The Little Rats Not Happy About East African Progress

Something is Missing

Thanks for posting about this, Frode.

In fact, this morning I just sent an email to the four major players (Mrs O, Christine, Dancan and Farmer Nick) advising them that their burgeoning success and growing recognition in the region invites subterfuge and sabotage from politicians and businessmen, who will no doubt send charismatic, charming people at them who will pretend to be their best friends and ‘facilitators.’

I told them that this is what happened to Carol and I and some of our closer associates for several years, in the beginning: a series of betrayals.

These four are close, though, and resourceful and worldlywise so I’m confident that they’ll prevail, as Carol and I have (so far


Funny you should mention interference with our money, Frode, because Carol and I have never experienced theft of money by the feds, coming or going, even though the US feds and foreign sewer rat agencies have destroyed or stolen hundreds of our zappers and other products, mailed to customers and our distributors.

The rate of sabotage increased again, this year, after increasing dramatically a year ago. I think that if I hadn’t been posting about many of these incidents the sabotage/theft by these corporate/police criminals would be a lot worse than it is. We did manage to stop (again) large scale theft in two hub post offices–Chattanooga and Houston-- by etherically (lovingly) going after the postmasters and the FBI sewer rats whose @$$e$ these two apparent masonic good ole boys evidently were licking. We hadn’t had problems in these two post offices in the previous 5 years before that but the Houston one, especially, has been a problem for the past 9 years–starting when we began sharing the plans, publicly, for building orgonite cloudbusters.

A distributor asked me, yesterday, if the sabotage of our zappers is being carried out by the medical mafia and I opined to him that the medical/pharma thugs probably aren’t that organized, nor do they likely have such easy access to the US Postal System and the UK and Canada Customs Dept.s. UK and Canada goons have been the worst foreign government criminals for stealing and destroying our products.

The only problem I ever had with money sent by wire was a donation I’d sent with Western Union to Alejandro in Chile. He had the problem picking it up, rather, and was informed that it was addressed to someone in El Salvador or some such. The funny part of that is that Ale’s last name is so distinctive that there’s nobody else on the planet that it could have been sent to [Image Can Not Be Found] but I sorted that out by simply resending it. The money wasn’t stolen.

Frode’s just about all the way through his initiation into the full realization of the awesome scope and tenacity of organized subterfuge on the internet. Nobody should have to experience this disgusting social dynamic.

When some clever people in Silicon Valley deftly turned this former secret military asset into the World Wide Web in the early 1990s the CIA, NSA and MI6 absolutely swarmed the medium with their disinformants, agents saboteurs, agents provocateurs and an ever expanding cast of emotionally unstable Monarch/Tavistock-programmed loudmouths, lapwings, tarbabies and sycophants. I always refer to these non-paid assets who populate all of the public forums, ‘The Greek Chorus.’ [Image Can Not Be Found] Their job is to underline and support the behavior-modification protocols (poisonous postings) of the paid agents in the forums. Their collective job is to hide in plain sight and wait for good-hearted and well-meaning people to utter truths. When the truth is told, this crowd do what’s necessary to make the truth-teller seem like an ingrate, crazy, ‘angry,’ or confused. Ostracism is a time-tested technique for keeping people who have personal integrity isolated and vilified.

We’ve all been hypnotized into believing that anger is always a negative emotion but you probably understand tha anger toward tyranny and lies is a healthy emotion as long as it’s not in the form of hatred of individuals. I found that the more effective I’ve became at undermining tyranny and official lying, the less angry I’ve became, overall. I’m usually quite sweet by now [Image Can Not Be Found]

If not for there would be no outlet, in English, for credible people to report our collective efforts. Thanks, again, to everyone here who bites the bullet and posts your reports and observations. The more substantive our contributions, the more interference with psiops, financial sabotage, relationship sabotage, poisonings, and sometimes even physical assault. Those of us who endure this stuff figure that it just indicates that we’re doing a good job.

Good job, Frode!


