sales decreased for five straight years.In 2018, life expectancy in the U.S. decreased for the third consecutive year.

In 2018, international smartphone sales decreased by 4.1%, to 1.4 billion units total.

In 2018, flip phone sales increased for four consecutive quarters.

In the first seven weeks of 2018, the mortality rate in the U.K. increased by 12.4%, year-over-year. The Conversation said “No official explanation from government health officials for this sharp rise in mortality has been forthcoming.”

They used “rise” because it’s general. As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. The author is blunting specific insight into the magnitude of the technology-driven increase in mortality in the U.K. “Rise” is also used because it’s softer than “increase”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult which has ruled things in all the nations, under various names and guises, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

From the 1st Quarter of 2018 to the 1st Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 8.9%, from 60.6 million units to 55.2 million units.

In the 1st Quarter of 2018, the Indian flip phone market increased by 197%, or nearly tripled - while the smart phone market there remained flat, year-over-year.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2018 to the 1st Quarter of 2020, flip phone sales increased for five consecutive quarters.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2018, international smartphone sales decreased by 6%, year-over-year. IDC said it was because of “Challenges”.

In August 2018, Australia’s said “Victory! U.S. State of New Mexico Rejects Smart Meters”.

In December 2018, downgraded the actual 13% increase in flip phone sales from 2016 to 2017 by 62%, to a fraudulent 5%.

I have exposed their duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2018, international smartphone sales decreased for the fourth consecutive quarter.

In November 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average decreased by 600 points, with Apple leading the tech rout.

From November 1st 2018 to November 12 2018, Apple’s shares decreased by 11.5%.

From 2019 to 2022, the percentage of new smartphone users coming from flip phones decreased by 11.4%, from 6.1% to 5.4%.

From 2019 to 2021, the 34% average annual increase in flip phones’ penetration of the total mobile phone market was 439% greater, or well more than five times greater than their 6.3% average annual increase from 2016 to 2019.

From 2019 to 2021, international flip phone sales increased by 150%, from 400 million to 1 billion. In comment, USA Today’s Marc Saltzman described the flip phone as a “forgotten device”.

From 2019 to 2021, flip phones’ penetration of the mobile phone market increased by 68%, from 25% to 42%.

From 2019 to 2021, the percentage of high school students who attempted suicide increased by 11.1%, from 9% to 10%.

From 2019 to 2021, the percentage of high school students who had made a suicide plan increased by 12.5%, from 16% to 18%.

From 2019 to 2021, the percentage of high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness increased by 13.5%, from 37% to 42%.

From 2019 to 2021, the percentage of high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide increased by 15.7%, from 19% to 22%.

From 2019 to 2021, the 6.25% average annual increase in high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness was 25% greater than the 5% long term average annual increase in same documented from 2011 to 2021.

From 2019 to 2021, the 6.25% average annual increase in high school students who had made a suicide plan was 62.3% greater than the 3.85% long term average from 2011 to 2021.

From 2019 to 2021, the 7.85% average annual increase in high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide was 109% greater, or more than double the 3.75% long term average annual increase in same from 2011 to 2021.

Here it is instructive to recall that teenagers who spend 5 hours a day on electronic devices are 71% more likely to have suicide risk factors than those with one-hour use. And It was the time spent on the device, not the content, that mattered most.

From 2019 to 2021, the 5.39% average annual increase in high school students who attempted suicide was 331.2% greater, or well more than four times greater than the 1.25% average annual increase in same from 2011 to 2021.

From 2019 to 2020, international flip phone sales increased by 84%, from 400 million units to 735 million units.

From 2019 to 2020, vinyl record sales increased by 46.2%, year-over-year.

From 2019 to 2020, international video game use decreased by 17% , from six hours per day to five hours per day.

From 2019 to 2020, the percentage of new smartphone users coming from feature phones decreased by 6.5%, from 6.1% to 5.7%.

From 2019 to 2020, the 6.5% decrease in new smartphone users coming from flip phones was 94% greater, or close to double its 3.8% average annual decrease from 2019 to 2022.

In 2019, the 3% year-over-year increase in international smartphone shipments was 70% less than their 10% increase in 2016.

In 2019, the 5% increase in international flip phone sales was 67% greater than the 3% increase in international smartphone sales that same year

In 2019, 48% of Japanese aged 10-19 said they had thought about living without a “smart” phone, the highest percentage among all age groups polled.

