“Are you a communist?"
“No I am an anti-fascist”
“For a long time?”
"Since I have understood fascism.”
From “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, by Ernest Hemingway, 1940
(Woody Gurthrie)
fascism noun, often capitalized
fas· cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm \
Kids Definition of fascism
: a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted
Jake Blues: “What’s going on?”
Police Officer: “Aw, those bums won their court case and they’re marching today.”
Jake: “What bums?”
Officer: “The U.S. Nazi Party.”
Elwood Blues: (knowingly) “Illinois Nazi’s.”
Jake: “I hate Illinois Nazi’s.”
From “The Blues Brothers”, by Dan Akroyd and John Landis, 1980
“There appears to be what is called ‘generational satanists,’ and they bring up their children to participate in the way that they themselves have as children,” Farnell said. He alleged that the sisters were abused by their grandparents as well as by their father (now deceased), their mother and other adults in rituals that took place in caves, probably in the San Bernardino mountains.
“These are things that are admittedly quite bizarre, but these things do happen, they have happened and they can be documented by people other than these three victims,” Farnell said. “The people who perpetuate these kinds of offenses should realize that they are not safe from their victims’ remembering and coming after them.”
From “Forced to Kill Her Baby, Woman Says”, the Los Angeles Times, March 21, 1991
“For many years there have been rumours of mind control experiments. in the United States. In the early 1970s, the first of the declassified information was obtained by author John Marks for his pioneering work, The Search For the Manchurian Candidate. Over time retired or disillusioned CIA agents and contract employees have broken the oath of secrecy to reveal small portions of their clandestine work. In addition, some research work subcontracted to university researchers has been found to have been underwritten and directed by the CIA.
There were ‘terminal experiments’ in Canada’s McGill University and less dramatic but equally wayward programmes at the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Rochester, the University of Michigan and numerous other institutions. Many times the money went through foundations that were fronts or the CIA. In most instances, only the lead researcher was aware who his or her real benefactor was, though the individual was not always told the ultimate use for the information being gleaned. In 1991, when the United States finally signed the 1964 Helsinki Accords that forbids such practices, any of the programmes overseen by the intelligence community involving children were to come to an end.
However, a source recently conveyed to us that such programmes continue today under the auspices of the CIA’s Office of Research and Development. The children in the original experiments are now adults. Some have been able to go to college or technical schools, get jobs. get married, start families and become part of mainstream America. Some have never healed.
The original men and women who devised the early experimental programmes are, at this point, usually retired or deceased. The laboratory assistants, often graduate and postdoctoral students, have gone on to other programmes, other research. Undoubtedly many of them never knew the breadth of the work of which they had been part. They also probably did not know of the controlled violence utilised in some tests and preparations.
Many of the ‘handlers’ assigned to reinforce the separation of ego states have gone into other pursuits. But some have remained or have been replaced. Some of the ‘lab rats’ whom they kept in in a climate of readiness, responding to the psychological triggers that would assure their continued involvement in whatever project the leaders desired, no longer have this constant reinforcement. Some of the minds have gradually stopped suppression of their past experiences. So it is with Cheryl, and now her sister Lynn.”
― From “Secret Weapons: How Two Sisters Were Brainwashed To Kill For Their Country”, by Cheryl Hersha, 2001
Beautiful woman in night gown: (frightened) “Oh, thank God, you’re here!”
First Emergency Responder: “O.K., let’s see your I.D., sweet-stuff.”
Woman: “I.D.? But there’s a man chasing after me.”
Second Emergency Responder: “What Man?”
Woman: “He’s right behind me, he’s a black man, he’s wearing a suit, and he’s on roller skates!”
Second responder: “I’m sure he’s got (unintelligible) too!”
Woman: “No, really! I was at the convent, reading the Bible, and this girl appeared out of nowhere, and she took me to meet this guy, and he was some kind of s*x maniac, and he had all these dildo’s and all this weird stuff, and then she took me to this house where I was auctioned off in front of this clergyman and this Senator, and this guy who was dressed up as a Nazi, and they sold me for ten thousand dollars, and I didn’t like the guy, so I escaped, and this black guy that worked there started chasing after me, and he was just about to catch me when you guys came up, and that’s the truth, officers, really.”
From the adult film “Raunchy to Say No”, 1985
Malibu Police Chief: Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don’t draw shit, Lebowski. Now we got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet. So let me make something plain. I don’t like you sucking around, bothering our citizens, Lebowski. I don’t like your jerk-off name. I don’t like your jerk-off face. I don’t like your jerk-off behavior, and I don’t like you, jerk-off. Do I make myself clear?
The Dude: [after a pause] I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.
(Chief throws a full ceramic coffee cup into the Dude’s forehead)
From “The Big Lebowski”, by Joel and Ethan Coen, 1998
(Walter Sobchak and the Dude scatter Donnie’s ashes on the ancient human sacrifice platform at Point Fermin, California, from “The Big Lebowski”, 1998)
“Satanists come in all ages and from all backgrounds, says Post. There are ‘some local elected officials’ involved, but he won’t name them.
