The status of S. Sudan

After along struggling with life due to political tremor, we are now back in the government worn nation. In fact we are back here in the S. Sudan not just because there are good things to depends on but was just because living i a foreign land is not very easy and is without hope for nothing permanent you can invest . That is why even though things have not completely settled down , but i thought it wise to came back. Its one week now since i came to this country, and i was lodged by one of our old cohort who is also a foreigner here. He was from the country of Uganda but on the North.He had been staying in one of our old areas where we were. Now i am planning to start things a fresh and even all my orgonite manufacturing plant could not be allocated but i know i will resume soon.

Now another severe problem that people from other nations who had come to S. Sudan for opportunity purposes going to face is that the resident administration had announced that all the people who were not S. Sudan by origin to go back t their native counties. One of the hazard that country is going to face is that on the economic field all the business men who were coming from other country will go back to their various countries with all the resources, another this is that all the expatriates will also go back with all their talent.

Wost of all even the education system is rotten till even now some of our student will join Kenyan during exam just imagine all these , please pry for our country so that the eye of the government to be open and reverse all these decrees to pave the way for other nationalities to continue assisting us.

Thanks to Elisa in Spain for the orgonite which he sent to me, really i have used quite much of them in gifting the river Nile and i have even send some to Chris in Turkana and indeed the work there is flamboyant.

We are here but nothing good to appreciate.


one thing me and my children have learn is that , through the status of this our nation, only zappers can help us. The medical facilities are not in place medication is very expensive, even other nationals are planning to move out of our nation including people who had been running the private health care centers. So i together with our friends we will adopt to use of zappers. If you can send some zappers through Mrs O can be better.


Anew beginning is always welcomed with a good reception. The Nubian communities whom i had worked with some months ago have contacted me just immediately i arrived in the country. They were very much impressed with my work and only the political instability which they faced some months ago is what had derailed all their achievement. I told them that the orgonite when distributed properly will eventually attracted much rainfall and they even saw in some areas. another achievement which they told me is that, the power in the orgonite is a bit unique in the sense that areas which the orgonites have been gifted even the wachawi the black magics i dont know how you call them. Areas which the orgonite have been distributed properly even those bad people fear. And on this context their areas are now quite peaceful. Could it be that there was no war heir areas would have been more productive and good scenery for even the tourist.

Another report which also charged my experience was that one of the woman who sustained bullet injury and due to lack of good medication the woman due to her poverty status just tie the zappers and her condition was finally restored back to normal.

Before next week am going to visit them for more advice and encouragement, and i hope the out come is going to be colorful.


Thanks for the update, Christine, and I’m happy to say that Andy Schwarm of has just sent 24 basic zappers for the kikundi, which I’ll send this week. I’ll ask Mrs O to send as many as possible along to you, since these can help you regain some stability, there.

For our the sake of our newer readers I will remind that Christine is one of the original orgonite distributors in East Africa. When she and her late husband, Salva Kirr, began working with orgonite in 2003 their family were refugees in N. Kenya after having suffered a grievous loss of family and friends at the hands of CIA/Khartoum-sponsored terrorists in Sudan.

Before they could return to Southern Sudan, Salva and two of the other original members, David Ochieng and his young wife, Emmah, were killed, evidently with poison. Soon after that, the entire region of Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda had such a prolonged and severe drought that the population were facing famine. It was quite desperate.

That was early 2009 and the kikundi rallied with some impressive and frequent money help, mostly from Frode in Norway, and began producing and distributing a massive amount of orgonite in the region. Within months it was raining in all of the areas where this was done and crops were planted, then harvested. This was also the beginning of the restoration of the international fishing industry on Lake Victoria and Lake Turkana. We were thrilled for them.

Southern Sudan was one of those areas where farming was re-established and I think this was largely behind the impetus for that region, which includes the Nuba people, to gain independence. Christine was chosen as a delegate to represent her region in the treaty talks in Khartoum. By the way, the Nuba are one of those rare cultures that have survived through recorded history and before. There are Egyptian hieroglyphic records of diplomatic and trade relations with the Nuba, which were an established civilization at the time. Only a few of those ancient civilizations from the bronze age survived to the present. I think it’s extremely significant that Christine earned their confidence and it’s a wonderful, courageous story that we’re privileged to share, here.

Courage and self-sacrifice typify Christine’s life, for me.

Note the way that the sorcerers ( wachawi ) and other terror-mongers lose their footing when orgonite has been distributed. Billie Kibiator, Mrs O’s young son, has demonstrated this in the notorious Nyamira District in Kenya and many of us in the West have stopped the fun of various satanic cults and their gov’t-sanctioned institutions (masonic temples; Bohemian Grove; big, no-name churches; ritual killing grounds in the woods, etc.) in the West by finding them and leaving orgonite there. This ancient corporate order that presume to rule us all is based on murder, alleged debt, fear, chaos, hopelessness, etc., and only orgonite seems to have the easy potential to unseat them. I love the way orgonite was dropped in humanity’s lap just a few years ago and from the start I had a feeling that its potential would most dramatically be demonstrated in Africa, which is certainly coming to pass.

