This Might Be Legitimate Intel On Psyop Tech

Don Croft
01 May 2008 19:09
Subject: This might be legitimate intel on psyop tech….
Doc von Peters asked me for an opinion on the following link:

Of course all ‘non-lethal weaponry’ that’s deployed against humanity are military secrets but this researcher might have found some key puzzle pieces and I think it’s worth examining this site’s offerings.

I’m looking forward to the time when the tech of the death towers will be uncovered Wink and some of us in the ‘front row’ of this unorganized movement have contended with the CIA and MI6 psi corps for several years, noting that they’re getting weaker and less effective as time rolls along.

This other, more passive psiop weaponry is probably instantly neutralized as soon as the would-be victim knows about it.


Don Croft
02 May 2008 10:23
Subject: Re: This might be legitimate intel on psyop tech….
Got the following from Mike, my gifting pilot buddy in Wales. I don’t know whether the CIA has overrun these links or they’re set up by the CIA to blast people–your call, I think, but these freaks can’t harm us, any more:


Check this link relevant to your thread on the chips Wink

They don’t work and can be screwed easily, so useful if this gets around.
