On Saturday, after donebydooney.com’s chat session, Carol and I visited Dooney and STevo (3.5 hr drive into the Republic of Montana) to get tuned up by the Doc, help them bring in their firewood and to do a Sunday chat session with them in their parlor on Sunday.
We sat around the table Saturday night until midnight, talking and laughing. At one point, when we were discussing where Stevo might have etherically come from, Carol and Dooney saw a couple of very tall Lemurians standing behind him. After a little while those had gone and Carol said, ‘What’s that in your kitchen?’ The other two psychics looked and saw a sort of white fog over by the refrigerator and they shortly figured out that it was an extension of a very, very old nasty witch who works for the US Government on very hard cases like us. A couiple hundred years old, apparently, and really talented. We made her leave, at least, and reflected out loud that this one is a lot older than any of the agencies she works for [Image Can Not Be Found];
You might know that for the past month or so all of the psychics have been overwhelmed by outside concerns and unable to get together in either of the chatrooms. During that time I was in Nampa, Idaho, building my little airplane and for the last two or three weeks of that period I was entirely hacked out of the chats, then hacked offline altogether, no matter where I tried to get on.
You can bet that the world odor freaks were very, very busy, then, so this weekend, when all the psychics finally got together in Dooney’s Saturday chat session they were in top form. We spent a session on Wednesday ‘tuning up’ all of them.
On Saturday, mostly following Dirk’s lead, we did a lot of work on the pirated vortices in Iran and Baghdad, since it’s apparent that the Americans and ‘Mossadomites’ (Dr Stevo coined that one on Saturday) are straining to blow up some Persians with nukes and/or some Arabs and blame it on Persia in order to initiate World War Three, which they’re very, very late commencing [Image Can Not Be Found];
You probably know that the US Government and other proxy world-odor regimes, use doublespeak on their corporate What To Think Network. Humanity is the declared enemy of all these governments, of course, and they’re all corporate, too, so we decided that the ‘Department of Homeland Security’ is actually the ‘Department of Corporate Security,’ since they, like all the cops in America, are overtly charged with protecting this collective corporate horror from all of us. The US Constitution clearly says that it’s each individual’s responsibility to actively oppose beyond-redemption governments like this one, of course, hence the potential threat to ‘Homeland Security’ that everyone in America represents.
We spent four hours in the chatroom yesterday and the three psychics in Dooney and Stevo’s parlor, each with a laptop, barely looked up from their keyboards, then, because they were too busy hunting and vortecorating targets together. They agreed to start putting some of the other participants in the Psychic Hotseat, too, because everyone in those chats who exhibits psi talent ought to be tasked to share the load. When Igor in Rome agreed to contribute his talent he was immediately hacked offline for several minutes, which was a fine confirmation and he uncovered some fine targets in the Maldives (following Dirk’s suggestion) and India, with JOhn’s help. John is Igor’s frequent gifting companion in Rome.
Dr Dirk in The Netherlands is particularly skilled at finding geographical targets, such as H-bombs on the seabed and pirated earth vortices and we’ve learned to act quickly on his recommendations. We think it’s great that one or another psychic might see something that’s hidden, at first, from the others.
We apparently uncovered a pretty bizarre agenda in conjunction with the rumors about ‘Martial Law in America by February.’ It’s pretty clear that the Chinese and Russian armies will not be showing up for that party but the world odor has apparently contracted with draconian and insect aliens to produce millions of cloned humans to act as Gestapo, at least in America. You may know that Jesse Jackson was openly involved with ‘uniting the gangs’ in teh mid 1990s during a time when the CIA was said to have conceived a plan to dress millions of inner city gang members up in black federal police uniforms and use them to take guns away from Americans by force. That’s also when all the prisons for youths instituted military training as part of their ‘rehabilitation’ effort. By the way, we found out that, in more recent years, a similar ‘rehabilitation’ effort in prisons involves turning felons into fundamentalist Christians as conditions for early release. Yikes. It’s obviously similar to Monarch programming in this case.
