Thanks for the update, Christine, and I’m happy to say that Andy Schwarm of has just sent 24 basic zappers for the kikundi, which I’ll send this week. I’ll ask Mrs O to send as many as possible along to you, since these can help you regain some stability, there.
For our the sake of our newer readers I will remind that Christine is one of the original orgonite distributors in East Africa. When she and her late husband, Salva Kirr, began working with orgonite in 2003 their family were refugees in N. Kenya after having suffered a grievous loss of family and friends at the hands of CIA/Khartoum-sponsored terrorists in Sudan.
Before they could return to Southern Sudan, Salva and two of the other original members, David Ochieng and his young wife, Emmah, were killed, evidently with poison. Soon after that, the entire region of Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda had such a prolonged and severe drought that the population were facing famine. It was quite desperate.
That was early 2009 and the kikundi rallied with some impressive and frequent money help, mostly from Frode in Norway, and began producing and distributing a massive amount of orgonite in the region. Within months it was raining in all of the areas where this was done and crops were planted, then harvested. This was also the beginning of the restoration of the international fishing industry on Lake Victoria and Lake Turkana. We were thrilled for them.
Southern Sudan was one of those areas where farming was re-established and I think this was largely behind the impetus for that region, which includes the Nuba people, to gain independence. Christine was chosen as a delegate to represent her region in the treaty talks in Khartoum. By the way, the Nuba are one of those rare cultures that have survived through recorded history and before. There are Egyptian hieroglyphic records of diplomatic and trade relations with the Nuba, which were an established civilization at the time. Only a few of those ancient civilizations from the bronze age survived to the present. I think it’s extremely significant that Christine earned their confidence and it’s a wonderful, courageous story that we’re privileged to share, here.
Courage and self-sacrifice typify Christine’s life, for me.
Note the way that the sorcerers ( wachawi ) and other terror-mongers lose their footing when orgonite has been distributed. Billie Kibiator, Mrs O’s young son, has demonstrated this in the notorious Nyamira District in Kenya and many of us in the West have stopped the fun of various satanic cults and their gov’t-sanctioned institutions (masonic temples; Bohemian Grove; big, no-name churches; ritual killing grounds in the woods, etc.) in the West by finding them and leaving orgonite there. This ancient corporate order that presume to rule us all is based on murder, alleged debt, fear, chaos, hopelessness, etc., and only orgonite seems to have the easy potential to unseat them. I love the way orgonite was dropped in humanity’s lap just a few years ago and from the start I had a feeling that its potential would most dramatically be demonstrated in Africa, which is certainly coming to pass.
Meanwhile, some of the reports from Western countries are confirming our East African friends’ accomplishments. Francisco’s remarkable recent experience with the farmer in Spain is a case in point. It’s too bad that Western farmers are often so fearful of dramatic agricultural success. The infrastructure of suppression and reprisal that terrorizes Western farmers for the past century or so (since the domination of the chemical cartel) just isn’t in place in Africa. Hopefully, the massive-scale distribution of orgonite throughout the beleaguered new country of South Sudan will keep dampening the efforts of distant terrorist corporations from destroying that new country. The resumed regular rainfall, made possible by Christine’s orgonite, at least helps ensure that the population won’t be starved out.
When the similar terrorist effort failed next door in Northern Uganda in 2004, our cohort, Doc Kayiwa, brought along some orgonite as the Ugandan Army chased the invaders back across the border into Sudan and he was allowed to drop a lot of orgonite from a helicopter where the fighting was going on, then the terrorists evidently fled north and the Ugandans returned home. Doc Batiibwe and I had evidently stopped the fighting in N. Uganda the year before with a single gifting expedition, there.
When a government casts out foreigners it might be a sure sign that it’s under the direct control of the ancient corporate parasites ( wachawi ). Distributing orgonite around gov’t institutions might be very helpful and most of the officials are probably sincere and might appreciate receiving a personal orgonite gift. This would be almost unheard of in the West but the kikundi have often given orgonite to appreciative judges, police, soldiers and other officials and Gare in Thailand has done similarly, there.
The Nile runs like a backbone through all of the Sudan and putting orgonite anywhere in that river is bound to produce positive and far-reaching effects, in addition to boosting the fish population and cleaning the water. Christine has done extensive gifting in the Nile and has interacted with communities that earn their livlihood from the river. This will no doubt be a subject of extensive study after the Church of Settle Science has been unseated and true education can resume among humanity. She’s a schoolteacher, by the way.
Anyone who wants to donate to help her re-establish her orgonite factory can send money through Dancan Omollo in Lodwar, Kenya. Dancan and Salva were close friends, by the way. His PayPal account is [email protected] .
Christine is the last of the original kikundi who is still under daily distress and the fix for her is probably possible through continued distribution of orgonite and zappers, for now. Meanwhile, the untold thousands of pieces of orgonite that are distributed throughout South Sudan continue to do their work, transmuting the poisonous energy that’s produced by the corporate order, there. Her family’s return to the area is a positive and encouraging sign for me.
Not many of us comprehend the depth of devotion that many African people have for their homelands, which is why I like to draw attention to the very ancient nature and the continuity of many of those cultures. The only counterpart of ancient continuity we have in the West are the Jews, I think, and they never had a homeland, as far as I can tell, and are relative newcomers since it all started with one man: Abraham, the son of a Chaldean (Mesopotamian) pagan high priest. The native Americans, except for perhaps the Zuni and Hopi, are also relatively late arrivals, compared to Africans. Maybe the Chinese are the only other culture that have continuity through recorded history and before. This is certainly all debatable and I don’t want to pick a fight with anyone but am only offering it as a fresh view. The odious Church of Settled Science still has a brain-police stranglehold on free public discussions of such things, sad to say.
Every time I learn of a hardship or success among the kikundi I wish I were there and speaking Kiswahili. Even though Carol and I are still under economic and political duress on account of our work I hope to be a step closer to returning to Africa within a couple of months.
These days, the good guys can finally win.