In 2019, flip phones comprised 25% of all phones shipped.

In 2019, international shipments of smartphones increased by 3%.

In 2019, international flip phone sales increased by 5%.

In 2019, 400 million flip phones were sold internationally.

In the 1st Quarter of 2019, Apple’s iPhone shipments decreased by 30%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2019, the international smartphone market decreased by 6%, year-over-year, to 310.8 million units.

In the 4th Quarter of 2019, international smartphone sales decreased by 9%. It was the largest-ever decrease in smartphone sales since the device’s inception.

2020, 2021, and 2022 were all record sales years for Simon & Schuster.

From 2020 to 2021, vinyl record sales increased by 51.4%, year-over-year. offered no suggestion as to what might have caused the gigantic increase in vinyl record sales. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

From 2020 to 2021, international flip phone sales increased by 36%, from 735 million units to 1 billion units.

From 2020 to 2021, monthly library usage increased by 19%, from 27% to 32%. offered no suggestion as to what might have caused the increase. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

From 2020 to 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 12.5%, to 1.4 billion.

From 2020 to 2021, the percentage of new smartphone users coming from feature phones decreased by 1.7%, from 5.7% to 5.6%.

2020 was the fourth consecutive year of decreasing smartphone sales.

In the 1st Quarter of 2020, smartphone sales decreased by 13%, year-over-year. It was the first time since 2014 that the market had dropped below 300 million units in a quarter.

In the 1st Quarter of 2020, the 13% decrease in smartphone sales was 44% greater than their 9% decrease in the 4th Quarter of 2019. The decrease in smartphone sales is increasing exponentially, going forward in time. That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

CounterpointResearch said that it was because “the impact of COVID-19 on the supply side of smartphones and components could leave OEMs to diversify their supply chain by moving some production to countries like India and Vietnam.”

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.”

From “Politics and the English Language”, by George Orwell, 1946

In the 2nd Quarter of 2020, international smartphone sales decreased by 20%. A CNET article from August 2020 said it was “due to coronavirus”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2020, international smartphone sales decreased by 5.7%, to 366 million units. It was the thirteenth straight quarter of decreasing smart phone sales.

In the 4th Quarter of 2020, international sales of so-called “smart” phones decreased by 5%.

Because there’s literally no quit in these people, a Gartner article from February 2021 is headlined “Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales to Grow 11% in 2021.”

(Youths wearing surgical masks, heads bent, starting at phones)

From 2021 to 2023, the percentage of U.S. Citizens who viewed the Chinese as an enemy increased by 85%, or nearly doubled, from 34% to 64%. But, then, that’s what engineering a Chinese bat virus at U.S. taxpayer expense to kill Americans, and most everybody else will do to a Godless Communist’s reputation abroad.

Despite a controlled press united down through time assuring the U.S. public that the Godless Communist Red Chinese are not our enemy, the populace has seen right through that line of bullshit, and as a result, the number of American Citizens who think the Chinese are an enemy has almost doubled in just the last two years.

The realization that the Feds gave the Chinese $3.4 million in U.S. tax dollars to weaponize the Covid virus had a lot to do with it.

Here’s a couple of ancient images of picture of FuXi and NuWa, brandishing the Masonic square and compass:

Fu Xi and Nu Wa Square Compass
(Human-salamander hybrids Fuxi and NuWa, brandishing the square and compass of “Scottish Rite” Freemasonry - ah, mirth)

Every successful confidence game depends upon misdirection, hence “Scottish Rite Freemasonry”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

From 2021 to 2023, suicidality among 9 to 11 year olds who played video games for four hours per day increased by 18%.

“Bullying on social media” is an oft-used meme put forward to explain away exponentially increasing suicide among the young. Well, if that’s true, then why did a two-year 2023 study of American children aged 9 to 11 years show that social media use had no impact on suicidality?

In comment, UCSF Adolescent Medicine Specialist Kevin Nagata, M.D. said “that may be because, technically, kids aren’t allowed to be on social media platforms until they are 13 (though some still are), so we didn’t have as much data there.”

From 2021 to 2023, suicidality among 9 to 11 year olds who watched videos for four hours per day increased by 21%.

