The First Commercial Assault on Orgonite

It seems that most of my postings in the ‘Specific Targets’ section regard Carol and I & sometimes our close business associates, as the specific targets and the latest round, which Carol and I only heard about today for the first time, is about ‘orgonium,’ which the manufacturers insist is the ‘only safe’ replacement for orgonite, which they claim is essentially harmful.

I think you can google the word if you’re curious but when a zapper customer frantically emailed me, this morning, to ask about it she was evidently worried that the device which she’d just ordered was going to harm her. I explained that the number of websites attacking orgonite and us greatly outnumber the legitimate sites about orgonite and that the only legitimate site in North America where first hand reports are shared by reputable people is this forum, strange to tell. We’re greatly outnumbered on the web. I CC’d Carol and Carol also answered her back.

Here’s how our customer responded:

Thank you very much Carol for your reassurance. Don has also answered my message and yes, I’m totally convinced now too. I also consulted with another contact of mine, who you likely know of – Gary Carlson from – and, a few hours ago, he also confirmed what you both said. I quote:
“Here what I found out: Orgonite & Orgonium are the same thing, so if someone says one of them is bad, buy the bad one. Don’t buy anything from someone who lies! One can’t make it backwards to hurt you I’m told & if one could would they do it by mistake, I doubt it, don’t you? Now, I personally don’t know anything about this stuff, but I am using some logic about it and of course the pendulum. I must say it’s a lot of fun knowing you. You have brought to my attention some good things too. Send me the link for Orgonite, the one that hasn’t lied, I might get it.”

So that company has lied about you and another person with insight has seen through those lies, so it seems you will have, at the very least, gained a new customer in this. While it involves some time from you or Don, it might be worth adding a thread on Don’s website warning people to dismiss the information campaign from your competitor in Australia, as it seems they are the only one knocking you in the question re: orgonium vs. orgonite. At least people will be forearmed. When searching for information to determine whether their claims were true or not, I could find nothing, but a thread in that forum would have set the record straight and I would not have otherwise bothered you with my question (perhaps others will be asking the same thing in future, although they might not necessarily direct their questions to you). Sorry for occupying so much of your time, but I hope it has been beneficial for you somehow. It has for me, so thank you for your time and insight on that.



In past years there have been several similar campaigns and only one of them actually threatened the dissemination of orgonite–that was in 2002 and early 2003 and a whole lot of people were scammed by that fellow. Carol and I went in debt ten grand to travel to the smoggiest city in the South, then (Atlanta) to flip all the death towers and re-validate simple orgonite and that evidently turned the tide decisively away from the ringers. Following attempts to upstage orgonite failed, including one based in Los Angeles in 2004 that even had pages of fake testimonials. That one was trying to steal credit from (mostly) Don Bradley and a few others in SoCal who had actually done the work and produced the results–got rid of most of the smog and revealed pristine skies most of the time since 2003.

That time, I posted a mention of the scheme without naming the website or the player and I never heard of them, again. I think the ‘orgonium’ people want to tangle, though. Let’s stick to the high road, okay? I’m not going to mention them, again, but it will be fun to see how Karl Welz handles them [Image Can Not Be Found] , since he came up with the term, ‘orgonite,’ and I indirectly learned about it from him in 1998 and developed a ‘field version’ of it. His radionics tech is state of the art, in my opinion, and his orgonite is specialized for that.

This is a week after orgonite was attacked less directly on national TV in Spain. Francisco posted about that. We should probably expect to see more and varied assaults on orgonite in coming months. Even though the various national media have been able to entirely ignore orgonite until now (except occasionally in Spain, Slovenia, South Africa, etc.) the talking heads’ handlers are probably under a lot of pressure to have their handpuppets address the subject due to rising popularity of the stuff.

Our ace in the hole may be the East Africans’ widespread and very consistent success through five or six countries, there. I always had a sense that what they’re doing is vital to the safety of this unorganized movement but until today I couldn’t quite put my finger on why.

You might be aware of another person who insists that ‘Don and Carol Croft are devils’ and that only her orgonite works (exactly the same instructions as ours) but I don’t include that one because very few people will take someone seriously who pretends to be the voice of God. I’ve never mentioned that one in a post. A radio interview I did on a Chicago station a few years ago was evidently a setup to get me to criticise that person but I dodged that bullet [Image Can Not Be Found]


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