He says he is currently investigating a person who is “a church pastor on Sunday and a Satanic cult leader during the week.” He knows of a former SDSU professor, he says, who heads a local cult. San Diego County is crawling with Satanic cult groups, in Post’s view, including the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Thelema, the Temple of Set, the Brotherhood of the Mind, the Rainbow Children, a group that meets in Balboa Park called the Knights of Satan, and a Satanic “enforcement arm” of a group of bikers in the meth trade known as the Crystal Circle. A local motorcycle gang, the Mongols, “have contact with Satanists” as well, according to Post.”
From “So many demonic sightings in East San Diego County”, the San Diego Post, December 1991
(Inverted pentagram windows on the Masonic Temple in Nauvoo, Illinois)
“Three weeks had passed since Jefferson Hope and his comrades had departed from Salt Lake City. John Ferrier’s heart was sore within him when he thought of the young man’s return, and of the impending loss of his adopted child. Yet her bright and happy face reconciled him to the arrangement more than any argument could have done. He had always determined, deep down in his resolute heart, that nothing would ever induce him to allow his daughter to wed a Mormon. Such a marriage he regarded as no marriage at all, but as a shame and a disgrace. Whatever he might think of the Mormon doctrines, upon that one point he was inflexible. He had to seal his mouth on the subject, however, for to express an unorthodox opinion was a dangerous matter in those days in the Land of the Saints.
Yes, a dangerous matter—so dangerous that even the most saintly dared only whisper their religious opinions with bated breath, lest something which fell from their lips might be misconstrued, and bring down a swift retribution upon them. The victims of persecution had now turned persecutors on their own account, and persecutors of the most terrible description. Not the Inquisition of Seville, nor the German Vehm-gericht, nor the Secret Societies of Italy, were ever able to put a more formidable machinery in motion than that which cast a cloud over the State of Utah.
Its invisibility, and the mystery which was attached to it, made this organization doubly terrible. It appeared to be omniscient and omnipotent, and yet was neither seen nor heard. The man who held out against the Church vanished away, and none knew whither he had gone or what had befallen him. His wife and his children awaited him at home, but no father ever returned to tell them how he had fared at the hands of his secret judges. A rash word or a hasty act was followed by annihilation, and yet none knew what the nature might be of this terrible power which was suspended over them. No wonder that men went about in fear and trembling, and that even in the heart of the wilderness they dared not whisper the doubts which oppressed them.
At first this vague and terrible power was exercised only upon the recalcitrants who, having embraced the Mormon faith, wished afterwards to pervert or to abandon it. Soon, however, it took a wider range. The supply of adult women was running short, and polygamy without a female population on which to draw was a barren doctrine indeed. Strange rumours began to be bandied about—rumours of murdered immigrants and rifled camps in regions where Indians had never been seen. Fresh women appeared in the harems of the Elders—women who pined and wept, and bore upon their faces the traces of an unextinguishable horror. Belated wanderers upon the mountains spoke of gangs of armed men, masked, stealthy, and noiseless, who flitted by them in the darkness. These tales and rumours took substance and shape, and were corroborated and re-corroborated, until they resolved themselves into a definite name. To this day, in the lonely ranches of the West, the name of the Danite Band, or the Avenging Angels, is a sinister and an ill-omened one.
Fuller knowledge of the organization which produced such terrible results served to increase rather than to lessen the horror which it inspired in the minds of men. None knew who belonged to this ruthless society. The names of the participators in the deeds of blood and violence done under the name of religion were kept profoundly secret. The very friend to whom you communicated your misgivings as to the Prophet and his mission, might be one of those who would come forth at night with fire and sword to exact a terrible reparation. Hence every man feared his neighbour, and none spoke of the things which were nearest his heart."
From " A Study in Scarlet ", by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1897
(Prominent generational Satanist Freemason Joseph Smith, jailed at least 42 times, also the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement)
Joseph Smith was arrested at least 42 times.
1826, glasslooking. 1830, glasslooking. February 1837, illegal banking. June 1837, conspiracy to commit murder. 1838, banking fraud. 1838, threatening a public official. An armed band of Mormons rode out to the home of Adam Black, the local justice of the peace. Rumors claimed that Adam was rallying a mob to come after the Mormons. He was released on bail and allowed to flee the state. After his loss in the 1838 Mormon War, Smith was charged with treason against Missouri. Smith was allowed to escape custody and fled the jurisdiction , escaping into Illinois. On June 5, 1841, Smith was arrested as a fugitive from Missouri justice. On June 10, he was freed by Judge Stephen A. Douglas .[39][40][41]In Illinois, Smith faced arrests in connection to his Missouri charges, including a later indictment on the charge of conspiring to assassinate the former Governor of Missouri (while Smith was residing in Illinois). 1844, Perjury, fornication and polygamy. 1844, inciting a riot in the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor. 1844, treason against Illinois.