From 2021 to 2023, suicidality among 9 to 11 year olds who video chatted for four hours per day increased by 30%.

From 2021 to 2023, suicidality among 9 to 11 year old Americans who texted for four hours per day increased by 36%.

From 2021 to 2023, 38% of American children aged 9 to 11 years attempted suicide.

From 2021 to 2022, the 3.5% decrease in the percentage of new smartphone users coming from feature phones from 2021 to 2022 was 105% greater, or more than double the 1.7% decrease in same from 2020 to 2021. The India Times’ Subhrojit Mallick said that was because of “affordability and a lack of relevant use cases”.

From 2021 to 2022, international autonomous vehicle investments decreased by 58%, from $9.7 billion to $4.1 billion.

From 2021 to 2022, robotics investments decreased by 33%, from $18 billion to $12 billion.

From 2021 to 2022, Americans who were afraid of self-driving cars increased by 26%, from 54% to 68%.

From 2021 to 2022, smartphone sales in India decreased by 12%. IDC inflated it to a fabricated 7% increase, an exaggeration of 158%.

I have exposed their duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

From 2021 to 2022, video game sales in China decreased by 10.3%, to 269,5 billion yuan ($40.2 billion). It was China’s first decrease in video game sales in history.

From 2021 to 2022, the percentage of the public who are not comfortable at all with self driving vehicles increased by 6%, from 69% to an all-time high 73%. author described it as “decreased by four percentage points”.

From 2021 to 2022, vinyl record sales increased by 4.2%, year-over-year.

From 2021 to 2022, the percentage of new smartphone users coming from feature phones decreased by 3.5%, from 5.6% to 5.4%.

From 2021 to 2022, Americans who were afraid of self-driving cars increased by 1.9%, from 54% to 55%.

From 2021 to 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 1.7%. In May 2021, Gartner lied bald-facedly and said that international smartphone sales in 2021 increased by 6%. Taking a 1.7% decrease and calling it a 6% increase is an exaggeration of 453%.

I have exposed the duplicity of Gartner by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

From 2021 to 2022, the number of people playing video games in China decreased by .33%.’s Ann Cao said it was a "crackdown ", the result of "regulatory pressure " and "a slowing economy ".

In 2021, vinyl record sales surpassed digital music sales for the first time since the inception of CD’s.

In 2021, 41% of female high school students experienced poor mental health during the past 30 days.

In 2021, the 23.1 per 100,000 suicide rate among whites aged 45 to 64 was 40.8% greater than the 16.4 per 100,000 rate among Native Americans the same age.

Here, from ages 45 to 64, the whites rule the suicide roost, even over the Native Americans. What’s the variable? White people bingeing on technology.

In 2021, 30% of female high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year.

In 2021, 29% of male high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year.

In 2021, the 19% of female high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year was 46% greater than the 13% of their male peers who did the same.

In 2021, 57% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year.

In 2021, the 23.3 per 100,000 suicide rate among whites aged 25 to 44 years was 60.7% greater than the 14.5% rate among blacks the same age.

It’s the same 25 to 44 year age group…what’s the variable? White people bingeing on technology.

In 2021, the 85.7%-greater number of suicide attempts among female high school students vs. males was 28.6% greater than its 66.6% variance in 2011.

In 2021, the 13% of female high school students who attempted suicide during the pas year was 86% greater, or almost double the 7% of their male peers who did the same.

In 2021, the 23.3 per 100,000 suicide rate among whites aged 25 to 44 years was 89% greater, or close to double the 12.3 per 100,000 rate among hispanics the same age.

Same age…what’s the variable? White people bingeing on technology.

In 2021, the 20.9 per 100,000 suicide rate among whites aged 65 and older was 95% greater, or double the 10.7 per 100,000 rate among Native Americans the same age.

It’s the same 65 and older age group, and yet the whites are twice as crazy as the Native Americans. Older Native Americans are not pathologically insane, like their 25 to 44 year old counterparts. What’s the variable? Bingeing on technology among whites over aged 65, and bingeing on technology by the younger Native Americans.

In 2021, the 57% of female high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year was 97% greater, or basically double the 29% of their male peers who did the same.

Here it is instructive to recall that the suicide rate in the ten highest smart phone penetration nations is 50% greater than that in ten lowest smart phone penetration nations.

