I’ve been finally arranging for my orgonite shop to start, getting supplies etc and resin was the last thing remaining for at least the basic TBs start being made.
This resin was supposed to arrive today but, “coincidently”, part of it was damaged when it got to the redistribution center and it will have to be replaced first, so it will take a little longer till orgonite is made around here.
Do I note some resistence, mmh?
It would be fun perhaps for the psychics at the chat to have a peek at how angry these guys are and give them a jolt of good loving if necessary [Image Can Not Be Found]
It was funny when the guy who sold me the resin told me than in 22 years he had never seen such a screw-up from the transport company, and half-jockingly that I should “go to the witches”, which more or less means I should see the old lady who checks if everything is ok, etherically speaking (it’s our version of the witch doctor, although filled with charlatans).
I laughed and replied he was right, thinking of the team at the chats [Image Can Not Be Found]
Glad to hear it wasn’t too long a wait – sounds like the vendor was on your side (wink).
Take this as a good confirmation that the bad guys are a little upset (wink). This puts the advantage in your court because anyone who is upset or angry is not thinking straight.
And if you aren’t aware of it, you don’t need the psychics to go to bat for you unless it gets out of hand.
You TOO can send a big jolt of heart energy all by yourself to those who would choose to interfere with your good intentions (as many times as you want or feel is necessary). Love is intensely more powerful than evil. You just have to believe it which you should, because its true!
For those wondering how love can hurt evil, love is to evil as kryptonite is to superman. It really is THIS powerful so long as you do it with a pure heart.
If you’re not sure how to do this, go to http://www.donebydooney.com and read up on boosting. You’d be amazed at how effective one person can be against seemingly insurmountable odds simply by blowing some love up the “tailpipes” of those who would chose to torment you.
Posting your encounters here also helps because the other thing evil doesn’t want is publicity. They do their best work in the shadows and through “intermediaries” and I can’t help but thinking that your last post also helped to get things moving more quickly. They couldn’t interfere a second time because if they did, you’d post about it and then this would be a good confirmation of their involvement.
Lisbon’s going to be your playground in coming months–congrats for having such an abundant source of confirmations.
I felt a little pang of jealousy when you mentioned the guy’s suggestion to go to the witches. The better witches are skilled psychics, of course, so to live in a culture that honors psychics is a real blessing. In America we’re all programmed from birth to assume that everything is dead and there’s no meaning in existence. It took me a very long time to learn otherwise and if it weren’t for help from the witches I’d still be struggling.
Carlos, be sure to let one of us know if you experience any attacks, okay? Let’s nip it in the bud and maybe find some new, juicy corporate/occult/military targets in the process [Image Can Not Be Found]
There was/is a gifter in Lisbon who posted a report, probably 7 years ago, about gifting a large old public square after he discerned that public gatherings, there, were used by the corporate parasites to harvest life force through some ancient technology, including an obelisk. That report started a very lively gifting trend that’s still going [Image Can Not Be Found] . I hope this perceptive guy will surface again and that he will network with you.
Thanks everyone and Hi Dirk [Image Can Not Be Found]
Interesting information Don, Lisbon will be a very good target to gift, indeed the whole country will, and I’ll start with the towers nearby here too (there’s one every few kilometers down the national road, not to mention one atop a hill 200 meters from this house).
There’s a healthy openess and interest in orgonite around here and I am excited about sending my first orders out – I had already orders coming in! It’s not much but it’s a start in this territory so ripe for orgonite.
Did my first TBs in half a year – they are still surprisingly easy and fun to make! [Image Can Not Be Found]