The business of the orgonites have really change our living standard for it has really boosted our economic standard.Through the sale of the orgonites and the zappers, some of as has even managed to get money for their travel pay the house rent school fees and other basic needs.Our brothers like Benedict through the business he managed to get money to pay his schooling up to form four and now he still have an ambition to go ahead up to the university level.And i still believed that through the business he will manage.
Even my son Billy it’s through this business and some of ,our friends enabled me to cater for his education up to form four also.Now to this effect our business has highly played a vital role in changing our community and the whole nation at large.
On this same line of success through the business even our friend Lawrence also had got some support just from the business that we have been doing plus some loans the government used to give,even right now in the collage where he is studying he is selling zappers to the students and he 's making money.
We hope as the time goes we still see a lot of positivity in all aspect of life and we will still make a lot of profit from the business Next week i have a plan of going to Somalia
'Mrs O