In 2021, the 24% of female high school students who made a suicide plan during the past year was 100% greater, or double the 12% of their male peers who did the same.

In 2021, the 30% of female high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past year was 114% greater, or well more than double the 14% of their male peers who did the same.

Here it is instructive to recall that the smartphone addiction rate among females is 150% greater than that of males. In a 2013 blog post for Psychology Today, psychology professor Ira Hyman, Ph.D., said “Feeling a need to be socially connected hardly seems like an addiction to me.”

In 2021, the 52.8 per 100,000 suicide rate among Native Americans aged 25 to 44 years was 126% greater, or well more than double the 23.3 per 100,00 rate among whites the same age.

Here, the Native Americans aged 25 to 44 years are more than twice as crazy as the way-crazier-than-anyone-else whites of their same age because of the mix of bingeing on technology and alcohol on the part of the Native Americans.

In 2021, the 41% of female high school students experienced poor mental health during the past 30 days was 128% greater, or well more than double the 18% of male peers who did the same.

In 2021, the 100%-greater suicide planning among female high school students vs. males was 174% greater, or heading toward triple its 36.4% variance in 2011.

(Young girls on smartphones)

In 2021, the 23.3 per 100,000 suicide rate among whites aged 25 to 44 years was 194% greater, or basically triple the 7.9 per 100,000 rate among asians the same age.

Same 25 to 44 year age group…what’s the variable? White people bingeing on technology.

In 2021, 58% of mobile phone sales were smartphones, and 42% were flip phones (1.4 billion vs. 1 billion).

In the second half of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 5%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2021, smartphone sales in India decreased by 13%, quarter-over-quarter, to 32.4 million units. Canalys said it was due to “the second wave of COVID-19”.

Ah, the engineered Chinese bat virus, is there anything that it can’t do?

In the 2nd Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 8.9%, quarter-over-quarter.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2021, smartphone sales in India decreased by 12%, year-over-year. called it “a strong comeback”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 6.8%, year-over-year. omitted the percentage, and referred to the the gigantic decrease only-generally as “meaningful impact”, and said that it was because of “component shortages”.

In September 2021, said “Global smartphone sales to end users totaled 328.8 million in the second quarter of 2021, an increase of 10.8% year over year’. When, in fact, international smartphone sales to end-users decreased by 6.8% in the 2nd Quarter of 2021. Gartner’s taking an act; 6.8% decrease and inflating it to a fabricated 10.8% increase is an exaggeration of 259%.

I have exposed the duplicity of Gartner by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2021, international smartphone sales decreased by 3.2%. omitted the percentage, described it only-generally as “negative growth”, and said that it was “slight”. said it was because of “Supply chain issues and factory constraints”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2021, 87% of the 14.4 million phones that Nokia shipped were flip phones (11.2 million vs. 3.2 million).

From 2022 to 2023, the 23.6% increase in Americans who were afraid of self-driving cars was 1,142% greater than the 1.9% increase from 2021 to 2022.

The great positive change is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because the health of the ether is increasing, and moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

From 2022 to 2023, the 5% decrease in international Internet use was 733% greater, or more than eight times greater than its .6% average annual decrease from 2017 to 2019.

The great positive societal change is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because the health of the ether is increasing, and moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

In 2022, the 520 electric vehicles that Lucid produced in its first year of production 98% less than of the 20,000-vehicle first production year which had been projected for Lucid in 2016.

In 2022, the Electric Vehicle manufacturer Lucid sold 4,369 cars, just 61% of the 7,180 they produced.

From 2022 to 2023, Americans who would trust a self-driving vehicle decreased by 40% , from 15% to 9%.

From 2022 to 2023, Americans who were afraid of self-driving cars increased by 23.6% , from 55% to 68%.

In 2022, international PC shipments decreased by 15%, year-over-year. Counterpoint Researched called it “frozen PC demand”.

In 2022, Chinese smartphone shipments decreased by 13.2%, year-over-year, to 285.8 million. It was the first time in ten years that smartphone sales had decreased below 300 million.

In 2022, Chinese smartwatch shipments decreased by 8.8%, year-over-year. Counterpoint Research’s Shenghao Bai said it was because of “the COVID-zero policy’s impact on consumption”.

Ah, the engineered Chinese bat virus, is there anything that it can’t do?

