The mating bees

July 20th 2007 Look at these mating bees I found beneathmy kitchen window this morning! This is a very rare sight, people.There are hardly any pictures of actual mating bees. For queen bees are supposed to mate once in a life time – in flight. The mating of the queen takes place somewhere out in nature, in flight, at places where drones assemble and wait everyday for a queen to come by. Such a place could be anywhere, in the woods, a meadow, or even a football stadium. Some beekeepers know these places. To date, scientists have not been able to figure out why drones assemble only in certain places or how the queens locate these spots. We had to find such a place that was flat enough to build a tower, because the mating takes place at a height of about 65 to 100 feet ;
It is very possible the orgone environment has something to do with this. I have two HHG’s up close in my kitchen window. And bees extinction (colony collapse disorder) has been linked to electromagnetic radiation in several international studies. Since the rise of EMF transmitters, many colonies all over the world just disappeared. The orgone environment would also explain why these drone assembly places are such a mystery to scientists, I think. Imagine the breakthrough of orgonite, if this sight is really as rare as it seems. Wow.
;More info: []

Wow, Carolien, this is very interesting… it reminds me of a similar experience…

It is very common that “abejorros” (bumble bees) come to where I make orgonite. In summer it is my house’s garden, and now in winter is Ale’s terrace… Several times a bumble bee comes stumbling through and stays surrounding me and the orgonite. I always have a lot of orgonite sitting in the tables, most of all tb’s (since we keep the fancier devices inside).

Since it has happened several times, I also attribute it to orgonite… now, I had thought that they are attacted to the smell since the devices tend to develop a honey scent…

But what you say about electromagnetic readiation and bees is true, had not made the link. I don’t know if bumble bees are affected in the same way as regular bees, though.

This is certainly very interesting… I’ve noticed that animals in general are attracted to orgonite. One customer once mentioned that ever since we had gifted the anthennas near his house and placed a bronze HHG in his balcony, “loicas” (a type of bird with bright red chest) had come back (they left when the anthennas were installed). Also, I’ve seen that dogs and horses are attracted by it…

My friend had a very interesting experience with the necklace orgonite he made. One day he was sitting inside with a cat. Suddenly he saw a light coming from the sky outside approaching him fast, in spiral movement. The fascinating thing was, that the cat was seeing it too, following the movement with his head spinning at the same rate. The light arrived and the spiral was getting smaller and smaller, finally entering my friend’s orgonite necklace, after which the cat got quite interested in it too, stood up and started touching the thing with his pawns.

Talking about a confirmation. Here’s a link to the photo of this orgonite. I think he used lots of pyrite in it.

from behind:

On another occasion my friends were experimenting with gifting time ago. After they had gifted a tower, a hawk appeared circling right above the tower.

Comment from Paddy, the main gifter in Scotland.

These are not bees mating, they are a type of fly which I recognise, couldn’t tell you the species though. Bees are much less hairy, the queen has a much longer and more slender abdomen than the drone, so is a good bit longer and has smaller eyes etc. Bees are easily recognised by the way they hold themselves in flight, very different from flies.

Another fellow emailed me about this but he noted that these flies (thanks, Jeff!), which he says he played with as a child in order to horrify adults, are pollinators, so I hope this fact will enable Carolien to retain some of the force of her report!

Carol and I gave some orgonite to beekeepers, some years ago, who said that their hives were being decimated by aphids. We never got much of the promised followup; only an initial report that the hives that had orgonite under them were characterized by a lot more activity than the ungifted hives, also that the bees flew in an inverted cone shaped swarm over the gifted hives. We gave the fellow half a dozen cone-shaped Holy Handgrenades for the experiment so the bees were apparently soaking up the energy within the field above. That means something, I’m sure.

At some point there will be farmers and others who make their livlihood in nature who will intelligently put orgonite to the test on a large scale and in a controlled way. Meanwhile, we’ll subsist on scattered reports like that one

This is curious and interesting tough….it’s months that I have a nest of these nice insects right under the table on wich I make my orgonite , on my terrace , apparently they love orgone and are quiet and friendly even when I pass very near , I never got stung