Meanwhile, some of the reports from Western countries are confirming our East African friends’ accomplishments. Francisco’s remarkable recent experience with the farmer in Spain is a case in point. It’s too bad that Western farmers are often so fearful of dramatic agricultural success. The infrastructure of suppression and reprisal that terrorizes Western farmers for the past century or so (since the domination of the chemical cartel) just isn’t in place in Africa. Hopefully, the massive-scale distribution of orgonite throughout the beleaguered new country of South Sudan will keep dampening the efforts of distant terrorist corporations from destroying that new country. The resumed regular rainfall, made possible by Christine’s orgonite, at least helps ensure that the population won’t be starved out.

When the similar terrorist effort failed next door in Northern Uganda in 2004, our cohort, Doc Kayiwa, brought along some orgonite as the Ugandan Army chased the invaders back across the border into Sudan and he was allowed to drop a lot of orgonite from a helicopter where the fighting was going on, then the terrorists evidently fled north and the Ugandans returned home. Doc Batiibwe and I had evidently stopped the fighting in N. Uganda the year before with a single gifting expedition, there.

When a government casts out foreigners it might be a sure sign that it’s under the direct control of the ancient corporate parasites ( wachawi ). Distributing orgonite around gov’t institutions might be very helpful and most of the officials are probably sincere and might appreciate receiving a personal orgonite gift. This would be almost unheard of in the West but the kikundi have often given orgonite to appreciative judges, police, soldiers and other officials and Gare in Thailand has done similarly, there.

The Nile runs like a backbone through all of the Sudan and putting orgonite anywhere in that river is bound to produce positive and far-reaching effects, in addition to boosting the fish population and cleaning the water. Christine has done extensive gifting in the Nile and has interacted with communities that earn their livlihood from the river. This will no doubt be a subject of extensive study after the Church of Settle Science has been unseated and true education can resume among humanity. She’s a schoolteacher, by the way.

Anyone who wants to donate to help her re-establish her orgonite factory can send money through Dancan Omollo in Lodwar, Kenya. Dancan and Salva were close friends, by the way. His PayPal account is [email protected] .

Christine is the last of the original kikundi who is still under daily distress and the fix for her is probably possible through continued distribution of orgonite and zappers, for now. Meanwhile, the untold thousands of pieces of orgonite that are distributed throughout South Sudan continue to do their work, transmuting the poisonous energy that’s produced by the corporate order, there. Her family’s return to the area is a positive and encouraging sign for me.

Not many of us comprehend the depth of devotion that many African people have for their homelands, which is why I like to draw attention to the very ancient nature and the continuity of many of those cultures. The only counterpart of ancient continuity we have in the West are the Jews, I think, and they never had a homeland, as far as I can tell, and are relative newcomers since it all started with one man: Abraham, the son of a Chaldean (Mesopotamian) pagan high priest. The native Americans, except for perhaps the Zuni and Hopi, are also relatively late arrivals, compared to Africans. Maybe the Chinese are the only other culture that have continuity through recorded history and before. This is certainly all debatable and I don’t want to pick a fight with anyone but am only offering it as a fresh view. The odious Church of Settled Science still has a brain-police stranglehold on free public discussions of such things, sad to say.

Every time I learn of a hardship or success among the kikundi I wish I were there and speaking Kiswahili. Even though Carol and I are still under economic and political duress on account of our work I hope to be a step closer to returning to Africa within a couple of months.

These days, the good guys can finally win.


Hi Don ,

Thanks you for the good work.

Today i went to meet the Nubians and the outcome was very much encouraging, in fact these people have really benefit from the gifting which i did there the other time. I got one of the people whom i trained there the other time by name Hostine Chibabalaka. Really he had greatly propagated the the use of the orgonite and the zapper in that region. Am now very much happy that with me or without me all can go well. Really if could get more zapper as the ones that your have promised to send us , all may go well.

Thanks tor the good comment that you have post in the EW , in fact now the demand of the orgonite has gone up and i need to re- start my manufacturing plant after losing all the rest due to the war which we had encountered just recently. So if i can get materials can boost the effort for the well being of the Nubians. Thank to Andy for his donation.


The orgonite which i had gifted in the S. Sudan some months ago i came to realized that they still active and working for the rain is still being experienced in those areas. In the Nubian regions where i went and am still operating , the orgonite have made them have a good beginning and as per that ,i trust they will go far. The people whom i had introduced to the use of Zappers are having a lot to appreciate for now where the medical facilities could not work , they can easily survive.