Anger is appropriate when it helps us progress, personally. The cool thing about this is that after the anger has spent itself it’s replaced with increased confidence (competence?). Maybe it’s a cyclic process. It’s always appropriate to be angry about tyranny and exploitation,. for instance, and to expose it appropriately. ‘Cruelty to the wolf is kindness to the sheep,’ as they say in Persia. It’s just a popular saying [Image Can Not Be Found] and I love wolves in the wild. I love the wolves in sheep clothing who are sent to ruin progressive movements, too, but I don’t love their activity.

Frode channels his anger toward the production and distribution of more orgonite, for instance, there and abroad–pretty far abroad in the case of Africa.

It’s always a shock to discover the enormity of the parasitic corporate world order’s influence in our lives since birth (conception?) I thnk it often helps to realize that none of the stuff that’s directed at us, individually, is personal. The agency personnel work professionally and in teams and their unpaid but ‘reliable’ Monarch/Tavistock assets, who make the most noise, are their ‘voltage,’ if you will.

When I first met DB in LA in early 02 he told me that all of my emails and postings were printed out and hundreds of copies were distributed at Langley and Ft Meade. A tidal wave of subterfuge had already begun and that was less than a year after I started posting on a forum. DB’s coaching was priceless in those days. I think the Langley Fart Hammers felt confident, back then, that they could erase this grassroot movement by reviling me in forums. The joke on them was that their previous ruinous, directed activity, including taking away my four kids and my livlihood, pretty much obliterated my ego so they didn’t have a lot to work with. I was in the process of reassembling my life with Carol’s able help [Image Can Not Be Found]. These days, after all, one doesn’t need to be a saint in order to start something worthwhile in the world. They still haven’t figured this out, yet. They can deal with pious people well enough. It’s the unpredictable oddballs like me who are hard for them to knock off the tracks.

I was ridiculed constantly on their successive forums (allegedly set up for me–two of the three are long gone) until I started my own, two years later, with Steeve Debellefuille’s generous help from Montreal. That was done during our most recent visit with DB at the time of our Devil’s Punchbowl ‘initiation,’ August, 2004.

Please remember that just because open membership internet forums and every single other formal human organization, for now, are intentionally flooded with paid and programmed sociopaths it does NOT mean that our species is typically like that, okay? I think this might be the uiltimate corporate/occult goal (besides genocide, of course): to convince us that people are generally spiteful, hateful, 'consumers,'ir and destructive.

A good example of this scam is their alleged ‘campaign against identity theft.’ I’ve corresponded with many thousands of individuals and have never heard of an instance of identity theft, nor has anyone we know about had credit card information stolen and abused, though I suspect the agencies have progframmed hackers who look for oppotunities to do that. Another example is counterfeit money. My little sister is a banker in a major city and has never heard of anyone passing $100 counterfeit bills.

The oldest part of this scam is the ‘original sin’ myth, militarized by masonic operatives in Europe in the 1500s. Cromwell’s reign of terror was the first destructive expression of that, followed by the ‘Pilgrims’ initiating genocide on the Native Americans who had just saved them from starvation in Massachustts. The missionizing by Jesuits and others, throughout the world included biological warfare to make populatoins smaller and more manageable. Chemtrails were supposed to accomplish that in the industrialized countries but we all (many thousands of us who built our own orgonite cloudbusters in 2001-2) whupped that agenda [Image Can Not Be Found] .

Schizophrenia has always been an essential part of patriarchic Christianity, hence ‘Thanksgiving’ was immediately followed by mas murder in Massachusetts. Nathanial Hawthorne was plugged into that realization, I think. The witch hunts (institutionalized persecution/suppression of substantive women) were started by the Inquisition and later expanded by the Protestants/masons.

See how the agencies work behind the veil? I think you can find information about how vast the number of Tavistock/Monarch programmed assets are. Greg Hallett’s got some pretty good info in his books about Tavistock’s already large-scale activity in the early 1900s so it’s not a new parasite problem. There’s a whole lot of news you can use about what was done under Freud’s reign at Tavistock in THE HITLER BOOK, which is a free PDF download on EW. Read books!

