Don Croft
17 Dec 2008 21:35
Subject: The Passing of David Ochieng’s wife, Emmah
We were shocked to hear of Emmah’s death this week, also very sad for David and their two small children. David had been hospitalized, twice, on account of poisonings–the more recent attack caused him to miss going out on the boat with Mrs Odondi, Billie (Mrs O’s teenage son) Emmah, Salva and Christine when they took a bunch of orgonite to the dolphins near Mombasa. Taht time, David languished in the hotel and had to be carried onto the bus by the others for the return trip. We’ve been able to help our African friends in teh chatroom each time one of them got poisoned or assaulted with energy but, this time, the attack occured too late for us to help. I’m sure we could have saved her, that way.
If you’ll send them all (including Emmah) a nice boost I’m sure it will make this situation easier in the short term. The nice things about boosting is that anyone can do it spontaneously, it works like prayer and there’s no dogma or ideology attached to it. I’m quite certain, too, that boosting a departed spirit helps that one along a productive path.
Today, in the chatroom, Dooney and Stevo looked into this and what they saw confirmed Carol’s impression that Emmah was murdered. She got sick quite fast and started using the zapper, right away, but soon after she was hospitalized she succumbed to what was apparently a CIA/Triad energy assault. This was the first time that the psychics saw those two criminal agencies actually working together; before, they’ve seen CIA and NSA kidnappers and murderers working for the Triads in a sort of contractor position. We may be seeing evidence of the assimilation of the CIA by the Triads.
We didn’t take the time for reprisals, today, but will do so over the weekend. Dooney was also under attack and much of the session was spent helping her.
We in the West, South and East who do this work aren’t as challenged to keep safe from corporate predators as our African comrades are, nor are most of us faced with daily economic survival issues.
I’ve discussed the notion of economic independence with each of the more rural East African participants and I think it’s time for them all to start selling, locally, the orgonite that they’re making. I figure that if they’re going to succeed, now is a good time because people in their areas have had a few years to experience the benefits of orgonite. When I was in East Africa I noticed that most people had no trouble seeing that these devices are beneficial and desirable, so that can translate into ‘marketable.’ As poor as people are, there, many of them still manage to get non-essential products, like cellphones and 12v lighting for their homes. It was only in the wartorn area of N Uganda that I saw people who were mostly too poor to buy bicycles, which are as essential to Africa’s economy as cars and trucks are where we live.
It may be that I’m mistaken about the opportunity for them to at least pay for their own gifting efforts by selling their home-made orgonite but if you also get the feeling that this may be the time for them to try, then I will collect donations for them and add what I can to the pot. The feds stopped preventing me from wiring money last spring, when Carol called the SS (‘Homeland Security’) to ask them if I would be stopped from getting on an airplane. Before, they told MoneyGram and Western Union not to let me send money because I was on their ‘list of 50,000,’ whatever the hell that meant Cool It’s funny how a little bit of published exposure of the terrorist US regime can make them pull in their talons a bit.
David had been soliciting money from a few people without notifying me and I’ve told him that people in the West feel that it’s inappropriate for him to do that. In many cases, I think Africans assume that charity is the only way for them to get a leg up out of poverty and they might see us all as potential cash cows. They don’t have the guilt/blame programming that we in the West are infused with regarding money but they also don’t feel personally slighted if we decline to grant their requests. When my business is under attack I’m not generally able to send money to our African cohorts and I tell them so when they ask, then.
We who grew up in materialistic cultures have a lot of issues around money, after all–I’m no better or worse than anyone, this way. I personally don’t have a problem saying, ‘No,’ or ‘Not right now,’ when someone asks me for money but it took a trip to beggar-ridden Namibia to learn to do that. It was a nice change, later, to visit Uganda because I never encountered any beggars, there. When I was in Windhoek, Namibia, I couldn’t bear not to give away all the money I had on me because I’d never seen such human misery–most of the beggars had fled the slaughter in Angola.
Cultural obstacles, like misunderstandings around money, are a pretty grievous challenge to global unity and the only way to bust down these walls of prejudice and assumption is for more and more people to develop personal relationships with people in other countries, especially when they’re a different race.
There’s a huge, decades-old effort by the corporate world order to commit genocide in Africa. As time goes on, the corporate $#!+birds are losing ground with that agenda but what seems to be harder to reverse is a century of missionizing, which turned Africa from being the last continent where women could hold political and economic power, into an extremely partriarchal matrix. I’m unpleasantly fascinated by the consummate skill and the timely way that the missionaries, merchants, then soldiers of a few European countries surgically decimated the power of women on that continent and it looks like corporate misogyny found its fullest expression in that orchestrated agenda, which was mostly accomplished by the 1950s everywhere in Africa. Brutal male dictators, all sponsored by one or several European governments, carried the intrusions of women-hating missionaries to the logical conclusion. I think the Theosophists later learned their infiltration and cultural sabotage techniques from the missionaries of the 1800s, many of whom were masons, of course.
There are quite a few good books on all of this, written by Africans. The new fascination for African culture and history is probably a hopeful sign and Georg Ritschl is in the confidence of Credo Muttwa, who is probably the most reputable repository of African traditions.
Emmah is apparently the first fatal casualty of the corporate world order’s agenda to neutralize the planetary gifting movement and I want her death to count for a lot. If you want to donate to our friends’ venture you can contact me at doncroft [at] wildblue [dot] net and I’ll send them money but won’t send them your contact info unless you want me to. I don’t want anyone to feel obliged to send a piastre or to feel like he/she is going to ever be subjected to online begging.
I’m waiting for someone to decide to go to East Africa and work with these folks directly. I’d do it in a heartbeat if the feds would let me have a passport Cool and what will make it such a rewarding experience for that first person is that these folks are fellow warriors and have sacrificed for our common effort. That makes them our family in the positive sense. The reason I rarely use the word, ‘family,’ is because so many in the West who wear that word on their sleeves remind me more of the Manson family than the von Trapps.
This is not an emergency situation, by the way, and I’m not trying to tweak your emotions or guilt–if you have a sense that it’s time for an economic revolution in Africa and that it can start with these folks’ humble, local efforts and spread like a grassfire throughout the continent, then send me a few bucks! Wink