The fishermen in the country Chard asked me for the orgonite but i told them that for now am not able to supply them unless i get some orgonite from either Mrs O or Dancan in Kenya.


I think you’ve made irreversible progress in South Sudan in spite of the horrendous obstacles that have been thrown in your path, Christine, and I’m sure this has been an encouragement for you.

When the kikundi’s new, faraway friends in Malawi bought a plane ticket for Chris to return to them it was a landmark event for the kikundi and I hope the commercial fishermen in Chad will find the resources to help you return there, too. After all, you’ve expended your own energy and fortunes to help them several times and I have a feeling your needs are much greater than theirs are, now.

Like many of us, the kikundi are more ready to give than to receive and this is admirable but your future and perhaps survival depends in getting a fair return for your material sacrifices for the benefit of others, I believe.

Some have claimed that it’s better to receive than to give and I’ve spent most of my life, so far, trying to understand that maxim.

Another evidence, besides their sponsored terror campaigns, of the corporate parasite’s resistance to the survival of your new country is that we’re not able to send mail there. I often wonder whether your orgonite is what enabled the birth of that new nation. I’m betting on the Nuba people as a source of stability in the future and it may be that you were guided to approach them and find ways to help their economy. Orgonite refines our characters, individually and even nationally, by reducing fear and increasing hope and faith. I’m sure that no tribe in East Africa is particularly motivated to create chaos in the world but sometimes a tribe is manipulated by outside influences into striking out in frustration. Maybe it’s just an invitation to distribute orgonite there when it happens. This also occurred with the Massai not long ago.

The corporate order has wanted to commit genocide throughout Africa for many years, especially since the end of colonization. I think the Brits are past masters at manipulating tribes to wage war against each other.

The kikundi have more real power than the Brits do and yours is a healing influence; never a destructive one.

The recent elections violence in Kenya might be a case in point for the corporate Brit/American terrorist agencies in Africa. The spread of orgonite has seemed to make it harder and harder for them to wage war against the population. I think they resort to outright military assault so readily because the infrastructure for mass hypnosis is lacking, there. In America, where mass brainwashing is well established and widespread, we have a Gulag Archipelago (prison system), operated by corporations, in which many millions of innocent people of color are warehoused and used as slave labor but this is done quietly and mechanistically through the hopelessly prostituted legal system, in plain view of a sleepwalking majority. We have the largest prison population, per capita, on the planet, including China’s extensive slave labor camps for dissidents.

Aside from the occasional risk of getting shot by corporate-sponsored terrorists, there’s actually more personal freedom in your country than in mine, right now, and you’ve been taking full advantage of this blessing since the start.


Well all the works in the S. Sudan had been well calculated to shape and restore the recent glory of that nation after very long time struggle. Rally this young nation had been under severe struggle for stability on both the political and the economic status but of late after the young nation attains her full Independence under the leadership of the new and balance government things turned opposite. Its in record that those who tend to be owning the economy of the world were the people who tend to cause problem for that nation so as to continue having full power and control in it. Not only in that nation a lone even the Somali Land are also suffering the same problem after problem but i trust our flamboyant work and determination will no go unrewarded.

In the Nubian region, the works there have started giving and adequate reward that have started changing the economic status of those people and i do believe that if that short duration can lead to what i have witnessed , what of after months and years f or now i have personnel to use who can effectively make things to move with or without me. My prayers and determination is that people to get involve in gifting for all these is what will bring a change and status of the nation. Even though some of our opposition who were against our humanitarian mission, they were very happy when all my things got displaced and scattered by the war, as per now i want to apply all my valuable effort through coordination to have my plant put in place for better performance. The amount of installing my pl;ant to be in place is $550. So anyone who may wish to join hand may do so ,that is my request.

I can still repeat this i hate people who do manipulate others so as to have bad sentiment about others, which now made the government of our your nation to give a warning that people from other countries should vacate and go back to their various countries, in fact they will leave their premises, business,working places, and their professions. In fact how do you expect a country which only attained her independent of late to rely on the technology of a few experts? Something must be done and on this concept i would call upon all our friends to please gift the country of S.Sudan for abetter change. To me i would concentrate in gifting and at the same time boost it very effectively for i have known the power of the Orgons. Even though the Chad mission is also knocking the door i still want see my people in South Sudan to see the light then within some months i will see if i can organize my visit there.


Hi Christine,

Thanks for the good work, i have sent you some of the orgonite and i know it will help you in reaching those people who are in demand right now. I know even next week i will send you some more if necessary.

Mrs O

Hi Mrs.O

Thanks a lot for encouraging me, in fact the orgonite that you have sent has boosted me up. In fact now i am bold enough for i have what to gift. Even the ones that you are going to send will do me good work too. All the ares which had been very dry has regained their fertility and the Nubians are taking advantage in exploiting these areas by doing farming Keep up that commitment.