"A number of prominent men withdrew and formed their own reform church. They were led by William Law, a member of the First Presidency since 1841, Wilson Law, a brigadier general in the Legion, Austin Cowles, a member of the Nauvoo High Council, James Blakeslee, a prominent Seventy, and Robert D. Foster, Chauncey Higbee, and Charles Ivins, prominent businessmen. They resolved to publish their views and to ‘expose’ the secret and abominable teachings of the Mormon hierarchy in an opposition newspaper, to be named The Nauvoo Expositor. On June 7 they issued the first and only edition of their paper.
In response, Smith (who was also Nauvoo’s mayor) and the Nauvoo city council voted to declare the paper a public nuisance and sent an order to the city marshal that stated, “You are here commanded to destroy the printing press from whence issues the Nauvoo Expositor, and pi [scatter] the type of said printing establishment in the street, and burn all the expositors and libelous handbills found in said establishment” (History of the Church 6:448). The act was carried out as ordered on June 10th.
This rash decision caused the publishers to go to the nearby town of Carthage to obtain an arrest warrant for Smith and the council, charging them with riot. The municipal court of Nauvoo, composed of Mormons sympathetic to Smith, did not see it this way and acquitted all of the accused.
When it was learned that the municipal court had no right to decide such a case, the defendants were then examined by Justice Daniel H. Wells. Again they were acquitted. But because Wells did not have authority in such a case, this led to a third examination. This too ended with the defendants being found not guilty.
Joseph Smith sought the help of Illinois Governor Thomas Ford. In order to have this matter settled, Ford believed that Smith and the others who were originally charged should submit themselves to the constable at Carthage (David Bettisworth) and there await trial. In his letter Governor Ford also promised Smith and the others that they would “be protected from violence.”
Refusing to believe the governor’s promises, Smith made plans to escape capture and flee to the Rocky Mountains. Orrin Porter Rockwell arrived with a message from his wife who urged her husband to return and give himself up because several of his followers were accusing him of cowardice. Smith returned to Nauvoo, spent the night, and in the morning was told that he had to report to Carthage by 10 a.m. However, no escorts were provided.
Joseph and Hyrum Smith rode into Carthage to turn themselves in to local authorities. When they arrived, the two checked into a local hotel but were later met by Constable Bettisworth, who placed them under arrest and escorted them to the local jail. The jail at Carthage was made of stone and had two stories. The upper level had two rooms, one equipped with steel bars and the other styled more like a regular bedroom. There were no bars on this room, and the door was so warped that it would not latch.
On the afternoon of June 27th, the Smiths, Willard Richards, and John Taylor were in this latter “cell” when, in the words of John Taylor, “Elder Cyrus H. Wheelock came in to see us, and when he was about leaving, drew a small pistol, a six-shooter, from his pocket, remarking at the same time ‘Would any of you like to have this?’ Brother Joseph immediately replied, ‘Yes, give it to me,’ whereupon he took the pistol, and put it in his pantaloons pocket. The pistol was a six-shooting revolver, of Allen’s patent; it belonged to me, and was one that I furnished to Brother Wheelock when he talked of going with me to the east, previous to our coming to Carthage” (History of the Church 7:100. See also The Gospel Kingdom, p.358). Wheelock later left “on some errand” and was not “suffered to return.”
Soon afterwards, Taylor “saw a number of men, with painted faces, coming around the corner of the jail, and aiming towards the stairs.” Immediately Willard Richards and Hyrum Smith leaned against the door to prevent the mob from entering the room. “While in this position, the mob, who had come upstairs, and tried to open the door, probably thought it was locked, and fired a ball through the keyhole; at this Dr. Richards and Brother Hyrum leaped back from the door, with their faces towards it; almost instantly another ball passed through the panel of the door, and struck Brother Hyrum on the left side of the nose, entering his face and head.” Hyrum fell back and cried out, ‘I am a dead man!'”
Smith was waiting with a pistol, and wounded two or three of them. Right before he was shot, he ran to the window and put his hands up in the air in the secret Masonic posture of distress.
Smith’s last words were, “Oh Lord my God.” Standing alone these words do not mean much, but Mormon historian Reed C. Durham notes on page 28 of the booklet No Help for the Widow’s Son that Smith, with hands raised, was actually attempting to give the “Masonic distress call to fraternal Masons who were present in the mob .” His call for help went unheeded, and Smith was shot at the jail window, unable to complete the words, “is there no help for the widow’s son.”
On page 550 of his book, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, Mormon historian Richard L. Bushman concurs that Smith “raised his arms in the Masonic sign of distress.” Again, if Smith was actually planning to give his life willingly, such an action seems entirely unnecessary.”
From “Final Moments at Carthage Jail and the Death of Joseph Smith”, by Bill McKeever

(The purportedly-secret Masonic gesture of recognition which Joseph Smith was making a the moment he was killed by an angry mob.)