The whales were particularly interested in destroying these cloning facilities, which the psychiics found at several key underground bases in Colorado, Tennesse, Maryland and Kentucky. We’ll continue that in coming sessions. They also found a lot more nukes, some ready to detonate, and in the United Arab Emirates, where the natural earth vortices are now healthy again (thanks to us, apparently) the world odor was manufacturing DOR with artificial vortices in order to enable a nuclear explosion. YOu migth have read that a nuke bomb or reactor can’t funciton in the presence of healthy orgone. Not much tech that the world odor relies on can function without having a strong deadly orgone radiation field, actually, which is why you and I have been finding it so easy to disable their millions of new death towers with a little orgonite.
While busting up a big cloning facility at NORAD’s hideyhole in Cheyenne Mountain (the Air Force and CIA were cloned at the same time from the Army and Navy) we found that the stargate, there, is being used to bring in lots of dracs and stinkbugs to assist the planned martial law mess. Maybe that many clones need some direction from out of town.
We feel pretty confident that the entire martial law and world-war-three plots are half-hearted attempts by the world odor to recover lost ground in the face of increasingly awakened and fed-up humanity. I wish everyone were aware of how disjointed and diffuse the world odor has become. They can’t even feel confident about ultimately hiding from us underground, now that more and more people are using earthpipes.
When Dr Reich arrived in America in the late 1930s he was pretty dismayed to observe that the same NationalSocialist mentality that he was leaving behind in Western Europe was also alive and well in America. Maybe he ran into Paul Harvey, then . I heard Paul Harvey say on the radio that we need to nuke some Arabs in order to win the war in Iraq. Creepy Herr Hitler, when challenged by an American journalist in 1938 about his treatment of German Jews, reminded the journalist of the millions of Indians that the American government slaughtered and the journalist was tongue tied. Of course, the American and British governments turned away nearly all of the Jewish refugees from Germany in those days, except the few really nasty ones like Killer Kissinger.
I think Dr Paul, in Uganda, is finally about to get his wish granted and develop his considerable psi talent while in the Hotseat next week in ouir chatroom. I’m the one who got a hunch about the stargate but I don’t consider myself psychic–I rely on Carol for that. Doc P relies on Mr Kizira the same way. Several of the participants in the German chatroom are quite talented and a couple of them also participate in the EW chats and will get their turns, too.
It’s actyually a pretty good deal for aspirign psychics because the ‘veterans’ simply hold their comments back until the trainee has reported what he/she is discerning. That way, the aspirant gets instant confirmation for accurate psi perception. Carol’s always done that for me.
One time, when Dr Paul and I were driving back across a high bridge over the tumultuous Nile, which was closely guarded and watched by the army (the Nile was the southern boundary of the CIA/MI6 sponsored insurrection/terror campaign that was going on in the North at the time, where we had just busted a lot of death towers) I laid back the passenger seat in the front in order to toss some orgonite, unobserved by the army, over the bridge’s railing and into the river. I flubbed the throw and it bounced back onto the bridge and Doc said, ‘I KNEW that was going to happen—I SAW it beforehand!’ That time, we got away okay and drove through the bush to gift a nearby vortex above the river on a bluff, where we could see the bridge. Lots of soldiers and officers were congregated around the misfired towerbuster. So… I know firsthand that he’s got a lot of talent.
I wanted to report that the psychics are back and better than ever. Meanwhile, Dooney and Stevo have gifted a huge part of MOntana and they even broke the ancient drought in their area by tossing orgonite along tghe long north/south ridge of the Bitteroot Mountains, where the freaky Jesuits (the original Men in Black) had apparently initiated some nasty weather juju in the early 1800s, perhaps similar to how they apparently created the deserts in the American Southest and Mexico in the 1500s. We gave Klovenhoof (Black Pope Kolvenbach) another treatment on Sunday, by the way. He’s apparently got a big closet full of meatsuits (clone blanks).