Ogonite has really worked best to improve the yield of the farmers in the upper part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.I even went and inspect parts of the places where i went and apply orgonite when i went to Congo previously and i really got agood remark.Crops are growing rapidly regardless of the weather condition.
The people now soon will adopt to the use of this less expensive bud very economical pruct in their farming activitis.Even those who previously had ignored the product,through the outcame that they now experience they will adopt to it effectively.
I will soon try to find away of how i can move abit further in Congo to advertise the product with ambition changing the status of that nation especially in the areas which mostly had been frequently hit by wars.Since it had been our clear proof that orgonite work best in maintaining peace in the areas where its being used nomally.We had one time tried it Kisumu and the Northern parts of Kenya and we have witnessed the outcome.Otherwise its agood product that work best to bring areal transformation in the economy of the nation and stabilise peace.