Joseph Smith owned this Jupiter talisman which was among his most intimate possessions according to Emma Smith. This talisman demonstrates Joseph’s fascination with magic. The purpose of such a talisman was to help the owner have influence over others, become rich and powerful, and find peace. The inscription on the talisman comes directly from “The Magus” which was a magical book by Francis Barrett published in 1801. According to subsequent owners of the talisman, Joseph had this talisman in his possession when he was killed at Carthage. The Jupiter talisman is now in the possession of a private collector and no other photographs are available.
(Joseph Smith’s Jupiter Talisman, found on his person when he was shot)
Top officials of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say they are investigating reports from members that, as children, they witnessed human sacrifices and suffered ‘‘satanic abuse’’ at the hands of renegade Mormon-affiliated cliques. Glenn L. Pace, a member of the church`s three-man presiding bishopric, reported in a memorandum dated July 19, 1990, and made public last week that an internal church investigation detailed 60 cases in which Mormons described undergoing ritualized abuse in Utah, Idaho, California, Mexico and other locations.
Pace wrote that he is personally convinced at least 800 church-affiliated Satanists now are practicing occult rituals and devil worship in the Salt Lake Valley. Many of them, he added, pose as devout Mormon leaders and include bishops, a diocese president, patriarchs, temple workers, members of the church`s Young Women and Young Men groups, and even members of the world famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
The Satanists’ ceremonies often are based loosely upon the Mormon church’s own rituals.
From “Mormon-Affiliated Group Linked to Rituals of Devil Worship, Occult”, The Chicago Tribune, November 3, 1991
(Orrin Porter Rockwell, “The Destroying Angel of Mormondom”, 1830’s?)
(Hell’s Angel motorcycle gang member, 1960’s)
"Life Rides with the Hell’s Angels - THIS SECT ARE NOT MORMONS***!!!***”
- Life Magazine, 1965
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― From “The Art of War”, by Sun tzu, 5th Century B.C.
“Most companies say they want aspiring leaders to learn from experience, but they often miss the opportunity to impart lessons gleaned from their “crucibles.” Among the organizations best at fostering experiential learning are the Mormon Church and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.”
- Robert Thomas, Executive Director of the Accenture Institute for High Performance Business
“The world we suggest is a new wild west. A sensuous evil world. Strange and haunting, the path of the sun…”
― Jim Morrison
“The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun."
Thomas Paine, from “An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry”, 1818
“The character of Moses, as stated in the Bible, is the most horrid that can be imagined. If those accounts be true, he was the wretch that first began and carried on wars on the score or on the pretence of religion; and under that mask, or that infatuation, committed the most unexampled atrocities that are to be found in the history of any nation. Of which I will state only one instance:
When the Jewish army returned from one of their plundering and murdering excursions, the account goes on as follows (Numbers xxxi. 13): 'And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp; and Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle; and Moses said unto them, ‘Have ye saved all the women alive?’ behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore, ‘kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him; but all the women- children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for Yourselves.’
Among the detestable villains that in any period of the world have disgraced the name of man, it is impossible to find a greater than Moses, if this account be true. Here is an order to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers, and debauch the daughters.
Let any mother put herself in the situation of those mothers, one child murdered, another destined to violation, and herself in the hands of an executioner: let any daughter put herself in the situation of those daughters, destined as a prey to the murderers of a mother and a brother, and what will be their feelings?
In short, the matters contained in this chapter, as well as in many other parts of the Bible, are too horrid for humanity to read, or for decency to hear.”
― From “The Age of Reason”, by Thomas Paine, 1794
“Officials chuckled when the first letter arrived at corporate headquarters in Illinois. An Ohio woman wanted to know if it was true that company owner Ray Kroc donated 20 per cent of the fast-food chain’s profits to the Church of Satan in California. The company sifted through stacks of correspondence in an effort to determine the origin of the rumour. The Rev. John McFarland, pastor of Kenmore Church of God, explained to the McDonald’s communications department that a former parishioner had told him that she saw Kroc being interviewed on The Phil Donahue Show.”
From “Satan’s choice: Was Ronald McDonald in league with the Devil”, from Canada’s Waterloo Chronicle, November 2012
(The Reverend John McFarland, in a Satanic green shirt)
Ray Kroc’s bald-faced admission on national television has been memory-holed, and pretty successfully. The stories about it even point you to the wrong show, nay, wrong shows, in hopes no original VHS tape of the right one ever shows up. Here’s a picture of the TV Guide page showing it was the Mike Douglas show, not Phil Donhonhue, as falsely claimed later:
(TV Guide issue featuring the Mike Douglas Show with Joel Grey, Dionne Warwick, Dan Haggerty and Ray Kroc Televised on Tuesday, June 7, 1978)
“Confronted with the facts, McFarland published a retraction and an apology to McDonald’s in his next issue of Moments of Sunshine. Overall, he found the incident to be “really embarrassing.” As for the parishioner who spread the false information, he said: “She evidently wanted to hear it so bad, she just heard what she wanted.”