From 2022 to 2023, international internet use decreased by 5%, from 6 hours, 57 minutes to 6 hours, 37 minutes.

In 2022, TV sales decreased by 3.8%, year-over-year, the lowest level of sales in the last decade. said it was due to “the Russia-Ukraine conflict”, “rising inflation”, and “interest rate hikes

In 2022, international smartphone sales were the lowest since 2013.

In 2022, Ford and Volkswagen shut down their $4 Billion self-driving startup Argo AI. Ford said “it didn’t attract new investors”, and that "profitability was a long way off.”

In 2022, vinyl record sales surpassed those of CD’s for the second year in a row.

2022 was the 17th consecutive year vinyl album sales increased in the U.S., and the largest year for vinyl album sales since the inception of the CD in 1991.

In 2022, more than five hours per day of smartphone use in China was associated with a 160% increase in suicidal ideation.

In the 1st Quarter of 2022, international sales of wristband wearables decreased by 40.5%, year-over-year. IDC said it was due to “slowing demand” and “more competition”.

In the 1st Quarter of 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 6%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2022, international wearable technology sales decreased by 3%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2022, the 6.9% year-over-year decrease in wearable technology sales was 130% greater, or well more than double their 3% year-over-decrease in the 1st Quarter of 2022.

The great positive change is increasing exponentially in magnitude, going forward in time.

That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2022, flip phone sales in Mexico more than doubled, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2022, wearable technology sales decreased by 6.9%, year-over-year. IDC said it was because of “inflation, fears of a recession, and consumer austerity”.

From April 2022 to May 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 4%.

In May 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 10%, year-over-year. It was the 11th consecutive month of year-over-year sales decreases’s Varun Mishra called it a “demand slump”, and attributed it to “inflation, China’s slowdown, and the Ukraine crisis”.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2022 through the 2nd Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 11.9%, from 301.2 million units to 265.3 million units.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2022 to the 1st Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 25.7%, from 74.3 million units to 55.2 million units.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2022 through the 1st Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by an annual average of 8.6%.

From the 3rd Quarter of 2022 to the 1st Quarter of 2023, the 8.6% average annual decrease in international PC sales was 1,620% greater than their .5% average annual decrease from the 1st Quarter of 2018 to the 1st Quarter of 2023.

International PC sales are decreasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

PC’s are disappearing like frost on a spring morning, because the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, flip phone sales in Mexico more than doubled, year-over-year.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, sales in Corning’s displays technologies division decreased by 28%, year-over-year.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, international PC sales decreased by 15%, Year-over-Year, to 74.3 million units.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, smartphone sales in Mexico decreased by 14%, year-over-year.

The 3rd Quarter of 2022 was the lowest quarter for smartphone sales in history.

On July 28, 2022, the Word Economic Forum said “Gaming is booming and is expected to keep growing”. When, in fact, video game sales in the United states decreased by 5%, in January 2022, year-over-year.

I have exposed the duplicity of the World Economic Forum by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking.”

From the 4th Quarter of 2022 to the 1st Quarter of 2023, the international smartphone market decreased by 9.5%, from 296.9 million units to 268.6 million units.

From the 4th Quarter of 2022 to the 1st Quarter of 2023, the 9.5% decrease in international smartphone sales was 579% greater than their 1.4% average quarterly decrease from the 4th Quarter of 2016 through the 2nd Quarter of 2023.

International smartphone sales are decreasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, sales of basic bands decreased by 43%, year-over-year. It was their ninth consecutive quarter of decreasing sales.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, international PC sales decreased by 28.5%, Year-over-Year, to 65.3 million units. It was their largest quarterly decrease in history.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, international PC shipments decreased by 27.8%, year-over-year, to 65.2 million units. It was the largest decrease in history. Counterpoint Research said it was due to “macroeconomic headwinds” and “increasing inflation pressure”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, Google’s fitbit shipments decreased by 25%, year-over-year.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 20%, Year-over-Year, to 296.9 million units. It was the largest decrease in history. described it as “softened consumer demand”. said it was because of “inflation and economic uncertainties”.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, the wearable band market as a whole decreased by 18%, year-over-year. said that it was because of “the challenging macroeconomic environment.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, Chinese smartphone shipments decreased by 12.6% , year-over-year, to 72.9 million units.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, international smartwatch shipments decreased by 8%, year-over-year.