All you need to do to recognize that humanity is not a worthless, vile species is to consider all the people you’ve known, personally. You might have known a couple hundred people tolerably well and you can probably see that perhaps one in twenty have been sociopaths–liars, thieves, violent, manipulators, backbiters, etc. You’ve known many more people than that who are genuinely self sacrificing and helpful and then the majority only care about food, entertainment (watching ringball, fussball, TV, reading romance novels, gossip magazines, laughing at bad comedy), acceleration, sex, digging their graves with their teeth, some daily alchohol, some weekend pot and a lot of comfort but they’re not a bother to anyone as long as they’re not being manipulated into supporting a war, some filthy clergyman or a political party. You know: Pajama People, bless their hearts.

When a programmed or paid sociopath makes noise in a public venue (internet forum, PTA meeting, pulpit) it gives us the impression that a lot more people are that way because their poison is being directed at the few who are in a position to help make life better for all of us. It’s human nature to pay more attention to empty noise makers than to substantive, quiet people. See why I hunt for the quiet substantive ones and try to convince them to post their reports on EW? [Image Can Not Be Found]

We’re each accountable, now, for understanding that the aggressive, often charismatic, empty noisemakers are the smallest minority. It’s a parasitic dynamic, so exposure of the method is essential to finally curing this old social disease. Sure, the activity of sociopaths is a little bit like another social disease: genital herpes–extremely virulent and requires a specific, relentless cure [Image Can Not Be Found] which in the case of social DOR infestation begins with frank and detached discussion of the process. No need to point at the offenders, at least here. The offenders are easily replaced by the agencies, after all, and then there’s the tarbaby dynamic: naming the offenders puts them in a favorable defensive position and that gains sympathy for them from the less discerning. It’s also just inappropriate to attack someone, of course. Anyone can change and grow, after all.

We each have the right to determine who we will and won’t give our confidence to, by the way. By encouraging formal organization, the agencies and their forebears cleverly found a way to coerce people into assuming that they have to accept the agencies’ assets into their social circles.

The well-meaning folks who insist that everyone should be accepted into an informal social effort are the ones who are in a constant muddle, unable to create a genuinely productive and meaningful life for themselves. Big surprise, eh? For them, life is a gray zone with no right or wrong, no truth or lies. They believe that there’s no enemy, too, except their own selves. I call them, ‘militant pacifists.’

My money is on the corporate world order imploding sooner than later, then this vast subterfuge infrastructure will pretty much disappear from the world or at least be reduced to a more manageable level.

‘Genuine’ sociopaths, as distinct from the Greek Chorus herd sociopaths within organized groups, tend to spend their poisonous efforts on one or two people. You might be married to one, for instance, or have a parent or child who is one and if you do, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Genuine sociopaths are kind of agoraphobic. Monarch/Tavistock programmed sociopaths work in lockstep as troops, directed by paid agency professionals. Kind of like the CIA’s Al Qaeda mercenaries but just not typically stupid, alcoholic murderers for hire and cat torturers like Al Qaeda are [Image Can Not Be Found]

I’m comfortable discussing this fascinating topic and I don’t hate the perpetrators. When more people will discuss it without anger the problem will shrink even more. I feel empathy for anyone who’s being initiated into the realization of this pressing problem, though. We’re all, as a species (at least in the West), probably going to look back on this period of history and wonder why we didn’t talk about this ‘elephant in the room’–institutionalized/programmed submission to subterfuge–much sooner. The Africans are also dealing with this, by the way, but they’re handling it beautifully, so far. I think people in some of the more ancient cultures have an advantage in this area and Africa wasn’t slammed into patriarchy (missionized) until very recently, after all.


Frode’s expressing the frustration that many of us feel, from time to time, when the psi corps are all over us. We’ve been spending at least half of the Sunday chat sessions helping wounded warriors & will give him a boost next time. The sessions have gotten more feminine in the past year, by the way–more healing and less fighting. Meanwhile, I’ll send him heart boosts every time I think of him during the week and I think it’s always appropriate for us to send this heart ernergy to anyone. It sure feels good to receive it.

The parasitic world order has always found it necessary to isolate someone before they can do any damage and I think Frode knows we’re in this with him, all the way.

Hang in there, Frode! If we never go through the wringer how could we know that we’re progressing? It really is better on the other side of this.