From “Satan’s choice: Was Ronald McDonald in league with the Devil”, from Canada’s Waterloo Chronicle, November 2012
(Self-described member of the Church of Satan Ray Kroc being interviewed on an unidentified TV show - even money it’s the Mike Douglas show on which Ray flapped his lips and said he donated 20% of his pre-tax profits to the Church of Satan in California. It was the 70’s.)
“A former pastor who spent 26 years serving churches in Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach pleaded guilty Friday to 13 felony counts of lewd and lascivious acts with minors and was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.
(Convicted serial felon and child molester, former Fountain Valley, California Police Chaplain and former Pastor of Kenmore Church of God, the Reverend John McFarland)
John Rodgers McFarland, 68, was first arrested in Escondido in December 2018 and charged in San Diego County with two felony counts of molesting a girl under 14, police and prosecutors reported at the time of his arrest.
McFarland was also a chaplain for 20 years for the Fountain Valley Police Department until his retirement a few years ago.”
From “Former Orange County church pastor pleads guilty, sentenced to 15 years to life for child molestation”, from the Daily Pilot, February 2021
https://www.houseofnames.com - The ancestors of the McFarland family come from the ancient Scottish kingdom of Dalriada.
(McDonald’s representatives saying “I love you!” in American Sign Language, saying that they want to “rock on”, signaling their support for the Texas Longhorns football team, or praising their dark Lord, Satan, depending upon your point of view)
The pagan Celts of Ireland lived in a world of fear, from which the loving God was far removed, and in which they were at the mercy of monstrous spirits and arbitrary, insubstantial reality. They were people bound by unreasoned custom and superstition, for they thought that the world was full of hidden “traps” that were triggered by the violation of taboos. The power of the kings was rivaled or even eclipsed by that of the priests, who were called druids.
The pagans adored a divine being (though not necessarily always and everywhere the same one) to whom they offered sacrifices and from whom they sought all blessings, temporal and eternal. Crom Cruach, the “prince” of all idols in Ireland, stood on Magh Slecht, the “plain of prostration” near the Gothard River, now in the barony of Tullyhaw, County Cavan. This “plain” was a limestone ridge some 400 by 85 yards in extent. From the base of its eastern escarpment issues a strong, clear, and rapid spring, as if a river-god dwelt within his rocky halls beneath the ridge and poured forth this perennial fountain. The pagan kings and nobility offered firstlings of animals and other sacrifices to the idol. One source says that it was embossed with silver and gold and had twelve bronze statues ranged around it.
From “The Ancestors of McDonalds of Somerset” by Donald M. Schlegel
The McDonald family was a Scottish clan that was part of Druidism. A large, powerful contingent of the McDonald family is connected to the Mystery Religions, and which has family members who are part of the Illuminati. Each of the major Scottish clans had an area that they controlled of Scotland. The McDonalds controlled the islands and coastal areas on the west coast of Scotland. When the Knights Templars tied persecution, in order to escape the various British fleets, they sailed a route that took them to western Scotland. During the time of King Philippe IV of France. the McDonalds were involved in the movement of the Knights Templars. The Knights Templars had adopted gnostic/satanic practices during the centuries they guarded the pilgrims in the Middle East. The Order had also become the International Bankers of Europe and large landowners in Europe. The King of France twisted the Pope’s arm (so to speak) to get him to go along with a campaign to eliminate the Knights Templars. Because the McDonald clan was in private still pagan. they were willing to help the Knights Templar escape the Pope’s decree against the Templars.
The Knights Templars were not the only International Bankers to move north. Later, during the 16th & 17th century, the elite satanic banking families moved their operations from southern Europe to Antwerp Flanders and then on to Amsterdam. Many of the Knights Templars lied to Scotland, where they helped Bruce, the King of Scotland. When the English invaded Scotland they were defeated by Bruce in an important battle named Bannockburn. Bannockburn kept Scotland free from England for the next 289 years. The Knights Templars fought with Bruce in the battle under the command of Angus Og McDonald, who was a large Scottish landowner and a friend of Bruce. Angus Og McDonald had previously in the 1308 time period given protection to the Knights Templars. The Knights Templars brought their treasures and their military might to Scotland & to the McDonalds. Many of the Knights Templars went on to the Orkeney Is., but some stayed in Scotland and became important in the occult world. The descendents of these Knights are still guarding some important occult relics, which may be revealed in the next few years.
From “Clan McDonald, Spawn of Satan”, February 2009
I man don’t (I man don’t, I man don’t)
Eat up your fried chicken (eat up your fried chicken) not licking
I man don’t (I man don’t, I man don’t)
Eat up them frankfurters (eat up them frankfurters) garbage
I man don’t (I man don’t, I man don’t)
Eat down the hamburger (eat down the hamburger) can’t do that
I man don’t (I man don’t, I man don’t)
Drink pink blue yellow green soda (soda… soda…)
'Cause I’m a man of the past
And I’m living in the present
And I 'm walking in the future
Stepping in the future
Man of the past
And I’m living in the present
And I’m walking keep on walking (stepping in the future)
Just a mystic man (such a mystic man)
Got to be a mystic man (mystic man)
From “Mystic Man”, by Peter Tosh, 1979
Taco Bell was founded by Glen Bell, who opened his first hot dog stand ‘Bell’s Drive-In’, in San Bernardino in 1948
His family name, carried down through the ages, is a thinly-veiled reference to Ba’al:
Here’s the history of theTaco Bell logo:
(Taco Bell logos, 1962 to present)
Can you see the reptile-eye motif on the clapper of the bell, masquerading as a reflection? Can you see how they removed it in 2016, because too many rubes were getting wise?