In the 4th Quarter of 2022, international TV sales decreased by 3.5%, year-over-year, to the lowest level in history. said it was due to “indirect inhibition of the willingness to purchase TV products”.

In fiscal year 2023, U.K. publisher Bloomsbury’s sales increased by 15%, year-over-year, to £264.1 million, with U.S. revenue above $150 million, the highest in history.’s Val Giordano hedged violently by describing the greatest year in the history of the company as “the good year”.

Bloomsbury’s employees received £1,250 as a one-time payment in February 2023, and a permanent salary increase of £1,000 per year starting October 1, 2022.

Chairman Nigel Newton described the highest sales year in the history of the company as "achieved its best ever performance”, to infer that the employees simply hadn’t worked with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

In the 1st fiscal quarter of 2023, Apple’s iPhone sales decreased by 8%, year-over-year. Apple said it was because of “supply restrictions”.

In the 1st fiscal Quarter of 2023, Apple’s sales decreased by 5% , year-over-year. said it was because of “economic headwinds”.

From November to December 2022, international Electric Vehicle sales decreased by 15%, from 1,152,543 units to 1,002,212 units.’s Pooja Chandak said it was because of “customers opting to postpone their purchasing decisions to 2023 along with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) facing issues w.r.t. to suspended FAME related subsidies and potential supply-side disruptions”.

“A mass of Latin words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outline and covering up all the details. The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics’. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer.”

From “Politics and the English Language”, by George Orwell, 1946

From December 2022 to January 2023, international Electric Vehicle sales decreased by 32.9%, month-over-month, from 1,002,212 to 672,000. The uncredited author from said it was “as subsidies and tax credits come to an abrupt halt”.

From December 2022 to January 2023, Electric Vehicles’ market share among all passenger car sales decreased by 39.1%, from 23% to 14%. The uncredited author from described it as a “tumble”, and said it was “well down”.

On December 19, 2022, the India Times said “Feature-to-smartphone switch may pick up in 2023”.

In 2023, annual depreciation on electric vehicles was 320% greater than it was on diesels and hybrids (.2.1% vs. .5%), and 133% greater than on gasoline vehicles (2.1% vs. .9%). Cap HPI director of valuations Derrin Martin said it was because of " “rising energy prices” and “media coverage of queues at public charge points."

In 2023, less than half of smart appliances are connected to the internet as they were designed to be. Murat Genc, Whirlpool’s global data, experiences & transformation officer, said “There is a level of variability in customers’ homes that also causes challenges, especially when appliances end up in spaces with weak or no signal from routers”, and that “the company is also working on hardware to build stronger antennas”.

In 2023, the Electric Vehicle manufacturer Lucid is projected to produce 10,000 to 14,000 cars, which is 54% to 36% lower than the 21,815 projected. Garrett Nelson, an analyst at CFRA Research, said it was because “There’s a lot more competition than a year ago”.

As you can see the Electric Car is a fantastic boondoggle, a pyramid scheme, a scam, a Confidence game.

Remember, when Confindence games collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, the 40% year-over-year increase in Simon & Schuster’s Pimsleur Language Program was 110% greater, or more than double the 19% year-over-year increase in the firm’s sales as a whole. Jonathan Karp, Simon and Schuster’s CEO, said “It is clear we are living in a boom in fiction.”

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, Samsung’s profit decreased by 96%, from 14.12 trillion won ($10.7 billion) to 600 billion won ($450 million), to the lowest level since the inception of the smartphone. Samsung said it was because of “a weakening economy and lowered demand for chips.”

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, Mac sales decreased by 40%, year-over-year. Appleinsider said it was because of “declining demand”.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, Simon and Schuster’s Pimsleur Language Program increased by 40%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, the revenue of Simon & Schuster’s audio group increased by 36%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 30%, year-over-year. Gartner said it was because of “economic uncertainties and a lack of purchase motivation”.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 29%, to 56.9 million devices.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, Apple’s smartwatch shipments decreased by 20%, year-over-year. said it was because they “lost market share to India”.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, smartphone sales in India decreased by 20% , year-over-year, the first decrease in the 1st Quarter of any year in history. said it was because of “various factors such as weak consumer demand, high inflation, inventory correction and component shortage”.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, the sales of book publisher Simon & Schuster increased by 19%, year-over-year, to $258 million.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 13%, Year-over-Year, from 296.9 million units to 268.6 million units. described it as a “sign of stability”, and said that it had occurred “Despite limited improvements in major unfavorable macro factors.”

