The information in lodwer and turkana-1

Hi Don Croft,
In Lodwer where Dancan is when i went there from Uganda where i normally operates i found that Orgonites has caused a lot of development i found that previously people were not farming but due to the introduction of the orgonites people embark on farming.Since from the beginning Turkana and Lodwer had been highly hits by the drought but after Dancan and Christine introduced the orgonite now the place now receive enough rainfall and now returns to the Gardens for farming activities.

Lake Turkana when Dancan took me there when we took to them the orgonites,fishermen there really like the orgonites and they even scramble for it after realizing that orgonites really motivate the breeding of fish by supplying enough algae which is a good food for fish i .e the native African Tilapia species.Iwill further feed you with good and progressing reports of our development.
Jane Ngugi