“Several Cumbrian hills received their names from the sacrifice of the Beltain, of which they were the sites. Of these the highest is Hill Bell, the hill of the Baal, or Beltain, in Westmoreland; Bell Hill, near Drigg in Cumberland, confirms this etymology of the name. Besides these we have Bells and Green Bells in Westmoreland, and Cat Bells, Derwentwater. Yevering Bell, Northumberland and Baal Hills on the Yorkshire moors, are further corroborative the origin of the name, and the precise nature of the worship there practiced.”
From “Cumberland & Westmoreland, Ancient and Modern: The People, Dialect, Superstitions and Customs”, by Jeremiah Sullivan, 1857
Can you see the reptile-eye motif on the clapper of the bell, masquerading as a reflection? Can you see how they removed it in 2016, because too many rubes were getting wise?
“Several Cumbrian hills received their names from the sacrifice of the Beltain, of which they were the sites. Of these the highest is Hill Bell, the hill of the Baal, or Beltain, in Westmoreland; Bell Hill, near Drigg in Cumberland, confirms this etymology of the name. Besides these we have Bells and Green Bells in Westmoreland, and Cat Bells, Derwentwater. Yevering Bell, Northumberland and Baal Hills on the Yorkshire moors, are further corroborative the origin of the name, and the precise nature of the worship there practiced.”
From “Cumberland & Westmoreland, Ancient and Modern: The People, Dialect, Superstitions and Customs”, by Jeremiah Sullivan, 1857
“The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?”
Sherlock Holmes, from “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1902
The pictures that follow are from a Don Bradley post from the Cloudbusters forum from 2004. Don Bradley is a generational Satanist double-agent who infiltrated the Orgonite movement in its early days.
These photos are submitted here for your edification re: fair-seeming, barely-closeted Death-worshippers gaining elected office:
(Double agent Don Bradley, aka cbswork: “Taken summer 1987, boys out and about. Kurt Cobain on right, then the drummer (before Dave Grohl joined the band (Nirvana - ed) and bassist on left, Krist").
(Double agent Don Bradley, aka cbswork: “Kurt Cobain, (drummer) and Krist Novoselic, 1987. Agent Don Bradley: “Pic taken in Krist’s mother’s basement, christmas 1987. Boys play, right after killing and feeding on a young lady, 14 years old. And don’t think this is a stage shot, look behind the drummer. You can see the curtains and plugs running off the elect in the ceiling and stuff, like in basements.” That’s Kurt Cobain on the left, and Krist Novoselic on the right.” I’m guessing the photo is from DB’s own scrapbook.)
June 8, 2009 - Nirvana Bassist Turns Politician | News | Clash Magazine
(Former Nirvana Bassist Krist Novoselic, pointing to his chin with his left hand in a purportedly-secret Illuminist “gesture of recognition”)
Wiki - Novoselic remains active in politics making appearances to advocate electoral reform (especially instant-runoff voting and proportional representation) and running the website. He considered a 2004 run for Lieutenant Governor of Washington as a Democrat, challenging an incumbent of the same party, but ultimately decided against it. He also joined the board of FairVote, then the Center for Voting and Democracy, and was appointed chair in January 2008.
(LinkedIn profile picture of a Software Engineer, using the same purportedly-secret Masonic “gesture of recognition” to her chin that Krist Novoselic is in the photo immediately above)
“The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?”
Sherlock Holmes, from “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1902
The woman, call her “Red Bird,” claims her three-year-old grandson was abducted and murdered by a cult. His body was found in a Spring Valley dumpster. According to Red Bird, his heart and liver had been removed. His eyelids had been cut open or removed, and his eyes had been replaced with “something blue.” His feet were painted black. Symbols were painted on his hands, though she doesn’t know what kind. The suspect apprehended in the case hanged himself in jail. (Local law-enforcement officials say the investigation is still open, so they cannot comment on Red Bird’s account.)
From “So many demonic sightings in East San Diego County”, San Diego Reader, December 1991
Piercing blue eyes undimmed by the passing of 1,300 years, this is the Lady of the Mask – a mummy whose discovery could reveal the secrets of a lost culture.
Archaeologists said the child discovered with the adult mummies at Huaca Pucllana was most likely sacrificed.”
From “Oh mummy! Archaeologists unearth ancient tribe members sacrificed 1,300 years ago”, Daily Mail, August 27, 2008
“I related it more to my upbringing, I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things… That was satanism, it works really well, I made a pact and the movie came out, so… No, you’re really dealing with certain things as you grow up and you’ve got to try things on for yourself and really figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. I just relate to that time, it’s a very personal time, it’s a comfort system and you cut the tether and find yourself very on your own with nothing to hold on to.”