Good Elisha for the good orgonite that you sent to me, in fact our people the Nubian really thank your effort for the orgonite. They still need more orgonite but i trust when i will start making them i adequately supply them.


Hi Elisa

How are you moving on? The Nubians in Southern Sudan whom I tough about orgonite they came to me to look more orgonite and I told them that I must make order from Kenya because my properties got damaged due to war orgonite you gave me I also gave some of them and they noticed that they were so power I must get ways or how to make orgonite like before in order for them to get more orgonite l told those Nubians because the war put (Southern Sudan) much behind Now in Southern Sudan there are much famine that in Somalia


I remember those days when I used to gift each and every corner if the country Southern Sudan. I brought a lot of changes despite the fact that I am not a national of this country Southern Sudan. They killed my husband some time back, and also tried to poison me. Thanks to God, they could not make it. Right now they insisted that foreign people to leave their jobs and business. This is he time that Southern Sudan needs a lot of gifting as compared to any other time.

I used to operate an Orgonite manufacturing company that was distributing Orgonite, both for free and for a fee. I could go to any place within this country, and the moment I realise that the place requires some gifting, I could do that almost immediately, without asking for an external help/assistance. I remember the time I realized that most of the waters around this place is not safe for human use, I launched a campaign that could enhance the purification. I did this to several places and great results were realised.

However, things have changed so far as compared to the times we passed. This is simply because of the war that invaded every part of the country. This got everybody affected, including the locals. All businesses were affected. In the region where I live, my properties were looted. This totally grounded me, my family and business.

Right now, there is need for a healing country to receive lots of Orgonite for the healing process.


When the CIA and Khartoum regime sent terrorists, again, to slaughter civilians in Christine’s area last year she and her children barely made it to safety over the border in Kenya and her home was destroyed. In spite of the hardships they returned as soon as the terrorists left and they have been facing starvation, recently. The farmers were prevented from planting crops and this is one of many of the misfortunes that the corporate world order routinely inflicts on targeted third world populations when those populations reach the threshold of prosperity.

The Nuba people might be the key to a stronger barrier to further corporate-sponsored terrorist campaigns. I’m going to post a request for capital for Christine here:…974#p17349

It had been a good business despite some ups and down in the progress of the Nubian people whom now are getting the orgonite at the nearest manufacturing plant. After i have started making the orgonite on my own in our country now our people ei the new group of the Nubians can easily survive the axe of the deteriorated economy after severe disruption by the waring group. I can seen soon these people are going to improve their economy by both fishing and the agriculture. Along the river Nile where some of them come from, in fact through gifting this river plus some ponds and wells, they are going to improve their fishing husbandry with a higher percentage. I am very sure that with in a shorter duration, they will have a changed life.

Agriculturally through the use of the orgonite, farmers are going to have good harvest as it had been in areas where we had used it as along the boarder of Kenya and Somali where agriculture was an history but now they are enjoying the fruits of their labor. So on this account oi would suggest that more effort is still needed so as to help these groups in the Southern Sudan because for one this nation is still very young but the war is frequent.


The Nubians are very happy because right now they have started experience good rainfall. Those with ambition to do farming are doing already, i have several reports from other group about good improvement and the achievement that they have got so far immediately they started using the orgonite. Even the fishing industry is coming up steadily and i know much achievement is going to be realized as soon as possible. Some of them have also given good testimony on what the zappers have done to them, still willing that if i can get some more zappers i would expand the project and all will be okay with us.


Much work is needed very much in our country as the nation prepare for the election, and that election can ether bring peace or the war according to the political temperature at the this time. It s our prayer that every change should be the one that appeal for peace and stability. I want make sure that i store a good number of the orgonite to supply my clients who are planting in this season. I have trained the Nubians on how to make the orgonite on their own and its my prayer that very soon much of the orgonite will be produced in our country.


I managed to travel to Kenya to see Dancan and indeed is condition has improved and we thank God very much for now he can stand with supportive crutches. I fact where he came from is very far and his condition as per now is a greater achievement.

Really Dancan’s major tribe the Luos who dominated the lake Region, had known much a bout the orgonites and now they are doing well. The efforts which the Kikundi have done in the later years is very great as compared to the early 2000. In those early days few people could trust and use the orgonite in their farms but nowadays many people have yielded to it and the improvement is worth appreciative.


The new Nubians who joined the orgonite of late are very much happy with it after seeing the good improvement from the start. Now i have just started a campaign of tainting some more so as to to reach a wider areas. On the fishing matters some of the have started fish farming which does not require the lake or the big rivers but only small ponds. I have seen this as a way of improving the economic standard of these Nubians.

While in Kenya the other week i went as far as buying some of the batteries for the zappers which Don had send us, zappers are very good in curing the high fever and Malaria. Even to date many of them are still in need of the zapper i m going to tell Don to add me some more.