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 12%, year-over-year. Canalys said it was due to “the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the global chip shortage, and the war in Ukraine, among other factors”.’s Gadjo Sevilla said it was due to “macroeconomic conditions and inflation

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, the revenue of Bertelsmann, the parent company of Penguin Random House, increased by 6%, year-over-year.

In the 1st Quarter of 2023, international smartwatch shipments decreased by 1.5%, year-over-year. It was the second consecutive quarter of decreasing smartwatch sales. said it was because of “a contracting economy”.

From January to March 2023, the percentage of new-vehicle shoppers who said they were “very unlikely” to consider an Electric Vehicle increased by 18%, from 17.8% to 21%.

From January to February 2023, the percentage of new-vehicle shippers who said they were “very unlikely” to consider an Electric Vehicle increased by 6.2%, from 17.8% to 18.9%.

In January 2023, on TikTok, TikTok, the hashtag #bringbackflipphones had over 24.6 million views.

From February to March 2023, the 11.1% increase in new-vehicle shoppers who said they were “very unlikely” to consider an Electric Vehicle was 79% greater, or closing in on double the 6.2% increase in same from January to February 2023.

From February to March 2023, Electric Vehicles’ market share of all new-vehicle sales decreased by 14%, from 8.5% to 7.3%.

USA Today’s Medora Lee described the sudden, exponential decrease as “dampened enthusiasm”, and said that its cause was “persistent worries about charging infrastructure” and “vehicle pricing”.

From February to March 2023, the percentage of new-vehicle shoppers who said they were “very unlikely” to consider an Electric Vehicle increased by 11.1%, from 18.9% to 21%.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 22%, year-over-year. It was the largest decrease in history, and the eighth consecutive quarter of decreasing smartphone sales.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 16.6%, Year-over-Year, to 59.7 million units. Gartner described it as “a market beginning to stabilize”.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 10%, Year-over-Year, to 265.3 million units. It was the eighth consecutive quarter of decreasing smartphone sales. described it as a “slowdown in growth”.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2023, sales in Garmin’s Outdoor business Unit decreased by 3%, year-over-year. It was the second consecutive quarter of decreasing sales. described it as a “continuing slide”, and offered no suggestion whatsoever as to why it might have taken place. The latter is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2023, Apple’s sales decreased by 23%, year-over-year. described it as “an improving landscape”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2023, international PC sales decreased by 9%, year-over-year. It was the 9th straight quarter of decreasing PC sales. Counterpoint Research described it as a “rebound”, and “normalizing demand”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2023, international smartphone sales decreased by 1%, year-over-year. It was the 9th consecutive quarter of decreasing smartphone sales. described it as “a declining slowdown”.

In July 2023, said that international smartphone sales had decreased by 10% in the 2nd Quarter of 2023 because of “the global smartphone market moving past its growth phase, consumer replacement cycles getting longer, convergence in device innovation, and the emergence of a more mature refurbished market for smartphones”.

From August through October 2023, the iShares Self-Driving EV and Tech exchange-traded fund decreased by 24%.

From August through October 2023, the 24% decrease of the iShares Self-Driving EV and Tech exchange-traded fund was 189% greater than, or almost triple the 8.3% decrease of the MSCI All-World Index, a proxy for global equities.’s Ben Klayman described it as a “changed outlook”, and said it was due to “high interest rates”.

In August 2023, projected that international PC sales would decrease by 14%, year-over-year, which would be the largest decrease in history. They described it as “the most in 40 years”.

If international PC sales decreased by 30% year-over-year in the 1st Quarter of 2023, 15% year-over-year in the 2nd Quarter of 2023, and 9% in the 3rd Quarter of 2023, then how could the annual decrease in 2023 be just 14%, as predicted by

I have exposed the duplicity of by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In August 2023, brazenly lied “Counterpoint Research said it expects smartphone shipments in 2023 to decline 6% year-on year”. When, in fact, smartphone shipments had already decreased by 23% in the first half of 2023, year-over-year.

I have exposed the duplicity of by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, December 2, 2023

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