- Brad Pitt
(Self-described Satanist Brad Pitt in “Fight Club”, 1996. It’s what is known in the Intelligence trade as a “limited hangout”, in which Brad truthfully cops to the fact that he’s a Satanist, but lies and says he just went and signed up on a lark. Versus the truth, that he’s a member of a prominent bloodline Illuminist family, the Pitts. Some tiny percentage of the public actually converts to Satanism, while the 98% of their body politic goes unrecognized, by careful design.)
“The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club.”
From “Fight Club”, written by Chuck Palahniuk, 1996
“The idea of Antichrist is an unspoken knowledge that every person has, it’s just the acceptance of yourself as a powerful being who can make their own decisions. It is not someone with a 666 on their head.”
—Marilyn Manson, 1996
“For who makes the fairest show makes most deceit”
- Pericles
I know what I say, and heaven can see my heart.
We aren’t fooled by such performances;
There’s false devotion like false bravery.
And as you see upon the field of honor
The really brave ones are not the noisiest ones,
The truly pious, whom we should imitate,
Are not the ones who show off their devotion.
From “Tartuffe”, by Moliere, 1664
The Devil hath power
To assume a pleasing shape.
― From “Hamlet”, by William Shakespeare, 1603
“Appearance blinds, whereas words reveal.”
― Oscar Wilde
“Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.”
From “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli, 1532
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas."
(“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.”)”
From "Le Spleen de Paris", by Charles Baudelaire, 1869
Sherlock: I’ve been neglecting my hobby. I’m going to visit Swirl-Theory.com and discuss conspiracy theories.
Watson: Your hobby is conspiracy theories?
Sherlock: No, of course not. They’re pure sophistry. Large groups of people cannot keep secrets. My hobby is conspiracy theorists. I adore them, as one with a barmy uncle or a pet that can’t stop walking into walls.
From the T.V. show “Elementary”, posted on Reddit’s “r/conspiratard” subgroup
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”
― From film “The Wizard of Oz”, screenplay written by Noel Langley, 1939
“Spies are, by nature and necessity, pathological liars who strive to make their endgames justify their meanness.”
― Stewart Stafford
“Generally speaking, espionage offers each spy an opportunity to go crazy in a way he finds irresistible."
Kurt Vonnegut
“What do you think spies are: priests, saints and martyrs? They’re a squalid procession of vain fools, traitors too, yes; pansies, sadists and drunkards, people who play cowboys and indians to brighten their rotten lives.”
John LeCarre
“Off the top of my head, I’d say you’re looking at a Boesky, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethro’s and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever.”
Rusty, from “Ocean’s Eleven”, 2001
“…but this is the real objection to that torrent of modern talk about treating crime as disease, about making prison merely a hygienic environment like a hospital, of healing sin by slow scientific methods. The fallacy of the whole thing is that evil is a matter of active choice whereas disease is not.”
From “Orthodoxy”, by G.K. Chesterton, 1908
“Society wants to believe it can identify evil people, or bad or harmful people, but it’s not practical. There are no stereotypes.”
― Ted Bundy
(Ted Bundy, career politician, serial rapist, and serial killer)
Ted Bundy served on the Nelson Rockefeller (1908–1979) presidential campaign in 1968 and the successful reelection campaign of Washington governor Dan Evans. Bundy was appointed to the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Committee, and later became an assistant to Ross Davis, the chairman of the Washington State Republican Party.
The University of Oxford’s psychologist Kevin Dutton found ten professions with an unusually high proportion of psychopaths: chief executive officers, lawyers, television and radio news anchors and analysts, salespersons, surgeons journalists, police officers, clergy, chiefs and civil servants.
“The 16 characteristics of psychopaths:
- Intelligent
- Rational
- Calm
- Unreliable
- Insincere
- Without shame or remorse
- Having poor judgment
- Without capacity for love
- Unemotional
- Poor insight
- Indifferent to the trust or kindness of others
- Overreactive to alcohol
- Suicidal
- Impersonal sex life
- Lacking long-term goals
- Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
― From “The Mask of Sanity”, by Hervey M. Cleckley, 1941
"We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.”
― From “Type 1 Sociopath - When Difficult People Are More Than Difficult People”, by P.A. Speers, 2014
“I regularly comment on my desire to exploit my admirers or to kill babies and cute animals, and I don’t even need to laugh or smile for people to think I am joking.”
― From "Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight", by M. E. Thomas, 2013
"I made several attempts to make myself clear: Just a neighbor come to call and ask the doctor’s advice about gobbling some LSD in the shack just down the hill from his house. I did, after all, have weapons. And I liked to shoot them - especially at night, when the great blue flame would leap out, along with all that noise…and, yes, the bullets, too. WE couldn’t ignore that. Big balls of lead/alloy flaying around the valley at speeds up to 3700 feet per second…
But I always fired into the nearest hill, or, failing that, into blackness. I meant no harm; I just liked the explosions. And I was careful never to kill more than I could eat."
