This Guy's Towerbusters were Stolen from his Home

Lots of us get harassed, ‘visited’ constantly while we’re out of the house and asleep and even have survived murder attempts over the years but this level of arassment is so rare that I felt compelled to put it in the public record. It’s a note from one of the many orgonite-flingers who like to remain anonymous. Nobody who improves the world is anonymous to the sewer rat agencies, of course. ~D


So the other day I arrived home from work to find the 2/4 of the tbs i made were missing but more noticeably, one was mutilated and left in its original spot. It looked like someone had cut it in three pieces and the quartz was missing. That immediately upset me seeing how those were the last of the first batch I ever made but I figure the other two found their way someplace they needed to go. The last one was a little more cleverly hidden and last i checked is still out there.
I have been paranoid about things before but this is definitely the most deliberate message I’ve seen. Maybe it was a curious mail man or neighbor. Maybe it’s nothing. I do know that everyone in my household has been fighting like crazy since then, even my kids.
Really, I don’t know what I have done to earn the honor of personalized attention but if that’s how its going to be then that’ll be my motivation for creating more charms and pieces of art for the neighborhood.
Thanks for listening.


Thanks for letting me know, B. I’ll post this anonymously. This level of sabotage is quite rare so the $#!+birds are taking a big chance doing this to you. Please tell me more, okay? has good advice for smacking these government felons in the etheric realm, which is the only place it hurts them. The sudden disharmony in your household is probably evidence of psi and/or energy-weapon assault so be sure to keep plenty of orgonite around your home, okay? We’ve found that a 108 is the best passive protection from directed institutional hatred. You can make one or buy one from Andy at We have four, including a little one in my car [Image Can Not Be Found]


I asked B to clarify and here’s what he just sent me, followed my my answer to him:

Two out of four, sorry. I had four tbs arranged around the outside corners of my house and not even a day later I come home to work to one mutilated and two missing. The fourth was hidden under a gutter drain and wasn’t touched. I should have buried them.
Lately we have felt like we’re being watched. One day my girlfriend left for a walk and came back to the door being locked when she left it open. Or i’ll come home to the wrong part of the door locked. Like I said, it could be a creeper neighbor or sheer paranoia, but the tb getting torn apart definitely startled me.

By the way, i meant to ask what you use for resin? I used auto body resin last time. I haven’t seen any specifics mentioned on that anywhere.


B, I’m posting this, too. It’s unusual for someone to experience your level of harassment early in the game but it’s nothing to worry about. Do bury your orgonite in the future but also consider these sewer rats as just enticements to continue along your current path; the enemy give us these confirmations from time to time and it’s always good to publicly announce them.

Since this is an actual war I hope you’ll also consider doing what I asked and learn to fight back via the information and perhaps some tutoring from Dooney has taught hundreds of people to do this and it works. The enemy are only parasites, by the way, so don’t let them spook you or to get you to think you’re crazy, okay?

A 108 on the property really buggers them.