- From “The Great Shark Hunt”, by Hunter S. Thompson, 1979
And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,
So that when they turn their backs on you,
You’ll get the chance to put the knife in.
From “Dogs”, by Roger Waters and David Gilmour, from the Album “Animals”, 1977
“The duplicity of others must always be shocking when one is unconscious of one’s own.”
― From “The Mask of Dimitrios”, by Eric Ambler, 1944
“Crime causes so much horror, even to them [criminals], that they would like, in order to escape from the necessity they feel to be bad, to be believed and always to be depicted as virtuous.”
― From “Justines, or The Misfortunes of Virtue”, by the Marquis Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, 1791
“I am told that the proximity of punishment arouses real repentance in the criminal and sometimes awakens a feeling of genuine remorse in the most hardened heart; I am told this is due to fear.”
― From “White Nights”, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1848
“There can be no friendship where there is cruelty, where there is disloyalty, where there is injustice. And in places where the wicked gather there is conspiracy only, not companionship: these have no affection for one another; fear alone holds them together; they are not friends, they are merely accomplices.”
― From “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude”, by Étienne de La Boétie, 1577
“Every successful conspiracy remains secret after completion. There is only the desired effect which will always be attributed to reasonable, plausible but false causes.”
― From “The Key of Ahknaton”, by Graeme Rodaughan
“Put Neidermeyer on it. He’s a sneaky little shit just like you.”
Dean Vernon Wormer, from “Animal House”, by Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney and Chris Miller, 1978
(Mark Metcalf as Doug Niedermeyer, Animal House, 1978)
Mole - In espionage jargon, a mole (also called a “penetration agent”, “deep cover agent”, or “sleeper agent”) is a long-term spy (espionage agent) who is recruited before having access to secret intelligence, subsequently managing to get into the target organization.
"Do not have the Fairy for your enemy. For the rest — you laugh at them.”
“The Fairy?”
“Yes. Her they call the Fairy. Oh my God, a terrible Inglesaccia! She is the head of our police, the Institutional Police. Ecco, she come. I will present you. Miss Hardcastle, permit that I present to you Mr. Studdock.”
Mark found himself writhing from the stoker’s or carter’s hand-grip of a big woman in a black, short-skirted uniform. Despite a bust that would have done credit to a Victorian barmaid, she was rather thickly built than fat and her iron-grey hair was cropped short. Her face was square, stern, and pale, and her voice deep. A smudge of lip- stick laid on with violent inattention to the real shape of her mouth was her only concession to fashion and she rolled or chewed a long black cheroot, unlit, between her teeth. As she talked she had a habit of removing this, staring intently at the mixture of lipstick and saliva on its mangled end, and then replacing it more firmly than before. She sat down immediately in a chair close to where Mark was standing, flung her right leg over one of the arms, and fixed him with a gaze of cold intimacy."
From “That Hideous Strength”, by C.S. Lewis, 1945
“Most Gen Z’ers are more likely to turn down or temporarily pause some social media sites rather than abandoning them completely, so there’s no need to panic.”
Lesley Bielby, Chief Strategy Officer at Hill Holliday
(Lesley Bielby, Chief Strategy Officer at Hill Holiday)
“Plenty of people in our age do entertain the monstrous dreams of power that Mr. Lewis attributes to his characters, and we are within sight of the time when such dreams will be realizable.”
Review of “That Hideous Strength”, by C.S. Lewis, 1945 by George Orwell, Manchester Evening News, 16 August 1945
"We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
From “1984”, by George Orwell, 1949
“If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”
― George Orwell
“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.”
- Joseph Goebbels
“Day and night the telescreens bruised your ears with statistics proving that people today had more food, more clothes, better houses, better recreations—that they lived longer, worked shorter hours, were bigger, healthier, stronger, happier, more intelligent, better educated, than the people of fifty years ago.”
From “1984”, by George Orwell, 1949
"Although generally regarded as the man who first swept to power (in 1922) as the savior of his country from communism, this book shows that, on the contrary, while communism was almost no threat at this time, by 1945, as a direct result of Mussolini’s reign, communism was set to spread rapidly in Europe, because he deliberately chose to turn Italy into a ‘social minefield’ primed to explode after his death, should he be defeated.
It is (next to the history of the Third Reich) the most extraordinary case-study of a man whose skill was in building myths about himself and his movement that convinced not just a whole country but the international governments of his day. He had a brilliant and monumental talent for deceit, which he exercised so effectively that he eventually fell victim to it himself, fooled by his own propaganda into entering a war his country could only lose, in a terrible way."
From “Mussolini”, by Denis Mack Smith, 1982
“We are oft to blame in this, -
'tis too much proved, - that with devotion’s visage,
and pious action we do sugar o’er
the devil himself.”
― From “Hamlet”, by William Shakespeare, 1603